IniFile Member List
This is the complete list of members for IniFile, including all inherited members.
fIniFile [private]
FindKey(const char *skey, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile [private]
FindNextLine(std::vector< char > &NewLine, int &CharInd)IniFile [private]
FindNextSection(std::string *pSect, std::string prevSect, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
FindSection(const char *sect, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile [private]
GetKey(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, std::string *pStrToRead, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKey(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKey(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKey(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyBool(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyDouble(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyDouble(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, double dDefault, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyInt(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyLong(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, long *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyString(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, std::string *pStrToRead, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
GetKeyValue(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, char *pBuf, int lenBuf, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile [private]
IniFile(std::string fileName)IniFile
m_bFileOKIniFile [private]
m_CurCharIndIniFile [private]
m_CurLineIniFile [private]
m_fileNameIniFile [private]
m_strIniFileUsedByIniFile [private]
m_vectorSizeIniFile [private]
ReadLineUntil(FILE *pFile, const char EndChar, std::string &ReadIntoStr)IniFile [private]
SetFileName(std::string fileName, std::string strIniFileUsedBy="", bool bCreate=false)IniFile
SkipLineUntil(FILE *pFile, const char EndChar)IniFile [private]
WriteKeyBool(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool bValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
WriteKeyDouble(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double dValue, int StringLen=12, int decimals=5, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
WriteKeyInt(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int nValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
WriteKeyString(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, const std::string *pStrToWrite, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile
WriteKeyValue(const char *pSect, const char *pKey, const char *pBuf, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)IniFile [private]

Author(s): Christian Connette
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:45:31