Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00020 #include <clasp/cli/clasp_output.h>
00021 #include <clasp/solver.h>
00022 #include <clasp/satelite.h>
00023 #include <clasp/minimize_constraint.h>
00024 #include <clasp/util/timer.h>
00025 #include <stdio.h>
00026 #include <stdarg.h>
00027 #include <string.h>
00028 #include <climits>
00029 #include <string>
00030 #include <cstdlib>
00031 #if !defined(_WIN32)
00032 #include <signal.h>
00033 #elif !defined(SIGALRM)
00034 #define SIGALRM 14
00035 #endif
00036 namespace Clasp { namespace Cli {
00038 // Event formatting
00040 static void null_term_copy(const char* in, int inSize, char* buf, uint32 bufSize) {
00041         if (!in || !buf || !bufSize) return;
00042         uint32 n = inSize < 0 ? static_cast<uint32>(0) : std::min(bufSize-1, static_cast<uint32>(inSize));
00043         std::memcpy(buf, in, n);
00044         buf[n] = 0;
00045 }
00046 void format(const Clasp::BasicSolveEvent& ev, char* out, uint32 outSize) {
00047         char buf[1024]; int n;
00048         const Solver& s = *ev.solver;
00049         n = sprintf(buf, "%2u:%c|%7u/%-7u|%8u/%-8u|%10" PRIu64"/%-6.3f|%8" PRId64"/%-10" PRId64"|"
00050                 ,
00051                 , static_cast<char>(ev.op)
00052                 , s.numFreeVars()
00053                 , (s.decisionLevel() > 0 ? s.levelStart(1) : s.numAssignedVars())
00054                 , s.numConstraints()
00055                 , s.numLearntConstraints()
00056                 , s.stats.conflicts
00057                 , s.stats.conflicts/std::max(1.0,double(s.stats.choices))
00058                 , ev.cLimit <= (UINT32_MAX) ? (int64)ev.cLimit:-1
00059                 , ev.lLimit != (UINT32_MAX) ? (int64)ev.lLimit:-1
00060         );
00061         null_term_copy(buf, n, out, outSize);
00062 }
00063 void format(const Clasp::SolveTestEvent&  ev, char* out, uint32 outSize) {
00064         char buf[1024]; int n;
00065         char ct = ev.partial ? 'P' : 'F';
00066         if (ev.result == -1) { n = sprintf(buf, "%2u:%c| HC: %-5u %-60s|", ev.solver->id(), ct, ev.scc, "..."); }
00067         else                 {
00068                 n = sprintf(buf, "%2u:%c| HC: %-5u %-4s|%8u/%-8u|%10" PRIu64"/%-6.3f| T: %-15.3f|", ev.solver->id(), ct, ev.scc, (ev.result == 1 ? "OK" : "FAIL")
00069                   , ev.solver->numConstraints()
00070                   , ev.solver->numLearntConstraints()
00071                   , ev.conflicts()
00072                   , ev.conflicts()/std::max(1.0,double(ev.choices()))
00073                   , ev.time
00074                 );
00075         }
00076         null_term_copy(buf, n, out, outSize);
00077 }
00078 #if WITH_THREADS
00079 void format(const Clasp::mt::MessageEvent& ev, char* out, uint32 outSize) {
00080         typedef Clasp::mt::MessageEvent EV;
00081         char buf[1024]; int n;
00082         if (ev.op != EV::completed) { n = sprintf(buf, "%2u:X| %-15s %-53s |", ev.solver->id(), ev.msg, ev.op == EV::sent ? "sent" : "received"); }
00083         else                        { n = sprintf(buf, "%2u:X| %-15s %-33s after %12.3fs |", ev.solver->id(), ev.msg, "completed", ev.time); }
00084         null_term_copy(buf, n, out, outSize);
00085 }
00086 #endif
00088 // Output
00090 Output::Output(uint32 verb) : summary_(0), verbose_(0), hidePref_(0) {
00091         std::memset(quiet_, 0, sizeof(quiet_));
00092         setCallQuiet(print_no);
00093         setVerbosity(verb);
00094 }
00095 Output::~Output() {}
00096 void Output::setVerbosity(uint32 verb) {
00097         verbose_           = verb;
00098         Event::Verbosity x = (Event::Verbosity)std::min(verb, (uint32)Event::verbosity_max);
00099         EventHandler::setVerbosity(Event::subsystem_facade , x);
00100         EventHandler::setVerbosity(Event::subsystem_load   , x);
00101         EventHandler::setVerbosity(Event::subsystem_prepare, x);
00102         EventHandler::setVerbosity(Event::subsystem_solve  , x);
00103 }
00104 void Output::setModelQuiet(PrintLevel model){ quiet_[0] = static_cast<uint8>(model); }
00105 void Output::setOptQuiet(PrintLevel opt)    { quiet_[1] = static_cast<uint8>(opt);   }
00106 void Output::setCallQuiet(PrintLevel call)  { quiet_[2] = static_cast<uint8>(call);  }
00107 void Output::setHide(char c)                { hidePref_ = c; }
00109 void Output::saveModel(const Model& m) {
00110         vals_         = *m.values;
00111         saved_        = m;
00112         saved_.values = &vals_;
00113 }
00115 void Output::onEvent(const Event& ev) {
00116         typedef ClaspFacade::StepStart StepStart;
00117         typedef ClaspFacade::StepReady StepReady;
00118         if (const StepStart* start = event_cast<StepStart>(ev)) {
00119                 startStep(*start->facade);
00120         }
00121         else if (const StepReady* ready = event_cast<StepReady>(ev)) {
00122                 stopStep(*ready->summary);
00123         }
00124 }
00125 bool Output::onModel(const Solver& s, const Model& m) {
00126         if (modelQ() == print_all || (optQ() == print_all && m.costs)) {
00127                 printModel(s.symbolTable(), m, print_all);
00128         }
00129         if (modelQ() == print_best || (optQ() == print_best && m.costs)) {
00130                 if (m.opt == 1 && !m.consequences()) { printModel(s.symbolTable(), m, print_best); clearModel(); }
00131                 else                                 { saveModel(m); }
00132         }
00133         return true;
00134 }
00135 void Output::startStep(const ClaspFacade&) { clearModel(); summary_ = 0; }
00136 void Output::stopStep(const ClaspFacade::Summary& s){
00137         if (getModel()) {
00138                 printModel(s.ctx().symbolTable(), *getModel(), print_best);
00139                 clearModel();
00140         }
00141         if (callQ() == print_all) { 
