Function joint_limits::get_joint_limits(const std::string&, const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr&, SoftJointLimits&)

Function Documentation

inline bool joint_limits::get_joint_limits(const std::string &joint_name, const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node, SoftJointLimits &soft_limits)

Populate a JointLimits instance from the node parameters. This is a convenience function. For parameters structure see the underlying get_joint_limits function.

  • joint_name[in] Name of joint whose limits are to be fetched.

  • node[in] Node object for which parameters should be fetched.

  • soft_limits[out] Where soft joint limit data gets written into. Limits specified in the parameter server will overwrite existing values.


True if a soft limits specification is found, false otherwise.