Class Oem7MessageDecoderIf

Class Documentation

class Oem7MessageDecoderIf

Interface for accessing Oem7 message decoder. The user is responsible for initializing it, and calling service from its preferred context. Any callbacks on Oem7RawMessageParserUserIf are made from the service context.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~Oem7MessageDecoderIf()
virtual bool initialize(rclcpp::Node &nh, Oem7ReceiverIf *recvr, Oem7MessageDecoderUserIf *user) = 0

Initializes the parser.

  • nh – [in] handle of the owner node. Parser uses it to access ROS environment.

  • recvr – [in] Receiver interface used for data input

  • user – [in] Interface to receiver message callbacks


true on success

virtual void service() = 0

Message decoder service loop; blocks as long as input is available. Returns when no more input is available; or when ros::ok() returns false.