Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(ON_ARC_INC_)
00018 #define ON_ARC_INC_
00020 /*
00021 Description:
00022         An ON_Arc is a subcurve of 3d circle. 
00023 Details:
00024         The curve is parameterized by   an angle expressed in radians.   For an IsValid() arc 
00025         the total subtended angle       AngleRadians() = Domain()(1) - Domain()(0) must satisfy
00026                                 0< AngleRadians() <2*Pi .
00028         The parameterization of the ON_Arc is inherited from the ON_Circle it is derived from.
00029         In particular
00030                          t -> center + cos(t)*radius*xaxis + sin(t)*radius*yaxis        
00031         where xaxis and yaxis, (part of ON_Circle::m_plane) form an othonormal frame of the plane 
00032         containing the circle.
00033 */
00034 class ON_CLASS ON_Arc : public ON_Circle
00035 {
00036 public:
00037   // Create a radius one arc with angle = 2*pi
00038   ON_Arc();
00040   /*
00041   Description:
00042     Construct an arc from a circle and an angle in radians
00043   Parameters:
00044     circle - [in]
00045     angle_in_radians - [in]
00046   */
00047   ON_Arc(
00048     const ON_Circle& circle,
00049     double angle_in_radians
00050     );
00052   /*
00053   Parameters:
00054     circle - [in]
00055     angle_interval_in_radians - [in] increasing angle interval
00056        in radians with angle_interval_in_radians.Length() <= 2.0*ON_PI.
00057   */
00058   ON_Arc(
00059     const ON_Circle& circle,
00060     ON_Interval angle_interval_in_radians
00061     );
00063   /*
00064   Description:
00065     Construct an arc from a plane, radius and an angle in radians.
00066     The center of the arc is at the plane's origin.
00067   Parameters:
00068     plane - [in]
00069       circle is in this plane with center at m_origin
00070     center - [in]
00071       circle's center point
00072     radius - [in]
00073     angle_in_radians - [in]
00074   */
00075   ON_Arc(
00076     const ON_Plane& plane,
00077     double radius,
00078     double angle_in_radians
00079     );
00081   /*
00082   Description:
00083     Construct an arc parallel to the world XY plane from a
00084     center point, radius, and angle in radians.
00085     The arc starts at center+(radius,0,0).
00086   Parameters:
00087     center - [in]
00088     radius - [in]
00089     angle_in_radians - [in]
00090   */
00091   ON_Arc(
00092     const ON_3dPoint& center,
00093     double radius,
00094     double angle_in_radians
00095     );
00097   /*
00098   Description:
00099     Construct an arc parallel to plane from a center point, 
00100     radius, and angle in radians.  
00101     The arc starts at center+radius*plane.xaxis.
00102   Parameters:
00103     plane - [in]
00104       The plane x, y and z axis are used to defines the circle
00105       plane's x, y and z axis.  The plane origin is ignorned.
00106     center - [in]
00107       circle's center point
00108     radius - [in]
00109     angle_in_radians - [in]
00110   */
00111   ON_Arc(
00112     const ON_Plane& plane,
00113     const ON_3dPoint& center,
00114     double radius,
00115     double angle_in_radians
00116     );
00118   /*
00119   Description:
00120     Construct an arc that passes through three 2d points.
00121   Parameters:
00122     start_point - [in]
00123     interior_point - [in]
00124     end_point - [in]
00125   */
00126   ON_Arc(
00127     const ON_2dPoint& start_point,
00128     const ON_2dPoint& interior_point,
00129     const ON_2dPoint& end_point
00130     );
00132   /*
00133   Description:
00134     Construct an arc that passes through three 3d points.
00135   Parameters:
00136     start_point - [in]
00137     interior_point - [in]
00138     end_point - [in]
00139   */
00140   ON_Arc(
00141     const ON_3dPoint& start_point,
00142     const ON_3dPoint& interior_point,
00143     const ON_3dPoint& end_point
00144     );
00146   /*
00147   Description:
00148     Create an arc from a circle and an angle in radians
00149   Parameters:
00150     circle - [in]
00151     angle_in_radians - [in]
00152   Returns:
00153     true if input is valid and a valid arc is created.
00154   */
00155   bool Create(
00156     const ON_Circle& circle,
00157     double angle_in_radians
00158     );
00160   /*
00161   Description:
00162     Create an arc from a circle and an increasing angle interval
00163   Parameters:
00164     circle - [in]
00165     angle_interval_in_radians - [in] increasing angle interval in radians
00166               with angle_interval_in_radians.Length() <= 2.0*ON_PI
00167   Returns:
00168     true if input is valid and a valid arc is created.
