Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_BEZIER_INC_)
00020 class ON_PolynomialCurve;
00021 class ON_PolynomialSurface;
00022 class ON_BezierCurve;
00023 class ON_BezierSurface;
00024 class ON_TextLog;
00025 class ON_NurbsCurve;
00026 class ON_NurbsSurface;
00027 class ON_X_EVENT;
00029 class ON_CLASS ON_PolynomialCurve
00030 {
00031 public:
00032   ON_PolynomialCurve();
00034   // Description:
00035   //   See ON_PolynomialCurve::Create.
00036   // Parameters:
00037   //   dim - [in] dimension of the curve
00038   //   bIsRational - [in] true if rational
00039   //   order - [in] (>=2) order = degree+1
00040   ON_PolynomialCurve(
00041     int dim,
00042     ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00043     int order
00044     );
00046   ~ON_PolynomialCurve();
00048   ON_PolynomialCurve(const ON_PolynomialCurve&);
00050   ON_PolynomialCurve(const ON_BezierCurve&);
00052   ON_PolynomialCurve& operator=(const ON_PolynomialCurve&);
00054   ON_PolynomialCurve& operator=(const ON_BezierCurve&);
00056   // Description:
00057   //   Initializes fields and allocates the m_cv array. 
00058   // Parameters:
00059   //   dim - [in] dimension of the curve
00060   //   bIsRational - [in] true if rational
00061   //   order - [in] (>=2) order = degree+1
00062   ON_BOOL32 Create(
00063     int dim,
00064     ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00065     int order
00066     );
00068   // Description:
00069   //   Deallocates the m_cv array and sets fields to zero.
00070   void Destroy();
00072   // Description:
00073   //   Evaluate a polynomial curve.
00074   // Parameters:
00075   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter ( usually in Domain() ).
00076   //   der_count - [in] (>=0) number of derivatives to evaluate
00077   //   v_stride - [in] (>=Dimension()) stride to use for the v[] array
00078   //   v - [out] array of length (der_count+1)*v_stride
00079   //       curve(t) is returned in (v[0],...,v[m_dim-1]),
00080   //       curve'(t) is retuned in (v[v_stride],...,v[v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00081   //       curve"(t) is retuned in (v[2*v_stride],...,v[2*v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00082   //       etc.
00083   // Returns:
00084   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00085   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate(
00086          double t,
00087          int der_count,
00088          int v_stride,
00089          double* v
00090          ) const;
00092   // dimension of polynomial curve (1,2, or 3)
00093   int m_dim;
00095   // 1 if polynomial curve is rational, 0 if polynomial curve is not rational
00096   int m_is_rat;
00098   // order (=degree+1) of polynomial
00099   int m_order;
00101   // coefficients ( m_cv.Count() = order of monomial )
00102   ON_4dPointArray m_cv;
00104   // domain of polynomial
00105   ON_Interval m_domain;
00106 };
00108 class ON_CLASS ON_PolynomialSurface
00109 {
00110 public:
00111   ON_PolynomialSurface();
00112   ON_PolynomialSurface(
00113     int,  // dim,
00114     ON_BOOL32, // true if rational
00115     int,  // "u" order
00116     int   // "v" order
00117     );
00118   ~ON_PolynomialSurface();
00119   ON_PolynomialSurface(const ON_PolynomialSurface&);
00120   ON_PolynomialSurface(const ON_BezierSurface&);
00121   ON_PolynomialSurface& operator=(const ON_PolynomialSurface&);
00122   ON_PolynomialSurface& operator=(const ON_BezierSurface&);
00124   ON_BOOL32 Create(
00125     int,  // dim,
00126     ON_BOOL32, // true if rational
00127     int,  // "u" order
00128     int   // "v" order
00129     );
00130   void Destroy();
00132   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate(          // returns false if unable to evaluate
00133          double s, 
00134          double t,        // evaluation parameter
00135          int der_count,   // number of derivatives (>=0)
00136          int v_stride,    // array stride (>=Dimension())
00137          double* v        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)*(ndir+2)/2
00138          ) const;
00140   int m_dim;    // 1,2, or 3
00141   int m_is_rat; // 1 if rational, 0 if not rational
00142   int m_order[2];
00143   ON_4dPointArray m_cv; // coefficients ( m_C.Length() = m_order[0]*m_order[1]
00144                         // coefficient of s^m*t^n = m_cv[m_order[1]*m+n]
00145   ON_Interval m_domain[2];
00146 };
00148 class ON_CLASS ON_BezierCurve
00149 {
00150 public:
00152   ON_BezierCurve();
00154   // Description:
00155   //   Creates a bezier with cv memory allocated.
00156   // Parameters:
00157   //   dim - [in] (>0) dimension of bezier curve
00158   //   bIsRational - [in] true for a rational bezier
00159   //   order - [in] (>=2) order (=degree+1) of bezier curve
00160   ON_BezierCurve(
00161     int dim,
00162     ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00163     int order
00164     );
00166   ~ON_BezierCurve();
00167   ON_BezierCurve(const ON_BezierCurve&);
00168   ON_BezierCurve(const ON_PolynomialCurve&);
00169   ON_BezierCurve(const ON_2dPointArray&); // sets control points
00170   ON_BezierCurve(const ON_3dPointArray&); // sets control points
00171   ON_BezierCurve(const ON_4dPointArray&); // sets control points
00172   ON_BezierCurve& operator=(const ON_BezierCurve&);
00173   ON_BezierCurve& operator=(const ON_PolynomialCurve&);
00176   ON_BezierCurve& operator=(const ON_2dPointArray&); // sets control points
00177   ON_BezierCurve& operator=(const ON_3dPointArray&); // sets control points
00178   ON_BezierCurve& operator=(const ON_4dPointArray&); // sets control points
00180   bool IsValid() const;
00182   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00184   // Returns:
00185   //   Dimension of bezier.
00186   int Dimension() const;
00188   // Description:
00189   //   Creates a bezier with cv memory allocated.
00190   // Parameters:
00191   //   dim - [in] (>0) dimension of bezier curve
00192   //   bIsRational - [in] true for a rational bezier
00193   //   order - [in] (>=2) order (=degree+1) of bezier curve
00194   // Returns:
00195   //   true if successful.
00196   bool Create(
00197     int dim,
00198     ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00199     int order
00200     );
00202   // Description:
00203   //   Deallocates m_cv memory.
00204   void Destroy();
00206   void EmergencyDestroy(); // call if memory used by ON_NurbsCurve becomes invalid
00208   // Description:
00209   //   Loft a bezier curve through a list of points.
00210   // Parameters:
00211   //   points - [in] an array of 2 or more points to interpolate
00212   // Returns:
00213   //   true if successful
00214   // Remarks:
00215   //   The result has order = points.Count() and the loft uses the 
00216   //   uniform parameterizaton curve( i/(points.Count()-1) ) = points[i].
00217   bool Loft( 
00218     const ON_3dPointArray& points
00219     );
00221   // Description:
00222   //   Loft a bezier curve through a list of points.
