Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00022 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00023 #pragma once
00024 #endif
00026 #include <clasp/literal.h>
00027 #include <clasp/constraint.h>
00028 #include <clasp/util/left_right_sequence.h>
00029 #include <clasp/util/misc_types.h>
00030 #include <clasp/util/type_manip.h>
00031 #include <numeric>
00036 namespace Clasp {
00037 class SharedLiterals;
00045 // Statistics
00047 inline double ratio(uint64 x, uint64 y) {
00048         if (!x || !y) return 0.0;
00049         return static_cast<double>(x) / static_cast<double>(y);
00050 }
00051 inline double percent(uint64 x, uint64 y) {     return ratio(x, y) * 100.0; }
00053 inline bool matchStatPath(const char*& x, const char* path, std::size_t len) {
00054         return std::strncmp(x, path, len) == 0 && (!x[len] || x[len++] == '.') && ((x += len) != 0);
00055 }
00056 inline bool matchStatPath(const char*& x, const char* path) {
00057         return matchStatPath(x, path, std::strlen(path));
00058 }
00060 #define CLASP_STAT_ACCU(m, k, a, accu) accu;
00061 #define CLASP_STAT_DEFINE(m, k, a, accu) m
00062 #define CLASP_STAT_GET(m, k, a, accu) if (std::strcmp(key, k) == 0) { return double( (a) ); }
00063 #define CLASP_STAT_KEY(m, k, a, accu) k "\0"
00064 #define NO_ARG
00071 struct CoreStats {
00072 #define CLASP_CORE_STATS(STAT, SELF, OTHER)     \
00073         STAT(uint64 choices;    , STRING(choices)    , SELF.choices    , SELF.choices    += OTHER.choices   )\
00074         STAT(uint64 conflicts;  , STRING(conflicts)  , SELF.conflicts  , SELF.conflicts  += OTHER.conflicts )\
00075         STAT(uint64 analyzed;   , STRING(analyzed)   , SELF.analyzed   , SELF.analyzed   += OTHER.analyzed  )\
00076         STAT(uint64 restarts;   , STRING(restarts)   , SELF.restarts   , SELF.restarts   += OTHER.restarts  )\
00077         STAT(uint64 lastRestart;, STRING(lastRestart), SELF.lastRestart, SELF.lastRestart = std::max(SELF.lastRestart, OTHER.lastRestart))
00079         CoreStats() { reset(); }
00080         void reset() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(CoreStats)); }
00081         void accu(const CoreStats& o) {
00082                 CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_ACCU, (*this), o)
00083         }
00084         double operator[](const char* key) const {
00085                 CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_GET, (*this), NO_ARG)
00086                 return -1.0;
00087         }
00088         static const char* keys(const char* path) {
00089                 if (!path || !*path) return CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG);
00090                 return 0;
00091         }
00092         uint64 backtracks() const { return conflicts-analyzed; }
00093         uint64 backjumps()  const { return analyzed; }
00094         double avgRestart() const { return ratio(analyzed, restarts); }
00096 };
00099 struct ExtendedStats {
00100         typedef ConstraintType type_t;
00101         typedef uint64 Array[Constraint_t::max_value];
00103         STAT(uint64 domChoices; , STRING(domChoices) , SELF.domChoices , SELF.domChoices += OTHER.domChoices) \
00104         STAT(uint64 models;     , STRING(models)     , SELF.models     , SELF.models     += OTHER.models)     \
00105         STAT(uint64 modelLits;  , STRING(modelLits)  , SELF.modelLits  , SELF.modelLits  += OTHER.modelLits)  \
00106         STAT(uint64 hccTests;   , STRING(hccTests)   , SELF.hccTests   , SELF.hccTests   += OTHER.hccTests)   \
00107         STAT(uint64 hccPartial; , STRING(hccPartial) , SELF.hccPartial , SELF.hccPartial += OTHER.hccPartial) \
00108         STAT(uint64 deleted;    , STRING(deleted)    , SELF.deleted    , SELF.deleted    += OTHER.deleted)    \
00109         STAT(uint64 distributed;, STRING(distributed), SELF.distributed, SELF.distributed+= OTHER.distributed)\
00110         STAT(uint64 sumDistLbd; , STRING(sumDistLbd) , SELF.sumDistLbd , SELF.sumDistLbd += OTHER.sumDistLbd) \
00111         STAT(uint64 integrated; , STRING(integrated) , SELF.integrated , SELF.integrated += OTHER.integrated) \
00112         STAT(Array learnts;  , "lemmas"           , SELF.lemmas()   , NO_ARG)   \
00113         STAT(Array lits;     , "learntLits"       , SELF.learntLits(), NO_ARG)  \
00114         STAT(uint32 binary;  , STRING(binary)     , SELF.binary  , SELF.binary  += OTHER.binary)  \
00115         STAT(uint32 ternary; , STRING(ternary)    , SELF.ternary , SELF.ternary += OTHER.ternary) \
00116         STAT(double cpuTime; , STRING(cpuTime)    , SELF.cpuTime , SELF.cpuTime += OTHER.cpuTime) \
00117         STAT(uint64 intImps; , STRING(intImps)    , SELF.intImps , SELF.intImps+= OTHER.intImps)  \
00118         STAT(uint64 intJumps; , STRING(intJumps)   , SELF.intJumps, SELF.intJumps+=OTHER.intJumps) \
