Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/clasp/ 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00020 #include <clasp/lookahead.h>
00021 #include <algorithm>
00022 namespace Clasp { 
00024 // Lookahead scoring
00026 uint32 ScoreLook::countNant(const Solver& s, const Literal* b, const Literal *e) const {
00027         uint32 sc = 1;
00028         for (; b != e; ++b) { sc += s.varInfo(b->var()).nant(); }
00029         return sc;
00030 }
00031 void ScoreLook::scoreLits(const Solver& s, const Literal* b, const Literal *e) {
00032         assert(b < e);
00033         uint32 sc = !nant ? uint32(e-b) : countNant(s, b, e);
00034         Var v     = b->var();
00035         assert(validVar(v));
00036         score[v].setScore(*b, sc);
00037         if (addDeps) {
00038                 if ((score[v].testedBoth() || mode == score_max) && greater(v, best)) {
00039                         best = v;
00040                 }
00041                 for (; b != e; ++b) {
00042                         v = b->var();
00043                         if (validVar(v) && (s.varInfo(v).type() & types) != 0) {
00044                                 if (!score[v].seen()) { deps.push_back(v); }
00045                                 score[v].setDepScore(*b, sc);
00046                                 score[v].setSeen(*b);
00047                         }
00048                 }
00049         }
00050 }
00051 void ScoreLook::clearDeps() {
00052         for (VarVec::size_type i = 0, end = deps.size(); i != end; ++i) {
00053                 score[deps[i]].clear();
00054         }
00055         deps.clear();
00056         best = 0;
00057 }
00058 bool ScoreLook::greater(Var lhs, Var rhs) const {
00059         uint32 rhsMax, rhsMin;
00060         score[rhs].score(rhsMax, rhsMin);
00061         return mode == score_max 
00062                 ? greaterMax(lhs, rhsMax)
00063                 : greaterMaxMin(lhs, rhsMax, rhsMin);
00064 }
00066 // Lookahead propagator
00068 Lookahead::Lookahead(const Params& p)
00069         : nodes_(2, LitNode(posLit(0)))
00070         , last_(head_id)    // circular list
00071         , pos_(head_id)     // lookahead start pos
00072         , top_(uint32(-2))
00073         , limit_(0) {
00074         head()->next = head_id;
00075         undo()->next = UINT32_MAX;
00076         if (p.type != hybrid_lookahead) {
00077                 score.mode = ScoreLook::score_max_min;
00078                 score.types= (p.type == body_lookahead)
00079                         ? Var_t::body_var
00080                         : Var_t::atom_var;
00081         }
00082         else {
00083                 score.mode = ScoreLook::score_max;
00084                 score.types= Var_t::atom_body_var;
00085         }
00086         if (p.topLevelImps) { head()->lit.watch(); }
00087         score.nant = p.restrictNant;
00088 }
00090 Lookahead::~Lookahead() {  }
00092 void Lookahead::destroy(Solver* s, bool detach) {
00093         if (s && detach) {
00094                 s->removePost(this);
00095                 while (saved_.size()>1) {
00096                         s->removeUndoWatch(uint32(saved_.size()-1), this);
00097                         saved_.pop_back();
00098                 }
00099         }
00100         PostPropagator::destroy(s, detach);
00101 }
00103 uint32 Lookahead::priority() const { return priority_reserved_look; }
00105 void Lookahead::clear() {
00106         score.clearDeps();
00107         while (!saved_.empty()) {
00108                 if (saved_.back() != UINT32_MAX) {
00109                         splice(saved_.back());
00110                 }
00111                 saved_.pop_back();
00112         }
00113         LookList(2, *head()).swap(nodes_);
00114         head()->next = head_id;
00115         undo()->next = UINT32_MAX;
00116         last_        = head_id;
00117         top_         = UINT32_MAX;
00118 }
00120 bool Lookahead::init(Solver& s) {
00121         ScoreLook& sc = score;
00122         sc.clearDeps();
00123         Var start     = (uint32)sc.score.size();
00124         sc.score.resize(s.numVars()+1);
00125         const VarType types= sc.types;
00126         const bool uniform = types != Var_t::atom_body_var;
00127         uint32 add    = 0;
00128         uint32 nants  = 0;
00129         for (Var v = start; v <= s.numVars(); ++v) {
00130                 if (s.value(v) == value_free && (s.varInfo(v).type() & types) != 0 ) {
00131                         ++add;
00132                         nants += s.varInfo(v).nant();
00133                 }
00134         }
00135         nodes_.reserve(nodes_.size() + add);
00136         for (Var v = start; v <= s.numVars(); ++v) {
00137                 if (s.value(v) == value_free && (s.varInfo(v).type() & types) != 0 ) {
00138                         append(Literal(v, s.varInfo(v).preferredSign()), uniform || s.varInfo(v).type() == Var_t::atom_body_var);