00142                 printSummary(s, false);
00143                 if (s.stats()) { printStatistics(s, false); }
00144         }
00145         else if (callQ() == print_best) {
00146                 summary_ = &s;
00147         }
00148 }
00149 void Output::shutdown(const ClaspFacade::Summary& summary) {
00150         if (summary_) {
00151                 printSummary(*summary_, false);
00152                 if (summary_->stats()) { printStatistics(*summary_, false); }
00153         }
00154         printSummary(summary, true);
00155         if (summary.stats()) { printStatistics(summary, true); }
00156         shutdown();
00157 }
00159 // StatsVisitor
00161 StatsVisitor::~StatsVisitor() {}
00162 void StatsVisitor::accuStats(const SharedContext& ctx, SolverStats& out) const {
00163         for (uint32 i = 0; ctx.hasSolver(i); ++i) { 
00164                 const SolverStats& x = ctx.stats(*ctx.solver(i), accu);
00165                 out.enableStats(x);
00166                 out.accu(x);
00167         }
00168 }
00169 void StatsVisitor::visitStats(const SharedContext& ctx, const Asp::LpStats* lp, bool accu) {
00170         this->accu = accu;
00171         SolverStats stats;
00172         accuStats(ctx, stats);
00173         visitSolverStats(stats, true);
00174         visitProblemStats(ctx.stats(), lp);
00175         if (stats.level() > 1) {
00176                 if (ctx.hasSolver(1)) { visitThreads(ctx); }
00177                 if (ctx.sccGraph.get() && ctx.sccGraph->numNonHcfs()) { visitHccs(ctx); }
00178         }
00179 }
00180 void StatsVisitor::visitProblemStats(const Clasp::ProblemStats& stats, const Clasp::Asp::LpStats* lp) {
00181         if (lp) { visitLogicProgramStats(*lp); }
00182         visitProblemStats(stats);
00183 }
00185 void StatsVisitor::visitSolverStats(const Clasp::SolverStats& stats, bool accu) {
00186         ExtendedStats e;
00187         const ExtendedStats* ext = stats.extra ? stats.extra : &e;
00188         visitCoreSolverStats(ext->cpuTime, ext->models, stats, accu);
00189         if (stats.extra) { visitExtSolverStats(*stats.extra, accu); }
00190         if (stats.jumps) { visitJumpStats(*stats.jumps, accu); }
00191 }
00193 void StatsVisitor::visitThreads(const SharedContext& ctx) {
00194         for (uint32 i = 0; ctx.hasSolver(i); ++i) {
00195                 const SolverStats& x = ctx.stats(*ctx.solver(i), accu);
00196                 visitThread(i, x);
00197         }
00198 }
00199 void StatsVisitor::visitHccs(const SharedContext& ctx) {
00200         if (const SharedDependencyGraph* g = ctx.sccGraph.get()) {
00201                 for (uint32 i = 0; i != g->numNonHcfs(); ++i) {
00202                         visitHcc(i, (g->nonHcfBegin() + i)->second->ctx());
00203                 }
00204         }
00205 }
00206 void StatsVisitor::visitHcc(uint32, const SharedContext& ctx) {
00207         SolverStats stats;
00208         accuStats(ctx, stats);
00209         visitProblemStats(ctx.stats(), 0);
00210         visitSolverStats(stats, false);
00211 }
00213 // JsonOutput
00215 JsonOutput::JsonOutput(uint32 v) : Output(std::min(v, uint32(1))), open_("") {
00216         objStack_.reserve(10);
00217 }
00218 JsonOutput::~JsonOutput() { JsonOutput::shutdown(); }
00219 void JsonOutput::run(const char* solver, const char* version, const std::string* iBeg, const std::string* iEnd) {
00220         if (indent() == 0) {
00221                 open_ = "";
00222                 JsonOutput::pushObject();
00223         }
00224         printKeyValue("Solver", std::string(solver).append(" version ").append(version).c_str());
00225         pushObject("Input", type_array);
00226         printf("%-*s", indent(), " ");
00227         for (const char* sep = ""; iBeg != iEnd; ++iBeg, sep = ",") {
00228                 printString(iBeg->c_str(), sep);
00229         }
00230         popObject();
00231         pushObject("Call", type_array);
00232 }
00233 void JsonOutput::shutdown(const ClaspFacade::Summary& summary) {
00234         while (!objStack_.empty() && *objStack_.rbegin() == '[') {
00235                 popObject();
00236         }
00237         Output::shutdown(summary);
00238 }
00240 void JsonOutput::shutdown() {
00241         if (!objStack_.empty()) {
00242                 do { popObject(); } while (!objStack_.empty());
00243                 printf("\n");
00244         }
00245         fflush(stdout);
00246 }
00247 void JsonOutput::startStep(const ClaspFacade& f) {
00248         Output::startStep(f);
00249         pushObject(0, type_object);
00250 }
00251 void JsonOutput::stopStep(const ClaspFacade::Summary& s) {
00252         assert(!objStack_.empty());
00253         Output::stopStep(s);
00254         while (popObject() != '{') { ; }
00255 }
00257 void JsonOutput::visitCoreSolverStats(double cpuTime, uint64 models, const SolverStats& st, bool) {
00258         pushObject("Core");
00259         printKeyValue("CPU Time"   , cpuTime);
00260         printKeyValue("Models"     , models);
00261         printKeyValue("Choices"    , st.choices);
00262         printKeyValue("Conflicts"  , st.conflicts);
00263         printKeyValue("Backtracks" , st.backtracks());
00264         printKeyValue("Backjumps"  , st.backjumps());
00265         printKeyValue("Restarts"   , st.restarts);
00266         printKeyValue("RestartAvg" , st.avgRestart());
00267         printKeyValue("RestartLast", st.lastRestart);
00268         popObject(); // Core
00269 }
00271 void JsonOutput::visitExtSolverStats(const ExtendedStats& stx, bool accu) {
00272         pushObject("More");
00273         if (stx.domChoices) {
00274                 printKeyValue("DomChoices", stx.domChoices);
00275         }
00276         if (stx.hccTests) {
00277                 pushObject("StabTests");
00278                 printKeyValue("Sum", stx.hccTests);
00279                 printKeyValue("Full", stx.hccTests - stx.hccPartial);