00119         STAT(uint64 gpLits;  , STRING(gpLits)     , SELF.gpLits  , SELF.gpLits  += OTHER.gpLits)  \
00120         STAT(uint32 gps;     , STRING(gps)        , SELF.gps     , SELF.gps     += OTHER.gps)     \
00121         STAT(uint32 splits;  , STRING(splits)     , SELF.splits  , SELF.splits  += OTHER.splits)  \
00122         STAT(NO_ARG       , "conflictLemmas", SELF.lemmas(Constraint_t::learnt_conflict), SELF.learnts[0] += OTHER.learnts[0]) \
00123         STAT(NO_ARG       , "loopLemmas"    , SELF.lemmas(Constraint_t::learnt_loop)    , SELF.learnts[1] += OTHER.learnts[1]) \
00124         STAT(NO_ARG       , "otherLemmas"   , SELF.lemmas(Constraint_t::learnt_other)   , SELF.learnts[2] += OTHER.learnts[2]) \
00125         STAT(NO_ARG       , "conflictLits"  , SELF.lits[Constraint_t::learnt_conflict-1], SELF.lits[0]    += OTHER.lits[0])    \
00126         STAT(NO_ARG       , "loopLits"      , SELF.lits[Constraint_t::learnt_loop-1]    , SELF.lits[1]    += OTHER.lits[1])    \
00127         STAT(NO_ARG       , "otherLits"     , SELF.lits[Constraint_t::learnt_other-1]   , SELF.lits[2]    += OTHER.lits[2])
00129         ExtendedStats() { reset(); }
00130         void reset() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(ExtendedStats)); }
00131         void accu(const ExtendedStats& o) {
00132                 CLASP_EXTENDED_STATS(CLASP_STAT_ACCU, (*this), o)
00133         }
00134         double operator[](const char* key) const {
00135                 CLASP_EXTENDED_STATS(CLASP_STAT_GET, (*this), NO_ARG)
00136                 return -1.0;
00137         }
00138         static const char* keys(const char* path) {
00139                 if (!path || !*path) { return CLASP_EXTENDED_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG); }
00140                 return 0;
00141         }
00142         void addLearnt(uint32 size, type_t t) {
00143                 assert(t != Constraint_t::static_constraint && t <= Constraint_t::max_value);
00144                 learnts[t-1]+= 1;
00145                 lits[t-1]   += size;
00146                 binary      += (size == 2);
00147                 ternary     += (size == 3);
00148         }
00149         uint64 lemmas()        const { return std::accumulate(learnts, learnts+Constraint_t::max_value, uint64(0)); }
00150         uint64 learntLits()    const { return std::accumulate(lits, lits+Constraint_t::max_value, uint64(0)); }
00151         uint64 lemmas(type_t t)const { return learnts[t-1]; }
00152         double avgLen(type_t t)const { return ratio(lits[t-1], lemmas(t)); }
00153         double avgModel()      const { return ratio(modelLits, models);    }
00154         double distRatio()     const { return ratio(distributed, learnts[0] + learnts[1]);  }
00155         double avgDistLbd()    const { return ratio(sumDistLbd, distributed); }
00156         double avgIntJump()    const { return ratio(intJumps, intImps); }
00157         double avgGp()         const { return ratio(gpLits, gps); }
00158         double intRatio()      const { return ratio(integrated, distributed); }
00160 };
00163 struct JumpStats {
00164 #define CLASP_JUMP_STATS(STAT, SELF, OTHER)     \
00165         STAT(uint64 jumps;    , STRING(jumps)    , SELF.jumps    , SELF.jumps    += OTHER.jumps)   \
00166         STAT(uint64 bounded;  , STRING(bounded)  , SELF.bounded  , SELF.bounded  += OTHER.bounded)  \
00167         STAT(uint64 jumpSum;  , STRING(jumpSum)  , SELF.jumpSum  , SELF.jumpSum  += OTHER.jumpSum)  \
00168         STAT(uint64 boundSum; , STRING(boundSum) , SELF.boundSum , SELF.boundSum += OTHER.boundSum) \
00169         STAT(uint32 maxJump;  , STRING(maxJump)  , SELF.maxJump  , MAX_MEM(SELF.maxJump, OTHER.maxJump))   \
00170         STAT(uint32 maxJumpEx;, STRING(maxJumpEx), SELF.maxJumpEx, MAX_MEM(SELF.maxJumpEx,OTHER.maxJumpEx)) \
00171         STAT(uint32 maxBound; , STRING(maxBound) , SELF.maxBound , MAX_MEM(SELF.maxBound, OTHER.maxBound)) 
00173         JumpStats() { reset(); }
00174         void reset(){ std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
00175         void accu(const JumpStats& o) {
00176 #define MAX_MEM(X,Y) X = std::max((X), (Y))
00177                 CLASP_JUMP_STATS(CLASP_STAT_ACCU, (*this), o)
00178 #undef MAX_MEM
00179         }
00180         double operator[](const char* key) const {
00181                 CLASP_JUMP_STATS(CLASP_STAT_GET, (*this), NO_ARG)
00182                 return -1.0;
00183         }
00184         static const char* keys(const char* path) {
00185                 if (!path || !*path) { return CLASP_JUMP_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG); }
00186                 return 0;
00187         }
00188         void update(uint32 dl, uint32 uipLevel, uint32 bLevel) {
00189                 ++jumps;
00190                 jumpSum += dl - uipLevel; 
