Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************
00002  *
00003  * Copyright (c) 2012
00004  *
00005  * Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering  
00006  * and Automation (IPA)
00007  *
00008  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00009  *
00010  * Project name: care-o-bot
00011  * ROS stack name: cob_navigation
00012  * ROS package name: cob_collision_velocity_filter
00013  *                                                      
00014  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00015  *              
00016  * Author: Matthias Gruhler,
00017  *
00018  * Date of creation: February 2012
00019  *
00020  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00021  *
00022  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00023  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00024  *
00025  *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00026  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00027  *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00028  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00029  *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00030  *   * Neither the name of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing 
00031  *       Engineering and Automation (IPA) nor the names of its
00032  *       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
00033  *       this software without specific prior written permission.
00034  *
00035  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00036  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL as 
00037  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
00038  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
00039  * 
00040  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00041  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00043  * GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL for more details.
00044  * 
00045  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
00046  * License LGPL along with this program. 
00047  * If not, see <>.
00048  *
00049  ****************************************************************/
00050 #include <cob_collision_velocity_filter.h>
00052 #include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
00054 // Constructor
00055 CollisionVelocityFilter::CollisionVelocityFilter()
00056 {
00057   // create node handle
00058   nh_ = ros::NodeHandle("~");
00062   // node handle to get footprint from parameter server
00063   std::string costmap_parameter_source;
00064   if(!nh_.hasParam("costmap_parameter_source")) ROS_WARN("Checking default source [/local_costmap_node/costmap] for costmap parameters");
00065   nh_.param("costmap_parameter_source",costmap_parameter_source, std::string("/local_costmap_node/costmap"));
00067   ros::NodeHandle local_costmap_nh_(costmap_parameter_source);  
00069   // implementation of topics to publish (command for base and list of relevant obstacles)
00070   topic_pub_command_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("command", 1);
00071   topic_pub_relevant_obstacles_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("relevant_obstacles", 1);
00073   // subscribe to twist-movement of teleop 
00074   joystick_velocity_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Twist>("teleop_twist", 1, boost::bind(&CollisionVelocityFilter::joystickVelocityCB, this, _1));
00075   // subscribe to the costmap to receive inflated cells
00076   obstacles_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::GridCells>("obstacles", 1, boost::bind(&CollisionVelocityFilter::obstaclesCB, this, _1));
00078   // create service client
00079   srv_client_get_footprint_ = nh_.serviceClient<cob_footprint_observer::GetFootprint>("/get_footprint");
00081   // create Timer and call getFootprint Service periodically
00082   double footprint_update_frequency;
00083   if(!nh_.hasParam("footprint_update_frequency")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for footprint_update_frequency [1.0 Hz].");
00084   nh_.param("footprint_update_frequency",footprint_update_frequency,1.0);
