Changelog for package jsk_pcl_ros
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
- Add utility methods for 2-D geometry
- Add new nodelet to filter bounding box array
- Check align axis before aligning boundingbox in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostic information to EuclideanClusteringExtraction
- Add diagnostic information to MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add processing frame id information to PlaneRejector's diagnostic
- Add diagnostic information to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostics to PlaneRejector
- Add more diagnostics to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation and fix global
hook for ConvexHull
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
- Not use inliers to colorize pointcloud based on distance from planes
- Add check to be able to make convex or not on ColorizeDistanceFromPlane
and OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add ~use_normal to use noraml to segment multi planes
- add new nodelet to segment multiple planese by applying RANSAC recursively
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
- Subscribe PolygonArray message to build ConvexPolygon in ColorizeDistanceFromPlane
- Introduce global mutex for quick hull
- Fix coloring bug and add ~only_projectable parameter to visualize the
points only if they can be projected on the convex region
- Add use_laser_pipeline argument to laserscan_registration.launch to
toggle include laser_pileline.launch of jsk_tilt_laser or not
Add new utility for diagnostics: addDiagnosticInformation
- Supress output from resize_points_publisher
- ROS_INFO -> NODELET_DEBUG in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- New utilify functoin for diagnostic: addDiagnosticInformation.
It's a simple function to add jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator to
- Colorize pointcloud according to the distance from nearest plane
- Use template functions to convert tiny type conversions
- Refine the result of connecting small multi planes in OrganizedMultiplaneSegmentation
- add hsv coherence to particle_fitler_tracker
- change color_histogram showing methods with reconfigure
- visualize color_histogram coefficience
- add new nodelet: EdgebasedCubeFinder
- use colorCategory20 function to colorize pointcloud in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- visualizing connection of planes with lines in OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use rosparam_utils of jsk_topic_tools in StaticPolygonArrayPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, ohara, wesleypchan
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
- add laser_registration.launch
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
- bugfix: add depth_image_creator to jsk_pcl_nodelet on catkin.cmake
- a launch file for stereo camera using pointgrey
- Publish ModelCoefficients from EdgeDepthRefinement
- Add new nodelet to detect parallel edge
- Remove duplicated edges according to the line coefficients in
- do not use EIGEN_ALIGNED_NEW_OPERATOR and use onInit super method on
- Remove several unused headers from ParticleFilterTracking
- not compile OrganizedEdgeDetector on groovy
- add a new nodelet to refine edges based on depth connectivity
- Detect straight edges from organized pointcloud
- toggle edge feature by rqt_reqoncifugre in OrganizedEdgeDetector
- add new nodelet: OrganizedEdgeDetector, which is only available with
latest PCL
- Do not include header of cloud viewer in region_growing_segmentation.h
- Add more diagnostic information to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- downsample rgb as well as pointcloud in openni2_remote.launch
- add new nodelet: BorderEstimator
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuki Furuta
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
- add bounging box movement msg
- Contributors: Yusuke Furuta
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
- add include of pcl_util.h to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator instead of
jsk_pcl_ros::TimeAccumulator in jsk_pcl_ros
- new class to check connectivity; VitalChecker
- fixing the usage of boost::mutex::scoped_lock
- use Eigen::Vector3f as a default type in geo_util classes
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- Merge pull request #210 from aginika/add-remove-nan-funtion-line
Add remove nan funtion line
- prevent nan pointcloud error with inserting removeNan function in ParticleFilterTracking
- fix environment modeling and changed api to lock/unlock environment
- remove border region from environment model
- publish diagnostic information from OrganizedMultiPlaneSementation
- take the average of plane coefficients to be combined in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- wait transform before transforming in PolygonArrayTransformer
- convert convex line information into grid cell before computing grid cell
- fix normalization of the normal when creating Polygon object
- catch more exceptions in TfTransformPointCloud nodelet
- Supress debug message from ColorHistogramMatcher
- fill x-y-z field to publish correct pose of the pointcloud from ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish the pose of the best matched candidate in ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish selected handle pose
- publish u, v, true_depth and observed_depth
- fix the order of Mat::at
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to jsk_pcl_ros
and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from checkerboard_detector.
* DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
* DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
* publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
* frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- copy the header of the input cloud to the output cloud in SelectedClusterPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
- compute distance based on Polygon-to-ConvexCentroid in order to identify
the grid maps
- remove debug code in PolygonArrayTransformer
- use Plane class to compute transformation of coefficients
- statical voting and rejection to the grid map to remove unstable
recognition result
- support appending of GridMap in time series in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- measure time to compute polygon collision in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add a nodelet to concatenate PolygonStamped
- publish polygon synchronized with ~trigger message
- new utility class to measure time
- change default camera name
- build and publish grid map always on EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add launch file for openni
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
- publish the result of grid modeling as SparseOccupancyGridArray
- compute segmented cloud's distance to polygon based on convex polygon assumption
- add new parameter to dynamic_reconfigure of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
- add min_indices parameter to ignore the grid which does not include
enough points.
- add throttle for bounding box visualization in
Because it may be too fast to see...
- add ~publish_tf=false to several nodelets in organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- fix typo of launch file
- run ColorHistogramMatcher with GridSampler
- implement GridSampler
- find object based on hsv color histogram of the pointcloud
- implement simple handle detector to grasp
- refactor cluster decomposer class
run PCA to compute orientation of bounding box
- run PCA to compute bouding box
- fix segmentation fault
- estimate occlusion in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- fix several bags for plane-based environment modeling
- fix the header of the output of the estimation of occlusion
- do not compute transformation if no points are available
- does not publish pointclouds if transformation failed
- merge remote branch origin/master
- fulfill occluded reagion with pointcloud by OccludedPlaneEstimator
- debug and substitute stamp value to header/stamp
add cloth classification sample
- only make will be executed on hydro
- fix typo: oclusoin -> occlusion
- add new nodelet: EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- use pcl::PointXYZRGB rather than pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal
- add normal estimation to organized multi plane segmentation
- d varaible of the normal should be transformed correctly by PolygonArrayTransfomer.
fix transformation compuation to normalize d parameter
- add depent tag to ml_classifiers
- add more rosparameters to ParticleFilterTracking
- add MACHINE and GDB argument
- add program to compute color histogram (rgb and hsv color space)
- add cloth classification sample
- change the namespace of the topics to use tracking.launch from the other launch files
- add OcludedPlaneEstimator nodelet to estimate the ocluded planes
- new nodelet to transform PolygonArray and ModelCoefficientsArray
- add nodelet to publish static jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray with timestamp
synchronized with the pointclouds
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki, Masaki Murooka, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
- new nodelet to reject the plane which does not satisfy the threshold
about normal direction
- simplyfy tracking and add update with msg function
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
- add new nodelet to publish the points of the cluster selected by
this nodelet is supposed to be used with jsk_interactive_marker/bounding_box_marker
- align the boxes to the nearest plane
- add new parameter publish_clouds to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
to disable publishing decomposed pointclouds
- add new message: BoundingBox and BoundingBoxArray and publish
BoundingBoxArray from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- use enum to select estimation method of NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add launch and rviz file for subway bagfiles
- remove IndiceArray.msg, which are not used any more
- publish empty result if segmentation failed
- update the default parameters
- use PointXYZRGBNormal rather than PointXYZ nor Normal to speed up
pointcloud conversion between ROS <-> PCL
- for realtime organized multi plane segmentation, add optimization flag
- add curvature veature
- comment in again and remove centroid publisher
- fix conflicts
- fix the size of the AABB published from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- update launch file for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentatoin.
introduce several arguments.
add several HzMeasure to measure the speed of the processing
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add dynamic reconfigure to MultiPlaneExtraction
- commnet out hsv-limit and remove centroid publisher
- use ExtractPolygonalPrismData class to extract the pointcloud ON the planes
- add new class: MultiPlaneExtraction to extract the points which does not
belong to the planes. However it's not so stable and efficient now
- publish the result of the clustring as polygon with convex hull
reconstruction. and publish the result of the plane estimation as ModelCoefficientsArray.