00191                 maxJump = std::max(maxJump, dl - uipLevel);
00192                 if (uipLevel < bLevel) {
00193                         ++bounded;
00194                         boundSum += bLevel - uipLevel;
00195                         maxJumpEx = std::max(maxJumpEx, dl - bLevel);
00196                         maxBound  = std::max(maxBound, bLevel - uipLevel);
00197                 }
00198                 else { maxJumpEx = maxJump; }
00199         }
00200         uint64 jumped()     const { return jumpSum - boundSum; }
00201         double jumpedRatio()const { return ratio(jumped(), jumpSum); }
00202         double avgBound()   const { return ratio(boundSum, bounded); }
00203         double avgJump()    const { return ratio(jumpSum, jumps); }
00204         double avgJumpEx()  const { return ratio(jumped(), jumps); }
00206 };
00208 struct QueueImpl {
00209         explicit QueueImpl(uint32 size) : maxSize(size), wp(0), rp(0) {}
00210         bool    full()  const { return size() == maxSize; }
00211         uint32  size()  const { return ((rp > wp) * cap()) + wp - rp;}
00212         uint32  cap()   const { return maxSize + 1; }
00213         void    clear()       { wp = rp = 0; }
00214         uint32  top()   const { return buffer[rp]; }
00215         void    push(uint32 x){ buffer[wp] = x; if (++wp == cap()) { wp = 0; } }
00216         void    pop()         { if (++rp == cap()) { rp = 0; } }
00217         uint32  maxSize;
00218         uint32  wp;
00219         uint32  rp;
00220         uint32  buffer[1];
00221 };
00223 struct SumQueue {
00224         static SumQueue* create(uint32 size) {
00225                 void* m = ::operator new(sizeof(SumQueue) + (size*sizeof(uint32)));
00226                 return new (m) SumQueue(size);
00227         }
00228         void dynamicRestarts(float x, bool xLbd) {
00229                 upForce  = 16000;
00230                 upCfl    = 0;
00231                 nRestart = 0;
00232                 lim      = x;
00233                 lbd      = xLbd;
00234         }
00235         void destroy()         { this->~SumQueue(); ::operator delete(this); }
00236         void resetQueue()      { sumLbd = sumCfl = samples = 0; queue.clear(); }
00237         void resetGlobal()     { globalSumLbd = globalSumCfl = globalSamples = 0; resetQueue(); }
00238         void update(uint32 dl, uint32 lbd) {
00239                 if (samples++ >= queue.maxSize) {
00240                         uint32 y =; 
00241                         sumLbd  -= (y & 127u);
00242                         sumCfl  -= (y >> 7u);
00243                         queue.pop();
00244                 }
00245                 sumLbd += lbd;
00246                 sumCfl += dl;
00247                 ++upCfl;
00248                 ++globalSamples;
00249                 globalSumLbd += lbd;
00250                 globalSumCfl += dl;
00251                 queue.push((dl << 7) + lbd);
00252         }
00253         double  avgLbd() const { return sumLbd / (double)queue.maxSize; }
00254         double  avgCfl() const { return sumCfl / (double)queue.maxSize; }
00255         uint32  maxSize()const { return queue.maxSize; }
00256         bool    full()   const { return queue.full();  }
00257         double  globalAvgLbd() const { return ratio(globalSumLbd, globalSamples); }
00258         double  globalAvgCfl() const { return ratio(globalSumCfl, globalSamples); } 
00259         bool    isRestart()    const { return full() && (lbd ? (avgLbd()*lim) > globalAvgLbd() : (avgCfl() * lim) > globalAvgCfl()); }
00260         uint32  restart(uint32 maxLBD, float xLim);
00262         uint64    globalSumLbd; 
00263         uint64    globalSumCfl; 
00264         uint64    globalSamples;
00265         uint32    sumLbd;       
00266         uint32    sumCfl;       
00267         uint32    samples;      
00268         // ------- Dynamic restarts -------
00269         uint32    upForce;      
00270         uint32    upCfl;        
00271         uint32    nRestart;     
00272         float     lim;          
00273         bool      lbd;          
00274         // --------------------------------
00275         QueueImpl queue;
00276 private: 
00277         SumQueue(uint32 size) 
00278                 : globalSumLbd(0), globalSumCfl(0), globalSamples(0), sumLbd(0), sumCfl(0), samples(0)
00279                 , upForce(16000), upCfl(0), nRestart(0), lim(0.0f), lbd(true)
00280                 , queue(size) {
00281         }
00282         SumQueue(const SumQueue&);
00283         SumQueue& operator=(const SumQueue&);
00284 };
00287 struct SolverStats : public CoreStats {
00288         SolverStats() : queue(0), extra(0), jumps(0) {}
00289         SolverStats(const SolverStats& o) : CoreStats(o), queue(0), extra(0), jumps(0) {
00290                 if (o.queue) enableQueue(o.queue->maxSize());
