Common Methods — Module

This module offers common methods to find ROS_MASTER_URI, resolve URI to find a resource or create a regular expression pattern.

master_discovery_fkie.common.create_pattern(param, data, has_interface, default=[], mastername='')[source]

Create and compile the regular expression for given parameter. The data is taken from data. If the data was read from the interface file, then you have to set the has_interface to True. If has_interface is False, the data will be ignored and the parameter will be read from ROS parameter server. If resulting value is an empty list, \b ( will be added to the pattern as EMPTY_PATTERN.

  • param (str) – parameter name
  • data (dict) – The dictionary, which can contain the parameter name and value. The data will be ignored, if has_interface is False.
  • has_interface (bool) – True, if valid data is available.
  • default (list) – Default value will be added to the data

the compiled regular expression

Return type:

The result of re.compile()


Returns the value of EMPTY_PATTERN.


Returns the master URI depending on ROS distribution API.

Returns:ROS master URI
Return type:str
See :rosgraph.rosenv.get_master_uri() (fuerte)
See :roslib.rosenv.get_master_uri() (prior)

Reads the given file. You can use master_discovery_fkie.common.resolve_url() to resolve an URL to a file.

Parameters:interface_file (str) – the file containing the interface.
Raises ValueError:
 on error while read interface
Returns:directory with content of the given file

The supported URL begins with file:///, package:// or pkg://. The package URL will be resolved to a valid file path. If the file is in a subdirectory, you can replace the subdirectory by ///.

E.g.: package://master_discovery_fkie///master_discovery.launch

Raises ValueError:
 on invalid URL or not existent file
Returns:the file path

Filter Interface — Module

This module offers a Filter class to filter out nodes, topics or services from MasterInfo.

class master_discovery_fkie.filter_interface.FilterInterface[source]

Bases: object

The class represents a filter used by sync node to filter nodes, topics or services. The filter is based on regular expressions. The filter object can be converted to a tuple of strings and then passed to the XML-RPC method to get a filtered ROS master state. After creation of the filter object you must call master_discovery_fkie.filter_interface.FilterInterface.load() or master_discovery_fkie.filter_interface.FilterInterface.from_list(). Otherwise the object is invalid and the test methods return always False.

static from_list(l)[source]
Reads the tuple of
ignore_nodes, sync_nodes, 
ignore_topics, sync_topics,
ignore_services, sync_services,

with types (float, str, str, str, str, str, str, str)

and creates the FilterInterface object.

Returns:FilterInterface object or None on failure

Searches the given node in ignore_nodes and sync_nodes lists.

Parameters:node (str) – the name of the node to test.
Returns:True, if the node was found in the ignore_nodes list or the sync_nodes is not empty.
Note :If the filter object is not initialized by load() or from_list() the returned value is False
is_ignored_service(node, service)[source]

Searches firstly in ignore lists ignore_nodes and ignore_services. Then in sync_nodes or sync_services.

  • node (str) – the name of the node provided the service.
  • topic (str) – the name of the service to test.

True, if the values are found in ignore_nodes or ignore_services. If sync_nodes or sync_services is empty True will be returned, too.

Note :

If the filter object is not initialized by load() or from_list() the returned value is False

is_ignored_topic(node, topic, topictype)[source]

Searches firstly in ignore lists ignore_type, ignore_nodes and ignore_topics. Then in sync_nodes or sync_topics.

  • node (str) – the name of the node published or subscribed the topic.
  • topic (str) – the name of the topic to test.
  • topictype (str) – the type of the topic. (e.g. the synchronization of bond/Status terminate the nodelets)

True, if the values are found in ignore_type, ignore_nodes or ignore_topics. If sync_nodes or sync_topics is empty True will be returned, too.

Note :

If the filter object is not initialized by load() or from_list() the returned value is False

load(mastername='', ignore_nodes=[], sync_nodes=[], ignore_topics=[], sync_topics=[], ignore_srv=[], sync_srv=[], ignore_type=[])[source]

Reads the parameter and creates the pattern using master_discovery_fkie.common.create_pattern()


Returns the value stored in sync_remote_nodes parameter.

