add metapackage
change roseus-svnrevision -> roseus-repo-version, due to
set time-limit 1800
bugfix: change link name
disable pr2-ri-test since this requires gazebo
fix find_package components for groovy, generae missing package via
add :controller-timeout keyword to robot-interface to specify the timeout to wait controller
add warn and exit the program for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common#186
Merge pull request #8 from YoheiKakiuchi/fix_joint_trajectory fix send-trajectory
#11: back to gazebo from gzserver when testing pr2-ri-test.launch
#11: use gzserver instead of gazebo on test
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into youhei-tip
fix send-trajectory
fix send-trajectory
add keyword :joint-states-topic for changing jonit_states name
install euslisp files in the package root directory: last catkinize commit was also done by murooka
catkinize pr2eus
fixed method to get links for new pr2 model
update pr2 model, fix kinect geometry
use joint_trajectory_action -> follow_joint_trajectory
delete commit r5583
add --no-link-suffix,--no-joint-suffix, concerning backword compatibility
update pr2 model
do not use 0.2 sec marge, now the mergin is only 0.1 sec, see for more detail
fix window name and draw floor for robot-interface's simulation mode, see Isseue 42, this requries r979( of jskeus
add comments for go-velocity arguments and use msec in animation codes
remove unused local variables
ignore not existing joint
add move base range in args of ik
use :additional-weight-list to set weight without using index of weight vector explicitly ;; test pr2's ik by euscollada/ and ik-test.l
update ros-wait
fix minor bug
add :ros-wait method to robot-interface
fix for using :move-to with /base_footprint as frame_id, [#234]
update parameter for avoiding warning message, [#233]
remove :wait-interpolation finish check on pr2-tuckarm-pose
move code of visuazlizing trajectory to robot-inreface.l from pr2eus_openrave
modified loading dependant programs, no longer needed require basic roseus codes
modified time-limit for low power PC
add checking correctly finished :wait-interpolation on pr2-tuckarm-pose
add check code for result of move command, nil will be returned if failed or canceled
add optional force-stop to :go-stop method
add check of length c = 2 for dual arm manipulation
use angle-vector-sequence in angle-vector-with-constraint when ri simulation
#216, support select-target-arm for dual ik
setup :header :seq, see [#160]
send with move_base_simplw if /move_base/goal failed, see [#160]
use /map frame to send move_base/goal, see [#160]
add description for voice text command
enable to add arguments for xx-vector methods, which is reported kuroiwa
r4702 requires fix to make-pr2-model-file.l #200
fix pr2-ri-test to pass the test
fix :stop-grasp retunrs t
add :namespace keyword to robot-interface, see [tickets:#203]
remove / from /joint_states according to [tickets:#202]
add -r option (headless) for fuerte
until hydro, gazebo needs GPU to start, so use DISPLAY to :0.0 for test
do not wrap around -180/180 degree [#91]
support :angle-vector over 360 degree, [#91]
fix time-limit 300->600
add test code for :angle-vector-with-constraint
support :arms in :angle-vector-with-constraint, [#91]
retry twice if :move-gripper is not converged, see [#159]
remove pause mode flag
add :angle-vector-with-constraiont method, may be we can move to robot-interface?
add tset code for #91
expand pr2_empty_world.launch files to respawn gazebo
add test code which show wait-interpolation get dead
use package:// for loading speak.l
groovy needs throttled true to launch head-less gazebo?