00291                 enableStats(o);
00292         }
00293         ~SolverStats() { delete jumps; delete extra; if (queue) queue->destroy(); }
00294         bool enableStats(const SolverStats& other);
00295         int  level() const { return (extra != 0) + (jumps != 0); }
00296         bool enableExtended();
00297         bool enableJump();
00298         void enableQueue(uint32 size);
00299         void reset();
00300         void accu(const SolverStats& o);
00301         void swapStats(SolverStats& o);
00302         double operator[](const char* key) const;
00303         const char* subKeys(const char* p) const;
00304         const char* keys(const char* path) const {
00305                 if (!path || !*path) {
00306                         if (jumps && extra) { return "jumps.\0extra.\0" CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG); }
00307                         if (extra)          { return "extra.\0" CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG); }
00308                         if (jumps)          { return "jumps.\0" CLASP_CORE_STATS(CLASP_STAT_KEY,NO_ARG,NO_ARG); }
00309                         return CoreStats::keys(path);
00310                 }
00311                 return subKeys(path);
00312         }
00313         inline void addLearnt(uint32 size, ConstraintType t);
00314         inline void updateJumps(uint32 dl, uint32 uipLevel, uint32 bLevel, uint32 lbd);
00315         inline void addDeleted(uint32 num);
00316         inline void addDistributed(uint32 lbd, ConstraintType t);
00317         inline void addTest(bool partial);
00318         inline void addModel(uint32 decisionLevel);
00319         inline void addCpuTime(double t);
00320         inline void addSplit(uint32 num = 1);
00321         inline void addDomChoice(uint32 num = 1);
00322         inline void addIntegratedAsserting(uint32 receivedDL, uint32 jumpDL);
00323         inline void addIntegrated(uint32 num = 1);
00324         inline void removeIntegrated(uint32 num = 1);
00325         inline void addPath(const LitVec::size_type& sz);
00326         SumQueue*      queue; 
00327         ExtendedStats* extra; 
00328         JumpStats*     jumps; 
00329 private: SolverStats& operator=(const SolverStats&);
00330 };
00331 inline void SolverStats::addLearnt(uint32 size, ConstraintType t)  { if (extra) { extra->addLearnt(size, t); } }
00332 inline void SolverStats::addDeleted(uint32 num)                    { if (extra) { extra->deleted += num; }  }
00333 inline void SolverStats::addDistributed(uint32 lbd, ConstraintType){ if (extra) { ++extra->distributed; extra->sumDistLbd += lbd; } }
00334 inline void SolverStats::addIntegrated(uint32 n)                   { if (extra) { extra->integrated += n;} }
00335 inline void SolverStats::removeIntegrated(uint32 n)                { if (extra) { extra->integrated -= n;} }
00336 inline void SolverStats::addCpuTime(double t)                      { if (extra) { extra->cpuTime += t; }    }
00337 inline void SolverStats::addSplit(uint32 num)                      { if (extra) { extra->splits += num; }  }
00338 inline void SolverStats::addPath(const LitVec::size_type& sz)      { if (extra) { ++extra->gps; extra->gpLits += sz; } }
00339 inline void SolverStats::addTest(bool partial)                     { if (extra) { ++extra->hccTests; extra->hccPartial += (uint32)partial; } }
00340 inline void SolverStats::addModel(uint32 DL)                       { if (extra) { ++extra->models; extra->modelLits += DL; } }
00341 inline void SolverStats::addDomChoice(uint32 n)                    { if (extra) { extra->domChoices += n; } }
00342 inline void SolverStats::addIntegratedAsserting(uint32 rDL, uint32 jDL) {
00343         if (extra) { ++extra->intImps; extra->intJumps += (rDL - jDL); }
00344 }
00345 inline void SolverStats::updateJumps(uint32 dl, uint32 uipLevel, uint32 bLevel, uint32 lbd) {
00346         ++analyzed;
00347         if (queue) { queue->update(dl, lbd); }
00348         if (jumps) { jumps->update(dl, uipLevel, bLevel); }
00349 }
00350 #undef CLASP_STAT_ACCU
00351 #undef CLASP_STAT_DEFINE
00352 #undef CLASP_STAT_GET
00353 #undef CLASP_STAT_KEY
00354 #undef CLASP_CORE_STATS
00356 #undef CLASP_JUMP_STATS
00357 #undef NO_ARG
00359 // Clauses
00362 class ClauseInfo {
00363 public:
00364         typedef ClauseInfo self_type;
00365         enum { MAX_LBD = Activity::MAX_LBD, MAX_ACTIVITY = (1<<21)-1 }; 
00366         ClauseInfo(ConstraintType t = Constraint_t::static_constraint) : act_(0), lbd_(MAX_LBD), type_(t), tag_(0), aux_(0) {
00367                 static_assert(sizeof(self_type) == sizeof(uint32), "Unsupported padding");
00368         }
00369         bool           learnt()   const { return type() != Constraint_t::static_constraint; }
00370         ConstraintType type()     const { return static_cast<ConstraintType>(type_); }
