Package master_sync_fkie :: Module master_sync :: Class Main
[frames] | no frames]

Class Main

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object --+

Instance Methods
Creates a new instance.
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handlerMasterStateMsg(self, data)
The method to handle the received MasterState messages.
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str or None
Requests the ROS master URI from the ROS master through the RPC interface and returns it.
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This method use the service 'list_masters' of the master_discoverer to get the list of discovered ROS master.
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updateMaster(self, mastername, masteruri, timestamp, timestamp_local, discoverer_name, monitoruri)
Updates the timestamp of the given ROS master, or creates a new SyncThread to synchronize the local master with given ROS master.
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get_own_state(self, monitoruri) source code
removeMaster(self, ros_master_name)
Removes the master with given name from the synchronization list.
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finish(self, msg='')
Removes all remote masters and unregister their topics and services.
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rosservice_get_sync_info(self, req)
Callback for the ROS service to get the info to synchronized nodes.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
Instance Variables
the ROS master URI of the local ROS master.
{dict} with topics (name: rospy.Subscriber) publishes the changes of the discovered ROS masters.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details


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Creates a new instance. Find the topic of the master_discovery node using master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_changes_topic(). Also the parameter ~ignore_hosts will be analyzed to exclude hosts from sync.

Overrides: object.__init__

handlerMasterStateMsg(self, data)

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The method to handle the received MasterState messages. Based on this message new threads to synchronize with remote ROS master will be created, updated or removed.

  • data (master_discovery_fkie.MasterState) - the received message


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Requests the ROS master URI from the ROS master through the RPC interface and returns it. The 'materuri' attribute will be set to the requested value.

Returns: str or None
ROS master URI


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This method use the service 'list_masters' of the master_discoverer to get the list of discovered ROS master. Based on this list the SyncThread for synchronization will be created.

See Also: master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_listmaster_service()

updateMaster(self, mastername, masteruri, timestamp, timestamp_local, discoverer_name, monitoruri)

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Updates the timestamp of the given ROS master, or creates a new SyncThread to synchronize the local master with given ROS master.

  • mastername (str) - the name of the remote ROS master to update or synchronize.
  • masteruri (str) - the URI of the remote ROS master.
  • timestamp (float64) - the timestamp of the remote ROS master.
  • timestamp_local (float64) - the timestamp of the remote ROS master. (only local changes)
  • discoverer_name (str) - the name of the remote master_discoverer node
  • monitoruri (str) - the URI of the RPC interface of the remote master_discoverer node.

removeMaster(self, ros_master_name)

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Removes the master with given name from the synchronization list.

  • ros_master_name (str) - the name of the ROS master to remove.