add debug message for :start-grasp
fix #159, use robot-update-state to double check the length between tips
set time-limit to 300
shorten test code
return gripper with when simulation mode
[#159] fix start-grasp, resend move-gripper when reached_goal is nil
add test-start-grasp
fix commit error [r4499]
fix: relax camera position differs
add keyword :use-tf2 and :joint-state-topic to robot-interface
relax camera position differs
update pr1012 bag/yaml file for new pr2 robot with sensor robot
add comment to get bag files
update pr2.l eus model with sensor head
update robot_description dump for pr1040
add PR2_NO argument to make-pr2-model-file-test.launch
add urdf file which dumped robot_description in pr1040
add pr2-ri-test.launch
fix for joint name mismatch between ros and eus
:move-to retunls nil if not reached to the goal (not closer than 200mm) #160
relax test sequence
do not use collada_urdf_jsk_patch, use collada_urdf
(send ri :state :worldcoords) return worldcoords when ri simulation
commit add :draw-objects methods, update robot-interface viewer while :move-to in simulation mode
:move-to takes absolute coordinats as an arguments, currently it does not take into account frame-id, every coords must be relative to world
add comment
revert [#1445], since min/max limit of infinite rotational joint has changed from 180 to 270 in
go-pos moves robot in relatively: fix code unless joint-action-enable, Fixed [#146]
fix wreit-r of reset pose from 180->0 [#145]
support :object key in :start-grasp [#144]
support if link-list and move-target is not defined in dual-arm ik mode
add pr2 ik test with both hands
support when dual-arm-ik when link-list is not set
use ros::service-call to change tilt_laser_mux/select [#94]
use check-continuous-joint-move-over-180 for simulation-modep [#91]
fixed tuckarm-pose angle-vector
fix: using :{larm,rarm,head,torso}-controller and :{larm,rarm,head,torso}-angle-vector
add use-tilt-laser-obstacle-cloud
workaround for unintentional 360 joint rotation problem [#91]
fix to work pr2-read-state with X-less environment [#59]
change name cancel-all-goals -> go-stop and do not speak in the method, check joint-action-enable, [#66]
add cancel-all-goals
add test for start-grasp
add :simulation-modep method to robot-interface
do not launch viewer when robot-interface is already created [#71]
add pr2-grasp-test
support no display environment [#59]
fix [#49] by mikita
suport (send ri :init :objects (list (roomxxx))) style interface for simulation environment with objects [#49]
fix: add keyword :timeout
temporary remove :add-controller for pr2
fix: larm-angle-vector and rarm-angle-vector
update robot-interface.l for using joint group
method for adding additional controllers
fix: tuckarm pose
add :wait-torso method to pr2-interface
update for using (send ri :potentio-vector)
fix #50, velocity limit for both plug/minus
added wait option for stop-grasp
use PLATFORM_FLOAT64 for daeFloat, collada-fom for groovy uses -DCOLLADA_DOM_DAEFLOAT_IS64, update pr2.l to use double precision value
update: method :state .. use :update-robot-state
remove debug message
fix bug for continuous turning
add a missing variable
fix: initialization function name should be {robotname}-init
fix: check absolute rotation angle
using method :cancel-all-goals instead of :cancel-goal
add :cancel-angle-vector and :stop-motion method for stopping motion
add updated urdf file and corresponding bag files
update pr2 model for fuerte
autogenerating camera frame for fuerte
fix calling ros::init if ros is not running
add :ros-joint-angle for using meter/radian unit
change: enable to pass robot instance
fix minor bugs
fix minor bugs
fix for liner-joint
add :send-trajectory to robot interface for using directly JointTrajectory.msg
move pr2-arm-navigation from pr2eus to pr2eus_armnavigation
add arm-navigation wrapper for PR2
add pr2-arm-navigation.l for using arm_navigation stack
fix go-pos-unsafe, cehck if reached to the original goal using odom and retly if needed, set minimum go-pos-unsafe time to 1000 add debug message
move kinect_frame transform infrmatin to /opt/ros/electric/urdf/robot.xml
remove description for static tf nodes
find vector method from (send self :methods) if exists such as :reference-vector and :error-vector
find vector method from (send self :methods) if exists such as :reference-vector and :error-vector
add groupname to slots variables of robot-interface