00085   get_footprint_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(1/footprint_update_frequency), boost::bind(&CollisionVelocityFilter::getFootprintServiceCB, this, _1));
00087   // read parameters from parameter server
00088   // parameters from costmap
00089   if(!local_costmap_nh_.hasParam(costmap_parameter_source+"/global_frame")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for global_frame [/base_link]");
00090   local_costmap_nh_.param(costmap_parameter_source+"/global_frame", global_frame_, std::string("/base_link"));
00092   if(!local_costmap_nh_.hasParam(costmap_parameter_source+"/robot_base_frame")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for robot_frame [/base_link]");
00093   local_costmap_nh_.param(costmap_parameter_source+"/robot_base_frame", robot_frame_, std::string("/base_link"));
00095   if(!nh_.hasParam("influence_radius")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for influence_radius [1.5 m]");
00096   nh_.param("influence_radius", influence_radius_, 1.5);
00097   closest_obstacle_dist_ = influence_radius_;
00098   closest_obstacle_angle_ = 0.0;
00100   // parameters for obstacle avoidence and velocity adjustment
00101   if(!nh_.hasParam("stop_threshold")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for stop_threshold [0.1 m]");
00102   nh_.param("stop_threshold", stop_threshold_, 0.10);
00104   if(!nh_.hasParam("obstacle_damping_dist")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for obstacle_damping_dist [5.0 m]");
00105   nh_.param("obstacle_damping_dist", obstacle_damping_dist_, 5.0);
00106   if(obstacle_damping_dist_ <= stop_threshold_) {
00107     obstacle_damping_dist_ = stop_threshold_ + 0.01; // set to stop_threshold_+0.01 to avoid divide by zero error
00108     ROS_WARN("obstacle_damping_dist <= stop_threshold -> robot will stop without decceleration!");
00109   }
00111   if(!nh_.hasParam("use_circumscribed_threshold")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for use_circumscribed_threshold_ [0.2 rad/s]");
00112   nh_.param("use_circumscribed_threshold", use_circumscribed_threshold_, 0.20);
00114   if(!nh_.hasParam("pot_ctrl_vmax")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for pot_ctrl_vmax [0.6]");
00115   nh_.param("pot_ctrl_vmax", v_max_, 0.6);
00117   if(!nh_.hasParam("pot_ctrl_vtheta_max")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for pot_ctrl_vtheta_max [0.8]");
00118   nh_.param("pot_ctrl_vtheta_max", vtheta_max_, 0.8);
00120   if(!nh_.hasParam("pot_ctrl_kv")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for pot_ctrl_kv [1.0]");
00121   nh_.param("pot_ctrl_kv", kv_, 1.0);
00123   if(!nh_.hasParam("pot_ctrl_kp")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for pot_ctrl_kp [2.0]");
00124   nh_.param("pot_ctrl_kp", kp_, 2.0);
00126   if(!nh_.hasParam("pot_ctrl_virt_mass")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for pot_ctrl_virt_mass [0.8]");
00127   nh_.param("pot_ctrl_virt_mass", virt_mass_, 0.8);
00129   //load the robot footprint from the parameter server if its available in the local costmap namespace
00130   robot_footprint_ = loadRobotFootprint(local_costmap_nh_);
00131   if(robot_footprint_.size() > 4) 
00132     ROS_WARN("You have set more than 4 points as robot_footprint, cob_collision_velocity_filter can deal only with rectangular footprints so far!");
00134   // try to geht the max_acceleration values from the parameter server
00135   if(!nh_.hasParam("max_acceleration")) ROS_WARN("Used default parameter for max_acceleration [0.5, 0.5, 0.7]");
00136   XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue max_acc;
00137   if(nh_.getParam("max_acceleration", max_acc)) {
00138     ROS_ASSERT(max_acc.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00139     ax_max_ = (double)max_acc[0];
00140     ay_max_ = (double)max_acc[1];
00141     atheta_max_ = (double)max_acc[2];
00142   } else {
00143     ax_max_ = 0.5;
00144     ay_max_ = 0.5;
00145     atheta_max_ = 0.7;
00146   }
00148   last_time_ = ros::Time::now().toSec();
00149   vx_last_ = 0.0;
00150   vy_last_ = 0.0;
00151   vtheta_last_ = 0.0;