00223   // Parameters:
00224   //   pt_dim - [in] dimension of points to interpolate
00225   //   pt_count - [in] number of points (>=2)
00226   //   pt_stride - [in] (>=pt_dim) pt[] array stride
00227   //   pt - [in] array of points
00228   //   t_stride - [in] (>=1) t[] array stride
00229   //   t - [in] strictly increasing array of interpolation parameters
00230   // Returns:
00231   //   true if successful
00232   // Remarks:
00233   //   The result has order = points.Count() and the loft uses the 
00234   //   parameterizaton curve( t[i] ) = points[i].
00235   bool Loft(
00236     int pt_dim,
00237     int pt_count,
00238     int pt_stride,
00239     const double* pt,
00240     int t_stride,
00241     const double* t
00242     );
00244   // Description:
00245   //   Gets bounding box.
00246   // Parameters:
00247   //   box_min - [out] minimum corner of axis aligned bounding box
00248   //       The box_min[] array must have size m_dim.
00249   //   box_max - [out] maximum corner of axis aligned bounding box
00250   //       The box_max[] array must have size m_dim.
00251   //   bGrowBox - [in] if true, input box_min/box_max must be set
00252   //      to valid bounding box corners and this box is enlarged to
00253   //      be the union of the input box and the bezier's bounding
00254   //      box.
00255   // Returns:
00256   //   true if successful.
00257   bool GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00258          double* box_min,
00259          double* box_max,
00260          int bGrowBox = false
00261          ) const;
00263   // Description:
00264   //   Gets bounding box.
00265   // Parameters:
00266   //   bbox - [out] axis aligned bounding box returned here.
00267   //   bGrowBox - [in] if true, input bbox must be a valid
00268   //      bounding box and this box is enlarged to
00269   //      be the union of the input box and the 
00270   //      bezier's bounding box.
00271   // Returns:
00272   //   true if successful.
00273   bool GetBoundingBox(
00274          ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
00275          int bGrowBox = false
00276          ) const;
00278   // Description:
00279   //   Gets bounding box.
00280   // Returns:
00281   //   Axis aligned bounding box.
00282   ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox() const;
00284   /*
00285         Description:
00286     Get tight bounding box of the bezier.
00287         Parameters:
00288                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
00289                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
00290       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
00291       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
00292       tight bounding box of the bezier curve.
00293                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
00294       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
00295       bezier is calculated.  The bezier curve is not modified.
00296         Returns:
00297     True if the returned tight_bbox is set to a valid 
00298     bounding box.
00299   */
00300         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
00301                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00302       int bGrowBox = false,
00303                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00304       ) const;
00306   // Description:
00307   //   Transform the bezier.
00308   // Parameters:
00309   //   xform - [in] transformation to apply to bezier
00310   // Returns:
00311   //   true if successful.  false if bezier is invalid
00312   //   and cannot be transformed.
00313   bool Transform( 
00314          const ON_Xform& xform
00315          );
00317   // Description:
00318   //   Rotates the bezier curve about the specified axis.  A positive
00319   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
00320   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
00321   // Parameters:
00322   //   sin_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
00323   //   cos_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
00324   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
00325   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
00326   // Returns:
00327   //   true if bezier curve successfully rotated
00328   // Remarks:
00329   //   Uses ON_BezierCurve::Transform() function to calculate the result.
00330   bool Rotate(
00331         double sin_angle,
00332         double cos_angle,
00333         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
00334         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
00335         );
00337   // Description:
00338   //   Rotates the bezier curve about the specified axis.  A positive
00339   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
00340   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
00341   // Parameters:
00342   //   rotation_angle - [in] angle of rotation in radians
00343   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
00344   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
00345   // Returns:
00346   //   true if bezier curve successfully rotated
00347   // Remarks:
00348   //   Uses ON_BezierCurve::Transform() function to calculate the result.
00349   bool Rotate(
00350         double rotation_angle,
00351         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
00352         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
00353         );
00355   // Description:
00356   //   Translates the bezier curve along the specified vector.
00357   // Parameters:
00358   //   translation_vector - [in] translation vector
00359   // Returns:
00360   //   true if bezier curve successfully translated
00361   // Remarks:
00362   //   Uses ON_BezierCurve::Transform() function to calculate the result.
00363   bool Translate( 
00364     const ON_3dVector& translation_vector
00365     );
00367   // Description:
00368   //   Scales the bezier curve by the specified facotor.  The scale is
00369   //   centered at the origin.
00370   // Parameters:
00371   //   scale_factor - [in] scale factor
00372   // Returns:
00373   //   true if bezier curve successfully scaled
00374   // Remarks:
00375   //   Uses ON_BezierCurve::Transform() function to calculate the result.
00376   bool Scale( 
00377     double scale_factor
00378     );
00380   // Returns:
00381   //   Domain of bezier (always [0,1]).
00382   ON_Interval Domain() const;
00384   // Description:
00385   //   Reverses bezier by reversing the order
00386   //   of the control points.
00387   bool Reverse();
00389   // Description:
00390   //   Evaluate point at a parameter.
00391   // Parameters:
00392   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00393   // Returns:
00394   //   Point (location of curve at the parameter t).
00395   ON_3dPoint  PointAt( 
00396                 double t 
00397                 ) const;
00399   // Description:
00400   //   Evaluate first derivative at a parameter.
00401   // Parameters:
00402   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00403   // Returns:
00404   //   First derivative of the curve at the parameter t.
00405   // Remarks:
00406   //   No error handling.
00407   // See Also:
00408   //   ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00409   ON_3dVector DerivativeAt(
00410                 double t 
00411                 ) const;
00413   // Description:
00414   //   Evaluate unit tangent vector at a parameter.
00415   // Parameters:
00416   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00417   // Returns:
00418   //   Unit tangent vector of the curve at the parameter t.
00419   // Remarks:
00420   //   No error handling.
00421   // See Also:
00422   //   ON_Curve::EvTangent
00423   ON_3dVector TangentAt(
00424                 double t 
00425                 ) const;
00427   // Description:
00428   //   Evaluate the curvature vector at a parameter.
00429   // Parameters:
00430   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00431   // Returns:
00432   //   curvature vector of the curve at the parameter t.
00433   // Remarks:
00434   //   No error handling.
00435   // See Also:
00436   //   ON_Curve::EvCurvature
00437   ON_3dVector CurvatureAt(
00438                 double t
00439                 ) const;
00441   // Description:
00442   //   Evaluate point at a parameter with error checking.
00443   // Parameters:
00444   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00445   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00446   // Returns:
00447   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00448   bool EvPoint(
00449          double t,
00450          ON_3dPoint& point
00451          ) const;
00453   // Description:
00454   //   Evaluate first derivative at a parameter with error checking.
00455   // Parameters:
00456   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00457   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00458   //   first_derivative - [out] value of first derivative at t
00459   // Returns:
00460   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00461   bool Ev1Der(
00462          double t,
00463          ON_3dPoint& point,
00464          ON_3dVector& first_derivative
00465          ) const;
00467   // Description:
00468   //   Evaluate second derivative at a parameter with error checking.
