00035 from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseStamped
00036 from moveit_msgs.msg import RobotTrajectory, Grasp, PlaceLocation, Constraints
00037 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
00038 import rospy
00039 import tf
00040 from moveit_ros_planning_interface import _moveit_move_group_interface
00041 from exception import MoveItCommanderException
00042 import conversions
00044 class MoveGroupCommander(object):
00045 """
00046 Execution of simple commands for a particular group
00047 """
00049 def __init__(self, name):
00050 """ Specify the group name for which to construct this commander instance. Throws an exception if there is an initialization error. """
00051 self._g = _moveit_move_group_interface.MoveGroup(name, "robot_description")
00053 def get_name(self):
00054 """ Get the name of the group this instance was initialized for """
00055 return self._g.get_name()
00057 def stop(self):
00058 """ Stop the current execution, if any """
00059 self._g.stop()
00061 def get_active_joints(self):
00062 """ Get the active joints of this group """
00063 return self._g.get_active_joints()
00065 def get_joints(self):
00066 """ Get the joints of this group """
00067 return self._g.get_joints()
00069 def get_variable_count(self):
00070 """ Return the number of variables used to parameterize a state in this group (larger or equal to number of DOF)"""
00071 return self._g.get_variable_count()
00073 def has_end_effector_link(self):
00074 """ Check if this group has a link that is considered to be an end effector """
00075 return len(self._g.get_end_effector_link()) > 0
00077 def get_end_effector_link(self):
00078 """ Get the name of the link that is considered to be an end-effector. Return an empty string if there is no end-effector. """
00079 return self._g.get_end_effector_link()
00081 def set_end_effector_link(self, link_name):
00082 """ Set the name of the link to be considered as an end effector """
00083 if not self._g.set_end_effector_link(link_name):
00084 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set end efector link")
00086 def get_pose_reference_frame(self):
00087 """ Get the reference frame assumed for poses of end-effectors """
00088 return self._g.get_pose_reference_frame()
00090 def set_pose_reference_frame(self, reference_frame):
00091 """ Set the reference frame to assume for poses of end-effectors """
00092 self._g.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame)
00094 def get_planning_frame(self):
00095 """ Get the name of the frame where all planning is performed """
00096 return self._g.get_planning_frame()
00098 def get_current_joint_values(self):
00099 """ Get the current configuration of the group as a list (these are values published on /joint_states) """
00100 return self._g.get_current_joint_values()
00102 def get_current_pose(self, end_effector_link = ""):
00103 """ Get the current pose of the end-effector of the group. Throws an exception if there is not end-effector. """
00104 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00105 return conversions.list_to_pose_stamped(self._g.get_current_pose(end_effector_link), self.get_planning_frame())
00106 else:
00107 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to get the pose of")
00109 def get_current_rpy(self, end_effector_link = ""):
00110 """ Get a list of 3 elements defining the [roll, pitch, yaw] of the end-effector. Throws an exception if there is not end-effector. """
00111 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00112 return self._g.get_current_rpy(end_effector_link)
00113 else:
00114 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to get the rpy of")
00116 def get_random_joint_values(self):
00117 return self._g.get_random_joint_values()
00119 def get_random_pose(self, end_effector_link = ""):
00120 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00121 return conversions.list_to_pose_stamped(self._g.get_random_pose(end_effector_link), self.get_planning_frame())
00122 else:
00123 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to get the pose of")
00125 def set_start_state_to_current_state(self):
00126 self._g.set_start_state_to_current_state()
00128 def set_start_state(self, msg):
00129 self._g.set_start_state(conversions.msg_to_string(msg))
00131 def set_joint_value_target(self, arg1, arg2 = None, arg3 = None):
00132 """
00133 Specify a target joint configuration for the group.
00134 - if the type of arg1 is one of the following: dict, list, JointState message, then no other arguments should be provided.
00135 The dict should specify pairs of joint variable names and their target values, the list should specify all the variable values
00136 for the group. The JointState message specifies the positions of some single-dof joints.
00137 - if the type of arg1 is string, then arg2 is expected to be defined and be either a real value or a list of real values. This is
00138 interpreted as setting a particular joint to a particular value.
00139 - if the type of arg1 is Pose or PoseStamped, both arg2 and arg3 could be defined. If arg2 or arg3 are defined, their types must
00140 be either string or bool. The string type argument is interpreted as the end-effector the pose is specified for (default is to use
00141 the default end-effector), and the bool is used to decide whether the pose specified is approximate (default is false). This situation
00142 allows setting the joint target of the group by calling IK. This does not send a pose to the planner and the planner will do no IK.
00143 Instead, one IK solution will be computed first, and that will be sent to the planner.
00144 """
00145 if (type(arg1) is dict) or (type(arg1) is list):
00146 if (arg2 != None or arg3 != None):
00147 raise MoveItCommanderException("Too many arguments specified")
00148 if not self._g.set_joint_value_target(arg1):
00149 raise MoveItCommanderException("Error setting joint target. Is the target within bounds?")
