Go to the documentation of this file.
00063 #ifndef __SENSOR_MODEL_H__
00064 #define __SENSOR_MODEL_H__
00066 #include "cob_3d_mapping_common/polygon.h"
00067 #include <list>
00068 #include <algorithm>
00070 namespace cob_3d_mapping
00071 {
00075   class PrimeSense
00076   {
00077   public:
00078     typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float,4,4,Eigen::RowMajor> > MatMap;
00083     PrimeSense() {}
00087     ~PrimeSense() {}
00089     /*
00090      * \brief Check if two points are neighbors.
00091      *
00092      * \param[in] query The depth of the query point.
00093      * \param[in] neighbor The depth of the potential neighbor.
00094      * \param[in] tolerance The distance tolerance factor.
00095      *
00096      * \return True, if the points are neighbors.
00097      */
00098     inline static bool areNeighbors(float query,
00099                              float neighbor,
00100                              float tolerance = 2.0f)
00101     {
00102       float dist_th = tolerance * 0.003f * query * query;
00103       //if (query < 1.2) dist_th += 0.01f;
00104       return (fabs(query - neighbor) < dist_th);
00105     }
00107     /*
00108      * \brief Check if two points are neighbors.
00109      *
00110      * \param[in] query The query point.
00111      * \param[in] neighbor The potential neighbor.
00112      * \param[in] tolerance The distance tolerance factor.
00113      *
00114      * \return True, if the points are neighbors.
00115      */
00116     inline static bool areNeighbors(const Eigen::Vector3f& query,
00117                              const Eigen::Vector3f&  neighbor,
00118                              float tolerance = 4.0f)
00119     {
00120       // += max( 0, 4-10*min(|x|,|y|) )
00121       tolerance += max( 0.0f, 1.0f * (4.0f - min(fabs(query(0)),fabs(query(1))) * 10.0f) );
00122       float dist_th =  tolerance * 0.003f * query(2) * query(2);
00123       return (fabs(query(2) - neighbor(2)) < dist_th);
00124     }
00126     inline static Eigen::Matrix4f tf_unit_cube() { return MatMap(mat); }
00128     // frustum parameters:
00129     static const float fov_h; 
00130     static const float fov_v; 
00131     static const float f; 
00132     static const float n; 
00133     static const float l; 
00134     static const float r; 
00135     static const float t; 
00136     static const float b; 
00137     static const float w;
00138     static const float h;
00139     static const float aspect;
00140     static const float mat[]; // transformation from view frustum to unit cube
00141   };
00143   const float PrimeSense::fov_h = 49.0f / 180.0f * M_PI;
00144   const float PrimeSense::fov_v = 43.0f / 180.0f * M_PI;
00145   const float PrimeSense::f = 5.0f;
00146   const float PrimeSense::n = 0.5f;
00147   const float PrimeSense::r = PrimeSense::n * tan(PrimeSense::fov_h * 0.5f);
00148   const float PrimeSense::l = - PrimeSense::r;
00149   const float PrimeSense::t = PrimeSense::n * tan(PrimeSense::fov_v * 0.5f);
00150   const float PrimeSense::b = - PrimeSense::t;
00151   const float PrimeSense::w = 640.0f;
00152   const float PrimeSense::h = 480.0f;
00153   const float PrimeSense::aspect = PrimeSense::w / PrimeSense::h;
00155   const float PrimeSense::mat[] =
00156   {
00157     1.0f / ( PrimeSense::aspect * tan(0.5f * PrimeSense::fov_h) ),
00158     0,
00159     0,
00160     0,
00162     0,
00163     1.0f / ( tan(0.5f * PrimeSense::fov_h) ),
00164     0,
00165     0,
00167     0,
00168     0,
00169     (PrimeSense::n + PrimeSense::f) / (PrimeSense::n - PrimeSense::f),
00170     -2.0f * PrimeSense::f * PrimeSense::n / (PrimeSense::n - PrimeSense::f),
00172     0,
00173     0,
00174     1,
00175     0
00176   };
00178 }
00180 #endif

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:02:19