Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 from rqt_gui_py.plugin import Plugin
00004 from python_qt_binding import loadUi
00005 from python_qt_binding.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, qWarning, Slot
00006 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QAction, QIcon, QMenu, QWidget
00007 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QColor
00008 from rqt_py_common.topic_completer import TopicCompleter
00009 from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
00010 from rqt_py_common.topic_helpers import is_slot_numeric
00011 from rqt_plot.rosplot import ROSData, RosPlotException
00012 from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, PathCollection, LineCollection
00013 import matplotlib
00015 import rospkg
00016 import rospy
00018 import os, sys
00019 import argparse
00021 try:
00022     from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
00023 except ImportError:
00024     # work around bug in dateutil
00025     import sys
00026     import thread
00027     sys.modules['_thread'] = thread
00028     from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
00029 from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar
00030 from matplotlib.figure import Figure
00032 import numpy
00033 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
00034 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D #<-- Note the capitalization! 
00036 class MatDataPlot3D(QWidget):
00037     class Canvas(FigureCanvas):
00038         """Ultimately, this is a QWidget (as well as a FigureCanvasAgg, etc.)."""
00039         def __init__(self, parent=None):
00040             super(MatDataPlot3D.Canvas, self).__init__(Figure())
00041             #self.fig = fig = plt.figure()
00042             self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
00043             #self.axes = self.figure.gca(projection="3d")
00044             #self.axes.grid(True, color='gray')
00045             self.axes.set_xlabel('t')
00046             self.axes.set_xlim3d(0, 10)
00047             self.axes.set_ylabel('Y')
00048             self.axes.set_ylim3d(-1, 1)
00049             self.axes.set_zlabel('Z')
00050             self.axes.set_zlim3d(0, 1)
00052             self.figure.tight_layout()
00053             self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
00054             self.updateGeometry()
00056         def resizeEvent(self, event):
00057             super(MatDataPlot3D.Canvas, self).resizeEvent(event)
00058             self.figure.tight_layout()
00060     _colors = [QColor(c) for c in [,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan,, Qt.darkYellow,, Qt.darkRed, Qt.gray, Qt.darkCyan]]
00062     def __init__(self, parent=None, buffer_length=100, use_poly=True, 
00063                  no_legend=False):
00064         super(MatDataPlot3D, self).__init__(parent)
00065         self._canvas = MatDataPlot3D.Canvas()
00066         self._use_poly = use_poly
00067         self._buffer_length = buffer_length
00068         self._toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self._canvas, self._canvas)
00069         vbox = QVBoxLayout()
00070         vbox.addWidget(self._toolbar)
00071         vbox.addWidget(self._canvas)
00072         self.setLayout(vbox)
00073         self._curves_verts = {}
00074         self._color_index = 0
00075         self._curves = {}
00076         self._no_legend = no_legend
00077         self._autoscroll = False
00079     def autoscroll(self, enabled=True):
00080         self._autoscroll = enabled
00082     def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, x, y):
00083         color = QColor(self._colors[self._color_index % len(self._colors)])
00084         self._color_index += 1
00085         #line = self._canvas.axes.plot([], [], label=curve_name, linewidth=1, picker=5,[0]
00086         line = None
00087         self._curves[curve_id] = [[], [], line, [None, None], 
00088                                   ( / 255.0, 
00089                           / 255.0,
00090                           / 255.0,
00091                                    0.6)]
00092         self.update_values(curve_id, x, y)
00093         self._update_legend()
00095     def remove_curve(self, curve_id):
00096         curve_id = str(curve_id)
00097         if curve_id in self._curves:
00098             del self._curves[curve_id]
00099             del self._curves_verts[curve_id]
00100             self._update_legend()
00102     def _update_legend(self):
00103         if self._no_legend:
00104             return
00105         labels = self._curves.keys()
00106         handles = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=self._curves[labels[i]][4] ) for i in range(len(labels))]
00107         self._canvas.axes.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left')