00371         uint32         activity() const { return static_cast<uint32>(act_); }
00372         uint32         lbd()      const { return static_cast<uint32>(lbd_); }
00373         bool           tagged()   const { return tag_ != 0; }
00374         bool           aux()      const { return tagged() || aux_ != 0; }
00375         self_type&     setType(ConstraintType t) { type_  = static_cast<uint32>(t); return *this; }
00376         self_type&     setActivity(uint32 act)   { act_   = std::min(act, (uint32)MAX_ACTIVITY); return *this; }
00377         self_type&     setTagged(bool b)         { tag_   = static_cast<uint32>(b); return *this; }
00378         self_type&     setLbd(uint32 a_lbd)      { lbd_   = std::min(a_lbd, (uint32)MAX_LBD); return *this; }
00379         self_type&     setAux(bool b)            { aux_   = static_cast<uint32>(b); return *this; }
00380 private:
00381         uint32 act_ : 21; // Activity of clause
00382         uint32 lbd_ :  7; // Literal block distance in the range [0, MAX_LBD]
00383         uint32 type_:  2; // One of ConstraintType
00384         uint32 tag_ :  1; // Conditional constraint?
00385         uint32 aux_ :  1; // Contains solver-local aux vars?
00386 };
00388 struct ClauseRep {
00389         static ClauseRep create(Literal* cl, uint32 sz, const ClauseInfo& i = ClauseInfo())  { return ClauseRep(cl, sz, false, i);}
00390         static ClauseRep prepared(Literal* cl, uint32 sz, const ClauseInfo& i = ClauseInfo()){ return ClauseRep(cl, sz, true, i); }
00391         ClauseRep(Literal* cl = 0, uint32 sz = 0, bool p = false, const ClauseInfo& i = ClauseInfo()) : info(i), size(sz), prep(uint32(p)), lits(cl) {}
00392         ClauseInfo info;    
00393         uint32     size:31; 
00394         uint32     prep: 1; 
00395         Literal*   lits;    
00396         bool isImp() const { return size > 1 && size < 4; }
00397 };
00407 class ClauseHead : public LearntConstraint {
00408 public:
00409         enum { HEAD_LITS = 3, MAX_SHORT_LEN = 5, MAX_LBD = (1<<5)-1, TAGGED_CLAUSE = 1023, MAX_ACTIVITY = (1<<15)-1 };
00410         explicit ClauseHead(const ClauseInfo& init);
00411         // base interface
00413         PropResult propagate(Solver& s, Literal, uint32& data);
00415         ConstraintType type() const       { return ConstraintType(; }
00417         bool     locked(const Solver& s) const;
00419         Activity activity() const         { return Activity(,; }
00421         void     decreaseActivity()       { >>= 1; }
00422         void     resetActivity(Activity a){ = std::min(a.activity(),uint32(MAX_ACTIVITY)); = std::min(a.lbd(), uint32(MAX_LBD)); }
00424         ClauseHead* clause()              { return this; }
00426         // clause interface
00427         typedef std::pair<bool, bool> BoolPair;
00429         void bumpActivity()     { += ( != MAX_ACTIVITY); }
00431         void attach(Solver& s);
00433         bool satisfied(const Solver& s);
00435         bool tagged() const     { return == uint32(TAGGED_CLAUSE); }
00436         bool learnt() const     { return!= 0; }
00437         uint32 lbd()  const     { return; }
00438         void lbd(uint32 x)      { = std::min(x, uint32(MAX_LBD)); }
00440         virtual void     detach(Solver& s);
00442         virtual uint32   size()              const = 0;
00444         virtual void     toLits(LitVec& out) const = 0;
00446         virtual bool     isReverseReason(const Solver& s, Literal p, uint32 maxL, uint32 maxN) = 0;
00455         virtual BoolPair strengthen(Solver& s, Literal p, bool allowToShort = true) = 0;
00456 protected:
00457         friend struct ClauseWatch;
00458         bool         toImplication(Solver& s);
00459         void         clearTagged()   { = 0; }
00460         void         setLbd(uint32 x){ = x; }
00461         bool         hasLbd() const  { return != Constraint_t::learnt_other || lbd() != MAX_LBD; }
00468         virtual bool updateWatch(Solver& s, uint32 pos) = 0;
00469         union Data {
00470                 SharedLiterals* shared;
00471                 struct LocalClause {
00472                         uint32 sizeExt;
00473                         uint32 idx;
00474                         void   init(uint32 size) {
00475                                 if (size <= ClauseHead::MAX_SHORT_LEN){ sizeExt = idx = negLit(0).asUint(); }
00476                                 else                                  { sizeExt = (size << 3) + 1; idx = 0; }
00477                         }
00478                         bool   isSmall()     const    { return (sizeExt & 1u) == 0u; }
00479                         bool   contracted()  const    { return (sizeExt & 3u) == 3u; }
00480                         bool   strengthened()const    { return (sizeExt & 5u) == 5u; }
00481                         uint32 size()        const    { return sizeExt >> 3; }