00469   // Parameters:
00470   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00471   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00472   //   first_derivative - [out] value of first derivative at t
00473   //   second_derivative - [out] value of second derivative at t
00474   // Returns:
00475   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00476   bool Ev2Der(
00477          double t,
00478          ON_3dPoint& point,
00479          ON_3dVector& first_derivative,
00480          ON_3dVector& second_derivative
00481          ) const;
00483   /*
00484   Description:
00485     Evaluate unit tangent at a parameter with error checking.
00486   Parameters:
00487     t - [in] evaluation parameter
00488     point - [out] value of curve at t
00489     tangent - [out] value of unit tangent
00490   Returns:
00491     false if unable to evaluate.
00492   See Also:
00493     ON_Curve::TangentAt
00494     ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00495   */
00496   bool EvTangent(
00497          double t,
00498          ON_3dPoint& point,
00499          ON_3dVector& tangent
00500          ) const;
00502   /*
00503   Description:
00504     Evaluate unit tangent and curvature at a parameter with error checking.
00505   Parameters:
00506     t - [in] evaluation parameter
00507     point - [out] value of curve at t
00508     tangent - [out] value of unit tangent
00509     kappa - [out] value of curvature vector
00510   Returns:
00511     false if unable to evaluate.
00512   */
00513   bool EvCurvature(
00514          double t,
00515          ON_3dPoint& point,
00516          ON_3dVector& tangent,
00517          ON_3dVector& kappa
00518          ) const;
00520   // Description:
00521   //   Evaluate a bezier.
00522   // Parameters:
00523   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter (usually 0 <= t <= 1)
00524   //   der_count - [in] (>=0) number of derivatives to evaluate
00525   //   v_stride - [in] (>=m_dim) stride to use for the v[] array
00526   //   v - [out] array of length (der_count+1)*v_stride
00527   //       bez(t) is returned in (v[0],...,v[m_dim-1]),
00528   //       bez'(t) is retuned in (v[v_stride],...,v[v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00529   //       bez"(t) is retuned in (v[2*v_stride],...,v[2*v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00530   //       etc.
00531   // Returns:
00532   //   true if successful
00533   bool Evaluate(
00534          double t,
00535          int der_count,
00536          int v_stride,
00537          double* v
00538          ) const;
00540   // Description:
00541   //   Get ON_NurbsCurve form of a bezier.
00542   // Parameters:
00543   //   nurbs_curve - [out] NURBS curve form of a bezier.
00544   //       The domain is [0,1].
00545   // Returns:
00546   //   true if successful
00547   bool GetNurbForm( 
00548     ON_NurbsCurve& nurbs_curve
00549     ) const;
00551   // Returns:
00552   //   true if bezier is rational.
00553   bool IsRational() const;
00555   // Returns:
00556   //   Number of doubles per control vertex.
00557   //   (= IsRational() ? Dim()+1 : Dim())
00558   int CVSize() const;
00560   // Returns:
00561   //   Number of control vertices in the bezier.
00562   //   This is always the same as the order of the bezier.
00563   int CVCount() const;
00565   // Returns:
00566   //   Order of the bezier. (order=degree+1)
00567   int Order() const;        // order = degree + 1
00569   // Returns:
00570   //   Degree of the bezier. (degree=order-1)
00571   int Degree() const;
00573   /*
00574   Description:
00575     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
00576     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
00577     ON_BezierCurve::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
00578     ON_BezierCurve::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
00579   Parameters:
00580     cv_index - [in] (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00581   Returns:
00582     Pointer to control vertex.
00583   Remarks:
00584     If the Bezier curve is rational, the format of the 
00585     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
00586     length m_dim+1.  If the Bezier curve is not rational, 
00587     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
00588     euclidean point with length m_dim.
00589   See Also
00590     ON_BezierCurve::CVStyle
00591     ON_BezierCurve::GetCV
00592     ON_BezierCurve::Weight
00593   */
00594   double* CV(
00595         int cv_index
00596         ) const;
00598   /*
00599   Description:
00600     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
00601   Returns:
00602     @untitled table
00603     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
00604     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
00605   */
00606   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
00608   // Parameters:
00609   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0<=i<m_order)
00610   // Returns:
00611   //   Weight of the i-th control vertex.
00612   double Weight(
00613         int cv_index
00614         ) const;
00616   // Description:
00617   //   Set weight of a control vertex.
00618   // Parameters:
00619   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00620   //   weight - [in] weight
00621   // Returns:
00622   //   true if the weight can be set.  If weight is not 1 and
00623   //   the bezier is not rational, then false is returned.
00624   //   Use ON_BezierCurve::MakeRational to make a bezier curve
00625   //   rational.
00626   // See Also:
00627   //   ON_BezierCurve::SetCV, ON_BezierCurve::MakeRational,
00628   //   ON_BezierCurve::IsRational, ON_BezierCurve::Weight
00629   bool SetWeight(
00630         int cv_index,
00631         double weight
00632         );
00634   // Description:
00635   //   Set control vertex
00636   // Parameters:
00637   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00638   //   pointstyle - [in] specifes what kind of values are passed
00639   //      in the cv array.
00640   //        ON::not_rational 
00641   //          cv[] is an array of length m_dim that defines
00642   //          a euclidean (world coordinate) point
00643   //        ON::homogeneous_rational
00644   //          cv[] is an array of length (m_dim+1) that defines
00645   //          a rational homogeneous point.
00646   //        ON::euclidean_rational
00647   //          cv[] is an array of length (m_dim+1).  The first
00648   //          m_dim values define the euclidean (world coordinate) 
00649   //          location of the point.  cv[m_dim] is the weight
00650   //        ON::intrinsic_point_style
00651   //          If m_is_rat is true, cv[] has ON::homogeneous_rational
00652   //          point style.  If m_is_rat is false, cv[] has 
00653   //          ON::not_rational point style.
00654   //   cv - [in] array with control vertex value.
00655   // Returns:
00656   //   true if the point can be set.
00657   bool SetCV(
00658         int cv_index,
00659         ON::point_style pointstyle,
00660         const double* cv
00661         );
00663   // Description:
00664   //   Set location of a control vertex.
00665   // Parameters:
00666   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00667   //   point - [in] control vertex location.  If the bezier
00668   //      is rational, the weight will be set to 1.
00669   // Returns:
00670   //   true if successful.
00671   // See Also:
00672   //   ON_BezierCurve::CV, ON_BezierCurve::SetCV,
00673   //   ON_BezierCurve::SetWeight, ON_BezierCurve::Weight
00674   bool SetCV(
00675         int cv_index,
00676         const ON_3dPoint& point
00677         );
00679   // Description:
00680   //   Set value of a control vertex.
00681   // Parameters:
00682   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00683   //   point - [in] control vertex value.  If the bezier
00684   //      is not rational, the euclidean location of
00685   //      homogenoeous point will be used.
00686   // Returns:
00687   //   true if successful.
