^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package moveit_ros_visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0.5.20 (2014-12-09) ------------------- * Removed installation of removed file * Better user output, kinematic solver error handling, disclaimer * Add joystick interface. * motion_planning_rviz_plugin: add move_group namespace option * Added capability to set max_planning_attempts in GUI. * Contributors: Chris Lewis, Dave Coleman, Ioan A Sucan, Jonathan Bohren, Ryohei Ueda, Sachin Chitta 0.5.19 (2014-06-23) ------------------- * Changed rviz plugin action server wait to non-simulated time * Fix [-Wreorder] warning. * Fix RobotState rviz plugin to not display when disabled * Add check for planning scene monitor connection, with 5 sec delay * Contributors: Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Dave Coleman 0.5.18 (2014-03-23) ------------------- * add pkg-config as dep * find PkgConfig before using pkg_check_modules PC specific functions mustn't be used before including PkgConfig * Contributors: Ioan Sucan, v4hn 0.5.17 (2014-03-22) ------------------- * update build system for ROS indigo * update maintainer e-mail * Contributors: Ioan Sucan 0.5.16 (2014-02-27) ------------------- * back out problematic ogre fixes * robot_interaction: split InteractionHandler into its own file * Switched from isStateColliding to isStateValid * Changed per PR review * Clean up debug output * Added ability to set a random start/goal position * Merge branch 'hydro-devel' of https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_ros into acorn_rviz_stereo * rviz: prepare for Ogre1.10 * Contributors: Acorn Pooley, Dave Coleman 0.5.14 (2014-02-06) ------------------- 0.5.13 (2014-02-06) ------------------- * remove debug printfs * planning_scene_display: use requestPlanningSceneState() Get current planning scene state when planning scene display is enabled and/or model is loaded. * Fix Parse error at "BOOST_JOIN" error See: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-22829 * Contributors: Acorn Pooley, Benjamin Chretien 0.5.12 (2014-01-03) ------------------- 0.5.11 (2014-01-03) ------------------- * Added back-link to tutorial and updated moveit website URL. * Ported MoveIt RViz plugin tutorial to sphinx. * Contributors: Dave Hershberger 0.5.10 (2013-12-08) ------------------- 0.5.9 (2013-12-03) ------------------ * correcting maintainer email * Fixed an occasional crash bug in rviz plugin caused by gui calls in non-gui thread. * Added planning feedback to gui, refactored states tab * Stored states are auto loaded when warehouse database is connected 0.5.8 (2013-10-11) ------------------ * Added option to rviz plugin to show scene robot collision geometry 0.5.7 (2013-10-01) ------------------ 0.5.6 (2013-09-26) ------------------ 0.5.5 (2013-09-23) ------------------ * Fix crash when the destructor is called before onInitialize * remove call for getting the combined joint limits of a group * bugfixes * porting to new RobotState API * use new helper class from rviz for rendering meshes 0.5.4 (2013-08-14) ------------------ * Added manipulation tab, added plan id to manipulation request * make headers and author definitions aligned the same way; white space fixes * using action client for object recognition instead of topic * move background_processing lib to core * display collision pairs instead of simply colliding links 0.5.2 (2013-07-15) ------------------ 0.5.1 (2013-07-14) ------------------ 0.5.0 (2013-07-12) ------------------ * fix `#275 `_ * white space fixes (tabs are now spaces) 0.4.5 (2013-07-03) ------------------ 0.4.4 (2013-06-26) ------------------ * remove root_link_name property * add status tab to Rviz plugin