A server which sends prompts to OpenAI
OpenAI server node for ROS2 Applications
What is this useful for?
If you don’t have an image processing pipeline or a GPU on your robot, calls to OpenAI can replace much of that functionality. As of July 2024 we generally recommend yes/no questions, otherwise you will need to parse the response yourself. This package includes a simple filter which parses for yes/no. For example:
Is it safe for the robot to drive forward? Please respond in one word, yes or no.
Is the door open? Please respond in one word, yes or no.
Is there a customer at that table? Please respond in one word, yes or no.
Did the robot successfully grasp the cube? Please respond in one word, yes or no.
Does the control panel look identical to the last time I checked? Please respond in one word, yes or no.
Some of these examples are useful for reinforcement learning, i.e. for determining if a reward was earned.
Requires an OpenAI key as described here:
Set it as an environment variable: export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."
sudo apt install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt install -y nlohmann-json3-dev
sudo apt install -y libb64-dev
Here’s a quick example:
ros2 run robosoft_openai openai_server
Send it a prompt. Here’s an example that returns a bool from a yes/no question. Note that the image
field of the service request may be left empty…
ros2 service call /openai_server ai_prompt_msgs/srv/StringImagePrompt prompt:\ "Are you a pirate? Please respond with a one-word answer, yes or no"
Here’s an example that returns a full string…
ros2 service call /openai_server ai_prompt_msgs/srv/StringImagePrompt prompt:\ "Are you a pirate?"
Here’s an example client which sends an image of a wooden table and prompts whether it is indeed a wooden table:
ros2 run robosoft_openai example_client
If you use this work, please cite it like so:
Zelenak, A., Lock, J., & Aldrich, B. (2024) An OpenAI Server for ROS2. Github.