- implement connectiong of the planes segmented by organized multi planse segmentation
- output the segmentation as PolygonArray as the result of
- delete unneeded files
- rearrange many launch files , rviz files and add sample for rosbags
- add argument for camera_info url
- fix for groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- publish colorized points from cluster point indices decomposer
- does not compile on groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- implement OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add new nodelet: RegionGrowingSegmentation based
on pcl::RegionGrowingSegmentation class
- add pcl_ros/NormalConcatenater nodelet.
it retrieves PointXYZRGB from ~input and Normal from ~normal and
concatenate them into ~output as PointXYZRGBNormal
- update index.rst
- delete wrong commited files
- update README and arrage some launch files directory
- fix for groovy
- use pclpointcloud2
- add sample_610_clothes.launch
- remove the sample launch files for non-used color converter and color filter
- rename rgb_color_filter.cpp and rgb_color_filter.h
to rgb color_filter.cpp and color_filter.h.
- use the lines rather than cube to visualize bounding box
- add hsi_color_filter executable
- implement resize_points_publisher w/o filter class.
remove nonused files such as color_filter, color_converter and so on.
- add marker to display the result of the clustering as bounding boxes
- publishes tf frames to the center of the clusters
- add euclidean clustering, decomposer and zfilter
- add filter.cpp to jsk_pcl_ros on rosbuild. because resize points publisher requires it.
this is a hotfix, so I will re-implement that nodelet w/o filter.cpp
- support groovy and pcl 1.6
- compile cluster_point_indices_decomposer and cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis on catkin
- compile euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet.cpp on catkin
- add add HSI Color filter
- rgb_color_filter.launch: add comment and launch centroid_publisher as default
- catch tf exception
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- update README and add centroid related files
- do not run dynamic reconfigure callback and topic callback symultenously
- support ~indices topic to specify indices vector of the points and refactor codes
- re-implement RGBColorFilter as simpler class
- add centroid_publisher to catkin
- add tracking rviz config
- delete unneeded line in tf_transfomr_cloud.launch
- add tf transform cloud launch and rviz
- add octree_change_detector.launch
- add group tag to create local scope to remap several topics in openni2.launch
- To update README, add explanation to tracking , octree and tf cloud
- relaying camera_info under camera_remote namespace
- add tf transform nodelet
- make paritcal_filter_tracking_nodelet publish tracked object tf trasnformation
- add two launch files to run openni on remote machine
- add octree_change_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuto Inagaki, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yusuke Furuta, Ryo Terasawa, Chan Wesley, Kei Okada
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
- fixed compile error jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
- add depends to visualization_msgs
- delete lines for refactoring the tracking
- add RGB color
- fill point_cloud field
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
- use find_moduel to check catkin/rosbuild to pass git-buildpackage
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- add CallPolygon.srv for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_smart_apps#17
- Contributors: Yuto Inagaki
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- add depend_tag for pcl_conversions and not needed tags
delete not needed tags
- #31: catch runtime error in order to ignore error from tf and so on
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleDecoder and use NODELET_** macros
instead of ROS_** macros
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- #31: add new message for VoxelGrid{Manager,Decoder}: SlicedPointCloud.msg
- replacing image_rotate namespace with jsk_pcl_ros because of porting
- fix package name of dynamic reconfigure setting file
- use TF2_ROS_VERSION instead of ROS_MINIMUM_VERSION macro
- use tf2::BufferClient on groovy
- add cfg file for image_rotate dynamic reconfigure
- porting image_rotate_nodelet from image_pipeline garamon's fork.
this version of image_rotate supports tf2 and nodelet.
