File: pr2_gripper_grasp_planner_cluster/SetPointClusterGraspParams.srv
Raw Message Definition
#only want side grasps if the bounding box height is greater than this
float64 height_good_for_side_grasps
#bounding box "fits in hand" if the relevant dimension is less than this
float64 gripper_opening
#how far to move the gripper to the side with each step when searching for grasps
float64 side_step
#how far to move the palm inward with each step when searching for grasps
float64 palm_step
#set this to true to limit the planner to overhead grasps
bool overhead_grasps_only
#set this to true to limit the planner to side grasps
bool side_grasps_only
#set this to false to omit random high-point grasps
bool include_high_point_grasps
#set this to true to make the pregrasps be just outside the bounding box instead of self.pregrasp_dist away from the grasp
bool pregrasp_just_outside_box
#how many backing-off-from-the-deepest-possible-grasp grasps to keep for each good grasp found
int32 backoff_depth_steps
#don't check the neighbors for each grasp (reduces grasps checked, but makes for worse rankings)
bool disable_grasp_neighbor_check
#set this to true to randomize the order of the first 30 grasps
bool randomize_grasps
Compact Message Definition
float64 height_good_for_side_grasps
float64 gripper_opening
float64 side_step
float64 palm_step
bool overhead_grasps_only
bool side_grasps_only
bool include_high_point_grasps
bool pregrasp_just_outside_box
int32 backoff_depth_steps
bool disable_grasp_neighbor_check
bool randomize_grasps