Returns:the tuple of the all filter patterns.
ignore_nodes, sync_nodes, 
ignore_topics, sync_topics,
ignore_services, sync_services,
Return type:(float, str, str, str, str, str, str, str)

Updates the sync topics pattern.

Parameters:topics (list of strings) – the list of topics to sync.

Interface Finder — Module

This module offers methods to find the interface of the running master_discovery node.

master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_changes_topic(masteruri, wait=True)[source]

Search in publishers of ROS master for a topic with type master_discovery_fkie.msg.MasterState and returns his name, if it runs on the local host. Returns empty list if no topic was found and wait is False.

  • masteruri (str) – the URI of the ROS master
  • wait (bool) – check every second for the topic

the list with names of the topics of type master_discovery_fkie.msg.MasterState

Return type:

list of strings

master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_listmaster_service(masteruri, wait=True)[source]

Search in services of ROS master for a service with name ending by list_masters and returns his name, if it runs on the local host. Returns empty list if no service was found and wait is False.

  • masteruri (str) – the URI of the ROS master
  • wait (boo) – check every second for the service

the list with names of the services ending with list_masters

Return type:

list of strings

master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_stats_topic(masteruri, wait=True)[source]

Search in publishers of ROS master for a topic with type LinkStatesStamped and returns his name, if it runs on the local host. Returns empty list if no topic was found and wait is False.

  • masteruri (str) – the URI of the ROS master
  • wait (bool) – check every second for the topic

the list of names of the topic with type master_discovery_fkie.msg.LinkStatesStamped

Return type:

list of strings


Extracts the hostname from given uri.

Parameters:uri (str) – the uri to parse
Returns:the hostname or None, if the uri is None or invalid
Return type:str
See :

Master Discovery — Module

class master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.DiscoveredMaster(monitoruri, heartbeat_rate=1.0, timestamp=0.0, timestamp_local=0.0, callback_master_state=None)[source]

Bases: object

The class stores all information about the remote ROS master and the all received heartbeat messages of the remote node. On first contact a theaded connection to remote discoverer will be established to get additional information about the ROS master.

  • monitoruri (str) – The URI of the remote RPC server, which moniter the ROS master
  • heartbeat_rate (float (Default: 1.`)) – The remote rate, which is used to send the heartbeat messages.
  • timestamp (float (Default: 0)) – The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master
  • timestamp_local (float (Default: 0)) – The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master, without the changes maked while a synchronization.
  • callback_master_state – the callback method to publish the changes of the ROS masters
addHeartbeat(timestamp, timestamp_local, rate)[source]

Adds a new heartbeat measurement. If it is a new timestamp a ROS message about the change of this ROS master will be published into ROS network.

  • timestamp (float) – The new timestamp of the ROS master state
  • timestamp_local (float (Default: 0)) – The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master, without the changes maked while a synchronization.
  • rate (float) – The remote rate, which is used to send the heartbeat messages.

True on changes

Return type:



Removes all hearbeat measurements, which are older as the given timestamp.

Parameters:timestamp (float) – heartbeats older this timestamp will be removed.
Returns:the count of removed heartbeats
Return type:int

Sets this master to offline and publish the new state to the ROS network.

class master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.Discoverer(mcast_port, mcast_group, monitor_port)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

The class to publish the current state of the ROS master.

  • mcast_port (int) – The port used to publish and receive the multicast messages.
  • mcast_group (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 multicast group used for discovering over nodes.
  • monitor_port (int) – The port of the RPC Server, used to get more information about the ROS master.

packet format description, see:


the send rate of the heartbeat packets in hz (Default: 2 Hz)


the count of intervals (1 sec) used for a quality calculation. If HEARTBEAT_HZ is smaller then 1, MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS will be divided by HEARTBEAT_HZ value. (Default: 5 sec are used to determine the link qaulity)


remove an offline host after this time in [sec] (Default: 300 sec).


the test rate of ROS master state in Hz (Default: 1 Hz).


