Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/clasp/ 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00023 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00024 #pragma once
00025 #endif
00034 #include <clasp/solver.h>
00035 #include <clasp/constraint.h>
00036 namespace Clasp { 
00039 struct VarScore {
00040         VarScore() { clear(); }
00041         void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(VarScore)); }
00043         void setSeen( Literal p )    { seen_ |= uint32(p.sign()) + 1; }
00045         bool seen(Literal p) const   { return (seen_ & (uint32(p.sign())+1)) != 0; }
00047         bool seen()          const   { return seen_ != 0; }
00049         void setTested( Literal p )  { tested_ |= uint32(p.sign()) + 1; }
00051         bool tested(Literal p) const { return (tested_ & (uint32(p.sign())+1)) != 0; }
00053         bool tested()          const { return tested_ != 0; }
00055         bool testedBoth()      const { return tested_  == 3; }
00058         void setScore(Literal p, LitVec::size_type value) {
00059                 if (value > (1U<<14)-1) value = (1U<<14)-1;
00060                 if (p.sign()) nVal_ = uint32(value);
00061                 else          pVal_ = uint32(value);
00062                 setTested(p);
00063         }
00065         void setDepScore(Literal p, uint32 sc) {
00066                 if (!seen(p) || score(p) > sc) {
00067                         if (sc > (1U<<14)-1) sc = (1U<<14)-1;
00068                         if (p.sign()) nVal_ = std::min(uint32(nVal_-(nVal_==0)), sc);
00069                         else          pVal_ = std::min(uint32(pVal_-(pVal_==0)), sc);
00070                 }
00071         }
00073         uint32 score(Literal p) const { return p.sign() ? nVal_ : pVal_; }
00079         void score(uint32& mx, uint32& mn) const {
00080                 if (nVal_ > pVal_) {
00081                         mx = nVal_;
00082                         mn = pVal_;
00083                 }
00084                 else {
00085                         mx = pVal_;
00086                         mn = nVal_;
00087                 }
00088         }
00090         bool prefSign() const { return nVal_ > pVal_; }
00092         uint32 nVal() const { return nVal_; }
00093         uint32 pVal() const { return pVal_; }
00094 private:
00095         uint32 pVal_  : 14;
00096         uint32 nVal_  : 14;
00097         uint32 seen_  : 2;
00098         uint32 tested_: 2;
00099 };
00102 struct ScoreLook {
00103         enum Mode { score_max, score_max_min };
00104         typedef PodVector<VarScore>::type VarScores; 
00105         ScoreLook() : best(0), mode(score_max), addDeps(true), nant(false) {}
00106         bool    validVar(Var v) const { return v < score.size(); }
00107         void    scoreLits(const Solver& s, const Literal* b, const Literal *e);
00108         void    clearDeps();
00109         uint32  countNant(const Solver& s, const Literal* b, const Literal *e) const;
00110         bool    greater(Var lhs, Var rhs)const;
00111         bool    greaterMax(Var x, uint32 max) const { 
00112                 return score[x].nVal() > max || score[x].pVal() > max; 
00113         }
00114         bool    greaterMaxMin(Var lhs, uint32 max, uint32 min) const {
00115                 uint32 lhsMin, lhsMax;
00116                 score[lhs].score(lhsMax, lhsMin);
00117                 return lhsMin > min || (lhsMin == min && lhsMax > max);
00118         }
00119         VarScores score;  // score[v] stores lookahead score of v
00120         VarVec    deps;   // tested vars and those that follow from them
00121         VarType   types;  // var types to consider
00122         Var       best;   // var with best score among those in deps
00123         Mode      mode;   // score mode
00124         bool      addDeps;// add/score dependent vars?
00125         bool      nant;   // score only atoms in NAnt(P)?
00126 };
00128 class UnitHeuristic;
00138 class Lookahead : public PostPropagator {
00139 public:
00141         enum Type { 
00142                 no_lookahead=0,   
00143                 atom_lookahead,   
00144                 body_lookahead,   
00145                 hybrid_lookahead, 
00146         };
00147         struct Params {
00148                 Params(Type t = atom_lookahead) : type(t), topLevelImps(true), restrictNant(false) {}
00149                 Params& lookahead(Type t){ type         = t; return *this; }
00150                 Params& addImps(bool b)  { topLevelImps = b; return *this; }
00151                 Params& nant(bool b)     { restrictNant = b; return *this; }
00152                 Type type;
00153                 bool topLevelImps;
00154                 bool restrictNant;
00155         };
00156         static bool isType(uint32 t) { return t != 0 && t <= hybrid_lookahead; }
00160         explicit Lookahead(const Params& p);
00161         ~Lookahead();
00163         bool    init(Solver& s);
00165         void    clear();
00167         bool    empty() const { return head()->next == head_id; }
00169         void    append(Literal p, bool testBoth);
00171         bool    propagateFixpoint(Solver& s, PostPropagator*);
00173         uint32  priority() const;
00174         void    destroy(Solver* s, bool detach);
00176         ScoreLook score;
00178         Literal heuristic(Solver& s);
00180         void    setLimit(UnitHeuristic* n);
00181 protected:
00182         bool propagateLevel(Solver& s); // called by propagate
00183         void undoLevel(Solver& s);
00184         bool test(Solver& s, Literal p);
00185 private:
00186         typedef uint32 NodeId;
00187         enum { head_id = NodeId(0), undo_id = NodeId(1) };
00188         struct LitNode {
00189                 LitNode(Literal x) : lit(x), next(UINT32_MAX) {}
00190                 Literal  lit;
00191                 NodeId   next;
00192         };
00193         typedef PodVector<NodeId>::type  UndoStack;
00194         typedef PodVector<LitNode>::type LookList;
00195         typedef UnitHeuristic*           HeuPtr;
00196         void splice(NodeId n);
00197         LitNode* node(NodeId n) { return &nodes_[n]; }
00198         LitNode* head()         { return &nodes_[head_id]; } // head of circular candidate list
00199         LitNode* undo()         { return &nodes_[undo_id]; } // head of undo list
00200         bool     checkImps(Solver& s, Literal p);
00201         const LitNode* head() const { return &nodes_[head_id]; }
00202         LookList   nodes_; // list of literals to test
00203         UndoStack  saved_; // stack of undo lists
00204         LitVec     imps_;  // additional top-level implications 
00205         NodeId     last_;  // last candidate in list; invariant: node(last_)->next == head_id;
00206         NodeId     pos_;   // current lookahead start position
00207         uint32     top_;   // size of top-level
00208         HeuPtr     limit_; // 
00209 };
00226 class UnitHeuristic : public DecisionHeuristic {
00227 public:
00231         explicit UnitHeuristic(const Lookahead::Params& p);
00233         static UnitHeuristic* restricted(const Lookahead::Params& p, uint32 numOps, DecisionHeuristic* other);
00234         void endInit(Solver& s);
00235         void updateVar(const Solver& s, Var v, uint32 n);
00236         Literal doSelect(Solver& s);
00237         virtual bool notify(Solver&) { return true; }
00238 protected:
00239         typedef SingleOwnerPtr<Lookahead> LookPtr;
00240         LookPtr look_; // lookahead propagator
00241 };
00243 }
00244 #endif

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39