00109     @Slot(str, list, list)
00110     def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y):
00111         data_x, data_y, line, range_y,c = self._curves[curve_id]
00112         data_x.extend(x)
00113         data_y.extend(y)
00114         if len(data_x) > self._buffer_length:
00115             data_x = data_x[-self._buffer_length:]
00116             data_y = data_y[-self._buffer_length:]
00117             self._curves[curve_id][0] = data_x
00118             self._curves[curve_id][1] = data_y
00119         self._curves_verts[curve_id] = (data_x, data_y)
00120         if y:
00121             ymin = min(y)
00122             if range_y[0]:
00123                 ymin = min(ymin, range_y[0])
00124             range_y[0] = ymin
00125             ymax = max(y)
00126             if range_y[1]:
00127                 ymax = max(ymax, range_y[1])
00128             range_y[1] = ymax
00129     def redraw(self):
00130         self._canvas.axes.grid(True, color='gray')
00131         # Set axis bounds
00132         ymin = ymax = None
00133         xmax = 0
00134         xmin = sys.maxint
00135         for curve in self._curves.values():
00136             data_x, _, _, range_y, c = curve
00137             if len(data_x) == 0:
00138                 continue
00139             xmax = max(xmax, data_x[-1])
00140             xmin = min(xmin, data_x[0])
00141             if ymin is None:
00142                 ymin = range_y[0]
00143                 ymax = range_y[1]
00144             else:
00145                 ymin = min(range_y[0], ymin)
00146                 ymax = max(range_y[1], ymax)
00148             # pad the min/max
00149             # delta = max(ymax - ymin, 0.1)
00150             # ymin -= .05 * delta
00151             # ymax += .05 * delta
00153         if self._autoscroll and ymin is not None:
00154             self._canvas.axes.set_xbound(lower=xmin, upper=xmax)
00155             self._canvas.axes.set_zbound(lower=ymin, upper=ymax)
00156             self._canvas.axes.set_ybound(lower=0,
00157                                          upper=len(self._curves.keys()))
00158         # create poly object
00159         verts = []
00160         colors = []
00161         for curve_id in self._curves_verts.keys():
00162             (data_x, data_y) = self._curves_verts[curve_id]
00163             colors.append(self._curves[curve_id][4])
00164             if self._use_poly:
00165                 verts.append([(xmin, ymin)] + list(zip(data_x, data_y))
00166                              + [(xmax, ymin)])
00167             else:
00168                 verts.append(zip(data_x, data_y))
00169         line_num = len(self._curves.keys())
00170         if self._use_poly:
00171             poly = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=colors, closed=False)
00172         else:
00173             poly = LineCollection(verts, colors=colors)
00174         poly.set_alpha(0.7)
00175         self._canvas.axes.cla()
00176         self._canvas.axes.add_collection3d(poly,
00177                                            zs=range(line_num), zdir='y')
00178         self._update_legend()
00179         self._canvas.draw()
00182 class Plot3D(Plugin):
00183     def __init__(self, context):
00184         super(Plot3D, self).__init__(context)
00185         self.setObjectName('Plot3D')
00186         self._args = self._parse_args(context.argv())
00187         self._widget = Plot3DWidget(initial_topics=self._args.topics, start_paused=self._args.start_paused, 
00188                                     buffer_length=self._args.buffer,
00189                                     use_poly=not self._args.show_line,
00190                                     no_legend=self._args.no_legend)
00191         context.add_widget(self._widget)
00192     def _parse_args(self, argv):
00193         parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='rqt_3d_plot', add_help=False)
00194         Plot3D.add_arguments(parser)
00195         args = parser.parse_args(argv)
00196         topic_list = []
00197         for t in args.topics:
00198              # c_topics is the list of topics to plot
00199              c_topics = []
00200              # compute combined topic list, t == '/foo/bar1,/baz/bar2'
00201              for sub_t in [x for x in t.split(',') if x]:
00202                  # check for shorthand '/foo/field1:field2:field3'
00203                  if ':' in sub_t:
00204                      base = sub_t[:sub_t.find(':')]
00205                      # the first prefix includes a field name, so save then strip it off
00206                      c_topics.append(base)
00207                      if not '/' in base:
00208                          parser.error("%s must contain a topic and field name" % sub_t)