00280                 printKeyValue("Partial", stx.hccPartial);
00281                 popObject();
00282         }
00283         if (stx.models) {
00284                 printKeyValue("AvgModel", stx.avgModel());
00285         }
00286         printKeyValue("Splits", stx.splits);
00287         printKeyValue("Problems", stx.gps);
00288         printKeyValue("AvgGPLength", stx.avgGp());
00289         pushObject("Lemma");
00290         printKeyValue("Sum", stx.lemmas());
00291         printKeyValue("Deleted" , stx.deleted);
00292         pushObject("Type", type_array);
00293         const char* names[] = {"Short", "Conflict", "Loop", "Other"};
00294         for (int i = Constraint_t::static_constraint; i <= Constraint_t::learnt_other; ++i) {
00295                 pushObject();
00296                 printKeyValue("Type", names[i]);
00297                 if (i == 0) {
00298                         printKeyValue("Sum", stx.binary+stx.ternary);
00299                         printKeyValue("Ratio", percent(stx.binary+stx.ternary, stx.lemmas()));
00300                         printKeyValue("Binary", stx.binary);
00301                         printKeyValue("Ternary", stx.ternary);
00302                 }
00303                 else {
00304                         printKeyValue("Sum", stx.lemmas(ConstraintType(i)));
00305                         printKeyValue("AvgLen", stx.avgLen(ConstraintType(i)));
00306                 }
00307                 popObject();
00308         }
00309         popObject();
00310         popObject(); // Lemma
00311         if (stx.distributed || stx.integrated) {
00312                 pushObject("Distribution");
00313                 printKeyValue("Distributed", stx.distributed);
00314                 printKeyValue("Ratio", stx.distRatio());
00315                 printKeyValue("AvgLbd", stx.avgDistLbd());
00316                 popObject();
00317                 pushObject("Integration");
00318                 printKeyValue("Integrated", stx.integrated);
00319                 printKeyValue("Units", stx.intImps);
00320                 printKeyValue("AvgJump", stx.avgIntJump());
00321                 if (accu) { printKeyValue("Ratio", stx.intRatio()); }
00322                 popObject();
00323         }
00324         popObject(); // More
00325 }
00326 void JsonOutput::visitJumpStats(const JumpStats& st, bool) {
00327         pushObject("Jumps");
00328         printKeyValue("Sum", st.jumps);
00329         printKeyValue("Max", st.maxJump);
00330         printKeyValue("MaxExec", st.maxJumpEx);
00331         printKeyValue("Avg", st.avgJump());
00332         printKeyValue("AvgExec", st.avgJumpEx());
00333         printKeyValue("Levels", st.jumpSum);
00334         printKeyValue("LevelsExec", st.jumped());
00335         pushObject("Bounded");
00336         printKeyValue("Sum", st.bounded);
00337         printKeyValue("Max", st.maxBound);
00338         printKeyValue("Avg", st.avgBound());
00339         printKeyValue("Levels", st.boundSum);
00340         popObject();
00341         popObject();
00342 }
00343 void JsonOutput::visitLogicProgramStats(const Asp::LpStats& lp) {
00344         using namespace Asp;
00345         pushObject("LP");
00346         printKeyValue("Atoms", lp.atoms);
00347         if (lp.auxAtoms) { printKeyValue("AuxAtoms", lp.auxAtoms); }
00348         pushObject("Rules");
00349         printKeyValue("Sum", lp.rules());
00350         char buf[10];
00351         LpStats::RPair r;
00352         for (RuleType i = BASICRULE; i != ENDRULE; ++i) {
00353                 r = lp.rules(i);
00354                 if (r.first) {
00355                         sprintf(buf, "R%u", i);
00356                         printKeyValue(buf, r.first);
00357                 }
00358         }
00359         r = lp.rules(BASICRULE);
00360         if ( {
00361                 printKeyValue("Created", r.second - r.first);
00362                 pushObject("Translated");
00363                 for (RuleType i = BASICRULE; ++i != ENDRULE;) {
00364                         r = lp.rules(i);
00365                         if (r.first > 0) {
00366                                 sprintf(buf, "R%u", i);
00367                                 printKeyValue(buf, r.first-r.second);
00368                         }
00369                 }
00370                 popObject();
00371         }
00372         popObject(); // Rules
00373         printKeyValue("Bodies", lp.bodies);
00374         if      (lp.sccs == 0)              { printKeyValue("Tight", "yes"); }
00375         else if (lp.sccs == PrgNode::noScc) { printKeyValue("Tight", "N/A"); }
00376         else                                {
00377                 printKeyValue("Tight", "no");
00378                 printKeyValue("SCCs", lp.sccs);
00379                 printKeyValue("NonHcfs", lp.nonHcfs);
00380                 printKeyValue("UfsNodes", lp.ufsNodes);
00381                 printKeyValue("NonHcfGammas", lp.gammas);
00382         }
00383         pushObject("Equivalences");
00384         printKeyValue("Sum", lp.eqs());
00385         printKeyValue("Atom", lp.eqs(Var_t::atom_var));
00386         printKeyValue("Body", lp.eqs(Var_t::body_var));
00387         printKeyValue("Other", lp.eqs(Var_t::atom_body_var));
00388         popObject();
00389         popObject(); // LP
00390 }
00391 void JsonOutput::visitProblemStats(const ProblemStats& p) {
00392         pushObject("Problem");
00393         printKeyValue("Variables", p.vars);
00394         printKeyValue("Eliminated", p.vars_eliminated);
00395         printKeyValue("Frozen", p.vars_frozen);
00396         pushObject("Constraints");
00397         uint32 sum = p.constraints + p.constraints_binary + p.constraints_ternary;
00398         printKeyValue("Sum", sum);
00399         printKeyValue("Binary", p.constraints_binary);
