Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00003 from hrpsys_ros_bridge.msg import MotorStates
00004 from jsk_rviz_plugins.msg import OverlayText
00005 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
00007 from std_msgs.msg import Float32
00008 import rospy
00009 from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF
00012 g_publishers = []
00013 g_effort_publishers = {}
00014 g_text_publisher = None
00015 safe_color = (52, 152, 219)
00016 warning_color = (230, 126, 34)
00017 fatal_color = (231, 76, 60)
00018 def allocatePublishers(num):
00019 global g_publishers
00020 if num > len(g_publishers):
00021 for i in range(len(g_publishers), num):
00022 pub = rospy.Publisher('temperature_%02d' % (i), Float32)
00023 g_publishers.append(pub)
00024 def allocateEffortPublishers(names):
00025 global g_effort_publishers
00026 for name in names:
00027 if not g_effort_publishers.has_key(name):
00028 g_effort_publishers[name] = rospy.Publisher('effort_%s' % (name), Float32)
00030 def motorStatesCallback(msg):
00031 global g_publishers, g_text_publisher
00033 values = msg.temperature
00034 names = msg.name
00035 allocatePublishers(len(values))
00036 max_temparature = 0
00037 max_temparature_name = ""
00038 for name, val, pub in zip(names, values, g_publishers):
00039 pub.publish(Float32(val))
00040 if max_temparature < val:
00041 max_temparature = val
00042 max_temparature_name = name
00043 if max_temparature:
00044 if max_temparature > 70:
00045 color = fatal_color
00046 elif max_temparature > 50:
00047 color = warning_color
00048 else:
00049 color = safe_color
00050 text = OverlayText()
00051 text.fg_color.r = color[0] / 255.0
00052 text.fg_color.g = color[1] / 255.0
00053 text.fg_color.b = color[2] / 255.0
00054 text.fg_color.a = 1.0
00055 text.bg_color.a = 0.0
00056 text.text = "%dC -- (%s)" % (int(max_temparature), max_temparature_name)
00057 g_text_publisher.publish(text)
00059 def jointStatesCallback(msg):
00060 global g_effort_publishers, robot_model
00061 values = msg.effort
00062 names = msg.name
00063 allocateEffortPublishers(names)
00064 for val, name in zip(values, names):
00066 candidate_joints = [j for j in robot_model.joints if j.name == name]
00067 if candidate_joints:
00068 limit = candidate_joints[0].limit.effort
00069 if limit == 0:
00070 rospy.logwarn("%s effort limit is 0" % (name))
00071 else:
00072 g_effort_publishers[name].publish(Float32(abs(val/limit)))
00074 if __name__ == "__main__":
00075 rospy.init_node("motor_state_temperature_decomposer")
00076 robot_model = URDF.from_xml_string(rospy.get_param("/robot_description"))
00077 g_text_publisher = rospy.Publisher("max_temparature_text", OverlayText)
00078 s = rospy.Subscriber("/motor_states", MotorStates, motorStatesCallback)
00079 s_joint_states = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, jointStatesCallback)
00081 rospy.spin()