Program Listing for File thread_exceptions_pos.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/threads/thread_exceptions_pos.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Platform Check

#include <ecl/config/ecl.hpp>
#if defined(ECL_IS_POSIX)

** Includes

#include <string>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ecl/errors/handlers.hpp>

** Namespaces

namespace ecl {
namespace threads {

** Interface [Errors]
inline Error ECL_LOCAL handlePthreadCreateError(int error_result) {
    switch (error_result) {
        case ( EINVAL ) : return Error(InvalidInputError);
        case ( EAGAIN ) : return Error(MemoryError);
        case ( EPERM )  : return Error(PermissionsError);
        default         : return Error(UnknownError);
} // namespace threads
} // namespace ecl

** Interface [Exceptions]

#include <ecl/exceptions/macros.hpp>

** Includes

#include <string>
#include <ecl/exceptions/standard_exception.hpp>

** Namespaces

namespace ecl {
namespace threads {

** Functions
inline StandardException ECL_LOCAL throwPthreadCreateException(const char* loc, int error_result) {
    switch (error_result) {
        case ( EINVAL ) : return StandardException(loc, InvalidInputError, "Invalid settings in 'attr'");
        case ( EAGAIN ) : return StandardException(loc, MemoryError, "Insufficient resources to create another thread.");
        case ( EPERM )  : return StandardException(loc, PermissionsError, "No permission to set the scheduling policy and parameters specified in attr.");
        default         : return StandardException(loc, UnknownError, "Unknown error.");

inline StandardException ECL_LOCAL throwPthreadJoinException(const char* loc, int error_result) {
    switch (error_result) {
        case ( EDEADLK ) : return StandardException(loc, UsageError, "Deadlock! Two threads tried to join each other or a thread tried to join itself.");
        case ( EINVAL )  : return StandardException(loc, InvalidInputError, "The specified thread is not joinable or another thread is already waiting to join with it.");
        case ( ESRCH )   : return StandardException(loc, InvalidInputError, "The specified thread (id) could not be found. Probably its already been joined?");
        default          : return StandardException(loc, UnknownError, "Unknown error.");
inline StandardException ECL_LOCAL throwPthreadCancelException(const char* loc, int error_result) {
    switch (error_result) {
        case ( ESRCH )   : return StandardException(loc, InvalidInputError, "The specified thread (id) could not be found. Probably its already terminated.");
        default          : return StandardException(loc, UnknownError, "Unknown error.");

} // namespace threads
} // namespace ecl

#endif /* ECL_IS_POSIX */