the timeout is defined by calculated measurement duration multiplied by TIMEOUT_FAKTOR.


the version of the packet format described by HEARTBEAT_FMT

Version 1:‘cBBiiH’
one character 'R'
unsigned char: version of the hearbeat message
unsigned char: rate of the heartbeat message in HZ*10. Maximal rate: 25.5 Hz -> value 255
int: secs of the ROS Master state
int: nsecs of the ROS Master state
unsigned short: the port number of the RPC Server of the remote ROS-Core monitor
Version 2:‘cBBiiHii’
``Version 1``
int: secs of the ROS Master state (only local changes). Changes while sync will be ignored.
int: nsecs of the ROS Master state (only local changes). Changes while sync will be ignored.

The method test periodically the state of the ROS master. The new state will be published as heartbeat messages. master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.checkState()


Callback called on exit of the ros node and publish the empty list of ROSMasters.

classmethod msg2masterState(msg, address)[source]
Returns:parses the hearbeat message and return a tuple of version and values corresponding with current version of message. master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT
Raise :Exception on invalid message
Return type:(unsigned char, tuple corresponding to master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT)

Publishes the given state to the ROS network. This method is thread safe.

Parameters:master_state – the master state to publish

Publishes the link quality states to the ROS network.This method is thread safe.

Parameters:stats – the link quality states to publish

This method handles the received multicast messages.


Callback for the ROS service to get the current list of the known ROS masters.


The run method is used for periodic send small multicast messages. This messages simulates the heartbeat and are used to detect other running nodes associated with ROS master.


This method will be called by a timer and has two jobs: 1. set the masters offline, if no heartbeat messages are received a long time 2. calculate the quality of known links

Master Monitor — Module

exception master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterConnectionException[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The exception class to handle the connection problems with ROS Master.

class master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor(rpcport=11611, do_retry=True)[source]

Bases: object

This class provides methods to get the state from the ROS master using his RPC API and test for changes. Furthermore an XML-RPC server will be created to offer the complete current state of the ROS master by one method call.

  • rpcport (int) – the port number for the XML-RPC server
  • do_retry (bool) – retry to create XML-RPC server
See :

master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.getCurrentState(), respectively master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.updateState()

Rpc Methods:

master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.getListedMasterInfo() or master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.getMasterContacts() as RPC: masterInfo() and masterContacts()


The time to update the node URI, ID or service URI (Default: 10.0)


Gets the state from the ROS master and compares it to the stored state.

Parameters:clear_cache (bool (Default: False)) – The URI of nodes and services will be cached to reduce the load. If remote hosted nodes or services was restarted, the cache must be cleared! The local nodes will be updated periodically after master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.MAX_PING_SEC.
Returns:True if the ROS master state is changed
Return type:bool
Returns:The current ROS Master State
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo or None
Returns:a extended ROS Master State.
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo.listedState() for result type
Returns:a extended filtered ROS Master State.
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo.listedState() for result type

The RPC method called by XML-RPC server to request the master contact information.

Returns:(timestamp of the ROS master state, ROS master URI, master name, name of this service, URI of this RPC server)
Return type:(str, str, str, str, str)

Returns the name of the master. If no name is set, the hostname of the ROS master URI will be extracted.

Returns:the name of the ROS master
Return type:str or None

Requests the ROS master URI from the ROS master through the RPC interface and returns it.

Returns:ROS master URI
Return type:str or None

Sets the master state to None.

rpcport = None

the port number of the RPC server


Shutdown the RPC Server.


Gets state from the ROS Master through his RPC interface.

Parameters:clear_cache (bool (Default: False)) – The URI of nodes and services will be cached to reduce the load. If remote hosted nodes or services was restarted, the cache must be cleared! The local nodes will be updated periodically after master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.MAX_PING_SEC.
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo
Raise :MasterConnectionException, if not complete information was get from the ROS master.

