Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************
00002  * \file
00003  *
00004  * $Id: parameterSpace.cpp 694 2012-04-20 10:24:24Z ihulik $
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (C) Brno University of Technology
00007  *
00008  * This file is part of software developed by dcgm-robotics@FIT group.
00009  *
00010  * Author: Rostislav Hulik (
00011  * Supervised by: Michal Spanel (
00012  * Date: 11.01.2012 (version 0.8)
00013  * 
00014  * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00015  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
00016  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00017  * (at your option) any later version.
00018  * 
00019  * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00020  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00022  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00023  * 
00024  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025  * along with this file.  If not, see <>.
00026  */
00035 #include <srs_env_model_percp/but_plane_detector/parameter_space.h>
00037 using namespace srs_env_model_percp;
00038 using namespace std;
00039 using namespace sensor_msgs;
00040 using namespace cv;
00041 using namespace but_plane_detector;
00043 // Constructor - creates and allocates a space (angle X angle X shift)
00044 // @param anglemin Minimal angle in space
00045 // @param anglemax Maximal angle in space
00046 // @param zmin Minimal shift in space
00047 // @param zmax Maximal shift in space
00048 // @param angleRes Angle resolution (step)
00049 // @param shiftRes Shift resolution (step)
00051 ParameterSpace::ParameterSpace(double anglemin, double anglemax, double zmin, double zmax, double angleRes, double shiftRes)
00052 {
00053         m_init = false;
00054         m_angleStep = (anglemax - anglemin) / (angleRes - 1);
00055         m_shiftStep = (zmax - zmin) / (shiftRes - 1);
00057         m_angleSize = (anglemax - anglemin) / m_angleStep + 1;
00058         m_angleSize2 = m_angleSize * m_angleSize;
00059         m_shiftSize = (zmax - zmin) / m_shiftStep + 1;
00061         m_shiftmin = zmin;
00062         m_shiftmax = zmax;
00063         m_anglemin = anglemin;
00064         m_anglemax = anglemax;
00065         m_size = m_angleSize2 * m_shiftSize;
00066         m_data = new double[m_size];
00067         memset(m_data, 0, sizeof(double)*m_size);
00068 }
00071 // Destructor
00073 ParameterSpace::~ParameterSpace()
00074 {
00075         delete m_data;
00076 }
00079 // Conversion from Euclidian representation of normal (x, y, z) to parametrized (a1, a2)
00080 // @param x X vector coordinate
00081 // @param y Y vector coordinate
00082 // @param z Z vector coordinate
00083 // @param a1 First angle
00084 // @param a2 Second angle
00086 void ParameterSpace::toAngles(float x, float y, float z, float &a1, float &a2)
00087 {
00088         a1 = atan2(z, x);
00089         // align with X on XZ
00090         x = z * sin(a1) + x * cos(a1);
00091         a2 = atan2(y, x);
00092 }
00095 // Conversion from parametrized representation of normal (a1, a2) to Euclidian (x, y, z)
00096 // @param x X vector coordinate
00097 // @param y Y vector coordinate
00098 // @param z Z vector coordinate
00099 // @param a1 First angle
00100 // @param a2 Second angle
00102 void ParameterSpace::toEuklid(float a1, float a2, float &x, float &y, float &z)
00103 {
00104         float auxx = cos(-a2);
00105         y = -sin(-a2);
00106         x = auxx * cos(-a1);
00107         z = -auxx * sin(-a1);
00108 }
00111 // Returns a value saved at given coordinates (indices)
00112 // @param angle1 First angle coordinate
00113 // @param angle2 Second angle coordinate
00114 // @param z Shift (d param) coordinate
00116 double &ParameterSpace::operator() (int angle1, int angle2, int z)
00117 {
00118         assert( angle1 < m_angleSize && angle1 >= 0 && angle2 < m_angleSize && angle2 >= 0 && z < m_shiftSize && z >= 0);
00119         return m_data[z * m_angleSize2 + angle2 * m_angleSize + angle1];
00120 }
00123 // Returns a value saved at given index
00124 // @param index Given index
00126 double &ParameterSpace::operator[](int index)
00127 {
00128         return m_data[index];
00129 }
00132 //
00134 int ParameterSpace::getIndex(double angle1, double angle2, double z)
00135 {
00136         assert( angle1 <= m_anglemax && angle1 >= m_anglemin &&
00137                         angle2 <= m_anglemax && angle2 >= m_anglemin &&
00138                         z >= m_shiftmin && z <= m_shiftmax);
00139         int a1 = (angle1-m_anglemin) / m_angleStep;
00140         int a2 = (angle2-m_anglemin) / m_angleStep;
00141         int zz = (z-m_shiftmin) / m_shiftStep;
00142         return zz * m_angleSize2 + a2 * m_angleSize + a1;
00143 }
00146 // Returns an index from given values
00147 // @param angle1 First angle value
00148 // @param angle2 Second angle value
00149 // @param z Shift (d param) value
00151 void ParameterSpace::getIndex(double angle1, double angle2, double z, int &angle1Index, int &angle2Index, int &shiftIndex)
00152 {
00153         assert( angle1 <= m_anglemax && angle1 >= m_anglemin &&
00154                         angle2 <= m_anglemax && angle2 >= m_anglemin &&
00155                         z >= m_shiftmin && z <= m_shiftmax);
00156         angle1Index = (angle1-m_anglemin) / m_angleStep;