00139                 }
00140         }
00141         if (add && score.nant) {
00142                 score.nant = add != nants && nants != 0;
00143         }
00144         return true;
00145 }
00147 void Lookahead::append(Literal p, bool testBoth) {
00148         node(last_)->next = static_cast<NodeId>(nodes_.size());
00149         nodes_.push_back(LitNode(p));
00150         last_             = node(last_)->next;
00151         node(last_)->next = head_id;
00152         // remember to also test ~p by setting watched-flag
00153         if (testBoth) { node(last_)->lit.watch(); }
00154 }
00156 // test p and optionally ~p if necessary
00157 bool Lookahead::test(Solver& s, Literal p) {
00158         return (score.score[p.var()].seen(p) || s.test(p, this))
00159                 && (!p.watched() || score.score[p.var()].seen(~p) || s.test(~p, this))
00160                 && (imps_.empty() || checkImps(s, p));
00161 }
00163 bool Lookahead::checkImps(Solver& s, Literal p) {
00164         assert(!imps_.empty());
00165         bool ok = true;
00166         if (score.score[p.var()].testedBoth()) {
00167                 for (LitVec::const_iterator it = imps_.begin(), end = imps_.end(); it != end && ok; ++it) {
00168                         ok  = s.force(*it, posLit(0));
00169                 }
00170         }
00171         imps_.clear();
00172         return ok && (s.queueSize() == 0 || s.propagateUntil(this));
00173 }
00175 // failed-literal detection - stop on failed-literal
00176 bool Lookahead::propagateLevel(Solver& s) {
00177         assert(!s.hasConflict());
00178         saved_.resize(s.decisionLevel()+1, UINT32_MAX);
00179         uint32 undoId = saved_[s.decisionLevel()];
00180         if (undoId == UINT32_MAX) {
00181                 undoId = undo_id;
00182                 if (s.decisionLevel() != 0) {
00183                         s.addUndoWatch(s.decisionLevel(), this);
00184                 }
00185         }
00186         score.clearDeps(); 
00187         score.addDeps = true;
00188         Literal p     = node(pos_)->lit;
00189         bool   ok     = s.value(p.var()) != value_free || test(s, p);
00190         for (LitNode* r = node(pos_); r->next != pos_ && ok; ) {
00191                 p = node(r->next)->lit;
00192                 if (s.value(p.var()) == value_free) {
00193                         if (test(s, p)) { r   = node(r->next); }
00194                         else            { pos_= r->next; ok = false; }
00195                 }
00196                 else if (r->next != last_ && r->next != head_id) {
00197                         // unlink from candidate list
00198                         NodeId t       = r->next;
00199                         r->next        = node(t)->next;
00200                         // append to undo list
00201                         LitNode* u     = node(undoId);
00202                         node(t)->next  = u->next;
00203                         u->next        = t;
00204                         undoId         = t;
00205                 }
00206                 else { r = node(r->next); } // keep iterators valid; never unlink last node and dummy head
00207         }
00208         saved_.back() = undoId;
00209         return ok;
00210 }
00212 bool Lookahead::propagateFixpoint(Solver& s, PostPropagator*) {
00213         if ((empty() || top_ == s.numAssignedVars()) && !score.deps.empty()) {
00214                 // nothing to lookahead
00215                 return true;
00216         }
00217         bool ok = true;
00218         uint32 dl;
00219         for (dl = s.decisionLevel(); !propagateLevel(s); dl = s.decisionLevel()) {
00220                 // some literal failed
00221                 // resolve and propagate conflict
00222                 assert(s.decisionLevel() >= dl);
00223                 if (!s.resolveConflict() || !s.propagateUntil(this)) {
00224                         ok = false;
00225                         score.clearDeps();
00226                         break;
00227                 }
00228         }
00229         if (dl == 0 && ok) {
00230                 // remember top-level size - no need to redo lookahead 
00231                 // on level 0 unless we learn a new implication
00232                 assert(s.queueSize() == 0);
00233                 top_ = s.numAssignedVars();
00234                 LitVec().swap(imps_);
00235         }
00236         if (limit_ && !limit_->notify(s)) { Lookahead::destroy(&s, true); }
00237         return ok;
00238 }
00240 // splice list [undo_.next, ul] back into candidate list
00241 void Lookahead::splice(NodeId ul) {
00242         assert(ul != UINT32_MAX);
00243         if (ul != undo_id) { 
00244                 assert(undo()->next != UINT32_MAX);
00245                 // unlink from undo list
00246                 LitNode* ulNode= node(ul);