This method can be called to update the origin ROS master URI of the nodes and services in new master_state. This is only need, if a synchronization is running. The synchronization service will be detect automatically by searching for the service ending with get_sync_info. The method will be called by master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.checkState().

class master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.RPCThreading(addr, requestHandler=<class SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler at 0x2cf6600>, logRequests=True, allow_none=False, encoding=None, bind_and_activate=True)[source]

Bases: SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer

Master Info — Module

class master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo(masteruri, mastername=None)[source]

Bases: object

The MasterInfo class stores informations about a ROS master. Not thread safe!

  • masteruri (str) – The URI of the corresponding master
  • mastername (str or None (Default: None)) – The name of the ROS master. If no one is given, it will be extracted from the masteruri.
check_ts = None

the last time, when the state of the ROS master retrieved

static from_list(l)[source]

Creates a new instance of the MasterInfo from given list.

Parameters:l (list) – the list returned by master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo.listedState()
Returns:the new instance of the MasterInfo filled from list.
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo
Parameters:name (str) – the name of the node
Returns:the instance of the master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo with given name
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo or None

Returns the node, which name ends with given suffix. On more then one node, only the fist found will be returned.

Parameters:suffix (str) – the end of the name
Returns:the instance of the master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo with with given suffix
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo or None

Returns the service with given name.

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the service
Returns:the instance of the master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo with given name
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo or None

Returns the topics with given name.

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the topic
Returns:the instance of the master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo with given name.
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo or None

Compares the master state with other master state. The timestamp will not be compared.

Parameters:other (master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo) – the another MasterInfo instance.
Returns:a tupel with two boolean values (all equal, only local equal)
Return type:(bool, bool)

Returns a extended ROS Master State.

Parameters:filter_interface (FilterInterface) – The filter used to filter the nodes, topics or serivces out.
Returns:complete ROS Master State as

(stamp, stamp_local, masteruri, name, publishers, subscribers, services, topicTypes, nodes, serviceProvider)

  • publishers is of the form

    [ [topic1, [topic1Publisher1...topic1PublisherN]] ... ]

  • subscribers is of the form

    [ [topic1, [topic1Subscriber1...topic1SubscriberN]] ... ]

  • services is of the form

    [ [service1, [service1Provider1...service1ProviderN]] ... ]

  • topicTypes is a list of

    [ [topicName1, topicType1], ... ]

  • nodes is a list of (the pid of remote Nodes will not be resolved)

    [nodename, XML-RPC URI, origin ROS_MASTER_URI, pid, {local, remote}]

  • serviceProvider is a list of (the type, serviceClass and args of remote Services will not be resolved)

    [service, XML-RPC URI, origin ROS_MASTER_URI, type, {local, remote}]

Return type:(float, float, str, str, [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,str] ], [ [str,str,str,int,str] ], [ [str,str,str,str,str] ])
Returns:the name of the ROS master. In most cases the ROS master name is the name of the host, where the ROS master running. Although it can differ.
Return type:str
Returns:the URI of the ROS master.
Return type:str
Returns:the list with node names
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the list with node URI’s.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the dictionary with node names and corresponding instances of NodeInfo.
Return type:dict of (str : master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo)
Returns:the list with service names.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the list with service URI’s.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the dictionary with service names and corresponding ServiceInfo instances.
Return type:dict of (str : master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo)
Returns:The timestamp when this MasterInfo was first time filled with the information. See master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo.check_ts() to get the time, when the information was compared with the data of ROS Master.
Return type:float
Returns:The timestamp when this MasterInfo was first time filled with the information. See master_discovery_fkie.master_info.MasterInfo.check_ts() to get the time, when the information was compared with the data of ROS Master. This timestamp is only updated, not synchronized nodes, topics or services are changed.
Return type:float
Returns:the list with topic names.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the dictionary with topic names and corresponding TopicInfo instances.
Return type:dict of (str : master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo)

Updates the information about nodes, topics and services. If the other masterinfo is from the same ROS Master all informations are copied. If other contains the info from remote ROS Master, only the informations for synchronized nodes, topics or services are copied. :param other: the new master information object :type other: MasterInfo :return: The tuple of sets with added, changed and removed nodes, topics and services :rtype: (nodes_added, nodes_changed, nodes_removed, topics_added, topics_changed, topics_removed, services_added, services_changed, services_removed)

class master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo(name, masteruri)[source]

Bases: object

The NodeInfo class stores informations about a ROS node.

