
Geozones for AeroStack2



Geozones node for Aerostack2.


  • config_file: Polygons that define geofences are defined here. (IMPORTANT) Remember that the order in which points are given defines how the polygon is built, this means that n point will be conected to n+1 point and so on. Last point will be connected to the first point. Config file parameters:

    • id (int): geozone id

    • alert (int): generated alert

    • type (string): geofence or geocage. Geofence will generate alert on entering the area, geocage will generate alert on exiting the area.

    • data_type (string): gps or cartesian.

    • polygon (list(2DPoint)): List of 2D points that forms the polygon. Should at least be 3. Order matters.

    • z_up (float): up limit, always in cartesian.

    • z_down (float): down limit, always in cartesian.

      Example config file (.yaml):

      - id: 1
          alert: 1
          type: geofence
          data_type: gps
          - [52.172046, 4.416790]
          - [52.172046, 4.415912]
          - [52.171506, 4.415912]
          - [52.171506, 4.416789]
          z_up: 100.0
          z_down: 90.0
      - id: 2
          alert: 2
          type: geocage
          data_type: cartesian
          - [3.0, 0.0]
          - [-3.0, 0.0]
          - [-3.0, 3.0]
          - [3.0, 3.0]
          z_up: 10.0
          z_down: 0.0
  • debug_rviz: Wheter to publish an array of Polygons for rviz2 visualization or not.

  • Interfaces:

    Available Services:

    • /set_geozone: Set a geoestructure vía message.

    • /get_geozone: Get a list of all geoestructures available

    Published topics:

    • /alert_event: Publish the defined alert message when a geoestructure event is triggered.