- add rosdepend to prevent pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet error
- use jsk nodelet mux for pcl roi
- add arg to set nodelet manager name
- use the same nodelet manager as openni
- #20: implement PointCloudThrottle and ImageMUX, ImageDEMUX and ImageThrotle
- add sensor_msgs dependency to message generation
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/garaemon/add-message-dependency-to-jsk-pcl-ros' into garaemon-avoid-roseus-catkin-bug
- change the location of generate_messages and catkin_package of jsk_pcl_ros
- add sensor_msgs depdendency to jsk_pcl_ros's message generation
- #8: remove delay pointcloud nodelet
- #15: remove unused comment
- #15: remove unused cpp source codes, now they are automatically generated from
- #15: automatically generate the single nodelet programs on rosbuild
- #15: rename resize_points_publisher to resize_points_publisher_nodelet according to naming convention
- #15: fix endmacro syntax
- #15: automatically generate cpp codes in catkin build
- #15: add quotes to the template file
- #15: add a template file to run single nodelet
- add pcl_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros
- add eigen_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros dependency
- #11: specify package.xml by fullpath
- #11: add pcl to dependency if distro is groovy
- #11: pcl is not a catkin package
- #11: fix if sentence order
- #11: depend pcl catkin package in groovy
- listed up nodelets provided by jsk_pcl_ros
- #4: removed icp_server, it's just a sample program
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from CMakeLists.txt
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- #4: removed LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- add keypoints publisher; first supported only nerf
- add code for using GICP if using hydro
- add PolygonArray.msg for catkin build system
- adding header
- adding more nodelet modules for catkin
- adding CallSnapIt.srv
- add tf topic name parameter
- add pcl roi launch files
- add base_frame parameter in voxel_grid_downsample
- adding special message for polygon array
- adding hinted plane detector to xml nodelet list
- enable use_point_array of screenpoint
- add include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h> for groovy
- use pcl_conversions for hydro, see
- fix wrong commit on
- forget to commit, sorry
- add SnapItRequest to add_message_files
- adding sample for hinted plane detector
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- publishing marker as recognition result
- implemented snapit for cylinder model
- adding height field
- adding cylinder parameters
- supporting cylinder model fitting
- fix for groovy with catkin
- setting axis when snap to the plane
- fixing transformation concatenation
- adding new module: SnapIt
- fix issue #268, run sed only when needed
- does not publish if the grid is empty
- change the default value
- change the default value
- adding initial ROI
- adding initial ROI
- not cahing old points
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- not remove previous pointcloud as long as possible
- change the default value to 300
- supporting frame_id
- using tf
- adding decoder for voxel grid downsample manager
- adding message
- adding voxel grid downsample manager
- adding voxel_grid_downsample_manager
- supporting dynamic reconfigure
- adding lazy concatenater
- adding lazy concatenate sample
- adding lazy_concatenater
- debug RGBColorFilter and HSVColorFIlter for hydro
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- compile pointcloud_flowrate executable
- executable to run pointcloud_flowrate
- tracking.launch change to tracking_hydro.launch and tracking_groovy.launch
- add load_manifest for rosbuild
- fix filtering range when min value is grater than max value
- fix filter name
- add rgb filter
- add mutex::scoped_lock in particle_filter_tracking
- debug in ROS_INFO -> rospy.loginfo
- add scripts/ launch/tracking.launch
- use SetPointCloud2
- add particle filter trackig node/nodelt with SetPointCloud2.srv
- fix pointcloud_scrennpoint.cpp to use jsk_pcl_ros -> jsk_pcl, by k-okada
- enable respawning
- add depends to pcl_msgs
- adding icp server
- adding TOWER_LOWEST2
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- update catkin makefile, add _gencpp, _gencfg
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- add_dependences to jsk_pcl_ros_gencpp
- pcl -> pcl_msgs for pcl-1.7 (hydro), but use sed to force change pcl/ namespace for groovy
- hydro migration, pcl 1.7 is independent from ros, see
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- starting with the middle tower
- fixing typo
- fixing typo
- using positoin from /origin, instead of from robot frame id
- added code for running centroid_publishers to publish segmented point cloud centroids
- update the position parameter for the demo
- fixing the rotatio of camera
