Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*-------------------------------------------------------
00002 |                                                       |
00003 |                  FEUISimpleHexTable.cpp               |
00004 |                                                       |
00005 ---------------------------------------------------------
00007 Copyright  2007         FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH, All Rights Reserved.
00008                                                 Lange Strasse 4
00009                                                 D-35781 Weilburg
00010                                                 Federal Republic of Germany
00011                                                 phone    : +49 6471 31090
00012                                                 fax      : +49 6471 310999
00013                                                 e-mail   : info@feig.de
00014                                                 Internet : http://www.feig.de
00016 Author                  :       Benjamin Stadin
00017 Begin                   :       11.12.2006
00019 Version                 :       01.00.00 / 04.01.2007 / Benjamin Stadin
00021 Operation Systems       :       Linux
00023 Known limitations: updateAscii() changes the data section for '.' from non-printable data entries to
00024 ascii '.' data when block is changed by user.
00026 */
00028 #include <qheaderview.h>
00029 #include <qtextcursor.h>
00030 #include "FEUISimpleHexTable.h"
00031 #include <QMessageBox>
00033 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 // Name: FEHexItemEditor::FEHexItemEditor((QWidget *parent)
00035 // Desc: constructor for the editor items within the table
00036 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 FEHexItemEditor::FEHexItemEditor(QWidget *parent)
00038         : QTextEdit(parent), m_bOnlyHex(false), rowIndex(0) {}
00040 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00041 // Name: FEHexItemEditor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) 
00042 // Desc: handles key events in hex editor
00043 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00044 void FEHexItemEditor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) 
00045 {
00046         QString s = toPlainText();
00047         QTextCursor cursor = textCursor();
00049         event->accept();
00051         // hex data field
00052         if (m_bOnlyHex && isHex(event->key()) && cursor.position() < s.length())
00053         {
00054                 if (s[cursor.position()] == ' ')
00055                         cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right);
00056                 setTextCursor(cursor);
00057                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00058         }
00059         // ascii field
00060         else if (!m_bOnlyHex && cursor.position() < s.length() && !event->modifiers() 
00061                         && event->key() < 256 && isprint(event->key()))
00062         {
00063                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00064         }
00065         else
00066         {
00067                 if (!event->modifiers())
00068                 {
00069                         switch(event->key()) 
00070                         {
00071                         case Qt::Key_Home:
00072                                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00073                                 break;
00074                         case Qt::Key_End:
00075                                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00076                                 break;
00077                         case Qt::Key_Right:
00078                                 if (!m_bOnlyHex && s[cursor.position()+1] == ' ')
00079                                         cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right);
00080                                 setTextCursor(cursor);
00081                                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00082                                 break;
00083                         case Qt::Key_Left:
00084                                 if (!m_bOnlyHex && s[cursor.position()-1] == ' ')
00085                                         cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left);
00086                                 setTextCursor(cursor);
00087                                 QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
00088                                 break;
00089                         }
00090                 }
00091         }
00092 }
00094 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00095 // Name: FEHexItemEditor::setAllowOnlyHexKeys(bool onlyHex)
00096 // Desc: tell the edit item if it should only print hex characters (0..9, a..f)
00097 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00098 void FEHexItemEditor::setAllowOnlyHexKeys(bool onlyHex)
00099 {
00100         m_bOnlyHex = onlyHex;
00101 }
00103 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00104 // Name: FEHexItemEditor::isHex(int cSign)
00105 // Desc: checks if a key is a printable hex character (0..9, a..f)
00106 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00107 bool FEHexItemEditor::isHex(int cSign)
00108 {
00109     if ((cSign > 47) && (cSign < 58))
00110         return true;
00111     if ((cSign > 64) && (cSign < 71))
00112         return true;
00113     if ((cSign > 96) && (cSign < 104))
00114         return true;
00116     return false;
00117 }
00119 // we don't want't text to be inserted / deleted via drag 'n drop or text selection
00120 void FEHexItemEditor::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
00121 {
00122         e->accept();
00123 }
00125 void FEHexItemEditor::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
00126 {
00127         e->accept();
00128 }
00130 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00131 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate(QObject *parent)
00132 // Desc: constructor. The delegater handles the FEHexItemEditors of the
00133 //       currently visible table items
00134 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00135 FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate(QObject *parent)
00136     : QItemDelegate(parent), isResolving(false) {}
00138 QWidget *FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem&,
00139     const QModelIndex &index) const
00140 {
00141         FEHexItemEditor *editor = new FEHexItemEditor(parent);
00143         editor->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
00144         editor->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
00145         if(index.column() == 1) // hex
00146         {
00147                 editor->setReadOnly(false);
00148                 editor->setOverwriteMode(true);
00149                 editor->setAllowOnlyHexKeys(true);
00150         }
00151         else if (index.column() == 2) // ascii
00152         {
00153                 editor->setReadOnly(false);
00154                 editor->setOverwriteMode(true);
00155                 editor->setAllowOnlyHexKeys(false);
00156         }
00157         else
00158         {
00159                 editor->setReadOnly(true);      
00160         }
00162         return editor;
00163 }
00165 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00166 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const
00167 // Desc: sets the data (which is stored in the delegator) to the edited table item
00168 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00169 void FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const
00170 {
00171     FEHexItemEditor *edit = qobject_cast<FEHexItemEditor *>(editor);
00172     if (edit) 
00173     {
00174         edit->setHtml(index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toString());
00175     }
00176 }
00178 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00179 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::setModelData(...)