add ros node initialize check
change variable name viewer -> create-viewer
add pr2-interface setup function
change for using private queue group in robot-interface in order to divide spin group
use rosrun rosbag play instaed of rosrun rosbag rosbag
use equal, not eq to check link name
use string joint/link name rule, add pr2-senros-robot for camera model
fix for r3056 (use string as link name too, see #748)
support dual-arm ik which uses target-coords, move-target, and link-list as cons ;; fix move-arm, thre, and rthre definitions
update tuckarm-pose for non-collision and min-max safe version
support :joint-action-enable to change real/virtual robot environment. Ask users to really move robot? when :warningp is set, #758
support :stop keyword to :inverse-kinematics
use lib/llib/unittest.l
use string-equal to check joint-name
key of controller action name (:controller -> :controller-action)
fixed to use string type joint names
fix for jskeus r773 :gripper method in irtrobot class
add reference/error vector method in robot-interface
fix for joint with string name, euscollada/src/collada2eus.cpp@2969
use string joint-name
spin once before check robot state variables
fix typo
update for #719, add accessor to openni camera frames
support loos checking of cmaera name, currently we are trying to move namer name from string style to keyword style
use (pr2) to instantiate pr2 robot
change parent of larm-end-coords from l/r_gripper_parm_link to l/r_gripper_tool_frame
fix pr2.l compile rule
use _roscore_failed for not run make-pr2-model-file without roscore and /robot_description environment
eps=0.01 for camera projection check
update pr2.l
update pr2model to r2714 euscollada
update pr2 model for r2693 or euscollada
add a test for link weight, update pr2.l model file
retake pr1012_sensors.bag
update test bagfile for pr2 sensors and kinect/tf
check link-coords, currently this is commented out
fix openni camera link coordinates see jsk_pr2_startup/jsk_pr2_sensors/kinect_head.launch
update test bagfile for pr2 sensors
add debug message and add pr2-camera-coords-test
add debug message
update pr2eus-test to make robot model on the fly
update l_finger_tip_link position
fix syntax error on :publish-joint-state
fix syntax error on :publish-joint-state
update publish-joint-state for pr2, publish gripper joint_state
remove dependency for pr2_* from roseus
update pr2.l with safty controller limit
add black color to kinect
add test for link position
rename j_robotsound -> robotsound_jp
sleep 1 second after advertising
add japanese speech topic for pr2-interface
move robot-interface from roseus to pr2eus
added sound_play function
add kinect camera
add strict check for camera number test
fix make-pr2-model-file as urdf_to_collada supports dae file loading
robot-interface :state with no argument is obsolated, and add warning messages
:go-pos-unsafe updated, 1000 times msec
removed initialize-costmap, this is obsolated
I checked latest pr2.l works well by my program
pr2-interface :state :odom :pose should return coordinates
add test for sensor read methods of pr2-interface
added :set-robot-state1 method to update robot-state variable, and store the time stamp of current joint_states
changed global frame for (:move-to and :state :worldcoords), /map -> /world
unchanged min-max angle is OK
added prosilica and kinect camra to bag in test
change count for wait slow camera info topic
do not make error when expected difference between unstable and stable model
fix assert message type
add debug messages
fix tpo in format string
rename variable, use stable and unstable
fix camera test code
fix to work when camera_info is not found
add make-pr2-model-file-test
remove debug code
fix make-pr2-model-file so that other package can use this
default frame-id of pr2:move-to is /map
pr2-robot does not calcurate joint-torque in torque-vector method
changed to use robot-interface
devide pr2-interface into robot common interface and pr2 specific methods
check if velocity and efforts in /joint_states are same length as joint list
added joint-action-enable check for :publish-joint-state
instantiate transform-listener in ros-interface :init
error handling when time list contains 0.0 in angle-vector-sequence
miss understanding of pr2-robot origin coords, base_footprint
add (if p) in pr2-interface :objects
fix when frame_id is base_link
fix compile warning -> velocities in :update-robot-state