00400         printKeyValue("Ternary", p.constraints_ternary);
00401         popObject(); // Constraints
00402         popObject(); // PS
00403 }
00405 void JsonOutput::printKey(const char* k) {
00406         printf("%s%-*s\"%s\": ", open_, indent(), " ", k);
00407         open_ = ",\n";
00408 }
00410 void JsonOutput::printString(const char* v, const char* sep) {
00411         assert(v);
00412         const uint32 BUF_SIZE = 1024;
00413         char buf[BUF_SIZE];
00414         uint32 n = 0;
00415         buf[n++] = '"';
00416         while (*v) {
00417                 if      (*v != '\\' && *v != '"')                       { buf[n++] = *v++; }
00418                 else if (*v == '"' || !strchr("\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t", v[1])) { buf[n++] = '\\'; buf[n++] = *v++; }
00419                 else                                                    { buf[n++] = v[0]; buf[n++] = v[1]; v += 2; }
00420                 if (n > BUF_SIZE - 2) { buf[n] = 0; printf("%s%s", sep, buf); n = 0; sep = ""; }
00421         }
00422         buf[n] = 0;
00423         printf("%s%s\"", sep, buf);
00424 }
00426 void JsonOutput::printKeyValue(const char* k, const char* v) {
00427         printf("%s%-*s\"%s\": ", open_, indent(), " ", k);
00428         printString(v,"");
00429         open_ = ",\n";
00430 }
00431 void JsonOutput::printKeyValue(const char* k, uint64 v) {
00432         printf("%s%-*s\"%s\": %" PRIu64, open_, indent(), " ", k, v);
00433         open_ = ",\n";
00434 }
00435 void JsonOutput::printKeyValue(const char* k, uint32 v) { return printKeyValue(k, uint64(v)); }
00436 void JsonOutput::printKeyValue(const char* k, double v) {
00437         printf("%s%-*s\"%s\": %.3f", open_, indent(), " ", k, v);
00438         open_ = ",\n";
00439 }
00441 void JsonOutput::pushObject(const char* k, ObjType t) {
00442         if (k) {
00443                 printKey(k);    
00444         }
00445         else {
00446                 printf("%s%-*.*s", open_, indent(), indent(), " ");
00447         }
00448         char o = t == type_object ? '{' : '[';
00449         objStack_ += o;
00450         printf("%c\n", o);
00451         open_ = "";
00452 }
00453 char JsonOutput::popObject() {
00454         assert(!objStack_.empty());
00455         char o = *objStack_.rbegin();
00456         objStack_.erase(objStack_.size()-1);
00457         printf("\n%-*.*s%c", indent(), indent(), " ", o == '{' ? '}' : ']');
00458         open_ = ",\n";
00459         return o;
00460 }
00461 void JsonOutput::startModel() {
00462         if (!hasWitness()) {
00463                 pushObject("Witnesses", type_array);
00464         }
00465         pushObject();
00466 }
00468 void JsonOutput::printModel(const SymbolTable& index, const Model& m, PrintLevel x) {
00469         bool hasModel = false;
00470         if (x == modelQ()) {
00471                 startModel();
00472                 hasModel = true; 
00473                 pushObject("Value", type_array);
00474                 const char* sep = "";
00475                 printf("%-*s", indent(), " ");
00476                 if (index.type() == SymbolTable::map_indirect) {
00477                         for (SymbolTable::const_iterator it = index.begin(); it != index.end(); ++it) {
00478                                 if (m.value(it->second.lit.var()) == trueValue(it->second.lit) && doPrint(it->second)) {
00479                                         printString(it->, sep);
00480                                         sep = ", ";
00481                                 }       
00482                         }
00483                 }
00484                 else {
00485                         for (Var v = 1; v < index.size(); ++v) {
00486                                 printf("%s%d", sep, (m.value(v) == value_false ? -static_cast<int>(v) : static_cast<int>(v)));
00487                                 sep = ", ";
00488                         }
00489                 }
00490                 popObject();
00491         }
00492         if (x == optQ() && m.costs) {
00493                 if (!hasModel) { startModel(); hasModel = true; }
00494                 printCosts(*m.costs);
00495         }
00496         if (hasModel) { popObject(); }
00497 }
00498 void JsonOutput::printCosts(const SharedMinimizeData& opt) { 
00499         pushObject("Costs", type_array);
00500         printf("%-*s", indent(), " ");
00501         const char* sep = "";
00502         for (uint32 i = 0, end = opt.numRules(); i != end; ++i) {
00503                 printf("%s%" PRId64, sep, opt.optimum(i));
00504                 sep = ", ";
00505         }
00506         popObject();
00507 }
00509 void JsonOutput::printSummary(const ClaspFacade::Summary& run, bool final) {
00510         if (hasWitness()) { popObject(); }
00511         const char* res = "UNKNOWN";
00512         if      (run.unsat()) { res = "UNSATISFIABLE"; }
00513         else if (run.sat())   { res = !run.optimum() ? "SATISFIABLE" : "OPTIMUM FOUND"; }
00514         printKeyValue("Result", res);
00515         if (verbosity()) {
00516                 if (run.result.interrupted()){ printKeyValue(run.result.signal != SIGALRM ? "INTERRUPTED" : "TIME LIMIT", uint32(1));  }
00517                 pushObject("Models");
00518                 printKeyValue("Number", run.enumerated());
00519                 printKeyValue("More"  , run.complete() ? "no" : "yes");
00520                 if (run.sat()) {
00521                         if (run.consequences()){ printKeyValue(run.consequences(), run.complete() ? "yes":"unknown"); }
00522                         if (run.optimize())    { 
00523                                 printKeyValue("Optimum", run.optimum()?"yes":"unknown"); 
00524                                 printKeyValue("Optimal", run.optimal());
00525                                 printCosts(*run.costs());
