Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00023 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00024 #pragma once
00025 #endif
00027 #include <clasp/solver.h>
00028 #include <clasp/util/indexed_priority_queue.h>
00029 #include <ctime>
00031 namespace Clasp { namespace SatElite {
00044 class SatElite : public Clasp::SatPreprocessor {
00045 public:
00046         SatElite();
00047         ~SatElite();
00048         Clasp::SatPreprocessor* clone();
00049         struct Progress : public Event_t<Progress> {
00050                 enum EventOp { event_algorithm = '*', event_bce = 'B', event_var_elim = 'E', event_subsumption = 'S', };
00051                 Progress(SatElite* p, EventOp o, uint32 i, uint32 m) : Event_t<Progress>(Event::subsystem_prepare, Event::verbosity_high), self(p), cur(i), max(m) {
00052                         op = (uint32)o;
00053                 }
00054                 SatElite* self;
00055                 uint32    cur;
00056                 uint32    max;
00057         };
00058 protected:
00059         bool  initPreprocess(Options& opts);
00060         void  reportProgress(Progress::EventOp, uint32 curr, uint32 max);
00061         bool  doPreprocess();
00062         void  doExtendModel(ValueVec& m, LitVec& open);
00063         void  doCleanUp();
00064 private:
00065         typedef PodVector<uint8>::type    TouchedList;
00066         typedef bk_lib::left_right_sequence<Literal, Var,0> ClWList;
00067         typedef ClWList::left_iterator                      ClIter;
00068         typedef ClWList::right_iterator                     WIter;
00069         typedef std::pair<ClIter, ClIter>                   ClRange;
00070         SatElite(const SatElite&);
00071         const SatElite& operator=(const SatElite&);
00072         // For each var v
00073         struct OccurList {
00074                 OccurList() : pos(0), bce(0), dirty(0), neg(0), litMark(0) {}
00075                 ClWList refs;      // left : ids of clauses containing v or ~v  (var() == id, sign() == v or ~v)
00076                                    // right: ids of clauses watching v or ~v (literal 0 is the watched literal)
00077                 uint32  pos:30;    // number of *relevant* clauses containing v
00078                 uint32  bce:1;     // in BCE queue?
00079                 uint32  dirty:1;   // does clauses contain removed clauses?
00080                 uint32  neg:30;    // number of *relevant* clauses containing v
00081                 uint32  litMark:2; // 00: no literal of v marked, 01: v marked, 10: ~v marked
00082                 uint32  numOcc()          const { return pos + neg; }
00083                 uint32  cost()            const { return pos * neg; }
00084                 ClRange clauseRange()     const { return ClRange(const_cast<ClWList&>(refs).left_begin(), const_cast<ClWList&>(refs).left_end()); }
00085                 void    clear() {
00086                         this->~OccurList();
00087                         new (this) OccurList();
00088                 }
00089                 void    addWatch(uint32 clId)    { refs.push_right(clId); }
00090                 void    removeWatch(uint32 clId) { refs.erase_right(std::find(refs.right_begin(), refs.right_end(), clId)); }
00091                 void    add(uint32 id, bool sign){
00092                         pos += uint32(!sign);
00093                         neg += uint32(sign);
00094                         refs.push_left(Literal(id, sign));
00095                 }
00096                 void    remove(uint32 id, bool sign, bool updateClauseList) {
00097                         pos -= uint32(!sign);
00098                         neg -= uint32(sign);
00099                         if (updateClauseList) { 
00100                                 refs.erase_left(std::find(refs.left_begin(), refs.left_end(), Literal(id, sign)));
00101                         }
00102                         else { dirty = 1; }
00103                 }
00104                 // note: only one literal of v shall be marked at a time
00105                 bool    marked(bool sign) const   { return (litMark & (1+sign)) != 0; }
00106                 void    mark(bool sign)           { litMark = (1+sign); }
00107                 void    unmark()                  { litMark = 0; }
00108         };
00109         struct LessOccCost {
00110                 explicit LessOccCost(OccurList*& occ) : occ_(occ) {}
00111                 bool operator()(Var v1, Var v2) const { return occ_[v1].cost() < occ_[v2].cost(); }
00112         private:
00113                 const LessOccCost& operator=(LessOccCost&);
00114                 OccurList*& occ_;
00115         };
00116         typedef bk_lib::indexed_priority_queue<LessOccCost> ElimHeap;
00117         Clause*         peekSubQueue() const {
00118                 assert(qFront_ < queue_.size());
00119                 return (Clause*)clause( queue_[qFront_] );
00120         }
00121         inline Clause*  popSubQueue();
00122         inline void     addToSubQueue(uint32 clauseId);
00123         void            updateHeap(Var v) {
00124                 assert(ctx_);
00125                 if (!ctx_->varInfo(v).frozen() && !ctx_->eliminated(v)) {
00126                         elimHeap_.update(v);
00127                         if (occurs_[v].bce == 0 && occurs_[0].bce != 0) {
00128                                 occurs_[0].addWatch(v);
00129                                 occurs_[v].bce = 1;
00130                         }
00131                 }
00132         }
00133         inline uint32   findUnmarkedLit(const Clause& c, uint32 x) const;
00134         void    attach(uint32 cId, bool initialClause);
00135         void    detach(uint32 cId);
00136         void    bceVeRemove(uint32 cId, bool freeId, Var v, bool blocked);
00137         bool    propagateFacts();
00138         bool    backwardSubsume();
00139         Literal subsumes(const Clause& c, const Clause& other, Literal res) const;
00140         bool    strengthenClause(uint32 clauseId, Literal p);
00141         bool    subsumed(LitVec& cl);
00142         bool    eliminateVars();
00143         bool    bce();
00144         bool    bceVe(Var v, uint32 maxCnt);
00145         ClRange splitOcc(Var v, bool mark);
00146         bool    trivialResolvent(const Clause& c2, Var v) const;
00147         void    markAll(const Literal* lits, uint32 size) const;
00148         void    unmarkAll(const Literal* lits, uint32 size) const;
00149         bool    addResolvent(uint32 newId, const Clause& c1, const Clause& c2);
00150         bool    cutoff(Var v) const {
00151                 return opts_->occLimit(occurs_[v].pos, occurs_[v].neg)
00152                   ||   (occurs_[v].cost() == 0 && opts_->mode == Options::prepro_preserve_models);
00153         }
00154         bool    timeout() const { return time(0) > timeout_; }
00155         const Options*opts_;      // active options
00156         OccurList*    occurs_;    // occur list for each variable
00157         ElimHeap      elimHeap_;  // candidates for variable elimination; ordered by increasing occurrence-cost
00158         VarVec      posT_, negT_; // temporary clause lists used in eliminateVar
00159         ClauseList    resCands_;  // pairs of clauses to be resolved
00160         LitVec        resolvent_; // temporary, used in addResolvent
00161         VarVec        queue_;     // indices of clauses waiting for subsumption-check
00162         uint32        qFront_;    // front of queue_, i.e. [queue_.begin()+qFront_, queue.end()) is the subsumption queue
00163         uint32        facts_;     // [facts_, solver.trail.size()): new top-level facts
00164         std::time_t   timeout_;   // stop once time > timeout_
00165 };
00166 }}
00167 #endif

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39