Program Listing for File unlabeled_multi_arg.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/command_line/unlabeled_multi_arg.hpp)

** Ifdefs


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "multi_arg.hpp"
#include "optional_unlabeled_tracker.hpp"

namespace ecl {

template<class T>
class UnlabeledMultiArg : public MultiArg<T>

    // If compiler has two stage name lookup (as gcc >= 3.4 does)
    // this is requried to prevent undef. symbols
    using MultiArg<T>::_ignoreable;
    using MultiArg<T>::_hasBlanks;
    using MultiArg<T>::_extractValue;
    using MultiArg<T>::_typeDesc;
    using MultiArg<T>::_name;
    using MultiArg<T>::_description;
    using MultiArg<T>::_alreadySet;
    using MultiArg<T>::toString;


        UnlabeledMultiArg( const std::string& name,
                           const std::string& desc,
                           bool req,
                           const std::string& typeDesc,
                           bool ignoreable = false,
                           Visitor* v = NULL );
        UnlabeledMultiArg( const std::string& name,
                           const std::string& desc,
                           bool req,
                           const std::string& typeDesc,
                           CmdLineInterface& parser,
                           bool ignoreable = false,
                           Visitor* v = NULL );

        UnlabeledMultiArg( const std::string& name,
                           const std::string& desc,
                           bool req,
                           Constraint<T>* constraint,
                           bool ignoreable = false,
                           Visitor* v = NULL );

        UnlabeledMultiArg( const std::string& name,
                           const std::string& desc,
                           bool req,
                           Constraint<T>* constraint,
                           CmdLineInterface& parser,
                           bool ignoreable = false,
                           Visitor* v = NULL );

        virtual bool processArg(int* i, std::vector<std::string>& args);

        virtual std::string shortID(const std::string& val="val") const;

        virtual std::string longID(const std::string& val="val") const;

        virtual bool operator==(const Arg& a) const;

        virtual void addToList( std::list<Arg*>& argList ) const;

template<class T>
UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::UnlabeledMultiArg(const std::string& name,
                                        const std::string& desc,
                                        bool req,
                                        const std::string& typeDesc,
                                        bool ignoreable,
                                        Visitor* v)
: MultiArg<T>("", name, desc,  req, typeDesc, v)
    _ignoreable = ignoreable;
    OptionalUnlabeledTracker::check(true, toString());

template<class T>
UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::UnlabeledMultiArg(const std::string& name,
                                        const std::string& desc,
                                        bool req,
                                        const std::string& typeDesc,
                                        CmdLineInterface& parser,
                                        bool ignoreable,
                                        Visitor* v)
: MultiArg<T>("", name, desc,  req, typeDesc, v)
    _ignoreable = ignoreable;
    OptionalUnlabeledTracker::check(true, toString());
    parser.add( this );

template<class T>
UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::UnlabeledMultiArg(const std::string& name,
                                        const std::string& desc,
                                        bool req,
                                        Constraint<T>* constraint,
                                        bool ignoreable,
                                        Visitor* v)
: MultiArg<T>("", name, desc,  req, constraint, v)
    _ignoreable = ignoreable;
    OptionalUnlabeledTracker::check(true, toString());

template<class T>
UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::UnlabeledMultiArg(const std::string& name,
                                        const std::string& desc,
                                        bool req,
                                        Constraint<T>* constraint,
                                        CmdLineInterface& parser,
                                        bool ignoreable,
                                        Visitor* v)
: MultiArg<T>("", name, desc,  req, constraint, v)
    _ignoreable = ignoreable;
    OptionalUnlabeledTracker::check(true, toString());
    parser.add( this );

template<class T>
bool UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::processArg(int *i, std::vector<std::string>& args)

    if ( _hasBlanks( args[*i] ) )
        return false;

    // never ignore an unlabeled multi arg

    // always take the first value, regardless of the start string
    _extractValue( args[(*i)] );

    // continue taking args until we hit the end or a start string
    while ( (unsigned int)(*i)+1 < args.size() &&
            args[(*i)+1].find_first_of( Arg::flagStartString() ) != 0 &&
            args[(*i)+1].find_first_of( Arg::nameStartString() ) != 0 )
        _extractValue( args[++(*i)] );

    _alreadySet = true;

    return true;

template<class T>
std::string UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::shortID(const std::string& /*val*/) const
    std::string id = "<" + _typeDesc + "> ...";

    return id;

template<class T>
std::string UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::longID(const std::string& /*val*/) const
    std::string id = "<" + _typeDesc + ">  (accepted multiple times)";

    return id;

template<class T>
bool UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::operator==(const Arg& a) const
    if ( _name == a.getName() || _description == a.getDescription() )
        return true;
        return false;

template<class T>
void UnlabeledMultiArg<T>::addToList( std::list<Arg*>& argList ) const
    argList.push_back( const_cast<Arg*>(static_cast<const Arg* const>(this)) );

} // namespace ecl
