Changelog for package jsk_interactive_marker
1.0.12 (2014-09-23)
- Generate srv files on catkin
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.11 (2014-09-22)
- jsk_interactive_marker does not depend on geometry
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.10 (2014-09-13)
- add new executable to control CameraInfo with interactive marker
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.9 (2014-09-07)
- add ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencfg to all depends
- Contributors: Kei Okada
1.0.8 (2014-09-04)
- control marker with topic
- reset hand pose
- update catkin.cmake for urdf_control_marker
- root control marker for urdf marker
- rename config file
- use jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator instead of jsk_pcl_ros::TimeAccumulator
- add include for catkin
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
1.0.7 (2014-08-06)
- add new program: pointcloud_cropper to crop pointcloud with interactive marker
- add config file for interactive point cloud
- update launch for pr2 gripper
- receive handle pose and publish it
- pick and place sample eus
- add reset root pose functions
- add reset marker callback
- rm empty line
- revert README.txt
- move .rviz.default to .rviz when making
- rename .rviz to .rviz.default
- use Eigen::Vector3f in footstep_marker because of the change of the api
of jsk_pcl_ros
- depends on ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} to wait for message generation
- update footstep_marker to publish snapped pose to the planes
- support resuming the previous footstep on footstep_marker
- toggle 6dof marker via menu of footstep_marker
- toggle visualization of 6dof marker of footstep_marker via ~show_6dof_control parameter
- publish hand marker pose
- publish selected marker index
- snap the goal direction to the planes even with joy stick command
- do not use deprecated functions to convert tf and kdl instances to avoid
compilation warning
- add 'Cancel Walk' menu to footstep marker
- Initialize the position of the marker to the frame if ~initial_reference_frame is specified
- register planDoneCB to the sendGoal function to the planner in footstep_marker
- asynchronously get the result of the footstep planning in footstep_marker
- add interactive_point_cloud.h
- add bounding box
- change paramater with dynamic reconfigure
- publish marker pose
- add interactive point cloud
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
1.0.6 (2014-07-14)
- add grasp method
- publish root pose when clicked
- launch file for pr2 gripper marker
- display multi marker
- add PR2 gripper xacro and setting file
- set initial joint state
- add class to set urdf marker config
- Contributors: Yusuke Furuta
1.0.5 (2014-06-29)
- add param to designate tf origin
- add new menu to call "estimate occlusion"
- skip planning until release the marker
- automatically snap the footstep marker to the plane if ~use_plane_snap
is set to true
- publish the selected bounding box as BondingBoxArray for visualization
- publish the selected box as well as the index of the box
- add dummy camera launch file
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
1.0.4 (2014-05-31)
- jsk_interactive_marker: fix for rosbuild, add mk/rosbuild to package.xml
- add "execute the plan" and "force to replan" mouse menu to footstep_marker
- add bounding_box_marker to select jsk_pcl_ros/BoundingBoxArray
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda
1.0.3 (2014-05-22)
- update depreceted functions
- add depend to roslib roscpp for ros::package
1.0.2 (2014-05-21)
- add interactive_markers and urdf
1.0.0 (2014-05-17)
0.0.3 (2014-05-15)
0.0.2 (2014-05-15)
- compile executables after message generation
- wait for service before making service client
- remove dependency on hrpsys_gazebo_atlas when using pr2
- Merge branch 'master' of into service-persistent-true
- use rotation-axis in inverse-kinematics
- set persistent true in dynamic_tf_publisher_client
- delete code using robot_state_publisher
- delete move_base_marker
- add jsk_pcl_ros message dependency
- change the location of catkin_package and generate_messages
- change marker frame id to /map
- Add method to set marker root link to robot root link
- Not use joint_state_publisher but use dynamic_tf_publisher when making
robot marker
- add method to publish base pose
- add an interface to call footstep_controller from other programs to footstep_marker
- support foot offset parameters for initial feet placements
- use tf_conversions and eigen_conversions to convert tf::Transform to geometry_msgs::Pose
- use tf::Transform to store offset information
- implement readPoseParam
a function to read geometry_msgs/Pose from a rosparameter
- add gitignore to jsk_interactive_marker
- add move base marker sample
- add controller to move base
- use tf_prefix instead of model name
- divide ik-controller.l into class and make instance
- use yaml for move base marker
- use 'tf_prefix_' instead of 'model_name_ + /'
- #7: fix typo of jsk_interactive_marker of manifest.xml