00247                 NodeId   first = undo()->next;
00248                 undo()->next   = ulNode->next;
00249                 // splice into look-list
00250                 ulNode->next   = head()->next;
00251                 head()->next   = first;
00252         }
00253 }
00255 void Lookahead::undoLevel(Solver& s) {
00256         if (s.decisionLevel() == saved_.size()) {
00257                 const LitVec& a = s.trail();
00258                 score.scoreLits(s, &a[0]+s.levelStart(s.decisionLevel()), &a[0]+a.size());
00259                 if (s.decisionLevel() == static_cast<uint32>(head()->lit.watched())) {
00260                         const Literal* b = &a[0]+s.levelStart(s.decisionLevel());
00261                         if (b->watched()) {
00262                                 // remember current DL for b
00263                                 uint32 dist = static_cast<uint32>(((&a[0]+a.size()) - b));
00264                                 imps_.assign(b+1, b + std::min(dist, uint32(2048)));
00265                         }
00266                         else if (score.score[b->var()].testedBoth()) {
00267                                 // all true lits in imps_ follow from both *b and ~*b 
00268                                 // and are therefore implied
00269                                 LitVec::iterator j = imps_.begin();
00270                                 for (LitVec::iterator it = imps_.begin(), end = imps_.end(); it != end; ++it) {
00271                                         if (s.isTrue(*it)) { *j++ = *it; }
00272                                 }
00273                                 imps_.erase(j, imps_.end());
00274                         }
00275                 }
00276         }
00277         else {
00278                 assert(saved_.size() >= s.decisionLevel()+1);
00279                 saved_.resize(s.decisionLevel()+1);
00280                 NodeId n = saved_.back();
00281                 saved_.pop_back();
00282                 splice(n);
00283                 assert(node(last_)->next == head_id);
00284                 score.clearDeps();
00285         }
00286 }
00288 Literal Lookahead::heuristic(Solver& s) {
00289         if (s.value(score.best) != value_free) {
00290                 // no candidate available
00291                 return posLit(0);
00292         }
00293         ScoreLook& sc = score;
00294         Literal choice= Literal(sc.best, sc.score[sc.best].prefSign());
00295         if (!sc.deps.empty() && sc.mode == ScoreLook::score_max_min) {
00296                 // compute heuristic values for candidates skipped during last lookahead
00297                 uint32 min, max;
00298                 sc.score[sc.best].score(max, min);
00299                 sc.addDeps = false;
00300                 bool ok    = true;
00301                 LitVec::size_type i = 0;
00302                 do {
00303                         Var v        = sc.deps[i];
00304                         VarScore& vs = sc.score[v];
00305                         if (s.value(v) == value_free) {
00306                                 uint32 vMin, vMax;
00307                                 vs.score(vMax, vMin);
00308                                 if (vMin == 0 || vMin > min || (vMin == min && vMax > max)) {
00309                                         uint32 neg = vs.score(negLit(v)) > 0 ? vs.score(negLit(v)) : max+1;
00310                                         uint32 pos = vs.score(posLit(v)) > 0 ? vs.score(posLit(v)) : max+1;
00311                                         if (!vs.tested(negLit(v))) {
00312                                                 ok  = ok && s.test(negLit(v), this);
00313                                                 neg = vs.score(negLit(v));
00314                                         }
00315                                         if ((neg > min || (neg == min && pos > max)) && !vs.tested(posLit(v))) {
00316                                                 ok  = ok && s.test(posLit(v), this);
00317                                         }
00318                                 }
00319                                 if (vs.testedBoth() && sc.greaterMaxMin(v, max, min)) {
00320                                         vs.score(max, min);
00321                                         choice = Literal(v, vs.prefSign());
00322                                 }
00323                         }
00324                 } while (++i != sc.deps.size() && ok); 
00325                 if (!ok) {
00326                         // One of the candidates failed. Since none of them failed
00327                         // during previous propagation, this indicates that 
00328                         // either some post propagator has wrong priority or
00329                         // parallel solving is active and a stop conflict was set.
