Class TwistMux

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rclcpp::Node

Class Documentation

class twist_mux::TwistMux : public rclcpp::Node

The TwistMux class implements a top-level twist multiplexer module that priorize different velocity command topic inputs according to locks.

Public Types

template<typename T>
using handle_container = std::list<T>
using velocity_topic_container = handle_container<VelocityTopicHandle>
using lock_topic_container = handle_container<LockTopicHandle>

Public Functions

explicit TwistMux()
~TwistMux() = default
void init()
bool hasPriority(const VelocityTopicHandle &twist)
void publishTwist(const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::ConstSharedPtr &msg)
void updateDiagnostics()

Protected Types

typedef TwistMuxDiagnostics diagnostics_type
typedef TwistMuxDiagnosticsStatus status_type

Protected Functions

template<typename T>
void getTopicHandles(const std::string &param_name, handle_container<T> &topic_hs)
int getLockPriority()

Protected Attributes

rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr diagnostics_timer_
std::shared_ptr<velocity_topic_container> velocity_hs_

velocity_hs_ Velocity topics’ handles. Note that if we use a vector, as a consequence of the re-allocation and the fact that we have a subscriber inside with a pointer to ‘this’, we must reserve the number of handles initially.

std::shared_ptr<lock_topic_container> lock_hs_
rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>::SharedPtr cmd_pub_
geometry_msgs::msg::Twist last_cmd_
std::shared_ptr<diagnostics_type> diagnostics_
std::shared_ptr<status_type> status_

Protected Static Attributes

static constexpr std::chrono::duration<int64_t> DIAGNOSTICS_PERIOD = 1s