00150 return
00151 if type(arg1) is JointState:
00152 if (arg2 != None or arg3 != None):
00153 raise MoveItCommanderException("Too many arguments specified")
00154 if not self._g.set_joint_value_target_from_joint_state_message(conversions.msg_to_string(arg1)):
00155 raise MoveItCommanderException("Error setting joint target. Is the target within bounds?")
00156 if (type(arg1) is str):
00157 if (arg2 == None):
00158 raise MoveItCommanderException("Joint value expected when joint name specified")
00159 if (arg3 != None):
00160 raise MoveItCommanderException("Too many arguments specified")
00161 if not self._g.set_joint_value_target(arg1, arg2):
00162 raise MoveItCommanderException("Error setting joint target. Is the target within bounds?")
00163 if (type(arg1) is PoseStamped) or (type(arg1) is Pose):
00164 approx = False
00165 eef = ""
00166 if (arg2 != None):
00167 if type(arg2) is str:
00168 eef = arg2
00169 else:
00170 if type(arg2) is bool:
00171 approx = arg2
00172 else:
00173 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unexpected type")
00174 if (arg3 != None):
00175 if type(arg3) is str:
00176 eef = arg3
00177 else:
00178 if type(arg3) is bool:
00179 approx = arg3
00180 else:
00181 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unexpected type")
00182 r = False
00183 if type(arg1) is PoseStamped:
00184 r = self._g.set_joint_value_target_from_pose_stamped(conversions.msg_to_string(arg1), eef, approx)
00185 else:
00186 r = self._g.set_joint_value_target_from_pose(conversions.msg_to_string(arg1), eef, approx)
00187 if not r:
00188 if approx:
00189 raise MoveItCommanderException("Error setting joint target. Does your IK solver support approximate IK?")
00190 else:
00191 raise MoveItCommanderException("Error setting joint target. Is IK running?")
00193 def set_rpy_target(self, rpy, end_effector_link = ""):
00194 """ Specify a target orientation for the end-effector. Any position of the end-effector is acceptable."""
00195 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00196 if len(rpy) == 3:
00197 if not self._g.set_rpy_target(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2], end_effector_link):
00198 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set orientation target")
00199 else:
00200 raise MoveItCommanderException("Expected [roll, pitch, yaw]")
00201 else:
00202 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set the pose for")
00204 def set_orientation_target(self, q, end_effector_link = ""):
00205 """ Specify a target orientation for the end-effector. Any position of the end-effector is acceptable."""
00206 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00207 if len(q) == 4:
00208 if not self._g.set_orientation_target(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], end_effector_link):
00209 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set orientation target")
00210 else:
00211 raise MoveItCommanderException("Expected [qx, qy, qz, qw]")
00212 else:
00213 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set the pose for")
00215 def set_position_target(self, xyz, end_effector_link = ""):
00216 """ Specify a target position for the end-effector. Any orientation of the end-effector is acceptable."""
00217 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00218 if not self._g.set_position_target(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], end_effector_link):
00219 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set position target")
00220 else:
00221 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set the pose for")
00223 def set_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link = ""):
00224 """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a Pose message, a PoseStamped message or a list of 6 floats:"""
00225 """ [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
00226 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00227 ok = False
00228 if type(pose) is PoseStamped:
00229 old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
00230 self.set_pose_reference_frame(pose.header.frame_id)
00231 ok = self._g.set_pose_target(conversions.pose_to_list(pose.pose), end_effector_link)
00232 self.set_pose_reference_frame(old)
00233 elif type(pose) is Pose:
00234 ok = self._g.set_pose_target(conversions.pose_to_list(pose), end_effector_link)
00235 else:
00236 ok = self._g.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
00237 if not ok:
00238 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target pose")
00239 else:
00240 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set the pose for")
00242 def set_pose_targets(self, poses, end_effector_link = ""):
00243 """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a list of poses. Each pose can be a Pose message, a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
00244 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00245 if not self._g.set_pose_targets([conversions.pose_to_list(p) if type(p) is Pose else p for p in poses], end_effector_link):
00246 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target poses")
00247 else:
00248 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set poses for")
00250 def shift_pose_target(self, axis, value, end_effector_link = ""):
00251 """ Get the current pose of the end effector, add value to the corresponding axis (0..5: X, Y, Z, R, P, Y) and set the new pose as the pose target """
00252 if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