00526                         }
00527                 }
00528                 popObject();
00529                 if (final) { printKeyValue("Calls", run.step + 1); }
00530                 pushObject("Time");
00531                 printKeyValue("Total", run.totalTime);
00532                 printKeyValue("Solve", run.solveTime);
00533                 printKeyValue("Model", run.satTime);
00534                 printKeyValue("Unsat", run.unsatTime);
00535                 printKeyValue("CPU"  , run.cpuTime);
00536                 popObject(); // Time
00537                 if (run.ctx().concurrency() > 1) {
00538                         printKeyValue("Threads", run.ctx().concurrency());
00539                         printKeyValue("Winner",  run.ctx().winner());
00540                 }
00541         }
00542 }
00543 void JsonOutput::printStatistics(const ClaspFacade::Summary& summary, bool final) {
00544         if (hasWitness()) { popObject(); }
00545         pushObject("Stats", type_object); 
00546         StatsVisitor::visitStats(summary.ctx(), summary.lpStats(), final && summary.step);
00547         popObject();
00548 }
00550 // TextOutput
00552 #define printKeyValue(k, fmt, value) printf("%s%-*s: " fmt, format[cat_comment], width_, (k), (value))
00553 #define printLN(cat, fmt, ...)       printf("%s" fmt "\n", format[cat], __VA_ARGS__)
00554 #define printBR(cat)                 printf("%s\n", format[cat])
00555 #define printKey(k)                  printf("%s%-*s: ", format[cat_comment], width_, (k))
00556 const char* const rowSep   = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------|";
00557 const char* const finalSep = "=============================== Accumulation ===============================|";
00559 static inline std::string prettify(const std::string& str) {
00560         if (str.size() < 40) return str;
00561         std::string t("...");
00562         t.append(str.end()-38, str.end());
00563         return t;
00564 }
00565 TextOutput::TextOutput(uint32 verbosity, Format f, const char* catAtom, char ifs) : Output(verbosity), stTime_(0.0), state_(0) {
00566         result[res_unknonw]    = "UNKNOWN";
00567         result[res_sat]        = "SATISFIABLE";
00568         result[res_unsat]      = "UNSATISFIABLE";
00569         result[res_opt]        = "OPTIMUM FOUND";
00570         format[cat_comment]    = "";
00571         format[cat_value]      = "";
00572         format[cat_objective]  = "Optimization: ";
00573         format[cat_result]     = "";
00574         format[cat_value_term] = "";
00575         format[cat_atom]       = "%s";
00576         if (f == format_aspcomp) {
00577                 format[cat_comment]   = "% ";
00578                 format[cat_value]     = "ANSWER\n";
00579                 format[cat_objective] = "COST ";
00580                 format[cat_atom]      = "%s.";
00581                 result[res_sat]       = "";
00582                 result[res_unsat]     = "INCONSISTENT";
00583                 result[res_opt]       = "OPTIMUM";
00584                 setModelQuiet(print_best);
00585                 setOptQuiet(print_best);
00586         }
00587         else if (f == format_sat09 || f == format_pb09) {
00588                 format[cat_comment]   = "c ";
00589                 format[cat_value]     = "v ";
00590                 format[cat_objective] = "o ";
00591                 format[cat_result]    = "s ";
00592                 format[cat_value_term]= "0";
00593                 format[cat_atom]      = "%d";
00594                 if (f == format_pb09) {
00595                         format[cat_value_term]= "";
00596                         format[cat_atom]      = "x%d";
00597                         setModelQuiet(print_best);
00598                 }
00599         }
00600         if (catAtom && *catAtom) {
00601                 format[cat_atom] = catAtom;
00602                 char ca = f == format_sat09 || f == format_pb09 ? 'd' : 's';
00603                 while (*catAtom) {
00604                         if      (*catAtom == '\n'){ break; }
00605                         else if (*catAtom == '%') {
00606                                 if      (!*++catAtom)    { ca = '%'; break; }
00607                                 else if (*catAtom == ca) { ca = 0; }
00608                                 else if (*catAtom != '%'){ break; }
00609                         }
00610                         ++catAtom;
00611                 }
00612                 CLASP_FAIL_IF(ca != 0         , "cat_atom: Invalid format string - format '%%%c' expected!", ca);
00613                 CLASP_FAIL_IF(*catAtom == '\n', "cat_atom: Invalid format string - new line not allowed!");
00614                 CLASP_FAIL_IF(*catAtom != 0   , "cat_atom: Invalid format string - '%%%c' too many arguments!", *catAtom);
00615         }
00616         ifs_[0] = ifs;
00617         ifs_[1] = 0;
00618         width_  = 13+(int)strlen(format[cat_comment]);
00619         ev_     = -1;
00620 }
00621 TextOutput::~TextOutput() {}
00623 void TextOutput::comment(uint32 v, const char* fmt, ...) const {
00624         if (verbosity() >= v) {
00625                 printf("%s", format[cat_comment]);
00626                 va_list args;
00627                 va_start(args, fmt);
00628                 vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);
00629                 va_end(args);
00630                 fflush(stdout);
00631         }
00632 }       
00634 void TextOutput::run(const char* solver, const char* version, const std::string* begInput, const std::string* endInput) {
00635         if (!version) version = "";
00636         if (solver) comment(1, "%s version %s\n", solver, version);
00637         if (begInput != endInput) {
00638                 comment(1, "Reading from %s%s\n", prettify(*begInput).c_str(), (endInput - begInput) > 1 ? " ..." : "");
