Program Listing for File std_output.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/ecl/command_line/std_output.hpp)

** Ifdefs


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

#include "cmd_line_interface.hpp"
#include "cmd_line_output.hpp"
#include "xor_handler.hpp"
#include "arg.hpp"

namespace ecl {

class StdOutput : public CmdLineOutput


        virtual void usage(CmdLineInterface& c);

        virtual void version(CmdLineInterface& c);

        virtual void failure(CmdLineInterface& c,
                             ArgException& e );


        void _shortUsage( CmdLineInterface& c, std::ostream& os ) const;

        void _longUsage( CmdLineInterface& c, std::ostream& os ) const;

        void spacePrint( std::ostream& os,
                         const std::string& s,
                         int maxWidth,
                         int indentSpaces,
                         int secondLineOffset ) const;


inline void StdOutput::version(CmdLineInterface& _cmd)
    std::string progName = _cmd.getProgramName();
    std::string interface_version = _cmd.getVersion();

    std::cout << std::endl << progName << "  version: "
              << interface_version << std::endl << std::endl;

inline void StdOutput::usage(CmdLineInterface& _cmd )
    std::cout << std::endl << "USAGE: " << std::endl << std::endl;

    _shortUsage( _cmd, std::cout );

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "Where: " << std::endl << std::endl;

    _longUsage( _cmd, std::cout );

    std::cout << std::endl;


inline void StdOutput::failure( CmdLineInterface& _cmd,
                                ArgException& e )
    std::string progName = _cmd.getProgramName();

    std::cerr << "PARSE ERROR: " << e.argId() << std::endl
              << "             " << e.error() << std::endl << std::endl;

    if ( _cmd.hasHelpAndVersion() )
        std::cerr << "Brief USAGE: " << std::endl;

        _shortUsage( _cmd, std::cerr );

        std::cerr << std::endl << "For complete USAGE and HELP type: "
                  << std::endl << "   " << progName << " --help"
                  << std::endl << std::endl;


inline void StdOutput::_shortUsage( CmdLineInterface& _cmd,
                                    std::ostream& os ) const
    std::list<Arg*> argList = _cmd.getArgList();
    std::string progName = _cmd.getProgramName();
    XorHandler xorHandler = _cmd.getXorHandler();
    std::vector< std::vector<Arg*> > xorList = xorHandler.getXorList();

    std::string s = progName + " ";

    // first the xor
    for ( int i = 0; static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < xorList.size(); i++ )
        s += " {";
        for ( ArgVectorIterator it = xorList[i].begin();
                        it != xorList[i].end(); it++ )
            s += (*it)->shortID() + "|";

        s[s.length()-1] = '}';

    // then the rest
    for (ArgListIterator it = argList.begin(); it != argList.end(); it++)
        if ( !xorHandler.contains( (*it) ) )
            s += " " + (*it)->shortID();

    // if the program name is too long, then adjust the second line offset
    int secondLineOffset = static_cast<int>(progName.length()) + 2;
    if ( secondLineOffset > 75/2 )
            secondLineOffset = static_cast<int>(75/2);

    spacePrint( os, s, 75, 3, secondLineOffset );
    //spacePrint( std::cout, s, 75, 3, secondLineOffset );

inline void StdOutput::_longUsage( CmdLineInterface& _cmd,
                                   std::ostream& os ) const
    std::list<Arg*> argList = _cmd.getArgList();
    std::string message = _cmd.getMessage();
    XorHandler xorHandler = _cmd.getXorHandler();
    std::vector< std::vector<Arg*> > xorList = xorHandler.getXorList();

    // first the xor
    for ( int i = 0; static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < xorList.size(); i++ )
        for ( ArgVectorIterator it = xorList[i].begin();
              it != xorList[i].end();
              it++ )
            spacePrint( os, (*it)->longID(), 75, 3, 3 );
            spacePrint( os, (*it)->getDescription(), 75, 5, 0 );

            if ( it+1 != xorList[i].end() )
                spacePrint(os, "-- OR --", 75, 9, 0);
        os << std::endl << std::endl;

    // then the rest
    for (ArgListIterator it = argList.begin(); it != argList.end(); it++)
        if ( !xorHandler.contains( (*it) ) )
            spacePrint( os, (*it)->longID(), 75, 3, 3 );
            spacePrint( os, (*it)->getDescription(), 75, 5, 0 );
            os << std::endl;

    os << std::endl;

    spacePrint( os, message, 75, 3, 0 );

inline void StdOutput::spacePrint( std::ostream& os,
                                   const std::string& s,
                                   int maxWidth,
                                   int indentSpaces,
                                   int secondLineOffset ) const
    int len = static_cast<int>(s.length());

    if ( (len + indentSpaces > maxWidth) && maxWidth > 0 )
        int allowedLen = maxWidth - indentSpaces;
        int start = 0;
        while ( start < len )
            // find the substring length
          int stringLen = std::min<int>( len - start, allowedLen );

            // trim the length so it doesn't end in middle of a word
            if ( stringLen == allowedLen )
                while ( s[stringLen+start] != ' ' &&
                        s[stringLen+start] != ',' &&
                        s[stringLen+start] != '|' &&
                        stringLen >= 0 )

            // ok, the word is longer than the line, so just split
            // wherever the line ends
            if ( stringLen <= 0 )
                stringLen = allowedLen;

            // check for newlines
            for ( int i = 0; i < stringLen; i++ )
                if ( s[start+i] == '\n' )
                    stringLen = i+1;

            // print the indent
            for ( int i = 0; i < indentSpaces; i++ )
                os << " ";

            if ( start == 0 )
                // handle second line offsets
                indentSpaces += secondLineOffset;

                // adjust allowed len
                allowedLen -= secondLineOffset;

            os << s.substr(start,stringLen) << std::endl;

            // so we don't start a line with a space
            while ( s[stringLen+start] == ' ' && start < len )

            start += stringLen;
        for ( int i = 0; i < indentSpaces; i++ )
                os << " ";
        os << s << std::endl;
} // namespace ecl
