Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('xsens_driver')
00003 import rospy
00004 import select
00006 import mtdevice
00008 from std_msgs.msg import Header, Float32, String, UInt16
00009 from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu, NavSatFix, NavSatStatus
00010 from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped, Vector3Stamped
00011 from gps_common.msg import GPSFix, GPSStatus
00012 from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticArray, DiagnosticStatus, KeyValue
00013 import time
00016 # transform Euler angles or matrix into quaternions
00017 from math import pi, radians
00018 from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_matrix, quaternion_from_euler, identity_matrix
00020 def get_param(name, default):
00021         try:
00022                 v = rospy.get_param(name)
00023                 rospy.loginfo("Found parameter: %s, value: %s"%(name, str(v)))
00024         except KeyError:
00025                 v = default
00026                 rospy.logwarn("Cannot find value for parameter: %s, assigning "
00027                                 "default: %s"%(name, str(v)))
00028         return v
00030 class XSensDriver(object):
00032         def __init__(self):
00034                 device = get_param('~device', 'auto')
00035                 baudrate = get_param('~baudrate', 0)
00036                 if device=='auto':
00037                         devs = mtdevice.find_devices()
00038                         if devs:
00039                                 device, baudrate = devs[0]
00040                                 rospy.loginfo("Detected MT device on port %s @ %d bps"%(device,
00041                                                 baudrate))
00042                         else:
00043                                 rospy.logerr("Fatal: could not find proper MT device.")
00044                                 rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not find proper MT device.")
00045                                 return
00046                 if not baudrate:
00047                         baudrate = mtdevice.find_baudrate(device)
00048                 if not baudrate:
00049                         rospy.logerr("Fatal: could not find proper baudrate.")
00050                         rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not find proper baudrate.")
00051                         return
00053                 rospy.loginfo("MT node interface: %s at %d bd."%(device, baudrate))
00054        = mtdevice.MTDevice(device, baudrate)
00056                 self.frame_id = get_param('~frame_id', '/base_imu')
00058                 self.diag_pub = rospy.Publisher('/diagnostics', DiagnosticArray)
00059                 self.diag_msg = DiagnosticArray()
00060                 self.stest_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: Self Test', level=1,
00061                                 message='No status information')
00062                 self.xkf_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: XKF Valid', level=1,
00063                                 message='No status information')
00064                 self.gps_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: GPS Fix', level=1,
00065                                 message='No status information')
00066                 self.diag_msg.status = [self.stest_stat, self.xkf_stat, self.gps_stat]
00068                 self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu/data', Imu)
00069                 self.gps_pub = rospy.Publisher('fix', NavSatFix)
00070                 self.xgps_pub = rospy.Publisher('fix_extended', GPSFix)
00071                 self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('velocity', TwistStamped)
00072                 self.mag_pub = rospy.Publisher('magnetic', Vector3Stamped)
00073                 self.temp_pub = rospy.Publisher('temperature', Float32) # decide type+header
00074                 self.press_pub = rospy.Publisher('pressure', Float32) # decide type+header
00075                 self.analog_in1_pub = rospy.Publisher('analog_in1', UInt16) # decide type+header
00076                 self.analog_in2_pub = rospy.Publisher('analog_in2', UInt16) # decide type+header
00077                 # TODO pressure, ITOW from raw GPS?
00078                 self.old_bGPS = 256     # publish GPS only if new
00080                 # publish a string version of all data; to be parsed by clients
00081                 self.str_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu_data_str', String)
00085         def spin(self):
00086                 try:
00087                         while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00088                                 self.spin_once()
00089                 # Ctrl-C signal interferes with select with the ROS signal handler
00090                 # should be OSError in python 3.?
00091                 except select.error:
00092                         pass
00094         def spin_once(self):
00095                 '''Read data from device and publishes ROS messages.'''
