Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PARTICLEFILTER_H
00002 #define PARTICLEFILTER_H
00003 #include <stdlib.h>
00004 #include <sys/types.h>
00005 #include <vector>
00006 #include <utility>
00007 #include <cmath>
00008 #include <limits>
00009 #include <gmapping/utils/gvalues.h>
00022 typedef std::pair<uint,uint> UIntPair;
00024 template <class OutputIterator, class Iterator>
00025 double toNormalForm(OutputIterator& out, const Iterator & begin, const Iterator & end){
00026         //determine the maximum
00027         double lmax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00028         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; it++){
00029                 lmax=lmax>((double)(*it))? lmax: (double)(*it);
00030         }
00031         //convert to raw form
00032         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; it++){
00033                 *out=exp((double)(*it)-lmax);
00034                 out++;
00035         }
00036         return lmax;
00037 }
00039 template <class OutputIterator, class Iterator, class Numeric>
00040 void toLogForm(OutputIterator& out, const Iterator & begin, const Iterator & end, Numeric lmax){
00041         //determine the maximum
00042         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; it++){
00043                 *out=log((Numeric)(*it))-lmax;
00044                 out++;
00045         }
00046         return lmax;
00047 }
00049 template <class WeightVector>
00050 void resample(std::vector<int>& indexes, const WeightVector& weights, unsigned int nparticles=0){
00051         double cweight=0;
00053         //compute the cumulative weights
00054         unsigned int n=0;
00055         for (typename WeightVector::const_iterator it=weights.begin(); it!=weights.end(); ++it){
00056                 cweight+=(double)*it;
00057                 n++;
00058         }
00060         if (nparticles>0)
00061                 n=nparticles;
00063         //compute the interval
00064         double interval=cweight/n;
00066         //compute the initial target weight
00067         double target=interval*::drand48();
00068         //compute the resampled indexes
00070         cweight=0;
00071         indexes.resize(n);
00073         n=0;
00074         unsigned int i=0;
00075         for (typename WeightVector::const_iterator it=weights.begin(); it!=weights.end(); ++it, ++i){
00076                 cweight+=(double)* it;
00077                 while(cweight>target){
00078                         indexes[n++]=i;
00079                         target+=interval;
00080                 }
00081         }
00082 }
00084 template <typename Vector>
00085 void repeatIndexes(Vector& dest, const std::vector<int>& indexes, const Vector& particles){
00086         assert(indexes.size()==particles.size());
00087         dest.resize(particles.size());
00088         unsigned int i=0;
00089         for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it=indexes.begin(); it!=indexes.end(); ++it){
00090                 dest[i]=particles[*it];
00091                 i++;
00092         }
00093 }
00096 template <class Iterator>
00097 double neff(const Iterator& begin, const Iterator& end){
00098         double sum=0;
00099         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it){
00100                 sum+=*it;
00101         }
00102         double cum=0;
00103         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it){
00104                 double w=*it/sum;
00105                 cum+=w*w;
00106         }
00107         return 1./cum;
00108 }
00110 template <class Iterator>
00111 void normalize(const Iterator& begin, const Iterator& end){
00112         double sum=0;
00113         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it){
00114                 sum+=*it;
00115         }
00116         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it){
00117                 *it=*it/sum;
00118         }
00119 }
00121 template <class OutputIterator, class Iterator>
00122 void rle(OutputIterator& out, const Iterator & begin, const Iterator & end){
00123         unsigned int current=0;
00124         unsigned int count=0;
00125         for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; it++){
00126                 if (it==begin){
00127                         current=*it;
00128                         count=1;
00129                         continue;
00130                 }
00131                 if (((uint)*it) ==current)
00132                         count++;
00133                 if (((uint)*it)!=current){
00134                         *out=std::make_pair(current,count);
00135                         out++;
00136                         current=*it;
00137                         count=1;
00138                 }
00139         }
00140         if (count>0)
00141                 *out=std::make_pair(current,count);
00142                 out++;
00143 }
00145 //BEGIN legacy
00146 template <class Particle, class Numeric>
00147 struct uniform_resampler{
00148         std::vector<unsigned int> resampleIndexes(const std::vector<Particle> & particles, int nparticles=0) const;
00149         std::vector<Particle> resample(const std::vector<Particle> & particles, int nparticles=0) const;
00150         Numeric neff(const std::vector<Particle> & particles) const;
00151 };
00153 /*Implementation of the above stuff*/
00154 template <class Particle, class Numeric>
00155 std::vector<unsigned int> uniform_resampler<Particle, Numeric>:: resampleIndexes(const std::vector<Particle>& particles, int nparticles) const{
00156         Numeric cweight=0;
00158         //compute the cumulative weights
00159         unsigned int n=0;
00160         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it){
00161                 cweight+=(Numeric)*it;
00162                 n++;
00163         }
00165         if (nparticles>0)
00166                 n=nparticles;
00168         //compute the interval
00169         Numeric interval=cweight/n;
00171         //compute the initial target weight
00172         Numeric target=interval*::drand48();
00173         //compute the resampled indexes
00175         cweight=0;
00176         std::vector<unsigned int> indexes(n);
00177         n=0;
00178         unsigned int i=0;
00179         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it, ++i){
00180                 cweight+=(Numeric)* it;
00181                 while(cweight>target){