00253 pose = self._g.get_current_pose(end_effector_link)
00256 if axis > 2:
00257 (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(pose[3:])
00258 pose = [pose[0], pose[1], pose[2], r, p, y]
00259 if axis >= 0 and axis < 6:
00260 pose[axis] = pose[axis] + value
00261 self.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
00262 else:
00263 raise MoveItCommanderException("An axis value between 0 and 5 expected")
00264 else:
00265 raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set poses for")
00267 def clear_pose_target(self, end_effector_link):
00268 """ Clear the pose target for a particular end-effector """
00269 self._g.clear_pose_target(end_effector_link)
00271 def clear_pose_targets(self):
00272 """ Clear all known pose targets """
00273 self._g.clear_pose_targets()
00275 def set_random_target(self):
00276 """ Set a random joint configuration target """
00277 self._g.set_random_target()
00279 def set_named_target(self, name):
00280 """ Set a joint configuration by name. The name can be a name previlusy remembered with remember_joint_values() or a configuration specified in the SRDF. """
00281 if not self._g.set_named_target(name):
00282 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target %s. Is the target within bounds?" % name)
00284 def remember_joint_values(self, name, values = None):
00285 """ Record the specified joint configuration of the group under the specified name. If no values are specified, the current state of the group is recorded. """
00286 if values == None:
00287 values = self.get_current_joint_values()
00288 self._g.remember_joint_values(name, values)
00290 def get_remembered_joint_values(self):
00291 """ Get a dictionary that maps names to joint configurations for the group """
00292 return self._g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00294 def forget_joint_values(self, name):
00295 """ Forget a stored joint configuration """
00296 self._g.forget_joint_values(name)
00298 def get_goal_tolerance(self):
00299 """ Return a tuple of goal tolerances: joint, position and orientation. """
00300 return (self.get_goal_joint_tolerance(), self.get_goal_position_tolerance(), self.get_goal_orientation_tolerance())
00302 def get_goal_joint_tolerance(self):
00303 """ Get the tolerance for achieving a joint goal (distance for each joint variable) """
00304 return self._g.get_goal_joint_tolerance()
00306 def get_goal_position_tolerance(self):
00307 """ When moving to a position goal or to a pose goal, the tolerance for the goal position is specified as the radius a sphere around the target origin of the end-effector """
00308 return self._g.get_goal_position_tolerance()
00310 def get_goal_orientation_tolerance(self):
00311 """ When moving to an orientation goal or to a pose goal, the tolerance for the goal orientation is specified as the distance (roll, pitch, yaw) to the target origin of the end-effector """
00312 return self._g.get_goal_orientation_tolerance()
00314 def set_goal_tolerance(self, value):
00315 """ Set the joint, position and orientation goal tolerances simultaneously """
00316 self._g.set_goal_tolerance(value)
00318 def set_goal_joint_tolerance(self, value):
00319 """ Set the tolerance for a target joint configuration """
00320 self._g.set_goal_joint_tolerance(value)
00322 def set_goal_position_tolerance(self, value):
00323 """ Set the tolerance for a target end-effector position """
00324 self._g.set_goal_position_tolerance(value)
00326 def set_goal_orientation_tolerance(self, value):
00327 """ Set the tolerance for a target end-effector orientation """
00328 self._g.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(value)
00330 def allow_looking(self, value):
00331 """ Enable/disable looking around for motion planning """
00332 self._g.allow_looking(value)
00334 def allow_replanning(self, value):
00335 """ Enable/disable replanning """
00336 self._g.allow_replanning(value)
00338 def get_known_constraints(self):
00339 """ Get a list of names for the constraints specific for this group, as read from the warehouse """
00340 return self._g.get_known_constraints()
00342 def get_path_constraints(self):
00343 """ Get the acutal path constraints in form of a moveit_msgs.msgs.Constraints """
00344 c = Constraints()
00345 c_str = self._g.get_path_constraints()
00346 conversions.msg_from_string(c,c_str)
00347 return c
00349 def set_path_constraints(self, value):
00350 """ Specify the path constraints to be used (as read from the database) """
00351 if value == None:
00352 self.clear_path_constraints()
00353 else:
00354 if type(value) is Constraints:
00355 self._g.set_path_constraints_from_msg(conversions.msg_to_string(value))
00356 elif not self._g.set_path_constraints(value):
00357 raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set path constraints " + value)
00359 def clear_path_constraints(self):
00360 """ Specify that no path constraints are to be used during motion planning """
00361 self._g.clear_path_constraints()
00363 def set_constraints_database(self, host, port):
00364 """ Specify which database to connect to for loading possible path constraints """
00365 self._g.set_constraints_database(host, port)
00367 def set_planning_time(self, seconds):
00368 """ Specify the amount of time to be used for motion planning. """
00369 self._g.set_planning_time(seconds)
00371 def get_planning_time(self):
00372 """ Specify the amount of time to be used for motion planning. """