- #7: reverted depend tags in manifest.xml of jsk_interactive_markers
- #7: add actionlib dependency to jsk_interactive_marker
- #7: fix catkin cmake syntax: CATKIN-DEPENDS -> CATKIN_DEPENDS
- #7: fix description of jsk_interactive_marker/manifest.xml
- use rosdep name for rviz and actionlib_msgs
- add urdf marker in order to move base link
- add method to get joint state from robot
- update footstep_marker in order to reset iniital pose
- not use ik-server
- trying to deal with new ik server
- fixing urdf_model_marker to link urdf_model_maker_main.cpp
- divide urdf_model_marker into class definition and main function
- fixing the position of the frame id
- use interactive_marker_helpers
- initialize feet position correctly
- add hand frame slot in ik-controller
- delete ros warining and make faster
- modify pass to pr2 ik server
- adding marker to visualize initial state
- adding method to estimate initial state of footstep from frame_id
- catkinize jsk_interactive_marker for hydro
- use joint state publisher when using pr2
- add mesh file path in linkMarkerMap
- fix bag in method to find ros package path from full path
- add method to move root link
- add ik controller and launch file
- update urdf model markers testfile
- adding marker_6dof, which is controllable via rostopic and rviz
- add launch file to controll robot with interactive marker
- add base_frame parameter in point_cloud_marker
- supporting z-direction
- calling SnapIt from outer program
- enable footstep planner in sample
- support to disable planner calling from footstep_marker
- add use_visible_color parameter to change color
- adding interactive marker for footstep planning
- adding footstep interactive marker
- set Use Link as Arm by default
- rotate hand in local coordinates
- add src to convert .world to .yaml
- rename Don't allow rotation / allow rotation, use 6D / 3D, 3D (positon) as default
- add subscriber to toggle rotation axis
- add subscriber to toggle start ik
- add center sphere marker to control position
- change door marker size
- show footsteps each 2
- remenmber previous door position
- fix previous step button
- supporting showing footstep list
- set foot step by rosparam
- update
- change resolution of knob color
- change control size to max size of box
- add color knob
- get scale from urdf
- clean up code and write dummy 0 joint-angle to Joint::PRISMATIC
- add wall in door_foot.cpp
- change foot position when open door
- use robot description in atlas-real
- add sphere and box marker in urdf model marker
- add sphere and box marker in urdf model marker
- be quiet
- updating rviz
- add look at menu and message
- add marker to visualize door and foot
- fix foot position of triangle
- add move it exec cancel button
- update defaultset
- fix bag of urdf_model_marker
- add Triangle Marker to visualize foot position
- add Touch It msg
- adding clear function for external program
- changing default value
- not publish joint state all time
- adding some external control
- updating for external programs
- untabify
- add change marker size menu
- stop ik by default
- fix bag and reset marker id when clear button is pressed
- add IM to get designated Point Cloud
- add menu to select using ik server
- reset when marker was reset
- fix to use joint_state_publisher and robot_state_publisher
- add
- add use_dynamic_tf to disable dynamic tf
- change marker size of urdf marker
- publishJointState on resetMarkerCB
- add special pose (fg manip pose)
- we can show and hide interactive marker
- add .rviz for interactive_marker
- change frame-id from odom to map
- modify caliculation of tf from odom to marker
- add menu to cancel planned motion
- add visualizaion mode to visualize IK
- we can select Arm Ik , Torso Ik or Fullbody Ik
- add registration mode in urdf_model_marker
- added marker_array for viewing collision lines in rviz
- add .rviz for atlas_joint_marker
- Use package:// instead of file:// to designate mesh file name
- use jsk urdf model for atlas
- add launch file for moving joints for atlas
- update README.txt
- display parent link marker when fixed joint clicked
- add joint limit in joint robot marker
- add Function to set 1 Joint Angle
- reset robot marker to real robot
- add patch file for atlas.urdf to use RobotIM
- add Move Robot Joint Marker
- add cylinder marker when joint dont include mesh
- add yaml for Fridge model in 73b2
- add msg to designate marker movement
- attach Grasp Point to Model Marker
- change display of move marker when clicking
- use configuration yaml file to set models
- get full path of gazebo model
- set Move Marker based on Joint axis
- add dependancy on dynamic_tf_publisher
- making interactive marker based on urdf model
- add finger interactive marker
- add menu to change whether robot use torso
- add Marker Type in msgs
- add hand shape interactive marker
- add interactive operation sample of eus simulator
- add head marker and change msg
- add jsk_interactive_markers/ by yusuke furuta
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Masaki Murooka, Shintaro Noda, tarukosu, Youhei Kakiuchi