00180 // Desc: stores data of a table item to the internal storage of the delegator
00181 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00182 void FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
00183     const QModelIndex &index) const
00184 {
00185     FEHexItemEditor *edit = qobject_cast<FEHexItemEditor *>(editor);
00186     if (edit) 
00187     {
00188         // string contains ie "<font color = \"red\">foo..</font>
00189         model->setData(index, edit->toHtml());
00190     }
00191 }
00193 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00194 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::FEUISimpleHexTableItem()
00195 // Desc: constructor
00196 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00197 FEUISimpleHexTableItem::FEUISimpleHexTableItem()
00198     : QTableWidgetItem(), m_bSecurityArea(false), isResolving(false) {}
00200 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00201 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::FEUISimpleHexTableItem()
00202 // Desc: overloaded constructor, sets initial text to the item
00203 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00204 FEUISimpleHexTableItem::FEUISimpleHexTableItem(const QString &text)
00205     : QTableWidgetItem(text), m_bSecurityArea(false), isResolving(false) {}
00207 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00208 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::clone()
00209 // Desc: creates a new item and copies it's content
00210 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00211 QTableWidgetItem *FEUISimpleHexTableItem::clone() const
00212 {
00213     FEUISimpleHexTableItem *item = new FEUISimpleHexTableItem();
00214     *item = *this;
00215     return item;
00216 }
00218 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00219 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::display()
00220 // Desc: returns the text of a table item
00221 // NOTE: table items that are not currently edited are normal QTableWidgetItems. 
00222 //       QTableWidgetItems are *simply text* items. 
00223 //       When an item is edited an FEHexItemEditor, which is a html capapble editor,
00224 //       is created and the item role is EditRole. 
00225 //       ==> So internally html text is stored, 
00226 //       but only plain text is displayed in normal view mode. That's why the conversion is done here
00227 //       to show normal ascii text instead of html source code
00228 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00229 QVariant FEUISimpleHexTableItem::display() const
00230 {
00231         QTextDocument textDoc;
00232         QString modelText;
00234         modelText = hexString();
00235         textDoc.setHtml(modelText);
00236         return textDoc.toPlainText();
00237 }
00239 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00240 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::role(int role)
00241 // Desc: returns data for either the normal table item text (in view mode), or
00242 //       html data for the edit item in edit mode.