00688   // See Also:
00689   //   ON_BezierCurve::CV, ON_BezierCurve::SetCV,
00690   //   ON_BezierCurve::SetWeight, ON_BezierCurve::Weight
00691   bool SetCV(
00692         int cv_index,
00693         const ON_4dPoint& point
00694         );
00696   // Description:
00697   //   Get location of a control vertex.
00698   // Parameters:
00699   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00700   //   pointstyle - [in] specifes what kind of values to get
00701   //        ON::not_rational 
00702   //          cv[] is an array of length m_dim that defines
00703   //          a euclidean (world coordinate) point
00704   //        ON::homogeneous_rational
00705   //          cv[] is an array of length (m_dim+1) that defines
00706   //          a rational homogeneous point.
00707   //        ON::euclidean_rational
00708   //          cv[] is an array of length (m_dim+1).  The first
00709   //          m_dim values define the euclidean (world coordinate) 
00710   //          location of the point.  cv[m_dim] is the weight
00711   //        ON::intrinsic_point_style
00712   //          If m_is_rat is true, cv[] has ON::homogeneous_rational
00713   //          point style.  If m_is_rat is false, cv[] has 
00714   //          ON::not_rational point style.
00715   //   cv - [out] array with control vertex value.
00716   // Returns:
00717   //   true if successful.  false if cv_index is invalid.
00718   bool GetCV(
00719         int cv_index,
00720         ON::point_style pointstyle,
00721         double* cv
00722         ) const;
00724   // Description:
00725   //   Get location of a control vertex.
00726   // Parameters:
00727   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00728   //   point - [out] Location of control vertex.  If the bezier
00729   //      is rational, the euclidean location is returned.
00730   // Returns:
00731   //   true if successful.
00732   bool GetCV(
00733         int cv_index,
00734         ON_3dPoint& point
00735         ) const;
00737   // Description:
00738   //   Get value of a control vertex.
00739   // Parameters:
00740   //   cv_index - [in] control vertex index (0 <= cv_index < m_order)
00741   //   point - [out] Homogenous value of control vertex.
00742   //      If the bezier is not rational, the weight is 1.
00743   // Returns:
00744   //   true if successful.
00745   bool GetCV(
00746         int cv_index,
00747         ON_4dPoint& point
00748         ) const;
00750   // Description:
00751   //   Zeros control vertices and, if rational, sets weights to 1.
00752   bool ZeroCVs(); 
00754   // Description:
00755   //   Make beizer rational.
00756   // Returns:
00757   //   true if successful.
00758   // See Also:
00759   //   ON_Bezier::MakeNonRational
00760   bool MakeRational();
00762   // Description:
00763   //   Make beizer not rational by setting all control
00764   //   vertices to their euclidean locations and setting
00765   //   m_is_rat to false.
00766   // See Also:
00767   //   ON_Bezier::MakeRational
00768   bool MakeNonRational();
00770   // Description:
00771   //   Increase degree of bezier.
00772   // Parameters:
00773   //   desired_degree - [in]
00774   // Returns:
00775   //   true if successful.  false if desired_degree < current degree.
00776   bool IncreaseDegree(
00777           int desired_degree
00778           );
00780   // Description:
00781   //   Change dimension of bezier.
00782   // Parameters:
00783   //   desired_dimension - [in]
00784   // Returns:
00785   //   true if successful.  false if desired_dimension < 1
00786   bool ChangeDimension(
00787           int desired_dimension
00788           );
00791   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
00793   // Description:
00794   //   Make sure m_cv array has a certain length.
00795   // Parameters:
00796   //   desired_cv_capacity - [in] minimum length of m_cv array.
00797   // Returns:
00798   //   true if successful.
00799   bool ReserveCVCapacity(
00800     int desired_cv_capacity
00801     );
00803   // Description:
00804   //   Trims (or extends) the bezier so the bezier so that the 
00805   //   result starts bezier(interval[0]) and ends at 
00806   //   bezier(interval[1]) (Evaluation performed on input bezier.)
00807   // Parameters:
00808   //   interval -[in]
00809   // Example:
00810   //   An interval of [0,1] leaves the bezier unchanged.  An
00811   //   interval of [0.5,1] would trim away the left half.  An
00812   //   interval of [0.0,2.0] would extend the right end.
00813   bool Trim( 
00814     const ON_Interval& interval 
00815     );
00817   // Description:
00818   //   Split() divides the Bezier curve at the specified parameter.
00819   //   The parameter must satisfy 0 < t < 1.  You may pass *this as
00820   //   one of the curves to be returned.
00821   // Parameters:
00822   //   t - [in] (0 < t < 1 ) parameter to split at
00823   //   left_side - [out]
00824   //   right_side - [out]  
00825   // Example:
00826   //       ON_BezierCurve crv = ...;
00827   //       ON_BezierCurve right_side;
00828   //       crv.Split( 0.5, crv, right_side );
00829   //   would split crv at the 1/2, put the left side in crv,
00830   //   and return the right side in right_side.
00831   bool Split( 
00832          double t,
00833          ON_BezierCurve& left_side,
00834          ON_BezierCurve& right_side
00835          ) const;
00837   // Description:
00838   //   returns the length of the control polygon
00839   double ControlPolygonLength() const;
00841   /*
00842   Description:
00843     Use a linear fractional tranformation for [0,1] to reparameterize
00844     the bezier.  The locus of the curve is not changed, but the
00845     parameterization is changed.
00846   Parameters:
00847     c - [in]
00848       reparameterization constant (generally speaking, c should be > 0).
00849       If c != 1, then the returned bezier will be rational.
00850   Returns:
00851     true if successful.
00852   Remarks:
00853     The reparameterization is performed by composing the input Bezier with
00854     the function lambda: [0,1] -> [0,1] given by
00856           t ->  c*t / ( (c-1)*t + 1 )
00858     Note that lambda(0) = 0, lambda(1) = 1, lambda'(t) > 0, 
00859     lambda'(0) = c and lambda'(1) = 1/c.
00861     If the input Bezier has control vertices {B_0, ..., B_d}, then the 
00862     output Bezier has control vertices 
00864           (B_0, ... c^i * B_i, ..., c^d * B_d).
00866     To derive this formula, simply compute the i-th Bernstein polynomial
00867     composed with lambda().
00869     The inverse parameterization is given by 1/c.  That is, the 
00870     cumulative effect of the two calls
00872           Reparameterize(c)
00873           Reparameterize(1.0/c)
00875     is to leave the bezier unchanged.
00876   See Also:
00877     ON_Bezier::ScaleConrolPoints
00878   */
00879   bool Reparameterize(
00880           double c
00881           );
00883   // misspelled function name is obsolete
00884   ON_DEPRECATED bool Reparametrize(double);
00886   /*
00887   Description:
00888     Scale a rational Bezier's control vertices to set a weight to a 
00889     specified value.
00890   Parameters:
00891     i - [in] (0 <= i < order)
00892     w - [in] w != 0.0
00893   Returns:
00894     True if successful.  The i-th control vertex will have weight w.
00895   Remarks:
00896     Each control point is multiplied by w/w0, where w0 is the
00897     input value of Weight(i).