add :state :worldcoords, update :move-to, use :go-velocity after the robot reached gaol using move_base navigation controller
dissoc before copy-object
check viewer in :objects, because viewer only exists in simulation mode
changed go-pos-unsafe to use 80% of max velocity
remove x::draw-things
fix :start-grasp, dissoc if already assoced, use x::draw-thing in :objects, etc
fix segfault
add :objects for simulation mode to display objects in pr2-interface viewer, also simulation mode is supported in :start-grasp and :stop-grasp
add :gripper :links to return gripper links
do not call dynamic reconfigure to static costmap, but it will repaired
update navigation utility to electric
add simulation mode to go-pos-unsafe and go-velocity
add go-pos-unsafe
update navigation parameter methods in pr2-interface
change pr2-interface to update robot-model by joint_state msg which contains unknown joint names
add joint-action-enable for :move-to
add accessor to :robot and :viewer
fix when x::display is 0
fix type anlge -> angle
change :start-grasp :wait nil -> t, and returns the space length of the gripper
update :move-gripper, move gripper in simulation mode
update pr2-tuckarm-pose smarter
fix gripper joint manually
update tuckarm pose method, and send angle-vector by each controller
dump euscollada-robot definition to euscollada robot files and update pr2eus/pr2.l
update pr2.l for latest euscollada/pr2.l ;; use euscollada-robot class instead of robot-model class ;; please refer to jsk-ros-pkg -r1822 commit
fix previous commit : do not invoke viewer when no x:display found
do not invoke viewer when no x:display found
add pr2-ik-test.l and pr2eus-test.launch
fix l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link -> l_wrist_roll_link
add pr2-ik-test.l
manually fix bug #560
use palm link as parent of endcoords
update with kinect model
update pr2 model with safety_limit
use :state :potentio-vector instead of old :state method call
update pr2-read-state.l to draw torque
add max velocity and torque in :init-ending
set the name of base_trajectory action to same other actions
fix typo pr2_base_trajectory_action
update topic name for pr2_base_trajectory_action
revert accidentally commit
update namespace of pr2_base_trajectory_action
add publish-joint-state method, which publish joint_states when joint-action-enable is nil
set joint-action-enable t before wait-fore pr2-action-server
wait for joint-velocity to zero, in wait-interpolation for pr2
add defun make-camera-from-ros-camera-info-aux
make-camera-from-ros-camera-info-aux is required for non-roseus users
fix hrp4 -> robot
split pr2-interface to pr2-interface and ros-interface
remove defun make-camera-from-ros-camera-info-aux, which is now defined in roseus-utils.l
support :state :torque-vector, by mikita
add effort to state in pr2-interface class
use :torso_lift_joint method
add dummy massproperty pr2.l
add message name to constant in msg definition
update pr2.l model 2010523
add clear-costmap, initialize-costmap, change-inflation-range, call clear-costmap when the robot retry move-to function i n (send ri :move-to)
fix contious rotational joint problems, pr2 controller use joint angle value directory, so we add offset before sending the trajectory
add and fix sub-angle-vector method, fix simulation mode
:angle-vector-sequence returns angle-vector-sequence
send only one message in pr2-angle-vector-sequence method
fix diff-angle-vector in :angle-vector-sequence
add diff-angle-vector function in :anlge-vector-sequence for calculating velocity vector for interpolation
cropping angle of infinite rotational joint supported in irtmodel.l
set :min and :max for infinite rotational joint is inf and -inf
add simulation mode code in :angle-vector-sequence
draw interpolated postures unless joint-action-enable in :angle-vector
remove typo
remove spin-once in (:angle-vector-sequence
remove spin-once in (:angle-vector
fix :inverse-kinematics move-arm move-target link-list, #493
if no viewer is executed before pr2-interface viewer, set pr2-interface viewer as a defulat viewer, so that users are able to use them as a default view
fix fingertip pressure zero-reset, update pr2-read-state sample
add ** to msg constant type
we can send JointTrajectoryActionGoal to torso and head in diamondback
update grasp timing in tuckarm-pose, add pr2-reset-pose
add pr2 tuckarm pose function
remove useless number 1 in ros::ros-warn
use ros::ros-warn instaed of warning-message