00243 //       In view mode the text color is also set, in edit mode the html data is used
00244 //       for text the color
00245 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246 QVariant FEUISimpleHexTableItem::data(int role) const
00247 {
00248     // normal hext data
00249     if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
00250         return display();
00252     // hex data of security region
00253     //if (role == Qt::EditRole)
00254     if (role == Qt::TextColorRole) 
00255     {
00256         if (m_bSecurityArea)
00257                 return qVariantFromValue(QColor(Qt::red));
00258     }
00260     if (role == Qt::EditRole)
00261     {
00262         return hexString();
00263     }
00265     return QTableWidgetItem::data(role);
00266 }
00268 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00269 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::setData(int role, const QVariant &value)
00270 // Desc: creates a new item and copies it's content
00271 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00272 void FEUISimpleHexTableItem::setData(int role, const QVariant &value)
00273 {
00274     QTableWidgetItem::setData(role, value);
00275     if (tableWidget())
00276         tableWidget()->viewport()->update();
00277 }
00279 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00280 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTableItem::setSecurityArea(bool isSecure)
00281 // Desc: if set to true the color of the block will be red
00282 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00283 void FEUISimpleHexTableItem::setSecurityArea(bool isSecure)
00284 {
00285         m_bSecurityArea = isSecure;
00286 }
00288 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00289 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::hexToChar(char *str)
00290 // Desc: returns an ascii char for two hex chars (0..9, a..f)
00291 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00292 char FEUISimpleHexTable::hexToChar(char *str)
00293 {
00294         int iValue      = 0;
00296         str[0] = (unsigned char) toupper((int) str[0]);
00297         str[1] = (unsigned char) toupper((int) str[1]);
00299         if ((str[0] >= '0') && (str[0] <= '9')) { iValue  = (str[0] - 48) << 4; }
00300         if ((str[0] >= 'A') && (str[0] <= 'F')) { iValue  = (str[0] - 55) << 4; }
00301         if ((str[1] >= '0') && (str[1] <= '9')) { iValue += (str[1] - 48);      }
00302         if ((str[1] >= 'A') && (str[1] <= 'F')) { iValue += (str[1] - 55);      }
00304         if (isprint(char(iValue)))
00305                 return char(iValue);
00306         else
00307                 return '.';
00308 }
00310 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00311 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::updateAscii(QTableWidgetItem* item)
00312 // Desc: updates the ascii text if the hex text has changed and vice versa
00313 // NOTE: Known limitation is that non-printable chars (which are displayed as dots '.') 
00314 //       are interpreted as printable characters
00315 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00316 void FEUISimpleHexTable::updateAscii(QTableWidgetItem* item)
00317 {
00318         QTableWidgetItem *editor = NULL;
00319          if (item && item == currentItem()) 
00320          {
00321                 if (column(item) == 1)
00322                 {
00323                         editor = (QTableWidgetItem*)this->item(row(item),2);
00324                         if (editor != NULL)
00325                         {
00326                                 QString str = "";
00327                                 char* s = qstrdup(item->text().toLatin1());
00328                                 char outStr[64] = {0};
00329                                 removeBlanks(outStr, s, strlen(s));
00330                                 for (int i=0; i<strlen(outStr); i+=2)
00331                                 {
00332                                         str += hexToChar((char*)outStr+i);
00333                                 }
00334                                 editor->setText(str);
00335                                 delete s;
00336                         }
00337                 }
00338                 if (column(item) == 2)
00339                 {
00340                         editor = (QTableWidgetItem*)this->item(row(item),1);
00341                         if (editor != NULL)
00342                         {
00343                                 char* s = qstrdup(item->text().toLatin1());
00344                                 char str[64] = {0};
00345                                 char* outIter = str;
00346                                 for (int i=0; i<strlen(s); i++) //?
00347                                 {
00348                                         char sHex[3] = {0};
00349                                         charToHex(s[i], sHex);
00350                                         *(outIter++) = sHex[0];
00351                                         *(outIter++) = sHex[1];
00352                                 }
00353                                 char outStr[128] = {0};
00354                                 addSpaces(outStr, str, strlen(str));
00355                                 editor->setText(outStr);
00356                                 delete s;
00357                         }
00358                 }
00359         }
00360 }
00362 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00363 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::charToHex(char a, char *str)
00364 // Desc: converts an ascii character to two printable hex characters
00365 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00366 void FEUISimpleHexTable::charToHex(char a, char *str)   