00898   See Also:
00899     ON_Bezier::Reparameterize
00900     ON_Bezier::ChangeWeights
00901   */
00902   bool ScaleConrolPoints( 
00903           int i, 
00904           double w
00905           );
00907   /*
00908   Description:
00909     Use a combination of scaling and reparameterization to set two 
00910     rational Bezier weights to specified values.
00911   Parameters:
00912     i0 - [in] control point index (0 <= i0 < order, i0 != i1)
00913     w0 - [in] Desired weight for i0-th control point
00914     i1 - [in] control point index (0 <= i1 < order, i0 != i1)
00915     w1 - [in] Desired weight for i1-th control point
00916   Returns:
00917     True if successful.  The returned bezier has the same locus but
00918     probably has a different parameterization.
00919   Remarks:
00920     The i0-th cv will have weight w0 and the i1-rst cv will have 
00921     weight w1.  If v0 and v1 are the cv's input weights, 
00922     then  v0, v1, w0 and w1 must all be nonzero, and w0*v0 
00923     and w1*v1 must have the same sign.
00925     The equations
00927           s * r^i0 = w0/v0
00928           s * r^i1 = w1/v1
00930     determine the scaling and reparameterization necessary to 
00931     change v0,v1 to w0,w1. 
00933     If the input Bezier has control vertices 
00935           (B_0, ..., B_d),
00937     then the output Bezier has control vertices 
00939           (s*B_0, ... s*r^i * B_i, ..., s*r^d * B_d).
00940   See Also:
00941     ON_Bezier::Reparameterize
00942     ON_Bezier::ScaleConrolPoints
00943   */
00944   bool ChangeWeights(
00945           int i0, 
00946           double w0, 
00947           int i1, 
00948           double w1
00949           );
00952   // Implementation
00953 public:
00954   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
00955   //       create bezier curves using the default constructor and borrow the
00956   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
00957   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
00958   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
00959   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
00960   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
00963   // dimension of bezier (>=1)
00964   int m_dim;
00966   // 1 if bezier is rational, 0 if bezier is not rational
00967   int m_is_rat;
00969   // order = degree+1
00970   int m_order;
00972   // Number of doubles per cv ( >= ((m_is_rat)?m_dim+1:m_dim) )
00973   int m_cv_stride;
00975   // The i-th cv begins at cv[i*m_cv_stride].
00976   double* m_cv;
00978   // Number of doubles in m_cv array.  If m_cv_capacity is zero
00979   // and m_cv is not NULL, an expert user is managing the m_cv
00980   // memory.  ~ON_BezierCurve will not deallocate m_cv unless
00981   // m_cv_capacity is greater than zero.
00982   int m_cv_capacity;
00984 #if 8 == ON_SIZEOF_POINTER
00985   // pad to a multiple of 8 bytes so custom allocators
00986   // will keep m_cv aligned and tail-padding reuse will
00987   // not be an issue.
00988   int m_reserved_ON_BezierCurve;
00989 #endif
00990 };
00993 class ON_CLASS ON_BezierSurface
00994 {
00995 public:
00996   ON_BezierSurface();
00997   ON_BezierSurface(
00998     int dim,
00999     int is_rat,
01000     int order0,
01001     int order1
01002     );
01004   ~ON_BezierSurface();
01005   ON_BezierSurface(const ON_BezierSurface&);
01006   ON_BezierSurface(const ON_PolynomialSurface&);
01007   ON_BezierSurface& operator=(const ON_BezierSurface&);
01008   ON_BezierSurface& operator=(const ON_PolynomialSurface&);
01010   bool IsValid() const;
01011   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
01012   int Dimension() const;
01014   bool Create(
01015     int dim,
01016     int is_rat,
01017     int order0,
01018     int order1
01019     );
01021   void Destroy();
01022   void EmergencyDestroy(); // call if memory used by ON_NurbsCurve becomes invalid
01024   /*
01025   Description:
01026     Loft a bezier surface through a list of bezier curves.
01027   Parameters:
01028     curve_list - [in]  list of curves that have the same degree.
01029   Returns:
01030     True if successful.
01031   */
01032   bool Loft( const ON_ClassArray<ON_BezierCurve>& curve_list );
01034   /*
01035   Description:
01036     Loft a bezier surface through a list of bezier curves.
01037   Parameters:
01038     curve_count - [in] number of curves in curve_list
01039     curve_list - [in]  array of pointers to curves that have the same degree.
01040   Returns:
01041     True if successful.
01042   */
01043   bool Loft( 
01044     int count, 
01045     const ON_BezierCurve* const* curve_list 
01046     );
01048   bool GetBBox(        // returns true if successful
01049          double*,      // minimum
01050          double*,      // maximum
01051          int bGrowBox = false  // true means grow box
01052          ) const;
01054   bool GetBoundingBox(
01055         ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
01056         int bGrowBox
01057         ) const;
01059   ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox() const;
01061   bool Transform( 
01062          const ON_Xform&
01063          );
01065   // Description:
01066   //   Rotates the bezier surface about the specified axis.  A positive
01067   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
01068   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
01069   // Parameters:
01070   //   sin_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
01071   //   cos_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
01072   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
01073   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
01074   // Returns:
01075   //   true if bezier surface successfully rotated
01076   // Remarks:
01077   //   Uses ON_BezierSurface::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01078   bool Rotate(
01079         double sin_angle,
01080         double cos_angle,
01081         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
01082         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
01083         );
01085   // Description:
01086   //   Rotates the bezier surface about the specified axis.  A positive
01087   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
01088   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
01089   // Parameters:
01090   //   rotation_angle - [in] angle of rotation in radians
01091   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
01092   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
01093   // Returns:
01094   //   true if bezier surface successfully rotated
01095   // Remarks:
01096   //   Uses ON_BezierSurface::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01097   bool Rotate(
01098         double rotation_angle,
01099         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
01100         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
01101         );
01103   // Description:
01104   //   Translates the bezier surface along the specified vector.
01105   // Parameters:
01106   //   translation_vector - [in] translation vector
01107   // Returns:
01108   //   true if bezier surface successfully translated
01109   // Remarks:
01110   //   Uses ON_BezierSurface::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01111   bool Translate( 
01112     const ON_3dVector& translation_vector
01113     );
01115   // Description:
01116   //   Scales the bezier surface by the specified facotor.  The scale is
01117   //   centered at the origin.