00157         angle2Index = (angle2-m_anglemin) / m_angleStep;
00158     shiftIndex = (z-m_shiftmin) / m_shiftStep;
00159 }
00162 // Adds a second volume to this with offset
00163 // @param second Second volume to be added
00164 // @param angle1 Angle 1 offset
00165 // @param angle2 Angle 2 offset
00166 // @param shift Shift offset
00168 void ParameterSpace::addVolume(ParameterSpace &second, int angle1, int angle2, int shift)
00169 {
00170         double secondAngleHalf = second.m_angleSize / 2;
00171         double secondShiftHalf = second.m_shiftSize / 2;
00172         int shiftThis, angle1This, angle2This;
00173         int shiftS, angle1S, angle2S;
00175         for (shiftS = 0, shiftThis = shift - secondShiftHalf;
00176                  shiftS < second.m_shiftSize;
00177                  ++shiftS, ++shiftThis)
00178         for (angle2S=0, angle2This = angle2 - secondAngleHalf;
00179                  angle2S < second.m_angleSize;
00180                  ++angle2S, ++angle2This)
00181         for (angle1S=0, angle1This = angle1 - secondAngleHalf;
00182                  angle1S < second.m_angleSize;
00183                  ++angle1S, ++angle1This)
00184         {
00185                 if (angle1This >= 0 && angle1This < m_angleSize &&
00186                         angle2This >= 0 && angle2This < m_angleSize &&
00187                         shiftThis  >= 0 && shiftThis < m_shiftSize)
00188                         this->operator ()(angle1This, angle2This, shiftThis) += second(angle1S, angle2S, shiftS);
00189         }
00190 }
00193 // Generates a Gauss curve into this space (centered)
00194 // @param angleSigma sigma in angle directions
00195 // @param shiftSigma sigma in shift direction
00197 void ParameterSpace::generateGaussIn(double angleSigma, double shiftSigma)
00198 {
00199         double angleGaussMult = 1.0;// / (angleSigma * sqrt(2 * M_PI));
00200         double angleGauss2o2 = 2 * angleSigma * angleSigma;
00201         double shiftGaussMult = 1.0;// / (shiftSigma * sqrt(2 * M_PI));
00202         double shiftGauss2o2 = 2 * shiftSigma * shiftSigma;
00204         for (int shift=0; shift < m_shiftSize; ++shift)
00205         {
00206                 double shiftReal = getShift(shift);
00207                 double shiftGauss = shiftGaussMult * exp(-(shiftReal * shiftReal) / shiftGauss2o2);
00208                 for (int angle2=0; angle2 < m_angleSize; ++angle2)
00209                 {
00210                         double angle2Real = getAngle(angle2);
00211                         double angle2Gauss = angleGaussMult * exp(-(angle2Real * angle2Real) / angleGauss2o2);
00212                         for (int angle1=0; angle1 < m_angleSize; ++angle1)
00213                         {
00214                                 double angle1Real = getAngle(angle1);
00215                                 double angle1Gauss = angleGaussMult * exp(-(angle1Real * angle1Real) / angleGauss2o2);
00216                                 this->operator ()(angle1, angle2, shift) = shiftGauss * angle2Gauss * angle1Gauss;
00217                         }
00218                 }
00219         }
00220 }
00224 // Finds maximas in this and saves them as planes to given vector
00225 // @param indices Found planes
00227 int ParameterSpace::findMaxima(tPlanes &indices)
00228 {
00229         int around = 2;
00230         float a, b, c;
00231         int maxind = -1;
00232         float max = -1;
00234         for (int shift=around; shift < m_shiftSize-around; ++shift)
00235                 {
00236                         for (int angle2=around; angle2 < m_angleSize-around; ++angle2)
00237                         {
00238                                 for (int angle1=around; angle1 < m_angleSize-around; ++angle1)
00239                                 {
00240                                         double val = this->operator ()(angle1, angle2, shift);
00241                                         if (val > 1500)
00242                                         {
00243                                                 val += this->operator()(angle1-1, angle2, shift) +
00244                                                            this->operator()(angle1+1, angle2, shift) +
00245                                                            this->operator()(angle1, angle2-1, shift) +
00246                                                            this->operator()(angle1, angle2+1, shift) +
00247                                                            this->operator()(angle1, angle2, shift+1) +
00248                                                            this->operator()(angle1, angle2, shift-1);
00250                                                 bool ok = true;
00251                                                 double aux;
00252                                                 int xx, yy, zz;
00253                                                 for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
00254                                                 for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
00255                                                 for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z)
00256                                                 {
00257                                                         xx = angle1 + x;
