catkin.cmake add rostest to find_package
#14: depend roseus message generation on python message generation. in roseus.cmake, do not take into account the dependencies between messages and packages and just depends roseus message generation on python message generation. The 1st reason is the difference between hydro and groovy. On groovy, genmsg does not craete the targets of foo_generate_messages_py which are already compiled, I mean the packages installed by apt. The 2nd reason is that roseus message generation utilizes rospy and it requires for rospy messages to be available. So this dependencies are required. Namely, the dependency will be like this: parent_pkg +-child_pkg
- +-grandchild_pkg
- +-grandchild_pkg_generate_messages_py
+-euslip targets for grandchild_pkg
Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
roseus/test/test-tf.test: tf2_buffer_server output to screen