

This package provides a ROS 2 node that uses the PTG-based A* planner in mrpt_path_planning to publish waypoint sequences moving a non-holonomic robot from A to B, taking into account its real shape, orientation, and kinematic constraints.

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Node: mrpt_tps_astar_planner_node

Working rationale

Uses A* over a SE(2) lattice and PTGs to sample collision-free paths. The implementation is an anytime algorithm.

ROS 2 parameters

  • topic_wp_seq_pub (Default: /waypoints) Desired name of the topic in which to publish the calculated paths.

  • topic_goal_sub: The name of the topic to subscribe for goal poses (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped).

  • show_gui: Shows its own MRPT GUI with the planned paths.

  • topic_gridmap_sub: One or more (comma separated) topic names to subscribe for occupancy grid maps.

  • topic_obstacle_points_sub: One or more (comma separated) topic names to subscribe for obstacle points.

Subscribed topics

  • xxx

Published topics

  • <topic_wp_seq_pub> (Default: /waypoints) (mrpt_msgs::msg::WaypointSequence): Calculated trajectory, in mrpt_msgs format with complete details for each waypoints.

  • <topic_wp_seq_pub>_path (Default: /waypoints_path) (nav_msgs::msg::Path): Calculated trajectory, as nav_msgs::Path. Mostly useful for visualization only.


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Template ROS 2 launch files

This package provides launch/

ros2 launch tps_astar_planner

which can be used in user projects to launch the planner, by setting these launch arguments:

  • XXX: XXX