00373 return self._g.get_planning_time()
00375 def set_planner_id(self, planner_id):
00376 """ Specify which planner to use when motion planning """
00377 self._g.set_planner_id(planner_id)
00379 def set_workspace(self, ws):
00380 """ Set the workspace for the robot as either [], [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] or [minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ] """
00381 if len(ws) == 0:
00382 self._g.set_workspace(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
00383 else:
00384 if len(ws) == 4:
00385 self._g.set_workspace(ws[0], ws[1], 0.0, ws[2], ws[3], 0.0)
00386 else:
00387 if len(ws) == 6:
00388 self._g.set_workspace(ws[0], ws[1], ws[2], ws[3], ws[4], ws[5])
00389 else:
00390 raise MoveItCommanderException("Expected 0, 4 or 6 values in list specifying workspace")
00392 def go(self, joints = None, wait = True):
00393 """ Set the target of the group and then move the group to the specified target """
00394 if type(joints) is bool:
00395 wait = joints
00396 joints = None
00398 elif type(joints) is JointState:
00399 self.set_joint_value_target(joints)
00401 elif type(joints) is Pose:
00402 self.set_pose_target(joints)
00404 elif not joints == None:
00405 try:
00406 self.set_joint_value_target(self.get_remembered_joint_values()[joints])
00407 except:
00408 self.set_joint_value_target(joints)
00409 if wait:
00410 return self._g.move()
00411 else:
00412 return self._g.async_move()
00414 def plan(self, joints = None):
00415 """ Return a motion plan (a RobotTrajectory) to the set goal state (or specified by the joints argument) """
00416 if type(joints) is JointState:
00417 self.set_joint_value_target(joints)
00419 elif type(joints) is Pose:
00420 self.set_pose_target(joints)
00422 elif not joints == None:
00423 try:
00424 self.set_joint_value_target(self.get_remembered_joint_values()[joints])
00425 except:
00426 self.set_joint_value_target(joints)
00427 plan = RobotTrajectory()
00428 plan.deserialize(self._g.compute_plan())
00429 return plan
00431 def compute_cartesian_path(self, waypoints, eef_step, jump_threshold, avoid_collisions = True):
00432 """ Compute a sequence of waypoints that make the end-effector move in straight line segments that follow the poses specified as waypoints. Configurations are computed for every eef_step meters; The jump_threshold specifies the maximum distance in configuration space between consecutive points in the resultingpath. The return value is a tuple: a fraction of how much of the path was followed, the actual RobotTrajectory. """
00433 (ser_path, fraction) = self._g.compute_cartesian_path([conversions.pose_to_list(p) for p in waypoints], eef_step, jump_threshold, avoid_collisions)
00434 path = RobotTrajectory()
00435 path.deserialize(ser_path)
00436 return (path, fraction)
00438 def execute(self, plan_msg):
00439 """Execute a previously planned path"""
00440 return self._g.execute(conversions.msg_to_string(plan_msg))
00442 def attach_object(self, object_name, link_name = "", touch_links = []):
00443 """ Given the name of an object existing in the planning scene, attach it to a link. The link used is specified by the second argument. If left unspecified, the end-effector link is used, if one is known. If there is no end-effector link, the first link in the group is used. If no link is identified, failure is reported. True is returned if an attach request was succesfully sent to the move_group node. This does not verify that the attach request also was successfuly applied by move_group."""
00444 return self._g.attach_object(object_name, link_name, touch_links)
00446 def detach_object(self, name = ""):
00447 """ Given the name of a link, detach the object(s) from that link. If no such link exists, the name is interpreted as an object name. If there is no name specified, an attempt is made to detach all objects attached to any link in the group."""
00448 return self._g.detach_object(name)
00450 def pick(self, object_name, grasp = []):
00451 """Pick the named object. A grasp message, or a list of Grasp messages can also be specified as argument."""
00452 if type(grasp) is Grasp:
00453 return self._g.pick(object_name, conversions.msg_to_string(grasp))
00454 else:
00455 return self._g.pick(object_name, [conversions.msg_to_string(x) for x in grasp])
00457 def place(self, object_name, location=None):
00458 """Place the named object at a particular location in the environment or somewhere safe in the world if location is not provided"""
00459 result = False
00460 if location is None:
00461 result = self._g.place(object_name)
00462 elif type(location) is PoseStamped:
00463 old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
00464 self.set_pose_reference_frame(location.header.frame_id)
00465 result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.pose_to_list(location.pose))
00466 self.set_pose_reference_frame(old)
00467 elif type(location) is Pose:
00468 result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.pose_to_list(location))
00469 elif type(location) is PlaceLocation:
00470 result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.msg_to_string(location))
00471 else:
00472 raise MoveItCommanderException("Parameter location must be a Pose, PoseStamped or PlaceLocation object")
00473 return result
00475 def set_support_surface_name(self, value):
00476 """ Set the support surface name for a place operation """
00477 self._g.set_support_surface_name(value)