01118   // Parameters:
01119   //   scale_factor - [in] scale factor
01120   // Returns:
01121   //   true if bezier surface successfully scaled
01122   // Remarks:
01123   //   Uses ON_BezierSurface::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01124   bool Scale( 
01125     double scale_factor
01126     );
01128   ON_Interval Domain(
01129     int // 0 = "u" domain, 1 = "v" domain
01130     ) const;
01132   bool Reverse( int );  // reverse parameterizatrion
01133                         // Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
01135   bool Transpose(); // transpose surface parameterization (swap "s" and "t")
01137   bool Evaluate( // returns false if unable to evaluate
01138          double, double, // evaluation parameter
01139          int,            // number of derivatives (>=0)
01140          int,            // array stride (>=Dimension())
01141          double*         // array of length stride*(ndir+1)*(ndir+2)/2
01142          ) const;
01144   ON_3dPoint PointAt(double s, double t) const;
01146   bool GetNurbForm( ON_NurbsSurface& ) const;
01148   bool IsRational() const;  // true if NURBS curve is rational
01150   int CVSize() const;       // number of doubles per control vertex 
01151                 // = IsRational() ? Dim()+1 : Dim()
01153   int Order(        // order = degree + 1
01154         int // dir
01155         ) const;
01157   int Degree(       // degree = order - 1
01158         int // dir
01159         ) const;
01161   /*
01162   Description:
01163     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
01164     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
01165     ON_BezierSurface::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
01166     ON_BezierSurface::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
01167   Parameters:
01168     cv_index0 - [in] (0 <= cv_index0 < m_order[0])
01169     cv_index1 - [in] (0 <= cv_index1 < m_order[1])
01170   Returns:
01171     Pointer to control vertex.
01172   Remarks:
01173     If the Bezier surface is rational, the format of the 
01174     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
01175     length m_dim+1.  If the Bezier surface is not rational, 
01176     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
01177     euclidean point with length m_dim.
01178   See Also
01179     ON_BezierSurface::CVStyle
01180     ON_BezierSurface::GetCV
01181     ON_BezierSurface::Weight
01182   */
01183   double* CV(
01184         int cv_index0,
01185         int cv_index1
01186         ) const;
01188   /*
01189   Description:
01190     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
01191   Returns:
01192     @untitled table
01193     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
01194     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
01195   */
01196   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
01198   double Weight(        // get value of control vertex weight
01199         int,int          // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01200         ) const;
01202   bool SetWeight(      // set value of control vertex weight
01203         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01204         double
01205         );
01207   bool SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
01208         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01209         ON::point_style, // style of input point
01210         const double*     // value of control vertex
01211         );
01213   bool SetCV(               // set a single control vertex
01214         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01215         const ON_3dPoint& // value of control vertex
01216                            // If NURBS is rational, weight
01217                            // will be set to 1.
01218         );
01220   bool SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
01221         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01222         const ON_4dPoint& // value of control vertex
01223                           // If NURBS is not rational, euclidean
01224                           // location of homogeneous point will
01225                           // be used.
01226         );
01228   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01229         int,int,          // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01230         ON::point_style, // style to use for output point
01231         double*           // array of length >= CVSize()
01232         ) const;
01234   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01235         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01236         ON_3dPoint&      // gets euclidean cv when NURBS is rational
01237         ) const;
01239   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01240         int,int,         // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
01241         ON_4dPoint&      // gets homogeneous cv
01242         ) const;
01244   bool ZeroCVs(); // zeros control vertices and, if rational, sets weights to 1
01246   bool MakeRational();
01248   bool MakeNonRational();
01250   bool Split( 
01251          int, // 0 split at "u"=t, 1= split at "v"=t
01252          double, // t = splitting parameter must 0 < t < 1
01253          ON_BezierSurface&, // west/south side returned here (can pass *this)
01254          ON_BezierSurface&  // east/north side returned here (can pass *this)
01255          ) const;
01257   bool Trim(
01258        int dir,
01259        const ON_Interval& domain
01260        );
01262         // returns the isocurve.  
01263         ON_BezierCurve* IsoCurve(
01264                    int dir,    // 0 first parameter varies and second parameter is constant
01265                    //   e.g., point on IsoCurve(0,c) at t is srf(t,c)
01266                    // 1 first parameter is constant and second parameter varies
01267                    //   e.g., point on IsoCurve(1,c) at t is srf(c,t)
01268        double c,    // value of constant parameter
01269                          ON_BezierCurve* iso=NULL       // When NULL result is constructed on the heap.
01270                          ) const;
01272         bool IsSingular( // true if surface side is collapsed to a point
01273          int        // side of parameter space to test
01274                    // 0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west
01275          ) const;
01279   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
01280   bool ReserveCVCapacity(
01281     int // number of doubles to reserve
01282     );
01285   // Implementation
01286 public:
01287   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
01288   //       create bezier curves using the default constructor and borrow the
01289   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
01290   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
01291   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
01292   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
01293   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
01296   int     m_dim;           // >= 1
01297   int     m_is_rat;        // 0 = no, 1 = yes
01298   int     m_order[2];      // order = degree+1 >= 2
01299   int     m_cv_stride[2];  
01300   double* m_cv;
01301   int     m_cv_capacity;   // if 0, then destructor does not free m_cv
01302 #if 8 == ON_SIZEOF_POINTER
01303   // pad to a multiple of 8 bytes so custom allocators
01304   // will keep m_cv aligned and tail-padding reuse will
01305   // not be an issue.
01306   int m_reserved_ON_BezierSurface;
01307 #endif
01308 };
01313 class ON_CLASS ON_BezierCage
01314 {
01315 public:
01316   ON_BezierCage();
01318   ON_BezierCage(
01319     int dim,
01320     bool is_rat,
01321     int order0,
01322     int order1,
01323     int order2
01324     );
01327   /*
01328   Description:
01329     Construct a bezier volume that maps the unit cube
01330     to a bounding box.
01331   Parameters:
01332     bbox - [in] target bounding box
01333     order0 - [in]
01334     order1 - [in]
01335     order2 - [in]
01336   */
01337   ON_BezierCage( 
01338     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
01339     int order0,
01340     int order1,
01341     int order2
01342     );
01345   /*
01346   Description:
01347     Construct a bezier volume that maps the unit cube
01348     to an eight sided box.
01349   Parameters:
01350     box_corners - [in] 8 points that define corners of the
01351                        target volume.
01353             7______________6
01354             |\             |\
01355             | \            | \
01356             |  \ _____________\
01357             |   4          |   5
01358             |   |          |   |
01359             |   |          |   |
01360             3---|----------2   |
01361             \   |          \   |
01362              \  |t          \  |
01363             s \ |            \ |
01364                \0_____________\1
01365                        r
01367     order0 - [in]
01368     order1 - [in]
01369     order2 - [in]
01370   */
01371   ON_BezierCage( 
01372     const ON_3dPoint* box_corners,
01373     int order0,
01374     int order1,
01375     int order2
01376     );
01378   ~ON_BezierCage();
01380   ON_BezierCage(const ON_BezierCage& src);
01382   ON_BezierCage& operator=(const ON_BezierCage& src);
01385   /*
01386   Description:
01387     Tests class to make sure members are correctly initialized.
01388   Returns:
01389     True if the orders are all >= 2, dimension is positive,
01390     and the rest of the members have settings that are
01391     valid for the orders and dimension.
01392   */
01393   bool IsValid() const;
01395   void Dump( ON_TextLog& text_log) const;
01398   /*
01399   Description:
01400     The dimension of the image of the bazier volume map.
01401     This is generally three, but can be any positive
01402     integer.