00153   // dynamic reconfigure
00154   dynCB_ = boost::bind(&CollisionVelocityFilter::dynamicReconfigureCB, this, _1, _2);
00155   dyn_server_.setCallback(dynCB_);
00156 }
00158 // Destructor
00159 CollisionVelocityFilter::~CollisionVelocityFilter(){}
00161 // joystick_velocityCB reads twist command from joystick
00162 void CollisionVelocityFilter::joystickVelocityCB(const geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr &twist){
00163   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00165   robot_twist_linear_ = twist->linear;
00166   robot_twist_angular_ = twist->angular;
00168   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00170   // check for relevant obstacles
00171   obstacleHandler();
00172   // stop if we are about to run in an obstacle
00173   performControllerStep();
00175 }
00177 // obstaclesCB reads obstacles from costmap
00178 void CollisionVelocityFilter::obstaclesCB(const nav_msgs::GridCells::ConstPtr &obstacles){
00179   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00181   if(obstacles->cells.size()!=0) costmap_received_ = true;
00182   last_costmap_received_ = * obstacles;
00184   if(stop_threshold_ < obstacles->cell_width / 2.0f || stop_threshold_ < obstacles->cell_height / 2.0f)
00185     ROS_WARN("You specified a stop_threshold that is smaller than resolution of received costmap!");
00187   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00188 }
00190 // timer callback for periodically checking footprint
00191 void CollisionVelocityFilter::getFootprintServiceCB(const ros::TimerEvent&) 
00192 {
00193   cob_footprint_observer::GetFootprint srv = cob_footprint_observer::GetFootprint();
00194   // check if service is reachable
00195   if (
00196   {
00197     // adjust footprint
00198     geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped footprint_poly = srv.response.footprint;
00199     std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint;
00200     geometry_msgs::Point pt;
00202     for(unsigned int i=0; i<footprint_poly.polygon.points.size(); ++i) {
00203       pt.x = footprint_poly.polygon.points[i].x;
00204       pt.y = footprint_poly.polygon.points[i].y;
00205       pt.z = footprint_poly.polygon.points[i].z;
00206       footprint.push_back(pt);
00207     }
00209     pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00211     footprint_front_ = footprint_front_initial_;
00212     footprint_rear_ = footprint_rear_initial_;
00213     footprint_left_ = footprint_left_initial_;
00214     footprint_right_ = footprint_right_initial_;
00216     robot_footprint_ = footprint;
00217     for(unsigned int i=0; i<footprint.size(); i++) {
00218       if(footprint[i].x > footprint_front_) footprint_front_ = footprint[i].x;
00219       if(footprint[i].x < footprint_rear_) footprint_rear_ = footprint[i].x;
00220       if(footprint[i].y > footprint_left_) footprint_left_ = footprint[i].y;
00221       if(footprint[i].y < footprint_right_) footprint_right_ = footprint[i].y;
00222     }
00224     pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00226   } else {
00227     ROS_WARN("Cannot reach service /get_footprint");
00228   }
00230 }
00232 void
00233 CollisionVelocityFilter::dynamicReconfigureCB(const cob_collision_velocity_filter::CollisionVelocityFilterConfig &config,
00234                                               const uint32_t level)
00235 {
00236   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00238   stop_threshold_ = config.stop_threshold;
00239   obstacle_damping_dist_ = config.obstacle_damping_dist;
00240   if(obstacle_damping_dist_ <= stop_threshold_) {
00241     obstacle_damping_dist_ = stop_threshold_ + 0.01; // set to stop_threshold_+0.01 to avoid divide by zero error
00242     ROS_WARN("obstacle_damping_dist <= stop_threshold -> robot will stop without decceleration!");
00243   }
00245   if(obstacle_damping_dist_ > config.influence_radius || stop_threshold_ > config.influence_radius)
00246   {
00247     ROS_WARN("Not changing influence_radius since obstacle_damping_dist and/or stop_threshold is bigger!");
00248   } else {