00258                                                         yy = angle2 + y;
00259                                                         zz = shift + z;
00260                                                         aux = this->operator()(xx, yy, zz) +
00261                                                                   this->operator()(xx-1, yy, zz) +
00262                                                                   this->operator()(xx+1, yy, zz) +
00263                                                                   this->operator()(xx, yy-1, zz) +
00264                                                                   this->operator()(xx, yy+1, zz) +
00265                                                                   this->operator()(xx, yy, zz+1) +
00266                                                                   this->operator()(xx, yy, zz-1);
00267                                                         if (val < aux)
00268                                                         {
00269                                                                 ok = false;
00270                                                                 break;
00271                                                         }
00272                                                 }
00274                                                 if (ok)
00275                                                 {
00276                                                         double aroundx = 0;
00277                                                         double aroundy = 0;
00278                                                         double aroundz = 0;
00279                                                         double arounds = 0;
00280                                                         for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
00281                                                         for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
00282                                                         for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z)
00283                                                         {
00284                                                                 xx = angle1 + x;
00285                                                                 yy = angle2 + y;
00286                                                                 zz = shift + z;
00287                                                                 toEuklid(getAngle(xx), getAngle(yy), a, b, c);
00288                                                                 aroundx += a;
00289                                                                 aroundy += b;
00290                                                                 aroundz += c;
00291                                                                 arounds += getShift(zz);
00292                                                         }
00293                                                         aroundx /= 7.0;
00294                                                         aroundy /= 7.0;
00295                                                         aroundz /= 7.0;
00296                                                         arounds /= 7.0;
00297                                                         std::cerr << "Found plane size: " << val << " eq: " << aroundx <<" "<< aroundy <<" "<< aroundz <<" "<< arounds <<" "<< std::endl;
00298                                                         indices.push_back(Plane<float>(aroundx, aroundy, aroundz, arounds));
00299                                                         if (val > max)
00300                                                         {
00301                                                                 max = val;
00302                                                                 maxind = indices.size() - 1;
00303                                                         }
00304                                                 }
00305                                         }
00306                                 }
00307                         }
00308                 }
00309         return maxind;
00310 }
00313 // Converts index in parameter space into angle value
00314 // @param index Angle axis index
00316 double ParameterSpace::getAngle(int index)
00317 {
00318         return (m_angleStep * ((double)index)) + m_anglemin;
00319 }
00322 // Converts index in parameter space into shift value
00323 // @param index Shift axis index
00325 double ParameterSpace::getShift(int index)
00326 {
00327         return ((double)index) * m_shiftStep + m_shiftmin;
00328 }
00331 // Returns a value saved at given values
00332 // @param angle1 First angle value
00333 // @param angle2 Second angle value
00334 // @param z Shift (d param) value
00336 double &ParameterSpace::operator() (double angle1, double angle2, double z)
00337 {
00338         return m_data[getIndex(angle1, angle2, z)];
00339 }
00342 // Returns a size of this space structure in Bytes
00344 int ParameterSpace::getSize()
00345 {
00346         return m_angleSize * m_angleSize * m_shiftSize;
00347 }

Author(s): Rostislav Hulik (, Tomas Hodan, Michal Spanel (
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 08:07:21