00209                      base = base[:base.rfind('/')]
00211                      # compute the rest of the field names
00212                      fields = sub_t.split(':')[1:]
00213                      c_topics.extend(["%s/%s" % (base, f) for f in fields if f])
00214                  else:
00215                      c_topics.append(sub_t)
00216              # #1053: resolve command-line topic names
00217              import rosgraph
00218              c_topics = [rosgraph.names.script_resolve_name('rqt_plot', n) for n in c_topics]
00219              if type(c_topics) == list:
00220                  topic_list.extend(c_topics)
00221              else:
00222                  topic_list.append(c_topics)
00223         args.topics = topic_list
00225         return args
00226     @staticmethod
00227     def add_arguments(parser):
00228         group = parser.add_argument_group('Options for rqt_plot plugin')
00229         group.add_argument('-P', '--pause', action='store_true', dest='start_paused',
00230             help='Start in paused state')
00231         group.add_argument('-L', '--line', action='store_true', dest='show_line',
00232             help='Show lines rather than polygon representation')
00233         group.add_argument('--no-legend', action='store_true', dest='no_legend',
00234             help='do not show legend')
00235         group.add_argument('-B', '--buffer', dest='buffer', action="store",
00236             help='the length of the buffer', default=100, type=int)
00237         # group.add_argument('-e', '--empty', action='store_true', dest='start_empty',
00238         #     help='Start without restoring previous topics')
00239         group.add_argument('topics', nargs='*', default=[], help='Topics to plot')
00241 class Plot3DWidget(QWidget):
00242     _redraw_interval = 40
00244     def __init__(self, initial_topics=None, start_paused=False, 
00245                  buffer_length=100, use_poly=True, no_legend=False):
00246         super(Plot3DWidget, self).__init__()
00247         self.setObjectName('Plot3DWidget')
00248         self._buffer_length = buffer_length
00249         self._initial_topics = initial_topics
00251         rp = rospkg.RosPack()
00252         ui_file = os.path.join(rp.get_path('jsk_rqt_plugins'), 
00253                                'resource', 'plot3d.ui')
00254         loadUi(ui_file, self)
00255         self.subscribe_topic_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('add'))
00256         self.remove_topic_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('remove'))
00257         self.pause_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('media-playback-pause'))
00258         self.clear_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('edit-clear'))
00259         self.data_plot = MatDataPlot3D(self, self._buffer_length, 
00260                                        use_poly, no_legend)
00261         self.data_plot_layout.addWidget(self.data_plot)
00262         self.data_plot.autoscroll(self.autoscroll_checkbox.isChecked())
00263         self.data_plot.dropEvent = self.dropEvent
00264         self.data_plot.dragEnterEvent = self.dragEnterEvent
00266         self.subscribe_topic_button.setEnabled(False)
00267         if start_paused:
00268             self.pause_button.setChecked(True)
00270         self._topic_completer = TopicCompleter(self.topic_edit)
00271         self._topic_completer.update_topics()
00272         self.topic_edit.setCompleter(self._topic_completer)
00274         self._start_time = rospy.get_time()
00275         self._rosdata = {}
00276         self._remove_topic_menu = QMenu()
00278         # init and start update timer for plot
00279         self._update_plot_timer = QTimer(self)
00280         self._update_plot_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_plot)
00281         if self._initial_topics:
00282             for topic_name in self._initial_topics:
00283                 self.add_topic(topic_name)
00284             self._initial_topics = None
00286     @Slot('QDragEnterEvent*')
00287     def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
00288         # get topic name
00289         if not event.mimeData().hasText():
00290             if not hasattr(event.source(), 'selectedItems') or len(event.source().selectedItems()) == 0:
00291                 qWarning('Plot.dragEnterEvent(): not hasattr(event.source(), selectedItems) or len(event.source().selectedItems()) == 0')
00292                 return
00293             item = event.source().selectedItems()[0]
00294             topic_name =, Qt.UserRole)
00295             if topic_name == None:
00296                 qWarning('Plot.dragEnterEvent(): not hasattr(item, ros_topic_name_)')
00297                 return
00298         else:
00299             topic_name = str(event.mimeData().text())