00367 {
00368         const char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
00369                               '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
00371         sprintf(str, "%c%c",hex[((unsigned) a/16) & 0x0F], hex[(unsigned) a & 0x0F]);
00373         str[2] = 0;
00374 }
00376 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00377 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::addSpaces(char* dest, char* src, int srcLen)
00378 // Desc: adds spaces to the hex string, so that the string is splited at every second hex char
00379 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00380 void FEUISimpleHexTable::addSpaces(char* dest, char* src, int srcLen)
00381 {
00382         // adds spaces to the hex string
00383         char* destIter;
00385         destIter = dest;
00386         for (int iCnt=0; iCnt < srcLen; iCnt++)
00387         {
00388                 *(destIter++) = src[iCnt];
00389                 if ((iCnt+1) % 2 == 0 && iCnt < srcLen -2) // don't blank firs/last
00390                         *(destIter++) = ' '; 
00391         }
00392 }
00394 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00395 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::removeBlanks(char* dest, char* src, int srcLen)
00396 // Desc: removes blanks in from hex string
00397 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00398 void FEUISimpleHexTable::removeBlanks(char* dest, char* src, int srcLen)
00399 {
00400         // removes spaces to the hex string
00401         char* destIter;
00402         destIter = dest;
00403         for (int iCnt=0; iCnt < srcLen; iCnt++)
00404         {
00405                 if (src[iCnt] != ' ')
00406                         *(destIter++) = src[iCnt];
00407         }
00408 }
00410 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00411 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::initTable(int size, int blockSize)
00412 // Desc: initializes the table for a given size and block length and fills it with 0
00413 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00414 void FEUISimpleHexTable::initTable(int size, int blockSize)
00415 {
00416         clearContents();
00417         m_iBlockSize = blockSize;
00418         setRowCount(size);
00419         unsigned char ucHex[blockSize];
00420         memset(ucHex, 0, blockSize);
00421         for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
00422                 edit(i, ucHex, false);
00424 }
00426 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00427 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::convUcharToAscii(char* dest, unsigned char* src, int srcLen)
00428 // Desc: converts an uchar array to an array of printable chars
00429 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00430 void FEUISimpleHexTable::convUcharToAscii(char* dest, unsigned char* src, int srcLen)
00431 {
00432         for (int i=0; i<srcLen; i++)
00433         {
00434                 if (isprint(src[i]))
00435                         dest[i] = src[i];
00436                 else
00437                         dest[i] = '.';
00438         }
00439 }
00441 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00442 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::edit(int record, unsigned char* data, bool securityArea)
00443 // Desc: edit a data block. If securityArea is set to true the block is red coloured
00444 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00445 int FEUISimpleHexTable::edit(int record, unsigned char* data, bool securityArea)
00446 {
00447         FEUISimpleHexTableItem* hexItem ;
00448         FEUISimpleHexTableItem* dbItem;
00449         FEUISimpleHexTableItem* asciiItem;
00451         if (record >= rowCount())
00452                 return -1;
00454         //              db number field
00455         char sDbn[8] = {0};
00456         sprintf(sDbn, "%d", record);
00457         dbItem = (FEUISimpleHexTableItem*)item(record, 0);
00458         if (!dbItem)
00459                 dbItem = new FEUISimpleHexTableItem(sDbn);
00460         else
00461         {       
00462                 dbItem->setText(sDbn);
00463         }
00464         dbItem->setFont(font());
00465         setItem(record, 0, dbItem);
00467         //              hex data field
00468         // convert to char
00469         int iHexLen = 2 * m_iBlockSize + 2;
00470         char sHexData[iHexLen];
00471         memset(sHexData, 0, iHexLen);
00472         FEDM_ConvHexUCharToHexChar(data, m_iBlockSize, sHexData, iHexLen);
00473         // create array large enough for text with spaces
00474         int iDataLen = 2 * m_iBlockSize + m_iBlockSize / 2 + 2; // 2 because block size may not be even
00475         char sData[iDataLen];
00476         memset(sData, 0, iDataLen);
00477         // add spaces
00478         addSpaces(sData, sHexData, iDataLen);
00479         // set text for the hex data column
00480         hexItem = (FEUISimpleHexTableItem*)item(record, 1);
00481         if (!hexItem)
00482         {
00483                 hexItem = new FEUISimpleHexTableItem();
00484                 setItem(record, 1, hexItem);
00485         }
00486         hexItem->setSecurityArea(securityArea);
00487         hexItem->setFont(font());
00488         // red coloured 
00489         QString text;
00490         if (securityArea)
00491         {
00492                 text = "<font color=\"red\">";
00493                 text += sData;
00494                 text += "</font>";
00495         }
00496         else
00497                 text = sData;
00498         hexItem->setText(text);
00500         //              ASCII field
00501         int iAsciiLen = m_iBlockSize + 1;
00502         char sAscii[iAsciiLen];
