Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00004 PKG = 'hironx_ros_bridge'
00005 # rosbuild needs load_manifest
00006 try:
00007     import roslib
00008     import hironx_ros_bridge
00009 except:
00010     import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
00011     import hironx_ros_bridge
00013 from hironx_ros_bridge import hironx_client as hironx
00014 from hrpsys import rtm
00015 from hrpsys.hrpsys_config import euler_from_matrix
00017 import numpy
00018 import unittest
00019 import time
00020 import tempfile
00022 import random
00023 import numpy as np
00025 from rtm import connectPorts, disconnectPorts
00027 class TestHiroIK(unittest.TestCase):
00029     @classmethod
00030     def setUpClass(self):
00031         #modelfile = rospy.get_param("hironx/collada_model_filepath")
00032         #rtm.nshost = 'hiro014'
00033         #robotname = "RobotHardware0"
00035         self.robot = hironx.HIRONX()
00036         #self.robot.init(robotname=robotname, url=modelfile)
00037         self.robot.init()
00039     def angle_vector_generator(self):
00040         for i0 in range(-80,80,80):
00041             for i1 in range(-130,50,90):
00042                 for i2 in range(-150,10,80):
00043                     for i3 in range(-160,100,130):
00044                         for i4 in range(-80,80,80):
00045                             for i5 in range(-160,160,160):
00046                                 yield [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5]
00048 # 3/9/2014 Isaac comments out the entire test_ik_joint_angle that can cause left arm to hit its shoulder.
00049 #    def test_ik_joint_angle(self):
00050 #        lav = self.angle_vector_generator().next()
00051 #        for av in self.angle_vector_generator():
00052 #            print "av", av
00053 #            self.robot.setJointAnglesOfGroup("LARM", av, 2)
00054 #            self.robot.waitInterpolationOfGroup("LARM")
00055 #            pos1 = self.robot.getReferencePosition("LARM_JOINT5")
00056 #            rpy1 = self.robot.getReferenceRPY("LARM_JOINT5")
00057 #            if numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(lav) - numpy.array(av)) > 10:
00058 #                lav = av
00059 #            self.robot.setJointAnglesOfGroup("LARM", lav, 2)
00060 #            self.robot.waitInterpolationOfGroup("LARM")
00061 #            self.assertTrue(self.robot.setTargetPose("LARM", pos1, rpy1, 5))
00062 #            self.robot.waitInterpolationOfGroup("LARM")
00063 #            pos2 = self.robot.getReferencePosition("LARM_JOINT5")
00064 #            rpy2 = self.robot.getReferenceRPY("LARM_JOINT5")
00065 #            print "pos", pos1, pos2, numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(pos1)-numpy.array(pos2))
00066 #            print "rpy", rpy1, rpy2, numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(rpy1)-numpy.array(rpy2))
00067 #            self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(pos1)-numpy.array(pos2))<1.0e-4) # 0.1 mm
00068 #            self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(rpy1)-numpy.array(rpy2))<1.0e-3) # 0.001 rad = 0.057296 deg
00069 #            lav = av
00071     def target_point_generator(self,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,step):
00072         for x in range(xmin,xmax,step):
00073             for y in range(ymin,ymax,step):
00074                 for z in range (zmin,zmax,step):
00075                     yield [x/1000.0, y/1000.0, z/1000.0]
00077     def test_ik_left(self):
00078         self.pos_ik_test("LARM", 220,400, -5,320, 5,300, 100) # zmax=390
00080     def test_ik_right(self):
00081         self.pos_ik_test("RARM", 220,400, -320,5,  5,300, 100) # zmax=390
00083     def pos_ik_test(self, arm, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,step):
00084         arm_target = arm+"_JOINT5"
00085         rot1 = [[0,0,-1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]]
00086         for pos1 in self.target_point_generator(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,step):
00087             self.robot.goInitial(tm=2)
00088             print self.robot.getReferenceRPY(arm_target)
00089             self.assertTrue(self.robot.setTargetPose(arm, pos1, euler_from_matrix(rot1), 1))
00090             self.robot.waitInterpolationOfGroup(arm)
00091             pos2 = self.robot.getReferencePosition(arm_target)
00092             rot2 = self.robot.getReferenceRotation(arm_target)
00093             print "pos", pos1, pos2, numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(pos1)-numpy.array(pos2))
00094             print "rpy", rot1, rot2, numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(rot1)-numpy.array(rot2))
00095             self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(pos1)-numpy.array(pos2))<1.0e-4) # 0.1 mm
00096             self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(rot1)-numpy.array(rot2))<1.0e-3) # 0.001 rad = 0.057296 deg
00098     def test_set_target_pose(self):
00099         self.robot.setJointAnglesOfGroup("TORSO",[45],3)
00100         self.robot.waitInterpolationOfGroup("TORSO")
00101         ret = self.robot.setTargetPose("larm", [0.3255627368715471, 0.1823638733778268, 0.07462449717662004+0.2], [-3.0732189053889805, -1.5690225912054285, 3.0730289207320203], 5, "CHEST_JOINT0")
00102         self.assertTrue(ret)
00104     def test_set_target_pose_relative_319(self): # https://github.com/start-jsk/rtmros_hironx/issues/319
00105         self.robot.goInitial(tm=3)
00106         ret = self.robot.setTargetPoseRelative('larm', 'LARM_JOINT5', dz=0.01, tm=0.5)
00107         self.assertTrue(ret)
00108         ret = self.robot.setTargetPoseRelative('larm', 'LARM_JOINT5', dz=0, tm=0.5)
00109         self.assertTrue(ret)
00111 # for debug
00112 # $ python -m unittest test_hironx_ik.TestHiroIK.test_set_target_pose
00113 #
00114 if __name__ == '__main__':
00115     import rostest
00116     rostest.rosrun(PKG, 'test_hronx_ik', TestHiroIK) 

Author(s): Kei Okada
autogenerated on Sun Sep 13 2015 23:21:39