00639         }
00640 }
00641 void TextOutput::shutdown() {}
00642 void TextOutput::printSummary(const ClaspFacade::Summary& run, bool final) {
00643         if (final && callQ() != print_no){ 
00644                 comment(1, "%s\n", finalSep);
00645         }
00646         const char* res = result[res_unknonw];
00647         if      (run.unsat()) { res = result[res_unsat]; }
00648         else if (run.sat())   { res = !run.optimum() ? result[res_sat] : result[res_opt]; }
00649         if (std::strlen(res)) { printLN(cat_result, "%s", res); }
00650         if (verbosity() || run.stats()) {
00651                 printBR(cat_comment);
00652                 if (run.result.interrupted()){ printKeyValue((run.result.signal != SIGALRM ? "INTERRUPTED" : "TIME LIMIT"), "%u\n", uint32(1));  }
00653                 printKey("Models");
00654                 char buf[64];
00655                 int wr = sprintf(buf, "%" PRIu64, run.enumerated());
00656                 if (!run.complete()) { buf[wr++] = '+'; }
00657                 buf[wr]=0;
00658                 printf("%-6s\n", buf);
00659                 if (run.sat()) {
00660                         if (run.consequences()) { printLN(cat_comment, "  %-*s: %s", width_-2, run.consequences(), (run.complete()?"yes":"unknown")); }
00661                         if (run.costs())        { printKeyValue("  Optimum", "%s\n", run.optimum()?"yes":"unknown"); }
00662                         if (run.optimize())     {
00663                                 if (run.optimal() > 1){ printKeyValue("  Optimal", "%" PRIu64"\n", run.optimal()); }
00664                                 printKey("Optimization");
00665                                 printCosts(*run.costs());
00666                                 printf("\n");
00667                         }
00668                 }
00669                 if (final) { printKeyValue("Calls", "%u\n", run.step + 1); }
00670                 printKey("Time");
00671                 printf("%.3fs (Solving: %.2fs 1st Model: %.2fs Unsat: %.2fs)\n"
00672                         , run.totalTime
00673                         , run.solveTime
00674                         , run.satTime
00675                         , run.unsatTime);
00676                 printKeyValue("CPU Time", "%.3fs\n", run.cpuTime);
00677                 if (run.ctx().concurrency() > 1) {
00678                         printKeyValue("Threads", "%-8u", run.ctx().concurrency());
00679                         printf(" (Winner: %u)\n", run.ctx().winner());
00680                 }
00681         }
00682 }
00683 void TextOutput::printStatistics(const ClaspFacade::Summary& run, bool final) {
00684         printBR(cat_comment);
00685         StatsVisitor::visitStats(run.ctx(), run.lpStats(), final && run.step);
00686 }
00687 void TextOutput::startStep(const ClaspFacade& f) {
00688         Output::startStep(f);
00689         if (callQ() != print_no) { comment(1, "%s\n", rowSep); comment(2, "%-13s: %d\n", "Call", f.step()+1); }
00690 }
00691 void TextOutput::onEvent(const Event& ev) {
00692         typedef SatElite::SatElite::Progress SatPre;
00693         if (ev.verb <= verbosity()) {
00694                 if      (ev.system == 0)      { setState(0,0,0); }
00695                 else if (ev.system == state_) {
00696                         if      (ev.system == Event::subsystem_solve)       { printSolveProgress(ev); }
00697                         else if (const SatPre* sat = event_cast<SatPre>(ev)){
00698                                 if      (sat->op != SatElite::SatElite::Progress::event_algorithm) { comment(2, "Sat-Prepro   : %c: %8u/%-8u\r", (char)sat->op, sat->cur, sat->max); }
00699                                 else if (sat->cur!= sat->max)                                      {
00700                                         setState(0,0,0); comment(2, "Sat-Prepro   :\r");
00701                                         state_ = Event::subsystem_prepare;
00702                                 }
00703                                 else {
00704                                         SatPreprocessor* p = sat->self;
00705                                         double tEnd = RealTime::getTime();
00706                                         comment(2, "Sat-Prepro   : %.3f (ClRemoved: %u ClAdded: %u LitsStr: %u)\n", tEnd - stTime_, p->stats.clRemoved, p->stats.clAdded, p->stats.litsRemoved);
00707                                         state_ = 0;
00708                                 }
00709                         }
00710                 }
00711                 else if (const LogEvent* log = event_cast<LogEvent>(ev)) { 
00712                         setState(ev.system, ev.verb, log->msg);
00713                 }
00714         }
00715         Output::onEvent(ev);
00716 }
00718 void TextOutput::setState(uint32 state, uint32 verb, const char* m) {
00719         if (state != state_ && verb <= verbosity()) {
00720                 double tEnd = RealTime::getTime();
00721                 if      (state_ == Event::subsystem_solve) { comment(2, "%s\n", rowSep); line_ = 20; }
00722                 else if (state_ != Event::subsystem_facade){ printf("%.3f\n", tEnd - stTime_); }
00723                 stTime_ = tEnd;
00724                 state_  = state;
00725                 ev_     = -1;
00726                 if      (state_ == Event::subsystem_load)   { comment(2, "%-13s: ", m ? m : "Reading"); }
00727                 else if (state_ == Event::subsystem_prepare){ comment(2, "%-13s: ", m ? m : "Preprocessing"); }
00728                 else if (state_ == Event::subsystem_solve)  { comment(1, "Solving...\n"); line_ = 0; }
00729         }
00730 }
00732 void TextOutput::printSolveProgress(const Event& ev) {
00733         if ( == SolveTestEvent::id_s  && (verbosity() & 4) == 0) { return; }
00734         if ( == BasicSolveEvent::id_s && (verbosity() & 1) == 0) { return; }
