This is the complete list of members for
GraspAdjust, including all inherited members.
broadcaster_ | GraspAdjust | |
centroid_ | GraspAdjust | |
cloud_in_ | GraspAdjust | |
cloud_out_ | GraspAdjust | |
cloud_process_ | GraspAdjust | |
Config typedef | GraspAdjust | |
config_ | GraspAdjust | |
Debug typedef | GraspAdjust | |
debug_ | GraspAdjust | |
DEFAULT_GRIPPER | GraspAdjust | |
doGradientDescent(GripperModel &seed, int steps) | GraspAdjust | [private] |
findGrasps(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &grasp_pose_in, std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > *adjusted_poses, std::vector< double > *pose_scores, int search_mode=0, std::string common_frame=std::string("base_footprint")) | GraspAdjust | |
findGrasps(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &grasp_pose_in, std::priority_queue< GripperModel, std::vector< GripperModel >, GripperModel::compareModels > *ranked_poses, int search_mode=0, std::string common_frame=std::string("base_footprint")) | GraspAdjust | |
got_first_cloud_ | GraspAdjust | |
GraspAdjust() | GraspAdjust | |
last_cloud_ | GraspAdjust | |
listener_ | GraspAdjust | |
nh_ | GraspAdjust | |
nh_pvt_ | GraspAdjust | |
now_ | GraspAdjust | |
pub_cloud_ | GraspAdjust | |
pub_cloud_roi_ | GraspAdjust | |
pub_marker_ | GraspAdjust | |
pub_marker_array_ | GraspAdjust | |
setInputCloud(const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &cloud) | GraspAdjust | |
starting_gripper_ | GraspAdjust | |
train_file_ | GraspAdjust | |
training_ | GraspAdjust | |
weights_ | GraspAdjust | |