00249     influence_radius_ = config.influence_radius;
00250   }
00252   if (stop_threshold_ <= 0.0 || influence_radius_ <=0.0)
00253     ROS_WARN("Turned off obstacle avoidance!");
00254   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00255 }
00257 // sets corrected velocity of joystick command
00258 void CollisionVelocityFilter::performControllerStep() {
00260   double dt;
00261   double vx_max, vy_max;
00262   geometry_msgs::Twist cmd_vel,cmd_vel_in;
00264   cmd_vel_in.linear = robot_twist_linear_;
00265   cmd_vel_in.angular = robot_twist_angular_;
00267   cmd_vel.linear = robot_twist_linear_;
00268   cmd_vel.angular = robot_twist_angular_;
00269   dt = ros::Time::now().toSec() - last_time_;
00270   last_time_ = ros::Time::now().toSec();
00272   double vel_angle = atan2(cmd_vel.linear.y,cmd_vel.linear.x);
00273   vx_max = v_max_ * fabs(cos(vel_angle));
00274   if (vx_max > fabs(cmd_vel.linear.x)) vx_max = fabs(cmd_vel.linear.x);
00275   vy_max = v_max_ * fabs(sin(vel_angle));
00276   if (vy_max > fabs(cmd_vel.linear.y)) vy_max = fabs(cmd_vel.linear.y);
00278   //Slow down in any way while approximating an obstacle:
00279   if(closest_obstacle_dist_ < influence_radius_) {
00280     double F_x, F_y;
00281     double vx_d, vy_d, vx_factor, vy_factor;
00282     double kv_obst=kv_, vx_max_obst=vx_max, vy_max_obst=vy_max;
00284     //implementation for linear decrease of v_max:
00285     double obstacle_linear_slope_x = vx_max / (obstacle_damping_dist_ - stop_threshold_);
00286     vx_max_obst = (closest_obstacle_dist_- stop_threshold_ + stop_threshold_/10.0f) * obstacle_linear_slope_x;
00287     if(vx_max_obst > vx_max) vx_max_obst = vx_max;
00288     else if(vx_max_obst < 0.0f) vx_max_obst = 0.0f;
00290     double obstacle_linear_slope_y = vy_max / (obstacle_damping_dist_ - stop_threshold_);
00291     vy_max_obst = (closest_obstacle_dist_- stop_threshold_ + stop_threshold_/10.0f) * obstacle_linear_slope_y;
00292     if(vy_max_obst > vy_max) vy_max_obst = vy_max;
00293     else if(vy_max_obst < 0.0f) vy_max_obst = 0.0f;
00295     //Translational movement
00296     //calculation of v factor to limit maxspeed
00297     double closest_obstacle_dist_x = closest_obstacle_dist_ * cos(closest_obstacle_angle_);
00298     double closest_obstacle_dist_y = closest_obstacle_dist_ * sin(closest_obstacle_angle_);
00299     vx_d = kp_/kv_obst * closest_obstacle_dist_x;
00300     vy_d = kp_/kv_obst * closest_obstacle_dist_y;
00301     vx_factor = vx_max_obst / sqrt(vy_d*vy_d + vx_d*vx_d);
00302     vy_factor = vy_max_obst / sqrt(vy_d*vy_d + vx_d*vx_d);
00303     if(vx_factor > 1.0) vx_factor = 1.0;
00304     if(vy_factor > 1.0) vy_factor = 1.0;
00306     F_x = - kv_obst * vx_last_ + vx_factor * kp_ * closest_obstacle_dist_x;
00307     F_y = - kv_obst * vy_last_ + vy_factor * kp_ * closest_obstacle_dist_y;
00309     cmd_vel.linear.x = vx_last_ + F_x / virt_mass_ * dt;
00310     cmd_vel.linear.y = vy_last_ + F_y / virt_mass_ * dt;
00312   }
00314   // make sure, the computed and commanded velocities are not greater than the specified max velocities
00315   if (fabs(cmd_vel.linear.x) > vx_max) cmd_vel.linear.x = sign(cmd_vel.linear.x) * vx_max;
00316   if (fabs(cmd_vel.linear.y) > vy_max) cmd_vel.linear.y = sign(cmd_vel.linear.y) * vy_max;
00317   if (fabs(cmd_vel.angular.z) > vtheta_max_) cmd_vel.angular.z = sign(cmd_vel.angular.z) * vtheta_max_;
00319   // limit acceleration:
00320   // only acceleration (in terms of speeding up in any direction) is limited,
00321   // deceleration (in terms of slowing down) is handeled either by cob_teleop or the potential field
00322   // like slow-down behaviour above
00323   if (fabs(cmd_vel.linear.x) > fabs(vx_last_))
00324   {
00325     if ((cmd_vel.linear.x - vx_last_)/dt > ax_max_)
00326       cmd_vel.linear.x = vx_last_ + ax_max_ * dt;
00327     else if((cmd_vel.linear.x - vx_last_)/dt < -ax_max_)
00328       cmd_vel.linear.x = vx_last_ - ax_max_ * dt;
00329   }
00330   if (fabs(cmd_vel.linear.y) > fabs(vy_last_))
00331   {
00332     if ((cmd_vel.linear.y - vy_last_)/dt > ay_max_)
00333       cmd_vel.linear.y = vy_last_ + ay_max_ * dt;
