FRICheck_legacy Member List
This is the complete list of members for FRICheck_legacy, including all inherited members.
adjust(float *pos, float rate)FRICheck_legacy
find_index(float j5)FRICheck_legacy [private]
interpolate(double x, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)FRICheck_legacy [private]
j5_anglesFRICheck_legacy [private]
j6_maxFRICheck_legacy [private]
j6_minFRICheck_legacy [private]
lengthFRICheck_legacy [private]
lim_accFRICheck_legacy [private, static]
lim_highFRICheck_legacy [private, static]
lim_lowFRICheck_legacy [private, static]
lim_velFRICheck_legacy [private, static]
max_j6(float j5, int index)FRICheck_legacy [private]
min_j6(float j5, int index)FRICheck_legacy [private]
pos()FRICheck_legacy [inline]
pos_FRICheck_legacy [private]
safety_check(float *vel, float *vel_old, float *pos, float rate)FRICheck_legacy [private]
safety_set_side(int side)FRICheck_legacy
setPos(float *pos)FRICheck_legacy
vel_old_FRICheck_legacy [private]

Author(s): Ingo Kresse, Alexis Maldonado
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 09:27:40