File: baxter_core_msgs/EndEffectorState.msg
Raw Message Definition
time timestamp # time when state was updated
uint32 id # EndEffectorId
# The following State fields are tristate: 0 = false; 1 = true; 2 = unknown/unsupported
uint8 STATE_FALSE = 0
uint8 STATE_TRUE = 1
uint8 enabled # true if enabled
uint8 calibrated # true if calibration has completed
uint8 ready # true if ready for another command
uint8 moving # true if moving
uint8 gripping # true if gripping
uint8 missed # true if GRIP/GOTO/SET was commanded and the gripper reaches the end of travel
uint8 error # true if the gripper is in an error state
uint8 reverse # true if the gripper is in reverse mode
float32 position # position as a percentage of the max position; 0=closed - 100=open
float32 POSITION_CLOSED = 0.0
float32 POSITION_OPEN = 100.0
float32 force # force as a percentage of max force; 0=none - 100=max
float32 FORCE_MIN = 0.0
float32 FORCE_MAX = 100.0
string state # JSON: other state information
string command # from the last command message
string command_sender
uint32 command_sequence
Compact Message Definition
uint8 STATE_TRUE=1
float32 POSITION_OPEN=100.0
float32 FORCE_MIN=0.0
float32 FORCE_MAX=100.0
time timestamp
uint32 id
uint8 enabled
uint8 calibrated
uint8 ready
uint8 moving
uint8 gripping
uint8 missed
uint8 error
uint8 reverse
float32 position
float32 force
string state
string command
string command_sender
uint32 command_sequence