00482                         void   setSize(uint32 size)   { sizeExt = (size << 3) | (sizeExt & 7u); }
00483                         void   markContracted()       { sizeExt |= 2u;  }
00484                         void   markStrengthened()     { sizeExt |= 4u;  }
00485                         void   clearContracted()      { sizeExt &= ~2u; }
00486                 }               local;
00487                 uint32          lits[2];
00488         }       data_;   // additional data
00489         union Info { 
00490                 Info() : rep(0) {}
00491                 explicit Info(const ClauseInfo& i);
00492                 struct {
00493                         uint32 act : 15; // activity of clause
00494                         uint32 key : 10; // lru key of clause
00495                         uint32 lbd :  5; // lbd of clause
00496                         uint32 type:  2; // type of clause
00497                 }      data;
00498                 uint32 rep;
00499         }       info_;
00500         Literal head_[HEAD_LITS]; // two watched literals and one cache literal
00501 };
00503 class SmallClauseAlloc {
00504 public:
00505         SmallClauseAlloc();
00506         ~SmallClauseAlloc();
00507         void* allocate() {
00508                 if(freeList_ == 0) {
00509                         allocBlock();
00510                 }
00511                 Chunk* r   = freeList_;
00512                 freeList_  = r->next;
00513                 return r;
00514         }
00515         void   free(void* mem) {
00516                 Chunk* b = reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>(mem);
00517                 b->next  = freeList_;
00518                 freeList_= b;
00519         }
00520 private:
00521         SmallClauseAlloc(const SmallClauseAlloc&);
00522         SmallClauseAlloc& operator=(const SmallClauseAlloc&);
00523         struct Chunk {
00524                 Chunk*        next; // enforce ptr alignment
00525                 unsigned char mem[32 - sizeof(Chunk*)];
00526         };
00527         struct Block {
00528                 enum { num_chunks = 1023 };
00529                 Block* next;
00530                 unsigned char pad[32-sizeof(Block*)];
00531                 Chunk  chunk[num_chunks];
00532         };
00533         void allocBlock();
00534         Block*  blocks_;
00535         Chunk*  freeList_;
00536 };
00538 // Watches
00541 struct ClauseWatch {
00543         explicit ClauseWatch(ClauseHead* a_head) : head(a_head) { }
00544         ClauseHead* head;
00545         struct EqHead {
00546                 explicit EqHead(ClauseHead* h) : head(h) {}
00547                 bool operator()(const ClauseWatch& w) const { return head == w.head; }
00548                 ClauseHead* head;
00549         };
00550 };
00553 struct GenericWatch {
00555         explicit GenericWatch(Constraint* a_con, uint32 a_data = 0) : con(a_con), data(a_data) {}
00557         Constraint::PropResult propagate(Solver& s, Literal p) { return con->propagate(s, p, data); }
00559         Constraint* con;    
00560         uint32      data;   
00562         struct EqConstraint {
00563                 explicit EqConstraint(Constraint* c) : con(c) {}
00564                 bool operator()(const GenericWatch& w) const { return con == w.con; }
00565                 Constraint* con;
00566         };      
00567 };
00570 typedef bk_lib::left_right_sequence<ClauseWatch, GenericWatch, 0> WatchList;
00571 inline void releaseVec(WatchList& w) { w.clear(true); }
00574 // Assignment
00582 struct ReasonStore32 : PodVector<Antecedent>::type {
00583         uint32  dataSize() const     { return (uint32)size(); }
00584         void    dataResize(uint32)   {}
00585         uint32  data(uint32 v) const { return decode((*this)[v]);}
00586         void    setData(uint32 v, uint32 data) { encode((*this)[v], data); }
00587         static  void   encode(Antecedent& a, uint32 data) {
00588                 a.asUint() = (uint64(data)<<32) | static_cast<uint32>(a.asUint());
00589         }
00590         static  uint32 decode(const Antecedent& a) {
00591                 return static_cast<uint32>(a.asUint()>>32);
00592         }
00593         struct value_type {
00594                 value_type(const Antecedent& a, uint32 d) : ante_(a) {
00595                         if (d != UINT32_MAX) { encode(ante_, d); assert(data() == d && ante_.type() == Antecedent::generic_constraint); }
00596                 }
00597                 const Antecedent& ante() const { return ante_;      }
00598                       uint32      data() const { return ante_.type() == Antecedent::generic_constraint ? decode(ante_) : UINT32_MAX; }
00599                 Antecedent ante_;
00600         };
00601 };
00604 /*
00605  * \note On 64-bit systems additional data is stored in a separate container.