00182                         indexes[n++]=i;
00183                         target+=interval;
00184                 }
00185         }
00186         return indexes;
00187 }
00189 template <class Particle, class Numeric>
00190 std::vector<Particle> uniform_resampler<Particle,Numeric>::resample
00191   (const typename std::vector<Particle>& particles, int nparticles) const{
00192         Numeric cweight=0;
00194         //compute the cumulative weights
00195         unsigned int n=0;
00196         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it){
00197                 cweight+=(Numeric)*it;
00198                 n++;
00199         }
00201         if (nparticles>0)
00202                 n=nparticles;
00204         //weight of the particles after resampling
00205         double uw=1./n;
00207         //compute the interval
00208         Numeric interval=cweight/n;
00210         //compute the initial target weight
00211         Numeric target=interval*::drand48();
00212         //compute the resampled indexes
00214         cweight=0;
00215         std::vector<Particle> resampled;
00216         n=0;
00217         unsigned int i=0;
00218         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it, ++i){
00219                 cweight+=(Numeric)*it;
00220                 while(cweight>target){
00221                         resampled.push_back(*it);
00222                         resampled.back().setWeight(uw);
00223                         target+=interval;
00224                 }
00225         }
00226         return resampled;
00227 }
00229 template <class Particle, class Numeric>
00230 Numeric uniform_resampler<Particle,Numeric>::neff(const std::vector<Particle> & particles) const{
00231         double cum=0;
00232         double sum=0;
00233         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it){
00234                 Numeric w=(Numeric)*it;
00235                 cum+=w*w;
00236                 sum+=w;
00237         }
00238         return sum*sum/cum;
00239 }
00242 /*
00244 The following are patterns for the evolution and the observation classes
00245 The user should implement classes having the specified meaning
00247 template <class State, class Numeric, class Observation>
00248 struct observer{
00249         Observation& observation
00250         Numeric observe(const class State&) const;
00251 };
00253 template <class State, class Numeric, class Input>
00254 struct evolver{
00255         Input& input;
00256         State& evolve(const State& s);
00257 };
00258 */
00261 template <class Particle, class EvolutionModel>
00262 struct evolver{
00263         EvolutionModel evolutionModel;
00264         void evolve(std::vector<Particle>& particles);
00265         void evolve(std::vector<Particle>& dest, const std::vector<Particle>& src);
00266 };
00268 template <class Particle, class EvolutionModel>
00269 void evolver<Particle, EvolutionModel>::evolve(std::vector<Particle>& particles){
00270         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it){
00271                 *it=evolutionModel.evolve(*it);
00272         }
00273 }
00275 template <class Particle, class EvolutionModel>
00276 void evolver<Particle, EvolutionModel>::evolve(std::vector<Particle>& dest, const std::vector<Particle>& src){
00277         dest.clear();
00278         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=src.begin(); it!=src.end(); ++it)
00279                 dest.push_back(evolutionModel.evolve(*it));
00280 }
00283 template <class Particle, class Numeric, class QualificationModel, class EvolutionModel, class LikelyhoodModel>
00284 struct auxiliary_evolver{
00285         EvolutionModel evolutionModel;
00286         QualificationModel qualificationModel;
00287         LikelyhoodModel likelyhoodModel;
00288         void evolve(std::vector<Particle>& particles);
00289         void evolve(std::vector<Particle>& dest, const std::vector<Particle>& src);
00290 };
00292 template <class Particle, class Numeric, class QualificationModel, class EvolutionModel, class LikelyhoodModel>
00293 void auxiliary_evolver<Particle, Numeric, QualificationModel, EvolutionModel, LikelyhoodModel>::evolve
00294   (std::vector<Particle>&particles){
00295         std::vector<Numeric> observationWeights(particles.size());
00296         unsigned int i=0;
00297         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=particles.begin(); it!=particles.end(); ++it, i++){
00298                 observationWeights[i]=likelyhoodModel.likelyhood(qualificationModel.evolve(*it));
00299         }
00300         uniform_resampler<Numeric, Numeric> resampler;
00301         std::vector<unsigned int> indexes(resampler.resampleIndexes(observationWeights));
00302         for (typename std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator it=indexes.begin(); it!=indexes.end(); ++it){
00303                 Particle & particle=particles[*it];
00304                 particle=evolutionModel.evolve(particle);
00305                 particle.setWeight(likelyhoodModel.likelyhood(particle)/observationWeights[*it]);
00306         }
00307 }
00309 template <class Particle, class Numeric, class QualificationModel, class EvolutionModel, class LikelyhoodModel>
00310 void auxiliary_evolver<Particle, Numeric, QualificationModel, EvolutionModel, LikelyhoodModel>::evolve
00311   (std::vector<Particle>& dest, const std::vector<Particle>& src){
00312         dest.clear();
00313         std::vector<Numeric> observationWeights(src.size());
00314         unsigned int i=0;
00315         for (typename std::vector<Particle>::const_iterator it=src.begin(); it!=src.end(); ++it, i++){
00316                 observationWeights[i]=likelyhoodModel.likelyhood(qualificationModel.evolve(*it));
00317         }
00318         uniform_resampler<Numeric, Numeric> resampler;
00319         std::vector<unsigned int> indexes(resampler.resampleIndexes(observationWeights));
00320         for (typename std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator it=indexes.begin(); it!=indexes.end(); ++it){
00321                 Particle & particle=src[*it];
00322                 dest.push_back(evolutionModel.evolve(particle));
00323                 dest.back().weight*=likelyhoodModel.likelyhood(particle)/observationWeights[*it];
00324         }
00325 }
00326 //END legacy
00328 #endif

Author(s): Giorgio Grisetti, Cyrill Stachniss, Wolfram Burgard
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 11:56:21