01403   Returns:
01404     Dimesion of the image space.
01405   */
01406   int Dimension() const;
01409   /*
01410   Description:
01411     Creates a bezier volume with specified orders.
01412   Parameters:
01413     dim - [in]
01414     is_rat - [in]
01415     order0 - [in]
01416     order1 - [in]
01417     order2 - [in]
01418   Returns:
01419     True if input was valid and creation succeded.
01420   */
01421   bool Create(
01422     int dim,
01423     bool is_rat,
01424     int order0,
01425     int order1,
01426     int order2
01427     );
01429   /*
01430   Description:
01431     Create a Bezier volume with corners defined by a bounding box.
01432   Parameters:
01433     bbox - [in] target bounding box - the bezier will
01434                map the unit cube onto this bounding box.
01435     order0 - [in]
01436     order1 - [in]
01437     order2 - [in]
01438   */
01439   bool Create(
01440     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
01441     int order0,
01442     int order1,
01443     int order2
01444     );
01446   /*
01447   Description:
01448     Create a bezier volume from a 3d box
01449   Parameters:
01450     box_corners - [in] 8 points that define corners of the volume
01452             7______________6
01453             |\             |\
01454             | \            | \
01455             |  \ _____________\
01456             |   4          |   5
01457             |   |          |   |
01458             |   |          |   |
01459             3---|----------2   |
01460             \   |          \   |
01461              \  |t          \  |
01462             s \ |            \ |
01463                \0_____________\1
01464                        r
01466   */
01467   bool Create(
01468     const ON_3dPoint* box_corners,
01469     int order0,
01470     int order1,
01471     int order2
01472     );
01475   /*
01476   Description:
01477     Frees the CV array and sets all members to zero.
01478   */
01479   void Destroy();
01481   /*
01482   Description:
01483     Sets all members to zero.  Does not free the CV array
01484     even when m_cv is not NULL.  Generally used when the
01485     CVs were allocated from a memory pool that no longer
01486     exists and the free done in ~ON_BezierCage would
01487     cause a crash.
01488   */
01489   void EmergencyDestroy();
01492   /*
01493   Description:
01494     Reads the definition of this class from an
01495     archive previously saved by ON_BezierVolue::Write.
01496   Parameters:
01497     archive - [in] target archive
01498   Returns:
01499     True if successful.
01500   */
01501   bool Read(ON_BinaryArchive& archive);
01503   /*
01504   Description:
01505     Saves the definition of this class in serial binary
01506     form that can be read by ON_BezierVolue::Read.
01507   Parameters:
01508     archive - [in] target archive
01509   Returns:
01510     True if successful.
01511   */
01512   bool Write(ON_BinaryArchive& archive) const;
01515   /*
01516   Description:
01517     Gets the axis aligned bounding box that contains
01518     the bezier's control points.  The bezier volume
01519     maps the unit cube into this box.
01520   Parameters:
01521     boxmin - [in] array of Dimension() doubles
01522     boxmax - [in] array of Dimension() doubles
01523     bGrowBox =  [in] if true and the input is a valid box
01524                           then the input box is grown to
01525                           include this object's bounding box.
01526   Returns:
01527     true if successful.
01528   */
01529   bool GetBBox(
01530          double* boxmin,
01531          double* boxmax,
01532          int bGrowBox = false 
01533          ) const;
01535   bool Transform( 
01536          const ON_Xform& xform
01537          );
01539   // Description:
01540   //   Rotates the bezier surface about the specified axis.  A positive
01541   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
01542   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
01543   // Parameters:
01544   //   sin_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
01545   //   cos_angle - [in] sine of rotation angle
01546   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
01547   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
01548   // Returns:
01549   //   true if bezier surface successfully rotated
01550   // Remarks:
01551   //   Uses ON_BezierCage::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01552   bool Rotate(
01553         double sin_angle,
01554         double cos_angle,
01555         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
01556         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
01557         );
01559   // Description:
01560   //   Rotates the bezier surface about the specified axis.  A positive
01561   //   rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation
01562   //   about the axis (right hand rule).
01563   // Parameters:
01564   //   rotation_angle - [in] angle of rotation in radians
01565   //   rotation_axis - [in] direction of the axis of rotation
01566   //   rotation_center - [in] point on the axis of rotation
01567   // Returns:
01568   //   true if bezier surface successfully rotated
01569   // Remarks:
01570   //   Uses ON_BezierCage::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01571   bool Rotate(
01572         double rotation_angle,
01573         const ON_3dVector& rotation_axis,
01574         const ON_3dPoint& rotation_center
01575         );
01577   // Description:
01578   //   Translates the bezier surface along the specified vector.
01579   // Parameters:
01580   //   translation_vector - [in] translation vector
01581   // Returns:
01582   //   true if bezier surface successfully translated
01583   // Remarks:
01584   //   Uses ON_BezierCage::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01585   bool Translate( 
01586     const ON_3dVector& translation_vector
01587     );
01589   // Description:
01590   //   Scales the bezier surface by the specified facotor.  The scale is
01591   //   centered at the origin.
01592   // Parameters:
01593   //   scale_factor - [in] scale factor
01594   // Returns:
01595   //   true if bezier surface successfully scaled
01596   // Remarks:
01597   //   Uses ON_BezierCage::Transform() function to calculate the result.
01598   bool Scale( 
01599     double scale_factor
01600     );
01602   ON_Interval Domain(
01603     int // 0 = "u" domain, 1 = "v" domain, 2 = "w" domain
01604     ) const;
01606   // returns false if unable to evaluate
01607   bool Evaluate( 
01608          double r, 
01609          double s, 
01610          double t,
01611          int der_count,
01612          int v_stride,
01613          double* v        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)*(ndir+2)/2
01614          ) const;
01616   /*
01617   Description:
01618     Evaluates bezer volume map.
01619   Parameters:
01620     rst - [in]
01621   Returns:
01622     Value of the bezier volume map at (r,s,t).
01623   */
01624   ON_3dPoint PointAt(
01625          double r, 
01626          double s, 
01627          double t
01628          ) const;
01630   /*
01631   Description:
01632     Evaluates bezer volume map.
01633   Parameters:
01634     rst - [in]
01635   Returns:
01636     Value of the bezier volume map at (rst.x,rst.y,rst.z).
01637   */
01638   ON_3dPoint PointAt(
01639          ON_3dPoint rst
01640          ) const;
01642   bool IsRational() const;  // true if NURBS curve is rational
01644   bool IsSingular( // true if surface side is collapsed to a point
01645         int        // side of parameter space to test
01646                    // 0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west
01647         ) const;
01649   int CVSize() const;       // number of doubles per control vertex 
01650                 // = IsRational() ? Dim()+1 : Dim()
01652   int Order(        // order = degree + 1
01653         int // dir
01654         ) const;
01656   int Degree(       // degree = order - 1
01657         int // dir
01658         ) const;
01660   /*
01661   Description:
01662     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
01663     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
01664     ON_BezierCage::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
01665     ON_BezierCage::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
01666   Parameters:
01667     cv_index0 - [in] (0 <= cv_index0 < m_order[0])
01668     cv_index1 - [in] (0 <= cv_index1 < m_order[1])
01669   Returns:
01670     Pointer to control vertex.
01671   Remarks:
01672     If the Bezier surface is rational, the format of the 
01673     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
01674     length m_dim+1.  If the Bezier surface is not rational, 
01675     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
01676     euclidean point with length m_dim.