00301         # check for numeric field type
00302         is_numeric, is_array, message = is_slot_numeric(topic_name)
00303         if is_numeric and not is_array:
00304             event.acceptProposedAction()
00305         else:
00306             qWarning('Plot.dragEnterEvent(): rejecting: "%s"' % (message))
00308     @Slot('QDropEvent*')
00309     def dropEvent(self, event):
00310         if event.mimeData().hasText():
00311             topic_name = str(event.mimeData().text())
00312         else:
00313             droped_item = event.source().selectedItems()[0]
00314             topic_name = str(, Qt.UserRole))
00315         self.add_topic(topic_name)
00317     @Slot(str)
00318     def on_topic_edit_textChanged(self, topic_name):
00319         # on empty topic name, update topics
00320         if topic_name in ('', '/'):
00321             self._topic_completer.update_topics()
00323         is_numeric, is_array, message = is_slot_numeric(topic_name)
00324         self.subscribe_topic_button.setEnabled(is_numeric and not is_array)
00325         self.subscribe_topic_button.setToolTip(message)
00327     @Slot()
00328     def on_topic_edit_returnPressed(self):
00329         if self.subscribe_topic_button.isEnabled():
00330             self.add_topic(str(self.topic_edit.text()))
00332     @Slot()
00333     def on_subscribe_topic_button_clicked(self):
00334         self.add_topic(str(self.topic_edit.text()))
00336     @Slot(bool)
00337     def on_pause_button_clicked(self, checked):
00338         self.enable_timer(not checked)
00340     @Slot(bool)
00341     def on_autoscroll_checkbox_clicked(self, checked):
00342         self.data_plot.autoscroll(checked)
00344     @Slot()
00345     def on_clear_button_clicked(self):
00346         self.clean_up_subscribers()
00348     def update_plot(self):
00349         if self.data_plot is not None:
00350             needs_redraw = False
00351             for topic_name, rosdata in self._rosdata.items():
00352                 try:
00353                     data_x, data_y =
00354                     if data_x or data_y:
00355                         self.data_plot.update_values(topic_name, data_x, data_y)
00356                         needs_redraw = True
00357                 except RosPlotException as e:
00358                     qWarning('PlotWidget.update_plot(): error in rosplot: %s' % e)
00359             if needs_redraw:
00360                 self.data_plot.redraw()
00362     def _subscribed_topics_changed(self):
00363         self._update_remove_topic_menu()
00364         if not self.pause_button.isChecked():
00365             # if pause button is not pressed, enable timer based on subscribed topics
00366             self.enable_timer(self._rosdata)
00368     def _update_remove_topic_menu(self):
00369         def make_remove_topic_function(x):
00370             return lambda: self.remove_topic(x)
00372         self._remove_topic_menu.clear()
00373         for topic_name in sorted(self._rosdata.keys()):
00374             action = QAction(topic_name, self._remove_topic_menu)
00375             action.triggered.connect(make_remove_topic_function(topic_name))
00376             self._remove_topic_menu.addAction(action)
00378         self.remove_topic_button.setMenu(self._remove_topic_menu)
00380     def add_topic(self, topic_name):
00381         if topic_name in self._rosdata:
00382             qWarning('PlotWidget.add_topic(): topic already subscribed: %s' % topic_name)
00383             return
00385         self._rosdata[topic_name] = ROSData(topic_name, self._start_time)
00386         if self._rosdata[topic_name].error is not None:
00387             qWarning(str(self._rosdata[topic_name].error))
00388             del self._rosdata[topic_name]
00389         else:
00390             data_x, data_y = self._rosdata[topic_name].next()
00391             self.data_plot.add_curve(topic_name, topic_name, data_x, data_y)
00393             self._subscribed_topics_changed()
00395     def remove_topic(self, topic_name):
00396         self._rosdata[topic_name].close()
00397         del self._rosdata[topic_name]
00398         self.data_plot.remove_curve(topic_name)
00400         self._subscribed_topics_changed()
00402     def clean_up_subscribers(self):
00403         for topic_name, rosdata in self._rosdata.items():
00404             rosdata.close()
00405             self.data_plot.remove_curve(topic_name)
00406         self._rosdata = {}
00408         self._subscribed_topics_changed()
00410     def enable_timer(self, enabled=True):
00411         if enabled:
00412             self._update_plot_timer.start(self._redraw_interval)
00413         else:
00414             self._update_plot_timer.stop()

autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 01:20:19