00096                 # common header
00097                 h = Header()
00098                 h.stamp =
00099                 h.frame_id = self.frame_id
00101                 # create messages and default values
00102                 imu_msg = Imu()
00103                 imu_msg.orientation_covariance = (-1., )*9
00104                 imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = (-1., )*9
00105                 imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = (-1., )*9
00106                 pub_imu = False
00107                 gps_msg = NavSatFix()
00108                 xgps_msg = GPSFix()
00109                 pub_gps = False
00110                 vel_msg = TwistStamped()
00111                 pub_vel = False
00112                 mag_msg = Vector3Stamped()
00113                 pub_mag = False
00114                 temp_msg = Float32()
00115                 pub_temp = False
00116                 press_msg = Float32()
00117                 pub_press = False
00118                 anin1_msg = UInt16()
00119                 pub_anin1 = False
00120                 anin2_msg = UInt16()
00121                 pub_anin2 = False
00122                 pub_diag = False
00124                 def fill_from_raw(raw_data):
00125                         '''Fill messages with information from 'raw' MTData block.'''
00126                         # don't publish raw imu data anymore
00127                         # TODO find what to do with that
00128                         pass
00130                 def fill_from_rawgps(rawgps_data):
00131                         '''Fill messages with information from 'rawgps' MTData block.'''
00132                         global pub_hps, xgps_msg, gps_msg
00133                         if rawgps_data['bGPS']<self.old_bGPS:
00134                                 pub_gps = True
00135                                 # LLA
00136                                 xgps_msg.latitude = gps_msg.latitude = rawgps_data['LAT']*1e-7
00137                                 xgps_msg.longitude = gps_msg.longitude = rawgps_data['LON']*1e-7
00138                                 xgps_msg.altitude = gps_msg.altitude = rawgps_data['ALT']*1e-3
00139                                 # NED vel # TODO?
00140                                 # Accuracy
00141                                 # 2 is there to go from std_dev to 95% interval
00142                                 xgps_msg.err_horz = 2*rawgps_data['Hacc']*1e-3
00143                                 xgps_msg.err_vert = 2*rawgps_data['Vacc']*1e-3
00144                         self.old_bGPS = rawgps_data['bGPS']
00146                 def fill_from_Temp(temp):
00147                         '''Fill messages with information from 'temperature' MTData block.'''
00148                         global pub_temp, temp_msg
00149                         pub_temp = True
00150                = temp
00152                 def fill_from_Calib(imu_data):
00153                         '''Fill messages with information from 'calibrated' MTData block.'''
00154                         global pub_imu, imu_msg, pub_vel, vel_msg, pub_mag, mag_msg
00155                         try:
00156                                 pub_imu = True
00157                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = imu_data['gyrX']
00158                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = imu_data['gyrY']
00159                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = imu_data['gyrZ']
00160                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = (radians(0.025), 0., 0., 0.,
00161                                                 radians(0.025), 0., 0., 0., radians(0.025))
00162                                 pub_vel = True
00163                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.x = imu_data['gyrX']
00164                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.y = imu_data['gyrY']
00165                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.z = imu_data['gyrZ']
00166                         except KeyError:
00167                                 pass
00168                         try:
00169                                 pub_imu = True
00170                                 imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = imu_data['accX']
00171                                 imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = imu_data['accY']
00172                                 imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = imu_data['accZ']
00173                                 imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = (0.0004, 0., 0., 0.,
00174                                                 0.0004, 0., 0., 0., 0.0004)
00175                         except KeyError:
00176                                 pass                    
00177                         try:
00178                                 pub_mag = True
00179                                 mag_msg.vector.x = imu_data['magX']
00180                                 mag_msg.vector.y = imu_data['magY']
00181                                 mag_msg.vector.z = imu_data['magZ']
00182                         except KeyError:
00183                                 pass
00185                 def fill_from_Vel(velocity_data):
00186                         '''Fill messages with information from 'velocity' MTData block.'''
00187                         global pub_vel, vel_msg
00188                         pub_vel = True
00189                         vel_msg.twist.linear.x = velocity_data['Vel_X']
00190                         vel_msg.twist.linear.y = velocity_data['Vel_Y']
00191                         vel_msg.twist.linear.z = velocity_data['Vel_Z']
00193                 def fill_from_Orient(orient_data):
00194                         '''Fill messages with information from 'orientation' MTData block.'''