00735         char lEnd = '\n';
00736         char line[128];
00737         if      (const BasicSolveEvent* be = event_cast<BasicSolveEvent>(ev)) { Clasp::Cli::format(*be, line, 128); }
00738         else if (const SolveTestEvent*  te = event_cast<SolveTestEvent>(ev) ) { Clasp::Cli::format(*te, line, 128); lEnd= te->result == -1 ? '\r' : '\n'; }
00739 #if WITH_THREADS
00740         else if (const mt::MessageEvent*me = event_cast<mt::MessageEvent>(ev)){ Clasp::Cli::format(*me, line, 128); }
00741 #endif
00742         else if (const LogEvent* log = event_cast<LogEvent>(ev))              { printLN(cat_comment, "%2u:L| %-69s |", log->solver->id(), log->msg); return; }
00743         else                                                                  { return; }
00744         bool newEvent = (uint32)ev_.fetch_and_store( !=;
00745         if ((lEnd == '\n' && --line_ == 0) || newEvent) {
00746                 if (line_ <= 0) {
00747                         line_ = 20;
00748                         printf("%s%s\n"
00749                                 "%sID:T       Vars           Constraints         State            Limits       |\n"
00750                                 "%s       #free/#fixed   #problem/#learnt  #conflicts/ratio #conflict/#learnt  |\n"
00751                                 "%s%s\n", format[cat_comment], rowSep, format[cat_comment], format[cat_comment], format[cat_comment], rowSep);
00752                 }
00753                 else { printLN(cat_comment, "%s", rowSep); }
00754         }
00755         printf("%s%s%c", format[cat_comment], line, lEnd);
00756         fflush(stdout);
00757 }
00759 int TextOutput::printSep(CategoryKey k) const {
00760         return printf("%s%s", ifs_, *ifs_ != '\n' ? "" : format[k]);
00761 }
00762 void TextOutput::printModel(const SymbolTable& sym, const Model& m, PrintLevel x) {
00763         if (x == modelQ()) {
00764                 comment(1, "Answer: %" PRIu64"\n", m.num);
00765                 printf("%s", format[cat_value]);
00766                 if (sym.type() == SymbolTable::map_indirect) { printNames(sym, m); }
00767                 else {
00768                         uint32 const maxLineLen = *ifs_ == ' ' ? 70 : UINT32_MAX;
00769                         uint32       printed    = 0;
00770                         bool   const onlyTrue   = m.consequences();
00771                         std::string  fmt("%s"); fmt += format[cat_atom];
00772                         for (Var v = 1; v < sym.size(); ++v) {
00773                                 if (!onlyTrue || m.isTrue(posLit(v))) {
00774                                         if (printed) { printed += printSep(cat_value); }
00775                                         printed += printf(fmt.c_str(), m.value(v) == value_false ? "-":"", int(v));
00776                                         if (printed >= maxLineLen) {
00777                                                 printed = 0;
00778                                                 printf("\n%s", format[cat_value]);
00779                                         }
00780                                 }
00781                         }       
00782                 }
00783                 if (*format[cat_value_term]) {
00784                         printSep(cat_value);
00785                         printf("%s", format[cat_value_term]); 
00786                 }
00787                 printf("\n");
00788         }
00789         if (x == optQ() && m.costs) {
00790                 printf("%s", format[cat_objective]);
00791                 printCosts(*m.costs);
00792                 printf("\n");
00793         }
00794         fflush(stdout);
00795 }
00797 void TextOutput::printNames(const Clasp::SymbolTable& sym, const Clasp::Model& m) {
00798         bool first = true;
00799         for (SymbolTable::const_iterator it = sym.begin(); it != sym.end(); ++it) {
00800                 if (m.isTrue(it->second.lit) && doPrint(it->second)) {
00801                         if (!first) { printSep(cat_value); }
00802                         printf(format[cat_atom], it->;
00803                         first = false;
00804                 }
00805         }
00806 }
00808 void TextOutput::printCosts(const SharedMinimizeData& costs) const {
00809         printf("%" PRId64, costs.optimum(0));
00810         for (uint32 i = 1, end = costs.numRules(); i != end; ++i) {
00811                 printSep(cat_objective);
00812                 printf("%" PRId64, costs.optimum(i));
00813         }
00814 }
00815 void TextOutput::startSection(const char* n) const {
00816         printLN(cat_comment, "============ %s Stats ============", n);
00817         printBR(cat_comment);
00818 }
00819 void TextOutput::startObject(const char* n, uint32 i) const {
00820         printLN(cat_comment, "[%s %u]", n, i);
00821         printBR(cat_comment);
00822 }
00823 void TextOutput::visitProblemStats(const ProblemStats& stats, const Asp::LpStats* lp) {
00824         StatsVisitor::visitProblemStats(stats, lp);
00825         printBR(cat_comment);
00826 }
00827 void TextOutput::visitSolverStats(const Clasp::SolverStats& s, bool accu) {
00828         StatsVisitor::visitSolverStats(s, accu);
00829         printBR(cat_comment);
00830 }
00832 void TextOutput::visitLogicProgramStats(const Asp::LpStats& lp) {
00833         using namespace Asp;
00834         printKeyValue("Atoms", "%-8u", lp.atoms);
00835         if (lp.auxAtoms) {
00836                 printf(" (Original: %u Auxiliary: %u)", lp.atoms-lp.auxAtoms, lp.auxAtoms);
00837         }
00838         printf("\n");
00839         printKeyValue("Rules", "%-8u", lp.rules());
00840         printf(" ");
00841         char space = '(', close = ' ';
00842         for (Asp::RuleType i = BASICRULE; i != ENDRULE; ++i) {
00843                 LpStats::RPair r = lp.rules(i);