00169   */
00170   bool Create(
00171     const ON_Circle& circle,
00172     ON_Interval angle_interval_in_radians
00173     );
00175   /*
00176   Description:
00177     Create an arc from a plane, radius and an angle in radians.
00178     The center of the arc is at the plane's origin.
00179   Parameters:
00180     plane - [in]
00181       circle is in this plane with center at m_origin
00182     center - [in]
00183       circle's center point
00184     radius - [in]
00185     angle_in_radians - [in]
00186   */
00187   bool Create(
00188     const ON_Plane& plane,
00189     double radius,
00190     double angle_in_radians
00191     );
00193  /*
00194   Description:
00195     Create an arc parallel to the world XY plane from a
00196     center point, radius, and angle in radians.
00197     The arc starts at center+(radius,0,0).
00198   Parameters:
00199     center - [in]
00200     radius - [in]
00201     angle_in_radians - [in]
00202   */
00203   bool Create(
00204     const ON_3dPoint& center,
00205     double radius,
00206     double angle_in_radians
00207     );
00209   /*
00210   Description:
00211     Create an arc parallel to plane from a center point, 
00212     radius, and angle in radians.  
00213     The arc starts at center+radius*plane.xaxis.
00214   Parameters:
00215     plane - [in]
00216       The plane x, y and z axis are used to defines the circle
00217       plane's x, y and z axis.  The plane origin is ignorned.
00218     center - [in]
00219       circle's center point
00220     radius - [in]
00221     angle_in_radians - [in]
00222   */
00223   bool Create(
00224     const ON_Plane& plane,
00225     const ON_3dPoint& center,
00226     double radius,
00227     double angle_in_radians
00228     );
00230   /*
00231   Description:
00232     Create an arc that passes through three 2d points.
00233   Parameters:
00234     start_point - [in]
00235     interior_point - [in]
00236     end_point - [in]
00237   */
00238   bool Create(
00239     const ON_2dPoint& start_point,
00240     const ON_2dPoint& interior_point,
00241     const ON_2dPoint& end_point
00242     );
00244   /*
00245   Description:
00246     Create an arc that passes through three 3d points.
00247   Parameters:
00248     start_point - [in]
00249     interior_point - [in]
00250     end_point - [in]
00251   */
00252   bool Create(
00253     const ON_3dPoint& start_point,
00254     const ON_3dPoint& interior_point,
00255     const ON_3dPoint& end_point
00256     );
00258   /*
00259   Description:
00260     Create an arc from a 2d start point, 2d start direction 
00261     and a 2d end point.
00262   Parameters:
00263     start_point - [in]
00264     dir_at_start - [in]
00265     end_point - [in]
00266   */
00267   bool Create(
00268     const ON_2dPoint& start_point,
00269     const ON_2dVector& dir_at_start,
00270     const ON_2dPoint& end_point
00271     );
00273   /*
00274   Description:
00275     Create an arc from a 3d start point, 3d start direction 
00276     and a 3d end point.
00277   Parameters:
00278     start_point - [in]
00279     dir_at_start - [in]
00280     end_point - [in]
00281   */
00282   bool Create(
00283     const ON_3dPoint& start_point,
00284     const ON_3dVector& dir_at_start,
00285     const ON_3dPoint& end_point
00286     );
00288   ON_Arc& operator=( const ON_Circle& );
00291   ~ON_Arc();
00293   // Description:
00294   //   Creates a text dump of the arc listing the normal, center
00295   //   radius, start point, end point, and angle.
00296   // Remarks:
00297   //   Dump() is intended for debugging and is not suitable
00298   //   for creating high quality text descriptions of an
00299   //   arc.
00300   void Dump( ON_TextLog& dump ) const;
00302   // Description:
00303   //   Checks an arc to make sure it is valid.
00304         // Detail:
00305         //       Radius>0 and 0<AngleRadians()<=2 ON_PI
00306   // Returns:
00307   //   true if the arc is valid.
00308   bool IsValid() const;
00310   // Description: 
00311   //   Get arc's 3d axis aligned bounding box.
00312   // Returns:
00313   //   3d bounding box.
00314   ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox() const;
00316   // Description:
00317   //   Get arc's 3d axis aligned bounding box or the
00318   //   union of the input box with the arc's bounding box.
00319   // Parameters:
00320   //   bbox - [in/out] 3d axis aligned bounding box
00321   //   bGrowBox - [in] (default=false) 
00322   //     If true, then the union of the input bbox and the 
00323   //     arc's bounding box is returned in bbox.  
00324   //     If false, the arc's bounding box is returned in bbox.