00195                         global pub_imu, imu_msg
00196                         pub_imu = True
00197                         if orient.has_key('quaternion'):
00198                                 w, x, y, z = orient['quaternion']
00199                         elif orient.has_key('roll'):
00200                                 # FIXME check that Euler angles are in radians
00201                                 x, y, z, w = quaternion_from_euler(radians(orient['roll']),
00202                                                 radians(orient['pitch']), radians(orient['yaw']))
00203                         elif orient.has_key('matrix'):
00204                                 m = identity_matrix()
00205                                 m[:3,:3] = orient['matrix']
00206                                 x, y, z, w = quaternion_from_matrix(m)
00207                         imu_msg.orientation.x = x
00208                         imu_msg.orientation.y = y
00209                         imu_msg.orientation.z = z
00210                         imu_msg.orientation.w = w
00211                         imu_msg.orientation_covariance = (radians(1.), 0., 0., 0.,
00212                                         radians(1.), 0., 0., 0., radians(9.))
00214                 def fill_from_Pos(position_data):
00215                         '''Fill messages with information from 'position' MTData block.'''
00216                         global pub_gps, xgps_msg, gps_msg
00217                         pub_gps = True
00218                         xgps_msg.latitude = gps_msg.latitude = position_data['Lat']
00219                         xgps_msg.longitude = gps_msg.longitude = position_data['Lon']
00220                         xgps_msg.altitude = gps_msg.altitude = position_data['Alt']
00222                 def fill_from_Stat(status):
00223                         '''Fill messages with information from 'status' MTData block.'''
00224                         global pub_diag, pub_gps, gps_msg, xgps_msg
00225                         pub_diag = True
00226                         if status & 0b0001:
00227                                 self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00228                                 self.stest_stat.message = "Ok"
00229                         else:
00230                                 self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.ERROR
00231                                 self.stest_stat.message = "Failed"
00232                         if status & 0b0010:
00233                                 self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00234                                 self.xkf_stat.message = "Valid"
00235                         else:
00236                                 self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
00237                                 self.xkf_stat.message = "Invalid"
00238                         if status & 0b0100:
00239                                 self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
00240                                 self.gps_stat.message = "Ok"
00241                                 gps_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX
00242                                 xgps_msg.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_FIX
00243                                 gps_msg.status.service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS
00244                                 xgps_msg.status.position_source = 0b01101001
00245                                 xgps_msg.status.motion_source = 0b01101010
00246                                 xgps_msg.status.orientation_source = 0b01101010
00247                         else:
00248                                 self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
00249                                 self.gps_stat.message = "No fix"
00250                                 gps_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX
00251                                 xgps_msg.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX
00252                                 gps_msg.status.service = 0
00253                                 xgps_msg.status.position_source = 0b01101000
00254                                 xgps_msg.status.motion_source = 0b01101000
00255                                 xgps_msg.status.orientation_source = 0b01101000
00257                 def fill_from_Auxiliary(aux_data):
00258                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Auxiliary' MTData block.'''
00259                         global pub_anin1, pub_anin2, anin1_msg, anin2_msg
00260                         try:
00261                        = o['Ain_1']
00262                                 pub_anin1 = True
00263                         except KeyError:
00264                                 pass
00265                         try:
00266                        = o['Ain_2']
00267                                 pub_anin2 = True
00268                         except KeyError:
00269                                 pass
00271                 def fill_from_Temperature(o):
00272                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Temperature' MTData2 block.'''
00273                         global pub_temp, temp_msg
00274                         pub_temp = True
00275                = o['Temp']
00277                 def fill_from_Timestamp(o):
00278                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Timestamp' MTData2 block.'''
00279                         global h
00280                         try:
00281                                 # put timestamp from gps UTC time if available
00282                                 y, m, d, hr, mi, s, ns, f = o['Year'], o['Month'], o['Day'],\
00283                                                 o['Hour'], o['Minute'], o['Second'], o['ns'], o['Flags']
00284                                 if f&0x4:
00285                                         secs = time.mktime((y, m, d, hr, mi, s, 0, 0, 0))
00286                                         h.stamp.secs = secs
00287                                         h.stamp.nsecs = ns
00288                         except KeyError:
00289                                 pass
00290                         # TODO find what to do with other kind of information
00291                         pass
00293                 def fill_from_Orientation_Data(o):
00294                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Orientation Data' MTData2 block.'''