00606  */
00607 struct ReasonStore64 : PodVector<Antecedent>::type {
00608         uint32  dataSize() const               { return (uint32)data_.size(); }
00609         void    dataResize(uint32 nv)          { if (nv > dataSize()) data_.resize(nv, UINT32_MAX); }
00610         uint32  data(uint32 v) const           { return data_[v]; }
00611         void    setData(uint32 v, uint32 data) { dataResize(v+1); data_[v] = data; }
00612         VarVec  data_;
00613         struct  value_type : std::pair<Antecedent, uint32> {
00614                 value_type(const Antecedent& a, uint32 d) : std::pair<Antecedent, uint32>(a, d) {}
00615                 const Antecedent& ante() const { return first;  }
00616                       uint32      data() const { return second; }
00617         };
00618 };
00629 struct ValueSet {
00630         ValueSet() : rep(0) {}
00631         enum Value { user_value = 0x03u, saved_value = 0x0Cu, pref_value = 0x30u, def_value = 0xC0u };
00632         bool     sign()       const { return (right_most_bit(rep) & 0xAAu) != 0; }
00633         bool     empty()      const { return rep == 0; }
00634         bool     has(Value v) const { return (rep & v) != 0; }
00635         bool     has(uint32 f)const { return (rep & f) != 0; }
00636         ValueRep get(Value v) const { return static_cast<ValueRep>((rep & v) / right_most_bit(v)); }
00637         void     set(Value which, ValueRep to) { rep &= ~which; rep |= (to * right_most_bit(which)); }
00638         void     save(ValueRep x)   { rep &= ~saved_value; rep |= (x << 2); }
00639         uint8 rep;
00640 };
00653 class Assignment  {
00654 public:
00655         typedef PodVector<uint32>::type     AssignVec;
00656         typedef PodVector<ValueSet>::type   PrefVec;
00657         typedef bk_lib::detail::if_then_else<
00658                 sizeof(Constraint*)==sizeof(uint64)
00659                 , ReasonStore64
00660                 , ReasonStore32>::type            ReasonVec;
00661         typedef ReasonVec::value_type       ReasonWithData;
00662         Assignment() : front(0), elims_(0), units_(0) { }
00663         LitVec            trail;   // assignment sequence
00664         LitVec::size_type front;   // and "propagation queue"
00665         bool              qEmpty() const { return front == trail.size(); }
00666         uint32            qSize()  const { return (uint32)trail.size() - front; }
00667         Literal           qPop()         { return trail[front++]; }
00668         void              qReset()       { front  = trail.size(); }
00671         uint32            numVars()    const { return (uint32)assign_.size(); }
00673         uint32            assigned()   const { return (uint32)trail.size();   }
00675         uint32            free()       const { return numVars() - (assigned()+elims_);   }
00677         uint32            maxLevel()   const { return (1u<<28)-2; }
00679         ValueRep          value(Var v) const { return ValueRep(assign_[v] & 3u); }
00681         uint32            level(Var v) const { return assign_[v] >> 4u; }
00683         bool              valid(Var v) const { return (assign_[v] & elim_mask) != elim_mask; }
00685         const ValueSet    pref(Var v)  const { return v < pref_.size() ? pref_[v] : ValueSet(); }
00687         const Antecedent& reason(Var v)const { return reason_[v]; }
00689         uint32            numData()    const { return reason_.dataSize(); }
00691         uint32            data(Var v)  const { assert(v < reason_.dataSize()); return; }
00694         void resize(uint32 nv) {
00695                 assign_.resize(nv);
00696                 reason_.resize(nv);
00697         }
00699         Var addVar() {
00700                 assign_.push_back(0);
00701                 reason_.push_back(0);
00702                 return numVars()-1;
00703         }
00705         void requestPrefs() {
00706                 if (pref_.size() != assign_.size()) { pref_.resize(assign_.size()); }
00707         }
00709         void requestData(uint32 nv) {
00710                 reason_.dataResize(nv);
00711         }
00713         void eliminate(Var v) {
00714                 assert(value(v) == value_free && "Can not eliminate assigned var!\n");
00715                 if (valid(v)) { assign_[v] = elim_mask|value_true; ++elims_; }
00716         }
00722         bool assign(Literal p, uint32 lev, const Antecedent& x) {
00723                 const Var      v   = p.var();
00724                 const ValueRep val = value(v);
00725                 if (val == value_free) {
00726                         assert(valid(v));
00727                         assign_[v] = (lev<<4) + trueValue(p);
00728                         reason_[v] = x;
00729                         trail.push_back(p);
00730                         return true;
00731                 }
00732                 return val == trueValue(p);
00733         }
00734         bool assign(Literal p, uint32 lev, Constraint* c, uint32 data) {
00735                 const Var      v   = p.var();
00736                 const ValueRep val = value(v);
00737                 if (val == value_free) {
00738                         assert(valid(v));
00739                         assign_[v] = (lev<<4) + trueValue(p);
00740                         reason_[v] = c;
00741                         reason_.setData(v, data);
00742                         trail.push_back(p);
00743                         return true;
00744                 }
00745                 return val == trueValue(p);