01677   See Also
01678     ON_BezierCage::CVStyle
01679     ON_BezierCage::GetCV
01680     ON_BezierCage::Weight
01681   */
01682   double* CV(
01683         int i,
01684         int j,
01685         int k
01686         ) const;
01688   /*
01689   Description:
01690     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
01691   Returns:
01692     @untitled table
01693     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
01694     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
01695   */
01696   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
01698   double Weight(        // get value of control vertex weight
01699         int i,
01700         int j,
01701         int k
01702         ) const;
01704   bool SetWeight(      // set value of control vertex weight
01705         int i,
01706         int j,
01707         int k,
01708         double w
01709         );
01711   bool SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
01712         int i,
01713         int j,
01714         int k,
01715         ON::point_style, // style of input point
01716         const double*     // value of control vertex
01717         );
01719   // set a single control vertex
01720   // If NURBS is rational, weight
01721   // will be set to 1.
01722   bool SetCV(
01723         int i,
01724         int j,
01725         int k,
01726         const ON_3dPoint& point
01727         );
01729   // set a single control vertex
01730   // value of control vertex
01731   // If NURBS is not rational, euclidean
01732   // location of homogeneous point will
01733   // be used.
01734   bool SetCV(
01735         int i,
01736         int j,
01737         int k,
01738         const ON_4dPoint& hpoint
01739         );
01741   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01742         int i,
01743         int j,
01744         int k,
01745         ON::point_style, // style to use for output point
01746         double*           // array of length >= CVSize()
01747         ) const;
01749   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01750         int i,
01751         int j,
01752         int k,
01753         ON_3dPoint&      // gets euclidean cv when NURBS is rational
01754         ) const;
01756   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01757         int i,
01758         int j,
01759         int k,
01760         ON_4dPoint&      // gets homogeneous cv
01761         ) const;
01763   bool ZeroCVs(); // zeros control vertices and, if rational, sets weights to 1
01765   bool MakeRational();
01767   bool MakeNonRational();
01771   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
01773   /*
01774   Description:
01775     cv_capacity - [in] number of doubles to reserve
01776   */
01777   bool ReserveCVCapacity(
01778     int cv_capacity
01779     );
01782   // Implementation
01783 public:
01784   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
01785   //       create bezier curves using the default constructor and borrow the
01786   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
01787   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
01788   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
01789   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
01790   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
01793   int     m_dim;
01794   bool    m_is_rat;
01795   int     m_order[3];
01796   int     m_cv_stride[3];
01797   int     m_cv_capacity;
01798   double* m_cv;
01799 };
01802 class ON_CLASS ON_BezierCageMorph : public ON_SpaceMorph
01803 {
01804 public:
01805   ON_BezierCageMorph();
01806   ~ON_BezierCageMorph();
01808   /*
01809   Description:
01810     Create a Bezier volume.
01811   Parameters:
01812     P0 - [in] 
01813     P1 - [in] 
01814     P2 - [in] 
01815     P3 - [in] 
01816          P0,P1,P2,P3 defines a parallepiped in world space. The morph
01817          maps this parallepiped to the (0,1)x(0,1)x(0,1) unit cube
01818          and then applies the BezierCage map.
01821              ______________
01822             |\             |\
01823             | \            | \
01824             |  \P3____________\
01825             |   |          |   |
01826             |   |          |   |
01827             |   |          |   |
01828            P2---|----------    |
01829             \   |          \   |
01830              \  |z          \  |
01831             y \ |            \ |
01832                \P0____________P1
01833                        x
01836     point_countX - [in]
01837     point_countY - [in]
01838     point_countZ - [in]
01839       Number of control points in the bezier volume map.  The 
01840       bezier volume in the returned morph is the identity map
01841       which can be modified as needed.
01842   Returns:
01843     True if resulting morph is valid.
01844   See Also:
01845     ON_BezierCage::SetBezierCage
01846     ON_BezierCage::SetXform
01847   */
01848   bool Create( 
01849     ON_3dPoint P0,
01850     ON_3dPoint P1,
01851     ON_3dPoint P2,
01852     ON_3dPoint P3,
01853     int point_countX,
01854     int point_countY,
01855     int point_countZ
01856     );
01858   /*
01859   Description:
01860     Set the world to unit cube map.
01861   Parameters:
01862     world2unitcube - [in]
01863       Tranformation matrix that maps world coordinates
01864       to the unit cube (0,1)x(0,1)x(0,1).
01865   Returns
01866     True if current bezier volum and input transformation
01867     matrix are valid.  In all cases, the morph's m_xyz2rst
01868     member is set.
01869   See Also:
01870     ON_BezierCage::Create
01871     ON_BezierCage::SetBezierCage
01872   */
01873   bool SetXform( ON_Xform world2unitcube );
01875   /*
01876   Description:
01877     Set the unit cube to world map.
01878   Parameters:
01879     world2unitcube - [in]
01880       Bezier volume map from the unit cube (0,1)x(0,1)x(0,1)
01881       to world space.
01882   Returns
01883     True if current transformation matrix and input
01884     bezier volume are valid.  In all cases, the 
01885     morph's m_rst2xyz member is set.
01886   See Also:
01887     ON_BezierCage::Create
01888     ON_BezierCage::SetXform
01889   */
01890   bool SetBezierCage( ON_BezierCage& unitcube2world );
01892   const ON_Xform& WorldToUnitCube() const;
01893   const ON_BezierCage& BezierCage() const;
01895   bool Read(ON_BinaryArchive& archive);
01896   bool Write(ON_BinaryArchive& archive) const;
01898   /*
01899   Description:
01900     Transforms the morph by transforming the bezier volume map.
01901   Parameters:
01902     xform - [in]
01903   Returns
01904     True if input is valid.
01905   */
01906   bool Transform(const ON_Xform& xform);
01908 private:
01909   bool m_bValid;
01911   // transforms world (x,y,z) coordinate into
01912   // unit cube.
01913   ON_Xform m_xyz2rst;
01915   // function that maps unit cube into world
01916   ON_BezierCage m_rst2xyz;
01917 };
01919 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
01921 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
01922 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
01923 // article ID Q168958 for details.
01924 #pragma warning( push )
01925 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
01926 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_BezierCurve>;
01927 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_BezierCurve*>;
01928 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_BezierSurface>;
01929 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_BezierSurface*>;
01930 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_BezierCage>;
01931 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_BezierCage*>;
01932 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_BezierCageMorph>;
01933 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_BezierCageMorph*>;
01934 #pragma warning( pop )
01936 #endif
01938 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:26:59