support sending go-velocity countinously, and once
support sending go-velocity countinously
fix go-velocity function
add go-velocity method using trajectoy and safe_teleop
add go-velocity to pr2-interface.l
torso and head did not accept time_from_start, it only accept duration
update pr2.l with :camera and :cameras
add to generate :cameras and :camera by chen and k-okada
require pr2-utils, show viewer in NON-joint-action-enable mode
if robot-joint-disabled, :state sends recieved angle-vector
pr2-interface :init works unless it connected to pr2
update ros-infro comment
update pr2.l using r769
update :*-cmaera method definitoin, support forward-message-to
fix :inverse-kinematics with use-base
update :inverse-kinematics with use-base
update :inverse-kinematics support use-torso, use-base, move-arm
In head point action, pointing_frame is not used, and change translate length
add fingertip pressure subscriber, to use finger-pressure call reset-fingertip beforehand
set time out for gripper action
action start time should be future, i think
use :wait-interpolation, remove sleep
fix do not generate pr2.l if it already exists
add move_base_msgs
fix problem, when not add roseus to /home/k-okada/ros/cturtle/ros/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin/:.:/home/k-okada/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/svs/bin:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1/bin/:/usr/bin:/bin/:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/jsk/bin:/home/k-okada/ros/cturtle/jsk-ros-pkg/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux/bin:/bin:/usr/h8300-hitachi-hms/bin:/usr/local/ELDK4.1/usr/bin:/home/k-okada/prog/scripts:/usr/local/src/gxp
rename cmaera->camera-model, viewing->vwing
update pr2model with new make-camera-from-ros-info-aux
update to new make-camera-from-ros-info-aux
update pr2 model file
add pr2 model file at 100929
delete load-pr2-file.l
load-pr2-file is removed, now we use make-pr2-modle-file
generate pr2model from camera_info and /robot_description
front of high_def_frame is +x
set pointing_frame to look-at-point action goal
fix to move head-end-coords in sending current pose
update :angle-vector-sequence to work with real-pr2 robot
add :angle-vector-sequence based on interpolator::push in rats/src/interpolator.cpp
update :send-pr2-controller interface (:send-pr2-controller nil (action joint-names all-positions all-velocities starttiem duration)
support send pr2 :inverse-kinematics c
add test code for load-pr2-file
add load-pr2-file
add dual arm jacobian, torque sample by s.nozawa
fix pr2 gripper action sending
add hrp2 compatible :go-pos [m] [m] [degree] method
remove waiting for move-base action in pr2-interface :init
change to startable pr2-interface when move_base not found
add :move-to method and move-base-action slot variable
add :gripper and :override :limb of irtrobot.l to suppoer send pr2 :larm :gripper :angle-vector
change to use roseus, whcih automatically load roseus.l eustf.l actionlib.l
change to use pr2.l in pr2eus directory
rosmake pr2eus to generate pr2.l
fix to use require for eustf and actionlib
revert to r527 float mod is supported in eus
result of (r2deg p) should be integer for using mod
crop joint-angle to +- 360 in :state :potentio-vector
add depend package
add gripper action to pr2-interface
wait at most 10 seconds
fix return-from, in :state method
fix syntax error (require :keyword path) <- (require path)
add pr2_controllers_msgs
fix to use package:// load style
rename roseus-add-{msgs,srvs}->ros::roseus->add-{msgs,srvs}
pr2model is obsoluted
add pr2 ros controlelr and euslisp interface
add utility functions for pr2 euslisp model
add sample program and launch file for PR2 users
remove piped-fork and use ros::rospack-find
modify pr2model.l to head joint
add reset manip pose to pr2
fix pr2model, support :fix and :relative mode in :inverse-kinematics, see hold-cup in 2010_05_pr2ws/sample-motion.l for example
override :init, set reset-pose as initial pose
fix many bags to move pr2 by joint angle actionlib interface
change middle-body-joint-angle-list API: omit string-upcase for joitn name
add pr2eus model, which depends on urdf2eus
Contributors: Kei Okada, Otsubo Satoshi, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Haseru Chen, Yuki Furuta, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki, Satoshi Iwaishi, Kazuto Murase, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa