ON_NurbsCage Member List
This is the complete list of members for ON_NurbsCage, including all inherited members.
AttachUserData(ON_UserData *pUserData)ON_Object
BoundingBox() const ON_Geometry
BrepForm(ON_Brep *brep=NULL) const ON_Geometry [virtual]
ChangeDimension(int desired_dimension)ON_NurbsCage
ClampEnd(int dir, int end)ON_NurbsCage
ClearBoundingBox()ON_Geometry [virtual]
ComponentIndex() const ON_Geometry [virtual]
CopyFrom(const ON_Object *src)ON_Object
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object)ON_Object
Create(int dim, bool is_rat, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
Create(const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
Create(const ON_3dPoint *box_corners, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
CV(int i, int j, int k) const ON_NurbsCage
CVCount(int) const ON_NurbsCage
CVCount(void) const ON_NurbsCage
CVSize() const ON_NurbsCage
CVStyle() const ON_NurbsCage
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
Degree(int dir) const ON_NurbsCage
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true)ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
DetachUserData(ON_UserData *pUserData)ON_Object
Dimension() const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
Domain(int) const ON_NurbsCage
Dump(ON_TextLog &text_log) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
Evaluate(double r, double s, double t, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v, int side=0, int *hint=0) const ON_NurbsCage
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const ON_Geometry [virtual]
Extend(int dir, const ON_Interval &domain)ON_NurbsCage
FirstUserData() const ON_Object
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, int bGrowBox=false) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int bGrowBox=false) const ON_Geometry
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, int bGrowBox=false) const ON_Geometry
GetCV(int i, int j, int k, ON::point_style, double *) const ON_NurbsCage
GetCV(int i, int j, int k, ON_3dPoint &) const ON_NurbsCage
GetCV(int i, int j, int k, ON_4dPoint &) const ON_NurbsCage
GetSpanVector(int dir, double *span_vector) const ON_NurbsCage
GetTightBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, int bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=0) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const ON_Object
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const ON_Object
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const ON_Object
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const ON_Object
GrevilleAbcissa(int dir, int gindex) const ON_NurbsCage
HasBrepForm() const ON_Geometry [virtual]
IncreaseDegree(int dir, int desired_degree)ON_NurbsCage
InsertKnot(int dir, double knot_value, int knot_multiplicity=1)ON_NurbsCage
IsClosed(int) const ON_NurbsCage
IsDeformable() const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const ON_Object
IsoSurface(int dir, double c, ON_NurbsSurface *srf=0) const ON_NurbsCage
IsParallelogram(double tolerance) const ON_NurbsCage
IsPeriodic(int) const ON_NurbsCage
IsRational() const ON_NurbsCage
IsSingular(int) const ON_NurbsCage
IsValid(ON_TextLog *text_log=NULL) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
Knot(int dir, int knot_index) const ON_NurbsCage
KnotCount(int dir) const ON_NurbsCage
MakeDeformable()ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
MemoryRelocate()ON_Object [virtual]
ModelObjectId() const ON_Object [virtual]
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object)ON_Object
ObjectType() const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)ON_Geometry
ON_NurbsCage(int dim, bool is_rat, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
ON_NurbsCage(const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
ON_NurbsCage(const ON_3dPoint *box_corners, int order0, int order1, int order2, int cv_count0, int cv_count1, int cv_count2)ON_NurbsCage
ON_NurbsCage(const ON_BezierCage &src)ON_NurbsCage
ON_NurbsCage(const ON_NurbsCage &src)ON_NurbsCage
ON_Object(const ON_Object &)ON_Object
ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_NurbsCage)ON_NurbsCage [private]
operator=(const ON_NurbsCage &src)ON_NurbsCage
operator=(const ON_BezierCage &src)ON_NurbsCage
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)ON_Geometry
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &)ON_Object
Order(int dir) const ON_NurbsCage
PointAt(double r, double s, double t) const ON_NurbsCage
PointAt(ON_3dPoint rst) const ON_NurbsCage
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &archive)ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
ReserveCVCapacity(int cv_capacity)ON_NurbsCage
ReserveKnotCapacity(int dir, int cv_capacity)ON_NurbsCage
Reverse(int dir)ON_NurbsCage
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)ON_Geometry
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)ON_Geometry
Scale(double scale_factor)ON_Geometry
SetCV(int i, int j, int k, ON::point_style, const double *)ON_NurbsCage
SetCV(int i, int j, int k, const ON_3dPoint &point)ON_NurbsCage
SetCV(int i, int j, int k, const ON_4dPoint &hpoint)ON_NurbsCage
SetKnot(int dir, int knot_index, double knot_value)ON_NurbsCage
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)ON_Object
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)ON_Object
SetWeight(int i, int j, int k, double w)ON_NurbsCage
SizeOf() const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
SpanCount(int dir) const ON_NurbsCage
SwapCoordinates(int i, int j)ON_Geometry [virtual]
Transform(const ON_Xform &xform)ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
TransformUserData(const ON_Xform &xform)ON_Object
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)ON_Geometry
Transpose(int dir0, int dir1)ON_NurbsCage
Trim(int dir, const ON_Interval &domain)ON_NurbsCage
UserStringCount() const ON_Object
Weight(int i, int j, int k) const ON_NurbsCage
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const ON_NurbsCage [virtual]
~ON_Geometry()ON_Geometry [virtual]
~ON_Object()ON_Object [virtual]

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:38:52