- update the index of tower, plate, using enum in srv
- adding service to move robot with just index
- update the parameter and the axis
- fix to move robot to the goal tower
- update to run with eus ik server
- resolve position of each tf
- set the quality of the mjpeg server 100
- fixing message of the modal of alert
- block the tower already having plates
- adding debug message
- adding empty function to move robot
- adding graph
- adding service type to move robot
- smaller fonts
- adding cluster num on debug layer
- adding the number of the clusters
- update
- update the message
- adding more states for hanoi-tower
- small fixes
- adding service to pickup tower
- adding text shadow
- click detection by service call
- cenrerize button
- adding help modal
- track the window size
- adding html to redirect to tower_detecct_viewer
- centerize the image
- centerize the image
- adding state
- introducing state machine
- detecting clicked cluster
- using tower_detect_viewer_server
- providing a class
- adding some web related files
- using filled flag
- update params for lab room
- specifying tf_timeout of image_view2
- not subscribing topic to refer timestamp
- fixing header timestamp
- using some topic to refer timestamp
- supporting marker id
- update
- update topic to use image_view2's image
- fixing draw_3d_circle
- add script to draw circle on image_view2
- using location.hostname for the IP address
- adding www directory for tower_detect brawser viewer
- adding a launch file to launch mjpeg_server
- adding CentroidPublisher
- empty CentroidPublisher class
- implementing z axis sorting
- more effective implementation
- more information about resetting tracking
- fixing registration parameter
- adding nodelet skelton cpp
- adding cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis.cpp
- adding sortIndicesOrder as preparation to customize ordering technique
- adding new nodelet ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- adding more methods
- adding skelton class to decompose ClusterPointIndices
- adding license declaration
- adding launch file to examin euclidean segmentation
- fixing label tracking
- refactoring
- refactoring
- refactoring
- supporting label_tracking_tolerance
- refactoring
- implementing labeling tracking
- calculate distance matrix
- adding one more color
- refactoring
- fixing compilation warning
- calculate centroids at the first frame
- fixing indentation
- using static colors to colorize clustered pointclouds
- removing noisy output
- removing invalid comments
- supporting dynamic reconfigure for euclidean clustering
- fixing rotation
- adding /origin and /table_center
- adding two lanch files
- adding top level launch
- openni.launch with depth_registered=true
- fix missing dependancy
- update hsv_color_filter.launch
- add USE_REGISTERER_DEPTH argument to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- remove env-loader (localhost do not need env-loader)
- update parameter use_point false -> true
- add same parameters to not USE_VIEW
- fix strequal ROS_DISTRO env
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- fix for electric
- add USE_SYNC parameter to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- update pointcloud_screnpoint.launch
- merged image_view2/points_rectangle_extractor.cpp to pointcloud_screenpoint
- add EuclideanClustering [#119]
- copy pcl_ros/filters/filter to jsk_pcl_ros directory due to, [#119]
- add catkin.cmake, package.xml for groovy, remove nodelt depends on pcl_ros::Filter
- fix description comment
- remove cv_bridge
- add sample code for using
- add lisp code for using pointcloud in roseus
- use tf::Quaternion instead of btQuaternion
- comment out pcl_ros/features/features.cpp
- libtbb -> tbb , see rosdep/base.yaml
- change rodep name:libtbb to tbb
- update index.rst, by Jenkins
- fix: high load of screenpoint
- fix: change dynamic config
- fix: variable range of hue
- delete obsolated files
- rewrite color_filter and color_filter_nodelet for PCL 1.5 and later
- update sample for color_filter
- update index.rst, by Jenkins
- changed arg setting for launch from pr2.launch using mux
- update index.rst, by Jenkins
- fix: for using pcl_ros/feature class
- changed kinect's name from camera to openni
- fix: depth_image_creator added to nodelet
- use machine tag with env-loader
- comment out old pcl modules
- remove machine tag, which is not used
- fix for compiling fuerte and electric
- fix row_step and is_dense variables for resized point cloud
- added service of switching topic for depth_image_creator
- update index.rst, by Jenkins
- outout launchdoc-generator to build directry to avoid svn confrict
- remove jskpointcloud dependency from jsk_pcl_ros
- copy depth_image_creator from unreleased
- add jsk_pcl_ros (copy from unreleased repository)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki, Haseru Chen, Yuki Furuta, Kazuto Murase, Chen Wesley, Youhei Kakiuchi