00330                         // Since we can't resolve the problem here, we simply return the
00331                         // literal that caused the conflict
00332                         assert(s.hasConflict());
00333                         return negLit(0);
00334                 }               
00335         }
00336         return choice;
00337 }
00338 void Lookahead::setLimit(UnitHeuristic* h) { limit_ = h; }
00340 // Lookahead heuristic
00342 UnitHeuristic::UnitHeuristic(const Lookahead::Params& p)
00343         : look_(new Lookahead(p)) {
00344 }
00346 void UnitHeuristic::endInit(Solver& s) { 
00347         assert(s.decisionLevel() == 0);
00348         if (look_.is_owner()) { 
00349                 s.addPost(look_.release());
00350         }
00351 }
00353 Literal UnitHeuristic::doSelect(Solver& s) {
00354         Literal x = look_->heuristic(s);
00355         if (x != posLit(0) || s.numFreeVars() == 0) { return x; }
00356         // No candidates. This can happen if the problem 
00357         // contains choice rules and lookahead is not atom-based.
00358         // Add remaining free vars to lookahead so that we can
00359         // make an informed decision.
00360         VarType types = look_->score.types;
00361         uint32  added = 0;
00362         for (Var v = 1, end = s.numProblemVars()+1; v != end; ++v) {
00363                 if ((s.value(v) == value_free || s.level(v) > 0) && (s.varInfo(v).type() & types) == 0) {
00364                         look_->append(Literal(v, s.varInfo(v).preferredSign()), true);
00365                         ++added;
00366                 }
00367         }
00368         assert(added);
00369         look_->score.clearDeps();
00370         look_->score.types = Var_t::atom_body_var;
00371         return s.propagate()
00372                 ? look_->heuristic(s)
00373                 : negLit(0);
00374 }
00376 void UnitHeuristic::updateVar(const Solver& s, Var v, uint32 n) {
00377         if (s.validVar(v) && !s.auxVar(v)) {
00378                 growVecTo(look_->score.score, v + n);
00379                 for (uint32 end = v + n; v != end; ++v) {
00380                         VarInfo vd = s.varInfo(v);
00381                         if ((vd.type() & look_->score.types) != 0) {
00382                                 look_->append(Literal(v, vd.preferredSign()), vd.type() == Var_t::atom_body_var || look_->score.types != Var_t::atom_body_var);
00383                         }
00384                 }
00385         }
00386 }
00388 // Restricted Lookahead heuristic - lookahead and heuristic for a limited number of ops
00390 class Restricted : public UnitHeuristic {
00391 public:
00392         typedef LitVec::size_type size_t;
00393         typedef ConstraintType    con_t;
00394         Restricted(const Lookahead::Params& p, uint32 numOps, DecisionHeuristic* other)
00395                 : UnitHeuristic(p)
00396                 , other_(other)
00397                 , numOps_(numOps) {
00398         }
00399         void restoreOther(Solver& s) {
00400                 s.heuristic().reset(other_.release());
00401         }
00402         // base interface
00403         bool notify(Solver& s) {
00404                 if (--numOps_) { return UnitHeuristic::notify(s); }
00405                 restoreOther(s);
00406                 return false;
00407         }
00408         void updateVar(const Solver& s, Var v, uint32 n) { other_->updateVar(s, v, n); UnitHeuristic::updateVar(s, v, n); }
00409         void endInit(Solver& s) {
00410                 UnitHeuristic::endInit(s);
00411                 other_->endInit(s);
00412                 if (numOps_ > 0){ look_->setLimit(this); }
00413                 else            { restoreOther(s);       }
00414         }
00415         Literal doSelect(Solver& s) {
00416                 return s.value(look_->score.best) == value_free
00417                         ? UnitHeuristic::doSelect(s)
00418                         : other_->doSelect(s);
00419         }
00420         // heuristic interface - forward to other
00421         void startInit(const Solver& s)           { other_->startInit(s); }
00422         void simplify(const Solver& s, size_t st) { other_->simplify(s, st); }
00423         void undoUntil(const Solver& s, size_t st){ other_->undoUntil(s, st); }
00424         void updateReason(const Solver& s, const LitVec& x, Literal r)            { other_->updateReason(s, x, r); }
00425         bool bump(const Solver& s, const WeightLitVec& w, double d)               { return other_->bump(s, w, d); }
00426         void newConstraint(const Solver& s, const Literal* p, size_t sz, con_t t) { other_->newConstraint(s, p, sz, t); } 
00427         Literal selectRange(Solver& s, const Literal* f, const Literal* l)        { return other_->selectRange(s, f, l); }
00428 private:
00429         typedef SingleOwnerPtr<DecisionHeuristic> HeuPtr;
00430         HeuPtr other_;
00431         uint32 numOps_;
00432 };
00434 UnitHeuristic* UnitHeuristic::restricted(const Lookahead::Params& p, uint32 numOps, DecisionHeuristic* other) {
00435         return new Restricted(p, numOps, other);
00436 }
00437 }

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39