Changelog for package task_compiler
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add argument for debug
- fix minor bug
- update depend on roseus_smach
- forgot to add romeo_action.l
- added sample programs for romeo
- removed pr2eus_openrave dependency
- fixed pr2eus_openrave method name
- remove mismatched parentheses
- object in ADL typing may be keyword, should not use??
- dump generated state machine to /tmp/action_state_machine.l for reuse
- add room cleaning sample of task_compiler
- remove empty file
- add scripts for room cleaning planning sample, but it will work tomorrow
- change debug print
- fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
- add level 0 example and fix bug in launch syntax
- add new package task_compiler, which is a converter from PDDL description to SMACH executable graph.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Youhei Kakiuchi