00334     else if ((cmd_vel.linear.y - vy_last_)/dt < -ay_max_)
00335       cmd_vel.linear.y = vy_last_ - ay_max_ * dt;
00336   }
00337   if (fabs(cmd_vel.angular.z) > fabs(vtheta_last_))
00338   {
00339     if ((cmd_vel.angular.z - vtheta_last_)/dt > atheta_max_)
00340       cmd_vel.angular.z = vtheta_last_ + atheta_max_ * dt;
00341     else if ((cmd_vel.angular.z - vtheta_last_)/dt < -atheta_max_)
00342       cmd_vel.angular.z = vtheta_last_ - atheta_max_ * dt;
00343   }
00345   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00346   vx_last_ = cmd_vel.linear.x;
00347   vy_last_ = cmd_vel.linear.y;
00348   vtheta_last_ = cmd_vel.angular.z;
00349   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00351   velocity_limited_marker_.publishMarkers(cmd_vel_in.linear.x, cmd_vel.linear.x, cmd_vel_in.linear.y, cmd_vel.linear.y, cmd_vel_in.angular.z, cmd_vel.angular.z);
00353   // if closest obstacle is within stop_threshold, then do not move
00354   if( closest_obstacle_dist_ < stop_threshold_ ) {
00355     stopMovement();
00356   }
00357   else
00358   {
00359     // publish adjusted velocity 
00360     topic_pub_command_.publish(cmd_vel);  
00361   }
00362   return;
00363 }
00365 void CollisionVelocityFilter::obstacleHandler() {
00366   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00367   if(!costmap_received_) {
00368     ROS_WARN("No costmap has been received by cob_collision_velocity_filter, the robot will drive without obstacle avoidance!");
00369     closest_obstacle_dist_ = influence_radius_;
00371     pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00372     return;
00373   }
00374   closest_obstacle_dist_ = influence_radius_;
00375   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00377   double cur_distance_to_center, cur_distance_to_border;
00378   double obstacle_theta_robot, obstacle_delta_theta_robot, obstacle_dist_vel_dir;
00379   bool cur_obstacle_relevant;
00380   geometry_msgs::Point cur_obstacle_robot;
00381   geometry_msgs::Point zero_position;
00382   zero_position.x=0.0f;  
00383   zero_position.y=0.0f;
00384   zero_position.z=0.0f;
00385   bool use_circumscribed=true, use_tube=true;
00387   //Calculate corner angles in robot_frame:
00388   double corner_front_left, corner_rear_left, corner_rear_right, corner_front_right;
00389   corner_front_left = atan2(footprint_left_, footprint_front_);
00390   corner_rear_left = atan2(footprint_left_, footprint_rear_);
00391   corner_rear_right = atan2(footprint_right_, footprint_rear_);
00392   corner_front_right = atan2(footprint_right_, footprint_front_);
00394   //Decide, whether circumscribed or tube argument should be used for filtering:
00395   if(fabs(robot_twist_linear_.x) <= 0.005f && fabs(robot_twist_linear_.y) <= 0.005f) {
00396     use_tube = false;
00397     //disable tube filter at very slow velocities
00398   }
00399   if(!use_tube) {
00400     if( fabs(robot_twist_angular_.z) <= 0.01f) {
00401       use_circumscribed = false;
00402     } //when tube filter inactive, start circumscribed filter at very low rot-velocities
00403   } else {
00404     if( fabs(robot_twist_angular_.z) <= use_circumscribed_threshold_) {
00405       use_circumscribed = false;
00406     } //when tube filter running, disable circum-filter in a wider range of rot-velocities
00407   } 
00409   //Calculation of tube in driving-dir considered for obstacle avoidence
00410   double velocity_angle=0.0f, velocity_ortho_angle;
00411   double corner_angle, delta_corner_angle;
00412   double ortho_corner_dist;
00413   double tube_left_border = 0.0f, tube_right_border = 0.0f;
00414   double tube_left_origin = 0.0f, tube_right_origin = 0.0f;
00415   double corner_dist, circumscribed_radius = 0.0f;
00417   for(unsigned i = 0; i<robot_footprint_.size(); i++) {
00418     corner_dist = sqrt(robot_footprint_[i].x*robot_footprint_[i].x + robot_footprint_[i].y*robot_footprint_[i].y);
00419     if(corner_dist > circumscribed_radius) circumscribed_radius = corner_dist;
00420   }
00422   if(use_tube) {
00423     //use commanded vel-value for vel-vector direction.. ?