00295                         global pub_imu, imu_msg
00296                         pub_imu = True
00297                         try:
00298                                 x, y, z, w = o['Q1'], o['Q2'], o['Q3'], o['Q0']
00299                         except KeyError:
00300                                 pass
00301                         try: 
00302                                 # FIXME check that Euler angles are in radians
00303                                 x, y, z, w = quaternion_from_euler(radians(o['Roll']),
00304                                                 radians(o['Pitch']), radians(o['Yaw']))
00305                         except KeyError:
00306                                 pass
00307                         try:
00308                                 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = o['a'], o['b'], o['c'], o['d'],\
00309                                                 o['e'], o['f'], o['g'], o['h'], o['i']
00310                                 m = identity_matrix()
00311                                 m[:3,:3] = ((a, b, c), (d, e, f), (g, h, i))
00312                                 x, y, z, w = quaternion_from_matrix(m)
00313                         except KeyError:
00314                                 pass
00315                         imu_msg.orientation.x = x
00316                         imu_msg.orientation.y = y
00317                         imu_msg.orientation.z = z
00318                         imu_msg.orientation.w = w
00319                         imu_msg.orientation_covariance = (radians(1.), 0., 0., 0.,
00320                                         radians(1.), 0., 0., 0., radians(9.))
00322                 def fill_from_Pressure(o):
00323                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Pressure' MTData2 block.'''
00324                         global pub_press, press_msg
00325                = o['Pressure']
00327                 def fill_from_Acceleration(o):
00328                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Acceleration' MTData2 block.'''
00329                         global pub_imu, imu_msg
00330                         pub_imu = True
00331                         # FIXME not sure we should treat all in that same way
00332                         try:
00333                                 x, y, z = o['Delta v.x'], o['Delta v.y'], o['Delta v.z']
00334                         except KeyError:
00335                                 pass
00336                         try:
00337                                 x, y, z = o['freeAccX'], o['freeAccY'], o['freeAccZ']
00338                         except KeyError:
00339                                 pass
00340                         try:
00341                                 x, y, z = o['accX'], o['accY'], o['accZ']
00342                         except KeyError:
00343                                 pass
00344                         imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = x
00345                         imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = y
00346                         imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = z
00347                         imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = (0.0004, 0., 0., 0.,
00348                                         0.0004, 0., 0., 0., 0.0004)
00350                 def fill_from_Position(o):
00351                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Position' MTData2 block.'''
00352                         global pub_gps, xgps_msg, gps_msg
00353                         # TODO publish ECEF
00354                         try:
00355                                 xgps_msg.latitude = gps_msg.latitude = o['lat']
00356                                 xgps_msg.longitude = gps_msg.longitude = o['lon']
00357                                 pub_gps = True
00358                                 alt = o.get('altMsl', o.get('altEllipsoid', 0))
00359                                 xgps_msg.altitude = gps_msg.altitude = alt
00360                         except KeyError:
00361                                 pass
00363                 def fill_from_Angular_Velocity(o):
00364                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Angular Velocity' MTData2 block.'''
00365                         global pub_imu, imu_msg, pub_vel, vel_msg
00366                         try:
00367                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = o['gyrX']
00368                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = o['gyrY']
00369                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = o['gyrZ']
00370                                 imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = (radians(0.025), 0., 0., 0.,
00371                                                 radians(0.025), 0., 0., 0., radians(0.025))
00372                                 pub_imu = True
00373                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.x = o['gyrX']
00374                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.y = o['gyrY']
00375                                 vel_msg.twist.angular.z = o['gyrZ']
00376                                 pub_vel = True
00377                         except KeyError:
00378                                 pass
00379                         # TODO decide what to do with 'Delta q'
00381                 def fill_from_GPS(o):
00382                         '''Fill messages with information from 'GPS' MTData2 block.'''