00325   // Returns:
00326   //   true if arc has bounding box and calculation was successful.
00327   bool GetBoundingBox(
00328          ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
00329          int bGrowBox = false
00330          ) const;
00332   /*
00333         Description:
00334     Get tight bounding box.
00335         Parameters:
00336                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
00337                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
00338       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
00339       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
00340       arc's tight bounding box.
00341                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
00342       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
00343       arc is calculated.  The arc is not modified.
00344         Returns:
00345     True if a valid tight_bbox is returned.
00346   */
00347         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
00348                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00349       int bGrowBox = false,
00350                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00351       ) const;
00353   // Returns:
00354   //   true if the arc is a complete circle; i.e., the arc's
00355   //   angle is 360 degrees.
00356   bool IsCircle() const;
00358   // Returns:
00359   //   The arc's subtended angle in radians.
00360   double AngleRadians() const;
00362   // Returns:
00363   //   The arc's subtended angle in degrees.
00364   double AngleDegrees() const;
00367   /*
00368   Description:
00369     Get evaluation domain.
00370   Returns:
00371     Evaluation domain (same as DomainRadians()).
00372   */
00373   ON_Interval Domain() const;
00375   // Returns:
00376   //   The arc's domain in radians.
00377   ON_Interval DomainRadians() const;
00379   // Returns:
00380   //   The arc's domain in degrees.
00381   ON_Interval DomainDegrees() const;
00383   // Description:
00384   //   Set arc's subtended angle in radians.
00385   // Parameters:
00386   //   angle_in_radians - [in] 0 <= angle_in_radians <= 2.0*ON_PI
00387   //
00388   bool SetAngleRadians(
00389     double angle_in_radians
00390     );
00392   /*
00393   Description:
00394     Set arc's angle interval in radians.
00395   Parameters:
00396     angle_in_radians - [in] increasing interval with 
00397                             start and end angle in radians.
00398                             Length of the interval <= 2.0*ON_PI.
00399   Returns:
00400     true if successful. 
00401   */
00402   bool SetAngleIntervalRadians(
00403     ON_Interval angle_in_radians
00404     );
00406   // Description:
00407   //   Set arc's domain as a subdomain of the circle.
00408   // Parameters:
00409   //   domain_radian - [in]   0 < domain_radian[1] - domain_radian[0] <= 2.0 * ON*PI
00410   //
00411   bool Trim(
00412     ON_Interval domain_radian
00413     );
00415   // Description:
00416   //   Set arc's subtended angle in degrees.
00417   // Parameters:
00418   //   angle_in_degrees - [in] 0 < angle_in_degrees <= 360
00419   bool SetAngleDegrees(
00420     double angle_in_degrees
00421     );
00423   // Returns:
00424   //   Point at start of the arc.
00425   ON_3dPoint StartPoint() const;
00428   // Returns:
00429   //   Point at middle of the arc.
00430   ON_3dPoint MidPoint() const;
00432   // Returns:
00433   //   Point at end of the arc.
00434   ON_3dPoint EndPoint() const;
00436   // Description:
00437   //   Get the point on the arc that is closest to test_point.
00438   // Parameters:
00439   //   test_point - [in]
00440   //   t - [out] parameter (in radians) of the point on the arc that
00441   //       is closest to test_point.  If test_point is the center
00442   //       of the arc, then the starting point of the arc is
00443   //       (arc.Domain()[0]) returned.
00444   bool ClosestPointTo( 
00445          const ON_3dPoint& test_point, 
00446          double* t
00447          ) const;
00449   // Description:
00450   //   Get the point on the arc that is closest to test_point.
00451   // Parameters:
00452   //   test_point - [in]
00453   // Returns:
00454   //   The point on the arc that is closest to test_point.
00455   //   If test_point is the center of the arc, then the 
00456   //   starting point of the arc is returned.
00457   ON_3dPoint ClosestPointTo( 
00458          const ON_3dPoint& test_point
00459          ) const;
00461   // Returns:
00462   //   Length of the arc = radius*(subtended angle in radians).
00463   double Length() const;
00465   /*
00466   Returns:
00467     Area of the arc's sector.  
00468   Remarks:
00469     The arc's sector is the region bounded by the arc,
00470     the line segment from the arc's end to the center,
00471     and the line segment from the center to the arc's
00472     start.
00473   */
00474   double SectorArea() const;
00476   /*
00477   Returns:
00478     Area centroid of the arc's sector.  
00479   Remarks:
00480     The arc's sector is the region bounded by the arc,
00481     the line segment from the arc's end to the center,
00482     and the line segment from the center to the arc's
00483     start.