00424     velocity_angle = atan2(robot_twist_linear_.y, robot_twist_linear_.x);
00425     velocity_ortho_angle = velocity_angle + M_PI / 2.0f;
00427     for(unsigned i = 0; i<robot_footprint_.size(); i++) {
00428       corner_angle = atan2(robot_footprint_[i].y, robot_footprint_[i].x);
00429       delta_corner_angle = velocity_ortho_angle - corner_angle;
00430       corner_dist = sqrt(robot_footprint_[i].x*robot_footprint_[i].x + robot_footprint_[i].y*robot_footprint_[i].y);
00431       ortho_corner_dist = cos(delta_corner_angle) * corner_dist;
00433       if(ortho_corner_dist < tube_right_border) {
00434         tube_right_border = ortho_corner_dist;
00435         tube_right_origin = sin(delta_corner_angle) * corner_dist;
00436       } else if(ortho_corner_dist > tube_left_border) {
00437         tube_left_border = ortho_corner_dist;
00438         tube_left_origin = sin(delta_corner_angle) * corner_dist;
00439       }
00440     }
00441   }
00443   //find relevant obstacles
00444   pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);
00445   relevant_obstacles_.header = last_costmap_received_.header;
00446   relevant_obstacles_.cell_width = last_costmap_received_.cell_width;
00447   relevant_obstacles_.cell_height = last_costmap_received_.cell_height;
00448   relevant_obstacles_.cells.clear();
00450   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < last_costmap_received_.cells.size(); i++) {
00451     cur_obstacle_relevant = false;
00452     cur_distance_to_center = getDistance2d(zero_position, last_costmap_received_.cells[i]);
00453     //check whether current obstacle lies inside the circumscribed_radius of the robot -> prevent collisions while rotating
00454     if(use_circumscribed && cur_distance_to_center <= circumscribed_radius) {
00455       cur_obstacle_robot = last_costmap_received_.cells[i];
00457       if( obstacleValid(cur_obstacle_robot.x, cur_obstacle_robot.y) ) {
00458         cur_obstacle_relevant = true;
00459         relevant_obstacles_.cells.push_back(last_costmap_received_.cells[i]);
00460         obstacle_theta_robot = atan2(cur_obstacle_robot.y, cur_obstacle_robot.x);
00461       }
00463       //for each obstacle, now check whether it lies in the tube or not:
00464     } else if(use_tube && cur_distance_to_center < influence_radius_) {
00465       cur_obstacle_robot = last_costmap_received_.cells[i];
00467       if( obstacleValid(cur_obstacle_robot.x, cur_obstacle_robot.y) ) {
00468         obstacle_theta_robot = atan2(cur_obstacle_robot.y, cur_obstacle_robot.x);
00469         obstacle_delta_theta_robot = obstacle_theta_robot - velocity_angle;
00470         obstacle_dist_vel_dir = sin(obstacle_delta_theta_robot) * cur_distance_to_center;
00472         if(obstacle_dist_vel_dir <= tube_left_border && obstacle_dist_vel_dir >= tube_right_border) {
00473           //found obstacle that lies inside of observation tube
00475           if( sign(obstacle_dist_vel_dir) >= 0) { 
00476             if(cos(obstacle_delta_theta_robot) * cur_distance_to_center >= tube_left_origin) {
00477               //relevant obstacle in tube found
00478               cur_obstacle_relevant = true;
00479               relevant_obstacles_.cells.push_back(last_costmap_received_.cells[i]);
00480             }
00481           } else { // obstacle in right part of tube
00482             if(cos(obstacle_delta_theta_robot) * cur_distance_to_center >= tube_right_origin) {
00483               //relevant obstacle in tube found
00484               cur_obstacle_relevant = true;
00485               relevant_obstacles_.cells.push_back(last_costmap_received_.cells[i]);
00486             }
00487           }
00488         }
00489       }
00490     }
00492     if(cur_obstacle_relevant) { //now calculate distance of current, relevant obstacle to robot
00493       if(obstacle_theta_robot >= corner_front_right && obstacle_theta_robot < corner_front_left) {
00494         //obstacle in front:
00495         cur_distance_to_border = cur_distance_to_center - fabs(footprint_front_) / fabs(cos(obstacle_theta_robot));
00496       } else if(obstacle_theta_robot >= corner_front_left && obstacle_theta_robot < corner_rear_left) {
00497         //obstacle left:
00498         cur_distance_to_border = cur_distance_to_center - fabs(footprint_left_) / fabs(sin(obstacle_theta_robot));
00499       } else if(obstacle_theta_robot >= corner_rear_left || obstacle_theta_robot < corner_rear_right) {
00500         //obstacle in rear:
00501         cur_distance_to_border = cur_distance_to_center - fabs(footprint_rear_) / fabs(cos(obstacle_theta_robot));
00502       } else {
00503         //obstacle right:
00504         cur_distance_to_border = cur_distance_to_center - fabs(footprint_right_) / fabs(sin(obstacle_theta_robot));