  • name (str) – the name of the node
  • masteruri (str) – the URI of the ROS master, where the node is registered. This masteruri will be used to determine, whether the ROS master and the node are running on the same machine.

Creates a copy of this object and returns it.

Parameters:new_masteruri – the masteruri of the new masterinfo
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo
Returns:True if the node and the ROS master are running on the same machine.
Return type:bool
static local_(masteruri, org_masteruri, uri)[source]

Test the node whether it’s run on the same machineas the ROS master and masteruri and org_masteruri are equal.

  • masteruri (str) – The URI of the ROS master currently tested.
  • org_masteruri (str) – The URI of the ROS master, where the node was originally registered.
  • uri (str) – The URI of the node.
Return type:


Returns:the URI of the ROS master where the node is registered.
Return type:str
Returns:the name of the node.
Return type:str
pid = None

the process id of the node. Invalid id has a None value

Returns:the list of all published topics by this node.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the list of all services provided by this node.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the list of all subscribed topics by this node.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the URI of the RPC API of the node.
Return type:str
class master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo(name, masteruri)[source]

Bases: object

The ServiceInfo class stores informations about a ROS service.

  • name (str) – the name of the service
  • masteruri (str) – the URI of the ROS master, where the service is registered. This masteruri will be used to determine, whether the ROS master and the service are running on the same machine.

Creates a copy of this object and returns it.

Parameters:new_masteruri – the masteruri of the new masterinfo
Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.NodeInfo

Get the service class using the type of the service. NOTE: this method is from rosservice and changed to avoid a probe call to the service.

Parameters:allow_get_type (bool) – allow to connect to service and get the type if the type is not valid (in case of other host)
Returns:service class
Return type:ServiceDefinition: service class
Raise :ROSServiceException, if service class cannot be retrieved
Returns:True, if this service and the master are on the same machine. This will be determine on setting the uri-parameter.
Return type:bool
Returns:the URI of the ROS master of the service
Return type:str
Returns:the name of the service.
Return type:str
Returns:the list of the node names, which provide this service.
Return type:list of strings
type = None

the type of the service. (Default: None)

Returns:the URI of the RPC API of the service
Return type:str
class master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo(name)[source]

Bases: object

The TopicInfo class stores informations about a ROS topic.

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the topic

Creates a copy this object and returns it.

Return type:master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo
Returns:the name of the topic.
Return type:str
Returns:the list with node names witch are publishing to this topic.
Return type:list of strings
Returns:the list with node names witch are subscribed to this topic.
Return type:list of strings
type = None

the type of the topic. (Default: None)

udp — Module

class master_discovery_fkie.udp.McastSocket(port, mgroup, reuse=True, ttl=20)[source]

Bases: socket._socketobject

The McastSocket class enables the send and receive UDP messages to a multicast group.

  • port (int) – the port to bind the socket
  • mgroup (str) – the multicast group to join
  • reuse (boolean (Default: True)) – allows the reusing of the port
  • ttl (int (Default: 20)) – time to leave

Unregister from the multicast group and close the socket.


Test all enabled interfaces for a MULTICAST flag. If no enabled interfaces has a multicast support, False will be returned.

Returns:True, if any interfaces with multicast support are enabled.
Return type:bool
static localifs()[source]

Used to get a list of the up interfaces and associated IP addresses on this machine (linux only).

Returns:List of interface tuples. Each tuple consists of (interface name, interface IP)
Return type:list of (str, str)
send2addr(msg, addr)[source]

Sends the given message to the joined multicast group. Some errors on send will be ignored (ENETRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH)

  • msg (str) – message to send
  • addr (str) – IPv4 or IPv6 address

Sends the given message to the joined multicast group. Some errors on send will be ignored (ENETRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH)

Parameters:msg (str) – message to send

zeroconf — Module