Program Listing for File ofile_pos.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/devices/ofile_pos.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Cross Platform Functionality

#include <ecl/config/ecl.hpp>
#if defined(ECL_IS_POSIX)

** Includes

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio> // FILE calls
#include <string>
#include <ecl/concepts/containers.hpp>
#include <ecl/exceptions/macros.hpp>
#include <ecl/exceptions/standard_exception.hpp>
#include "detail/exception_handler_pos.hpp"
#include "modes.hpp"
#include "traits.hpp"

** Namespaces

namespace ecl {

** Interface [Output File]
class OFile {
    ** C&D
    OFile(const std::string &file_name, const WriteMode &mode = New);

    virtual ~OFile();

    ** Open/Close
    virtual bool open() { return ( file != NULL ) ? true : false; }

    virtual bool open(const std::string &file_name, const WriteMode &mode = New);

    virtual bool close();

    ** Utility Methods
    virtual const std::string& filename() const { return name; }

    ** Output Methods
    virtual long write(const char &c);
    long write(const char* s, unsigned long n);

    template <typename ByteArray>
    long write(const ByteArray &byte_array);
    virtual bool flush();

    const Error& error() const { return error_handler; }

    ** Variables
    int file_descriptor;
    FILE *file;
    std::string name;
    Error error_handler;

** Template Implementation

template <typename ByteArray>
long OFile::write(const ByteArray&byte_array) {

    if ( !open() ) {
        ecl_debug_throw(ecl::StandardException(LOC, OpenError, std::string("File ") + name + std::string(" is not open for writing.")));
        error_handler = OpenError;
        return -1;
    size_t written = fwrite(&byte_array[0],byte_array.size(),1,file);
    if ( written == 0) {
        ecl_debug_throw(ecl::StandardException(LOC, WriteError, std::string("Could not write to ") + name + std::string(".")));
        error_handler = WriteError;
        return -1;
    error_handler = NoError;
    return byte_array.size()*written; // fwrite returns the number of 'items' written, not bytes!

** Traits [OFile]

template <>
class is_sink<OFile> : public True {};

} // namespace ecl

#endif /* ECL_IS_POSIX */