00505       }
00507       if(cur_distance_to_border < closest_obstacle_dist_) {
00508         closest_obstacle_dist_ = cur_distance_to_border;
00509         closest_obstacle_angle_ = obstacle_theta_robot;
00510       }
00511     }   
00512   }
00513   pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);
00515   topic_pub_relevant_obstacles_.publish(relevant_obstacles_);
00516 }
00518 // load robot footprint from costmap_2d_ros to keep same footprint format
00519 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> CollisionVelocityFilter::loadRobotFootprint(ros::NodeHandle node){
00520   std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint;
00521   geometry_msgs::Point pt;
00522   double padding;
00524   std::string padding_param, footprint_param;
00525   if(!node.searchParam("footprint_padding", padding_param))
00526     padding = 0.01;
00527   else
00528     node.param(padding_param, padding, 0.01);
00530   //grab the footprint from the parameter server if possible
00531   XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue footprint_list;
00532   std::string footprint_string;
00533   std::vector<std::string> footstring_list;
00534   if(node.searchParam("footprint", footprint_param)){
00535     node.getParam(footprint_param, footprint_list);
00536     if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
00537       footprint_string = std::string(footprint_list);
00539       //if there's just an empty footprint up there, return
00540       if(footprint_string == "[]" || footprint_string == "")
00541         return footprint;
00543       boost::erase_all(footprint_string, " ");
00545       boost::char_separator<char> sep("[]");
00546       boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(footprint_string, sep);
00547       footstring_list = std::vector<std::string>(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
00548     }
00549     //make sure we have a list of lists
00550     if(!(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && footprint_list.size() > 2) && !(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString && footstring_list.size() > 5)){
00551       ROS_FATAL("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server, %s was specified as %s", footprint_param.c_str(), std::string(footprint_list).c_str());
00552       throw std::runtime_error("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server with at least 3 points eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]");
00553     }
00555     if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
00556       for(int i = 0; i < footprint_list.size(); ++i){
00557         //make sure we have a list of lists of size 2
00558         XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue point = footprint_list[i];
00559         if(!(point.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && point.size() == 2)){
00560           ROS_FATAL("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]], but this spec is not of that form");
00561           throw std::runtime_error("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]], but this spec is not of that form");
00562         }
00564         //make sure that the value we're looking at is either a double or an int
00565         if(!(point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt || point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble)){
00566           ROS_FATAL("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
00567           throw std::runtime_error("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
00568         }
00569         pt.x = point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt ? (int)(point[0]) : (double)(point[0]);
00570         pt.x += sign(pt.x) * padding;
00572         //make sure that the value we're looking at is either a double or an int
00573         if(!(point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt || point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble)){
00574           ROS_FATAL("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
00575           throw std::runtime_error("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
00576         }
00577         pt.y = point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt ? (int)(point[1]) : (double)(point[1]);
00578         pt.y += sign(pt.y) * padding;
00580         footprint.push_back(pt);
00582         node.deleteParam(footprint_param);
00583         std::ostringstream oss;
00584         bool first = true;
00585         BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, footprint) {
00586           if(first) {
00587             oss << "[[" << p.x << "," << p.y << "]";