00383                         global pub_gps, h, xgps_msg
00384                         try:    # DOP
00385                                 xgps_msg.gdop = o['gDOP']
00386                                 xgps_msg.pdop = o['pDOP']
00387                                 xgps_msg.hdop = o['hDOP']
00388                                 xgps_msg.vdop = o['vDOP']
00389                                 xgps_msg.tdop = o['tDOP']
00390                                 pub_gps = True
00391                         except KeyError:
00392                                 pass
00393                         try:    # Time UTC
00394                                 y, m, d, hr, mi, s, ns, f = o['year'], o['month'], o['day'],\
00395                                                 o['hour'], o['min'], o['sec'], o['nano'], o['valid']
00396                                 if f&0x4:
00397                                         secs = time.mktime((y, m, d, hr, mi, s, 0, 0, 0))
00398                                         h.stamp.secs = secs
00399                                         h.stamp.nsecs = ns
00400                         except KeyError:
00401                                 pass
00402                         # TODO publish SV Info
00404                 def fill_from_SCR(o):
00405                         '''Fill messages with information from 'SCR' MTData2 block.'''
00406                         # TODO that's raw information
00407                         pass
00409                 def fill_from_Analog_In(o):
00410                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Analog In' MTData2 block.'''
00411                         global pub_anin1, pub_anin2, anin1_msg, anin2_msg
00412                         try:
00413                        = o['analogIn1']
00414                                 pub_anin1 = True
00415                         except KeyError:
00416                                 pass
00417                         try:
00418                        = o['analogIn2']
00419                                 pub_anin2 = True
00420                         except KeyError:
00421                                 pass
00423                 def fill_from_Magnetic(o):
00424                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Magnetic' MTData2 block.'''
00425                         global pub_mag, mag_msg
00426                         mag_msg.vector.x = o['magX']
00427                         mag_msg.vector.y = o['magY']
00428                         mag_msg.vector.z = o['magZ']
00429                         pub_mag = True
00431                 def fill_from_Velocity(o):
00432                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Velocity' MTData2 block.'''
00433                         global pub_vel, vel_msg
00434                         vel_msg.twist.linear.x = o['velX']
00435                         vel_msg.twist.linear.y = o['velY']
00436                         vel_msg.twist.linear.z = o['velZ']
00437                         pub_vel = True
00439                 def fill_from_Status(o):
00440                         '''Fill messages with information from 'Status' MTData2 block.'''
00441                         try:
00442                                 status = o['StatusByte']
00443                                 fill_from_Stat(status)
00444                         except KeyError:
00445                                 pass
00446                         try:
00447                                 status = o['StatusWord']
00448                                 fill_from_Stat(status)
00449                         except KeyError:
00450                                 pass
00451                         # TODO RSSI
00453                 def find_handler_name(name):
00454                         return "fill_from_%s"%(name.replace(" ", "_"))
00456                 # get data
00457                 data =
00458                 # fill messages based on available data fields
00459                 for n, o in data:
00460                         try:
00461                                 locals()[find_handler_name(n)](o)
00462                         except KeyError:
00463                                 rospy.logwarn("Unknown MTi data packet: '%s', ignoring."%n)
00465                 # publish available information
00466                 if pub_imu:
00467                         imu_msg.header = h
00468                         self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg)
00469                 if pub_gps:
00470                         xgps_msg.header = gps_msg.header = h
00471                         self.gps_pub.publish(gps_msg)
00472                         self.xgps_pub.publish(xgps_msg)
00473                 if pub_vel:
00474                         vel_msg.header = h
00475                         self.vel_pub.publish(vel_msg)
00476                 if pub_mag:
00477                         mag_msg.header = h
00478                         self.mag_pub.publish(mag_msg)
00479                 if pub_temp:
00480                         self.temp_pub.publish(temp_msg)
00481                 if pub_press:
00482                         self.press_pub.publish(press_msg)
00483                 if pub_anin1:
00484                         self.analog_in1_pub.publish(anin1_msg)
00485                 if pub_anin2:
00486                         self.analog_in2_pub.publish(anin2_msg)
00487                 if pub_diag:
00488                         self.diag_msg.header = h
00489                         self.diag_pub.publish(self.diag_msg)
00490                 # publish string representation
00491                 self.str_pub.publish(str(data))
00495 def main():
00496         '''Create a ROS node and instantiate the class.'''
00497         rospy.init_node('xsens_driver')
00498         driver = XSensDriver()
00499         driver.spin()
00502 if __name__== '__main__':
00503         main()

Author(s): Francis Colas
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:18:32