00484   */
00485   ON_3dPoint SectorAreaCentroid() const;
00487   /*
00488   Returns:
00489     Area of the arc's segment.
00490   Remarks:
00491     The arc's segment is the region bounded by the arc and
00492     the line segment from the arc's end to the arc's start.
00493   */
00494   double SegmentArea() const;
00496   /*
00497   Returns:
00498     Area centroid of the arc's segment.  
00499   Remarks:
00500     The arc's segment is the region bounded by the arc and
00501     the line segment from the arc's end to the arc's start.
00502   */
00503   ON_3dPoint SegmentAreaCentroid() const;
00505   // Description:
00506   //   Reverse the orientation of the arc.  Changes the domain
00507   //   from [a,b] to [-b.-a].
00508   bool Reverse();
00510   // Description:
00511   //   Get a rational degree 2 NURBS curve representation
00512   //   of the arc.  Note that the parameterization of NURBS curve
00513   //   does not match  arc's transcendental paramaterization.  
00514   //   Use GetRadianFromNurbFormParameter() and
00515   //   GetParameterFromRadian() to convert between the NURBS curve 
00516   //   parameter and the transcendental parameter
00517   // Parameters:
00518   //   nurbs_curve - [out] nurbs_curve returned here.
00519   // Returns:
00520   //   0 for failure and 2 for success.
00521   int GetNurbForm(
00522         ON_NurbsCurve& nurbs_curve
00523         ) const; 
00525   /*
00526   Description:
00527     Convert a NURBS curve arc parameter to a arc radians parameter.
00528   Parameters:
00529     nurbs_parameter - [in]
00530     arc_radians_parameter - [out]
00531   Example:
00533           ON_Arc arc = ...;
00534           double nurbs_t = 1.2345; // some number in interval (0,2.0*ON_PI).
00535           double arc_t;
00536           arc.GetRadianFromNurbFormParameter( nurbs_t, &arc_t );
00538           ON_NurbsCurve nurbs_curve;
00539           arc.GetNurbsForm( nurbs_curve );
00540           arc_pt = arc.PointAt(arc_t);
00541           nurbs_pt = nurbs_curve.PointAt(nurbs_t);
00542           // arc_pt and nurbs_pt will be the same
00544   Remarks:
00545     The NURBS curve parameter is with respect to the NURBS curve
00546     created by ON_Arc::GetNurbForm.  At nurbs parameter values of 
00547     0.0, 0.5*ON_PI, ON_PI, 1.5*ON_PI, and 2.0*ON_PI, the nurbs
00548     parameter and radian parameter are the same.  At all other
00549     values the nurbs and radian parameter values are different.
00550   See Also:
00551     ON_Arc::GetNurbFormParameterFromRadian
00552   */
00553   bool GetRadianFromNurbFormParameter(
00554         double nurbs_parameter,
00555         double* arc_radians_parameter
00556         ) const;
00558   /*
00559   Description:
00560     Convert a arc radians parameter to a NURBS curve arc parameter.
00561   Parameters:
00562     arc_radians_parameter - [in] 0.0 to 2.0*ON_PI
00563     nurbs_parameter - [out]
00564   Example:
00566           ON_Arc arc = ...;
00567           double arc_t = 1.2345; // some number in interval (0,2.0*ON_PI).
00568           double nurbs_t;
00569           arc.GetNurbFormParameterFromRadian( arc_t, &nurbs_t );
00571           ON_NurbsCurve nurbs_curve;
00572           arc.GetNurbsForm( nurbs_curve );
00573           arc_pt = arc.PointAt(arc_t);
00574           nurbs_pt = nurbs_curve.PointAt(nurbs_t);
00575           // arc_pt and nurbs_pt will be the same
00577   Remarks:
00578     The NURBS curve parameter is with respect to the NURBS curve
00579     created by ON_Arc::GetNurbForm.  At radian values of 
00580     0.0, 0.5*ON_PI, ON_PI, 1.5*ON_PI, and 2.0*ON_PI, the nurbs
00581     parameter and radian parameter are the same.  At all other
00582     values the nurbs and radian parameter values are different.
00583   See Also:
00584     ON_Arc::GetNurbFormParameterFromRadian
00585   */
00586   bool GetNurbFormParameterFromRadian(
00587         double arc_radians_parameter,
00588         double* nurbs_parameter
00589         ) const;
00591 private:
00592   friend bool ON_BinaryArchive::ReadArc( ON_Arc& );
00593   friend bool ON_BinaryArchive::WriteArc( const ON_Arc& );
00595   // increasing interval with start and end angle in radians
00596   ON_Interval m_angle;
00597 };
00599 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:26:59