00588             first = false;
00589           }
00590           else {
00591             oss << ",[" << p.x << "," << p.y << "]";
00592           }
00593         }
00594         oss << "]";
00595         node.setParam(footprint_param, oss.str().c_str());
00596         node.setParam("footprint", oss.str().c_str());
00597       }
00598     }
00600     else if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
00601       std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint_spec;
00602       bool valid_foot = true;
00603       BOOST_FOREACH(std::string t, footstring_list) {
00604         if( t != "," ) {
00605           boost::erase_all(t, " ");
00606           boost::char_separator<char> pt_sep(",");
00607           boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > pt_tokens(t, pt_sep);
00608           std::vector<std::string> point(pt_tokens.begin(), pt_tokens.end());
00610           if(point.size() != 2) {
00611             ROS_WARN("Each point must have exactly 2 coordinates");
00612             valid_foot = false;
00613             break;
00614           }
00616           std::vector<double>tmp_pt;
00617           BOOST_FOREACH(std::string p, point) {
00618             std::istringstream iss(p);
00619             double temp;
00620             if(iss >> temp) {
00621               tmp_pt.push_back(temp);
00622             }
00623             else {
00624               ROS_WARN("Each coordinate must convert to a double.");
00625               valid_foot = false;
00626               break;
00627             }
00628           }
00629           if(!valid_foot)
00630             break;
00632           geometry_msgs::Point pt;
00633           pt.x = tmp_pt[0];
00634           pt.y = tmp_pt[1];
00636           footprint_spec.push_back(pt);
00637         }
00638       }
00639       if (valid_foot) {
00640         footprint = footprint_spec;
00641         node.setParam("footprint", footprint_string);
00642       }
00643       else {
00644         ROS_FATAL("This footprint is not vaid it must be specified as a list of lists with at least 3 points, you specified %s", footprint_string.c_str());
00645         throw std::runtime_error("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server with at least 3 points eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]");
00646       }
00647     }
00648   }
00650   footprint_right_ = 0.0f; footprint_left_ = 0.0f; footprint_front_ = 0.0f; footprint_rear_ = 0.0f;
00651   //extract rectangular borders for simplifying:
00652   for(unsigned int i=0; i<footprint.size(); i++) {
00653     if(footprint[i].x > footprint_front_) footprint_front_ = footprint[i].x;
00654     if(footprint[i].x < footprint_rear_) footprint_rear_ = footprint[i].x;
00655     if(footprint[i].y > footprint_left_) footprint_left_ = footprint[i].y;
00656     if(footprint[i].y < footprint_right_) footprint_right_ = footprint[i].y;
00657   }
00658   ROS_DEBUG("Extracted rectangular footprint for cob_collision_velocity_filter: Front: %f, Rear %f, Left: %f, Right %f", footprint_front_, footprint_rear_, footprint_left_, footprint_right_);
00660   return footprint;
00661 }
00663 double CollisionVelocityFilter::getDistance2d(geometry_msgs::Point a, geometry_msgs::Point b) {
00664   return sqrt( pow(a.x - b.x,2) + pow(a.y - b.y,2) );
00665 }
00667 double CollisionVelocityFilter::sign(double x) {
00668   if(x >= 0.0f) return 1.0f;
00669   else return -1.0f;
00670 }
00672 bool CollisionVelocityFilter::obstacleValid(double x_obstacle, double y_obstacle) {
00673   if(x_obstacle<footprint_front_ && x_obstacle>footprint_rear_ && y_obstacle>footprint_right_ && y_obstacle<footprint_left_) {
00674     ROS_WARN("Found an obstacle inside robot_footprint: Skip!");
00675     return false;
00676   }
00678   return true;
00679 }
00681 void CollisionVelocityFilter::stopMovement() {
00682   geometry_msgs::Twist stop_twist;
00683   stop_twist.linear.x = 0.0f; stop_twist.linear.y = 0.0f; stop_twist.linear.z = 0.0f;
00684   stop_twist.angular.x = 0.0f; stop_twist.angular.y = 0.0f; stop_twist.linear.z = 0.0f;
00685   topic_pub_command_.publish(stop_twist);
00686   vx_last_ = 0.0;
00687   vy_last_ = 0.0;
00688   vtheta_last_ = 0.0;
00689 }
00691 //#######################
00692 //#### main programm ####
00693 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00694 {
00695   // initialize ROS, spezify name of node
00696   ros::init(argc, argv, "cob_collision_velocity_filter");
00698   // create nodeClass
00699   CollisionVelocityFilter collisionVelocityFilter;
00702   ros::spin();
00704   return 0;
00705 }

Author(s): Matthias Gruhler, Michal Spanel (, vel. limited marker)
autogenerated on Tue Mar 3 2015 15:11:57