RMF Demos Panel

Here we describe additional details of rmf_demos_panel. This package uses a simple web server to expose the essential RMF topics/services to users as web endpoints. Currently, this lite implementation is useful for task submission and observing status of on-going tasks and robots in RMF.

For a full-proof web application of RMF, please refer to rmf-web.

Note: not to be confused with the simple-api-server in rmf_demos and “prod version” of api-server in rmf-web

RMF Dependencies

  • rmf_task_ros2

  • rmf_fleet_msgs

  • rmf_demos_dashboard_resources

Setup rmf_demos_panel

python3 -m pip install flask-socketio
colcon build --packages-select rmf_demos_panel


Test Run with office world

  1. Start Office World

ros2 launch rmf_demos_gz_classic office.launch.xml

Simple CURL Test

# Submit Task (POST)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/submit_task \
-d '{"task_type":"Loop", "start_time":0, "description": {"start_name": "coe", "finish_name": "pantry", "num_loops":1}}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

# Get Task List (GET)
curl http://localhost:8083/task_list


A front end dashboard, rmf-panel-js is also provided. This will will be the client for the rmf_demos’s api server.

Launch the a web dashboard:

API Endpoints







task description json

This supports submission of task. This response with an assigned task_id is the task is accepted



task_id string

Cancel an existing task in rmf.




Get list of task status in RMF (include active and terminated tasks)




Get list of Robot states in RMF




Constant broadcast of task list




Constant broadcast of robot list

Run Sample Tasks

Submit a list of tasks* On the right side column of the panel, users are able to select a file which consists of a list of tasks. Example. for office world, load rmf_demos_tasks/rmf_demos_tasks/office_tasks.json. Once the tasks are populated in the box, hit submit!

More details on the format for the .json file is presented below.

For loop requests:

{"task_type":"Loop", "start_time":0, "priority":0, "description": {"num_loops":5, "start_name":"coe", "finish_name":"lounge"}}

For delivery requests:

{"task_type":"Delivery", "start_time":0, "priority":0, "description": {"option": "coke"}}

Internally, the option coke is mapped to a set of parameters required for a delivery request. This mapping can be seen in the rmf_demos_dashboard_resources/office/dashboard_config.json file.

For clean requests:

{"task_type":"Clean", "start_time":0, "priority":0, "description":{"cleaning_zone":"zone_2"}}

Submit a task* User can also submit a single task request via the request form on the top-left side of the page.

The latest robot states and task summaries will be reflected at the bottom portion of the GUI.


  • Edit the dashboard_config.json to configure the input of the Demo World GUI Task Submission. The dashboard config file is located here: rmf_demos_dashboard_resources/$WORLD/dashboard_config.json.

  • server ip is configurable via RMF_DEMOS_API_SERVER_IP in the dashboard.launch.xml

  • The simple_api_server outputs and stores a summarized log: web_server.log.

  • cancel task will not be working. A fully functional cancel will be introduced in a future PR.

  • rosdep will automatically install system version of python3-flask and python3-flask-cors. Yet we will download flask-socketio (5.x) separately via pip since the Ubuntu packaged version has issues.