00503         memset(sAscii, 0, iAsciiLen);
00504         convUcharToAscii(sAscii, data, m_iBlockSize);
00505         asciiItem = (FEUISimpleHexTableItem*)item(record, 2);
00506         if (!asciiItem)
00507                 asciiItem = new FEUISimpleHexTableItem(sAscii);
00508         else
00509                 asciiItem->setText(sAscii);
00510         asciiItem->setFont(font());
00511         setItem(record, 2, asciiItem);
00513         return 0;       
00514 }
00516 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00517 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::FEUISimpleHexTable(QWidget *parent)
00518 // Desc: constructor
00519 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00520 FEUISimpleHexTable::FEUISimpleHexTable(QWidget *parent)
00521     : QTableWidget(parent)
00522 {       
00523         m_iBlockSize = 0;
00525         //table = new QTableWidget(0, 3, this );
00526         QFont fnt;
00527         fnt.setFixedPitch(true);
00528         fnt.setStyleHint(QFont::System);
00529         // fixed width font
00530         fnt.setFamily("Misc Fixed");
00531         setFont(fnt);
00533         this->insertColumn(0);
00534         this->insertColumn(1);
00535         this->insertColumn(2);
00537         QTableWidgetItem* dbItem = new QTableWidgetItem("DB");
00538         setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, dbItem);
00539         QTableWidgetItem* hexItem = new QTableWidgetItem("HEX DATA");
00540         setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, hexItem);
00541         QTableWidgetItem* asciiItem = new QTableWidgetItem("ASCII");
00542         setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, asciiItem);
00543         setItemPrototype(item(0, 1));
00544         setItemDelegate(new FEUISimpleHexTableDelegate());
00545         #if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
00546         new FEUISimpleHexTableAdaptor(this);
00547         #endif
00548         // hide the column index on the left
00549         QHeaderView *h = verticalHeader();
00550         h->hide();
00551         // stretch the horizontal index header to fill the complete widget
00552         h = horizontalHeader();
00553         h->stretchLastSection();
00554         createActions();
00555         setupContextMenu();
00557         connect(this, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)),
00558         this, SLOT(updateAscii(QTableWidgetItem*)));
00560 }
00562 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00563 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::~FEUISimpleHexTable(QWidget *parent)
00564 // Desc: destructor
00565 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00566 FEUISimpleHexTable::~FEUISimpleHexTable()
00567 {
00568 //
00569 }
00571 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00572 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::getHexString(char* str, int row)
00573 // Desc: get a hex string representation of a given table row (hex data block)
00574 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00575 void FEUISimpleHexTable::getHexString(char* str, int row)
00576 {
00577         QTableWidgetItem *editor;
00578         QString hexStr = "";
00580         editor = item(row, 1);
00581         if (editor != NULL)
00582         {
00583                 hexStr += editor->text();
00584         }
00585         char* s = qstrdup(hexStr.toLatin1());
00586         removeBlanks(str, s, strlen(s));
00587         delete s;
00588 }
00590 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00591 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::createActions()
00592 // Desc: creates actions for the hex table ui
00593 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00594 void FEUISimpleHexTable::createActions()
00595 {
00596     clearAction = new QAction(tr("Clear"), this);
00597     clearAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete);
00598     connect(clearAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clear()));
00599 }
00601 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00602 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::clear()
00603 // Desc: clears the table
00604 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00605 void FEUISimpleHexTable::clear()
00606 {
00607         clearContents();
00608         setRowCount(0);
00609 }
00611 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00612 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::setupContextMenu()
00613 // Desc: sets the contex menu for the table (right mouse click)
00614 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00615 void FEUISimpleHexTable::setupContextMenu()
00616 {
00617     addAction(clearAction);
00618     setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
00619 }
00621 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00622 // Name: FEUISimpleHexTable::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
00623 // Desc: triggered when the window is resized
00624 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00625 void FEUISimpleHexTable::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
00626 {
00627         /*event->accept();
00629         resize(event->size());*/
00630         int blockSize;
00631         blockSize = m_iBlockSize > 0 ? m_iBlockSize : 12;
00632         QHeaderView *h = horizontalHeader();
00633         h->stretchLastSection();
00634         h->resizeSection(0, 40); 
00635         //h->resizeSection(1, blockSize * 22); 
00636         h->resizeSection(1, 188); 
00637         //h->resizeSection(2, blockSize * 8); 
00638         h->resizeSection(2, 110); 
00639 }

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Mon Sep 14 2015 03:05:30