Function TP_FIELDS(ctf_integer_hex(const void *, callback, callback_arg) ctf_integer(int, is_intra_process,(is_intra_process_arg ? 1 :0)))
Defined in File tp_call.h
Function Documentation
doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “TP_FIELDS” with arguments “(ctf_integer_hex(const void *, callback, callback_arg) ctf_integer(int, is_intra_process,(is_intra_process_arg ? 1 :0)))”. Could not parse arguments. Parsing error is Invalid C++ declaration: Expecting “,” or “)” in parameters-and-qualifiers, got “c”. [error at 55] (ctf_integer_hex(const void *, callback, callback_arg) ctf_integer(int, is_intra_process,(is_intra_process_arg ? 1 :0))) ——————————————————-^