00746         }
00752         void undoTrail(LitVec::size_type first, bool save) {
00753                 if (!save) { popUntil<&Assignment::clear>(trail[first]); }
00754                 else       { requestPrefs(); popUntil<&Assignment::saveAndClear>(trail[first]); }
00755                 qReset();
00756         }
00758         void undoLast() { clear(trail.back().var()); trail.pop_back(); }
00760         Literal last() const { return trail.back(); }
00761         Literal&last()       { return trail.back(); }
00768         uint32 units()              const { return units_; }
00769         bool   seen(Var v, uint8 m) const { return (assign_[v] & (m<<2)) != 0; }
00770         void   setSeen(Var v, uint8 m)    { assign_[v] |= (m<<2); }
00771         void   clearSeen(Var v)           { assign_[v] &= ~uint32(12); }
00772         void   clearValue(Var v)          { assign_[v] &= ~uint32(3); }
00773         void   setValue(Var v, ValueRep val) {
00774                 assert(value(v) == val || value(v) == value_free);
00775                 assign_[v] |= val;
00776         }
00777         void   setReason(Var v, const Antecedent& a) { reason_[v] = a;  }
00778         void   setData(Var v, uint32 data) { reason_.setData(v, data); }
00779         void   setPref(Var v, ValueSet::Value which, ValueRep to) { pref_[v].set(which, to); }
00780         void   copyAssignment(Assignment& o) const { o.assign_ = assign_; }
00781         bool   markUnits()                 { while (units_ != front) { setSeen(trail[units_++].var(), 3u); }  return true; }
00782         void   setUnits(uint32 ts)         { units_ = ts; }
00784 private:
00785         static const uint32 elim_mask = uint32(0xFFFFFFF0u);
00786         Assignment(const Assignment&);
00787         Assignment& operator=(const Assignment&);
00788         void    clear(Var v)              { assign_[v]= 0; }
00789         void    saveAndClear(Var v)       { pref_[v].save(value(v)); clear(v); }
00790         template <void (Assignment::*op)(Var v)>
00791         void popUntil(Literal stop) {
00792                 Literal p;
00793                 do {
00794                         p = trail.back(); trail.pop_back();
00795                         (this->*op)(p.var());
00796                 } while (p != stop);
00797         }
00798         AssignVec assign_; // for each var: three-valued assignment
00799         ReasonVec reason_; // for each var: reason for being assigned (+ optional data)
00800         PrefVec   pref_;   // for each var: set of preferred values
00801         uint32    elims_;  // number of variables that were eliminated from the assignment
00802         uint32    units_;  // number of marked top-level assignments
00803 };
00806 struct ImpliedLiteral {
00807         typedef Assignment::ReasonWithData AnteInfo;
00808         ImpliedLiteral(Literal a_lit, uint32 a_level, const Antecedent& a_ante, uint32 a_data = UINT32_MAX) 
00809                 : lit(a_lit)
00810                 , level(a_level)
00811                 , ante(a_ante, a_data) {
00812         }
00813         Literal     lit;    
00814         uint32      level;  
00815         AnteInfo    ante;   
00816 };
00818 struct ImpliedList {
00819         typedef PodVector<ImpliedLiteral>::type VecType;
00820         typedef VecType::const_iterator iterator;
00821         ImpliedList() : level(0), front(0) {}
00823         ImpliedLiteral* find(Literal p) {
00824                 for (uint32 i = 0, end = lits.size(); i != end; ++i) {
00825                         if (lits[i].lit == p)  { return &lits[i]; }
00826                 }
00827                 return 0;
00828         }
00830         void add(uint32 dl, const ImpliedLiteral& n) {
00831                 if (dl > level) { level = dl; }
00832                 lits.push_back(n);
00833         }
00835         bool active(uint32 dl) const { return dl < level && front != lits.size(); }
00837         bool assign(Solver& s);
00838         iterator begin() const { return lits.begin(); }
00839         iterator end()   const { return lits.end();   }
00840         VecType lits;  // current set of (out-of-order) implied literals
00841         uint32  level; // highest dl on which lits must be reassigned
00842         uint32  front; // current starting position in lits
00843 };
00845 struct CCMinRecursive {
00846         enum State { state_open = 0, state_poison = 1, state_removable = 2 };
00847         void  init(uint32 numV) { extra.resize(numV,0); }
00848         State state(Literal p) const { return State(extra[p.var()]); }
00849         bool  checkRecursive(Literal p) {
00850                 if (state(p) == state_open) { p.clearWatch(); dfsStack.push_back(p); }
00851                 return state(p) != state_poison;
00852         }
00853         void  markVisited(Literal p, State st) {
00854                 if (state(p) == state_open) {
00855                         visited.push_back(p.var());
00856                 }
00857                 extra[p.var()] = static_cast<uint8>(st);
00858         }
00859         void clear() {
00860                 for (; !visited.empty(); visited.pop_back()) {
00861                         extra[visited.back()] = 0;
00862                 }
00863         }
00864         typedef PodVector<uint8>::type DfsState;
00865         LitVec   dfsStack;
00866         VarVec   visited;
00867         DfsState extra;
00868 };
00870 }
00871 #endif

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:40