Class kIOS

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class kIOS

A class describing the kIOS collision structure, which is a set of spheres.

Public Functions

inline bool operator==(const kIOS &other) const

Equality operator.

inline bool operator!=(const kIOS &other) const

Difference operator.

bool contain(const Vec3f &p) const

Check whether the kIOS contains a point.

bool overlap(const kIOS &other) const

Check collision between two kIOS.

bool overlap(const kIOS &other, const CollisionRequest&, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound) const

Check collision between two kIOS.

FCL_REAL distance(const kIOS &other, Vec3f *P = NULL, Vec3f *Q = NULL) const

The distance between two kIOS.

kIOS &operator+=(const Vec3f &p)

A simple way to merge the kIOS and a point.

inline kIOS &operator+=(const kIOS &other)

Merge the kIOS and another kIOS.

kIOS operator+(const kIOS &other) const

Return the merged kIOS of current kIOS and the other one.

FCL_REAL size() const

size of the kIOS (used in BV_Splitter to order two kIOSs)

inline const Vec3f &center() const

Center of the kIOS.

FCL_REAL width() const

Width of the kIOS.

FCL_REAL height() const

Height of the kIOS.

FCL_REAL depth() const

Depth of the kIOS.

FCL_REAL volume() const

Volume of the kIOS.

Public Members

kIOS_Sphere spheres[5]

The (at most) five spheres for intersection.

unsigned int num_spheres

The number of spheres, no larger than 5.

OBB obb

@ OBB related with kIOS