00844                 if (r.first) {
00845                         printf("%c%d: %u", space, i, r.first);
00846                         if ( { printf("/%u", r.second); }
00847                         space = ' ';
00848                         close = ')';
00849                 }
00850         }
00851         printf("%c\n", close);
00852         printKeyValue("Bodies", "%-8u\n", lp.bodies);
00853         if (lp.eqs() > 0) {
00854                 printKeyValue("Equivalences", "%-8u", lp.eqs());
00855                 printf(" (Atom=Atom: %u Body=Body: %u Other: %u)\n" 
00856                         , lp.eqs(Var_t::atom_var)
00857                         , lp.eqs(Var_t::body_var)
00858                         , lp.eqs(Var_t::atom_body_var));
00859         }
00860         printKey("Tight");
00861         if      (lp.sccs == 0)              { printf("Yes"); }
00862         else if (lp.sccs != PrgNode::noScc) { printf("%-8s (SCCs: %u Non-Hcfs: %u Nodes: %u Gammas: %u)", "No", lp.sccs, lp.nonHcfs, lp.ufsNodes, lp.gammas); }
00863         else                                 { printf("N/A"); }
00864         printf("\n");
00865 }
00866 void TextOutput::visitProblemStats(const ProblemStats& ps) {
00867         uint32 sum = ps.constraints + ps.constraints_binary + ps.constraints_ternary;
00868         printKeyValue("Variables", "%-8u", ps.vars);
00869         printf(" (Eliminated: %4u Frozen: %4u)\n", ps.vars_eliminated, ps.vars_frozen);
00870         printKeyValue("Constraints", "%-8u", sum);
00871         printf(" (Binary:%5.1f%% Ternary:%5.1f%% Other:%5.1f%%)\n"
00872                 , percent(ps.constraints_binary, sum)
00873                 , percent(ps.constraints_ternary, sum)
00874                 , percent(ps.constraints, sum));
00875 }
00876 void TextOutput::visitCoreSolverStats(double cpuTime, uint64 models, const SolverStats& st, bool accu) {
00877         if (!accu) {
00878                 printKeyValue("CPU Time",  "%.3fs\n", cpuTime);
00879                 printKeyValue("Models", "%" PRIu64"\n", models);
00880         }
00881         printKeyValue("Choices", "%-8" PRIu64, st.choices);
00882         if (st.extra && st.extra->domChoices) { printf(" (Domain: %" PRIu64")", st.extra->domChoices); }
00883         printf("\n");
00884         printKeyValue("Conflicts", "%-8" PRIu64"", st.conflicts);
00885         printf(" (Analyzed: %" PRIu64")\n", st.backjumps());
00886         printKeyValue("Restarts", "%-8" PRIu64"", st.restarts);
00887         if (st.restarts) {
00888                 printf(" (Average: %.2f Last: %" PRIu64")", st.avgRestart(), st.lastRestart);
00889         }
00890         printf("\n");
00891 }
00892 void TextOutput::visitExtSolverStats(const ExtendedStats& stx, bool accu) {
00893         if (stx.hccTests) {
00894                 printKeyValue("Stab. Tests", "%-8" PRIu64, stx.hccTests);
00895                 printf(" (Full: %" PRIu64" Partial: %" PRIu64")\n", stx.hccTests - stx.hccPartial, stx.hccPartial);
00896         }
00897         if (stx.models) {
00898                 printKeyValue("Model-Level", "%-8.1f\n", stx.avgModel());
00899         }
00900         printKeyValue("Problems", "%-8" PRIu64,  (uint64)stx.gps);
00901         printf(" (Average Length: %.2f Splits: %" PRIu64")\n", stx.avgGp(), (uint64)stx.splits);
00902         uint64 sum          = stx.lemmas();
00903         printKeyValue("Lemmas", "%-8" PRIu64, sum);
00904         printf(" (Deleted: %" PRIu64")\n",  stx.deleted);
00905         const char* names[] = {"  Conflict", "  Loop", "  Other"};
00906         for (int i = 0; i <= Constraint_t::learnt_other; ++i) {
00907                 if (i == 0) {
00908                         printKeyValue("  Binary", "%-8" PRIu64, uint64(stx.binary));
00909                         printf(" (Ratio: %6.2f%%)\n", percent(stx.binary, sum));
00910                         printKeyValue("  Ternary", "%-8" PRIu64, uint64(stx.ternary));
00911                         printf(" (Ratio: %6.2f%%)\n", percent(stx.ternary, sum));
00912                 }
00913                 else {
00914                         printKeyValue(names[i-1], "%-8" PRIu64, stx.lemmas(ConstraintType(i)));
00915                         printf(" (Average Length: %6.1f Ratio: %6.2f%%) \n", stx.avgLen(ConstraintType(i)), percent(stx.lemmas(ConstraintType(i)), sum));
00916                 }
00917         }
00918         if (stx.distributed || stx.integrated) {
00919                 printKeyValue("  Distributed", "%-8" PRIu64, stx.distributed);
00920                 printf(" (Ratio: %6.2f%% Average LBD: %.2f) \n", stx.distRatio()*100.0, stx.avgDistLbd());
00921                 printKeyValue("  Integrated", "%-8" PRIu64, stx.integrated);
00922                 if (accu){ printf(" (Ratio: %6.2f%% ", stx.intRatio()*100.0); }
00923                 else     { printf(" ("); }
00924                 printf("Unit: %" PRIu64" Average Jumps: %.2f)\n", stx.intImps, stx.avgIntJump());
00925         }       
00926 }
00927 void TextOutput::visitJumpStats(const JumpStats& st, bool) {
00928         printKeyValue("Backjumps", "%-8" PRIu64, st.jumps);
00929         printf(" (Average: %5.2f Max: %3u Sum: %6" PRIu64")\n", st.avgJump(), st.maxJump, st.jumpSum);
00930         printKeyValue("  Executed", "%-8" PRIu64, st.jumps-st.bounded);
00931         printf(" (Average: %5.2f Max: %3u Sum: %6" PRIu64" Ratio: %6.2f%%)\n", st.avgJumpEx(), st.maxJumpEx, st.jumped(), st.jumpedRatio()*100.0);
00932         printKeyValue("  Bounded", "%-8" PRIu64, st.bounded);
00933         printf(" (Average: %5.2f Max: %3u Sum: %6" PRIu64" Ratio: %6.2f%%)\n", st.avgBound(), st.maxBound, st.boundSum, 100.0 - (st.jumpedRatio()*100.0));
00934 }
00936 #undef printKeyValue
00937 #undef printKey
00938 #undef printLN
00939 #undef printBR
00940 }}

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:38