Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import sys
00004 import csv
00005 import numpy as np
00006 import math
00007 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
00008 import pprint
00009 import pickle
00010 import argparse
00012 DEGREES = {'WEAK'   : 0.33,
00013            'AVERAGE': 0.66,
00014            'STRONG' : 1.0}
00016 ACTIONS = {'WINCE'  : [0,0,0],
00017             'SMILE' : [0.5,0,0] ,
00018             'FROWN' : [0,0.5,0],
00019             'LAUGH' : [0,0,0.5],
00020             'GLARE' : [0.5,0.5,0],
00021             'NOD'   : [0.5,0,0.5],
00022             'SHAKE' : [0,0.5,0.5],
00023             'REQUEST FOR BOARD': [0.5,0.5,0.5],
00024             'EYE-ROLL':[1,0,0],
00025             'JOY'   :  [0,1,0],
00026             'SUPRISE': [0,0,1],
00027             'FEAR'  :  [1,1,0],
00028             'ANGER' :  [0,1,1],
00029             'DISGUST': [1,0,1],
00030             'SADNESS': [0.5,0,0]}
00032 #WINDOW_DUR = 0.25
00034 def extract_data(files):
00035     data = []
00036     for data_file in files.split():
00037         with open(data_file, 'rb') as f:
00038             reader = csv.reader(f)
00039             for row in reader:
00040                 data.append(row)
00041     return data
00043 def process(files, SVM_DATA_FILE, WINDOW_DUR, MAG_THRESH, plot):
00044     data = extract_data(files)
00045     npdata = np.array(data)
00046     txt = npdata[:,:2]
00047     nums=np.array(npdata[:,2:], dtype=float)
00048     x2 = np.square(nums[:,1])
00049     #print x2, np.max(x2), np.min(x2)
00050     y2 = np.square(nums[:,2])
00051     #print y2, np.max(y2), np.min(y2)
00052     mags=np.sqrt(np.add(x2, y2))
00053     #print mags, np.max(mags)
00054     dirs=np.arctan2(nums[:,2], nums[:,1])
00055     nums = np.hstack((nums, np.column_stack((mags,dirs))))
00056     window = []
00057     o_type_cnt={}.fromkeys(ACT_LIST,0)
00058     f_type_cnt={}.fromkeys(ACT_LIST,0)
00059     legend_labels = []
00060     svm_label = []
00061     svm_data = []
00062     for dat in data:
00063         #dat[0]=Degree 
00064         o_type_cnt[dat[1]] += 1#dat[1] = Action
00065         dat[2]=float(dat[2]) #Timestamp (float seconds)
00066         dat[3]=float(dat[3]) #X
00067         dat[4]=float(dat[4]) #Y
00068         dat.append((dat[3]**2. + dat[4]**2.)**(1./2)) #dat[5] = Magnitude
00069         dat.append(math.atan2(dat[4], dat[3])) #dat[6] = Direction
00070         color = tuple(ACTIONS[dat[1]]+[DEGREES[dat[0]]])
00071         if plot: 
00072             if dat[1] not in legend_labels:
00073                 legend_labels.append(dat[1])
00074                 plt.figure(1)
00075                 plt.polar(dat[-1], dat[-2], '.', color=color, label=dat[1])
00076                 plt.figure(2)
00077                 #plt.plot(dat[-1], dat[-2], '.', color=color, label=dat[1])
00078                 plt.figure(3)
00079                 #plt.plot(dat[-3], ACT_LIST.index(dat[1]), '.', color=color, label=dat[1])
00080             else:
00081                 plt.figure(1)
00082                 plt.polar(dat[-1], dat[-2], '.', color=color)
00083                 plt.figure(2)
00084                 #plt.plot(dat[-1], dat[-2], '.', color=color)
00085                 plt.figure(3)
00086                 #plt.plot(dat[-3], ACT_LIST.index(dat[1]), '.', color=color)
00087         if (dat[5]<MAG_THRESH):#Initial filtering
00088             continue
00090         f_type_cnt[dat[1]] += 1
00091         window.append(dat)
00092         while (window[-1][2] - window[0][2]) > WINDOW_DUR:
00093             window.pop(0)
00094         dat.append(len(window))#dat[7] = Number of points in window
00095         movement = [0.,0.]
00096         for datum in window:
00097             movement[0] += datum[3]
00098             movement[1] += datum[4]
00099         dat.append((movement[0]**2+movement[1]**2)**(1./2))#dat[8] = Mag of window movement
00100         dat.append(dat[-1]/dat[-2])#dat[9] = Avg Window Movement
00101         dat.append(math.atan2(movement[1],movement[0]))#dat[10] = Dir of window movement
00102         if SVM_DATA_FILE is not None:
00103             if dat[1] == 'WINCE':
00104                 svm_label.append(1)
00105             else:
00106                 svm_label.append(0)
00107             svm_data.append([dat[5],dat[6],dat[7],dat[9],dat[10]])
00109     mean_std = np.empty((4, len(ACT_LIST)))
00110     print " \r\n"*5
00111     print "Total Datapoints: ", len(data)
00112     print " \r\n"
00113     for i,act in enumerate(ACT_LIST):
00114         indices = np.nonzero(txt[:,1]==act)
00115         mean_std[0,i] = np.mean(nums[indices,3])
00116         mean_std[1,i] = np.std(nums[indices,3])
00117         mean_std[2,i] = np.mean(nums[indices,4])
00118         mean_std[3,i] = np.std(nums[indices,4])
00119         print "%s:" %act
00120         print "%s raw events" %indices[0].size
00121         print "Mag: %3.2f (%3.2f) \r\nDir: %3.2f (%3.2f)" %(mean_std[0,i], mean_std[1,i], mean_std[2,i], mean_std[3,i])
00124     print " \r\n"
00125     print "Impact of Filtering:"
00126     total_features=0
00127     for type_ in o_type_cnt.keys():
00128         total_features += f_type_cnt[type_]
00129     for type_ in o_type_cnt.keys():
00130         print "%s: \r\n  %s (%2.2f%%) --> \r\n  %s (%2.2f%%)" %(type_, 
00131                                     o_type_cnt[type_], 
00132                                     (100.*o_type_cnt[type_])/len(data),
00133                                     f_type_cnt[type_], 
00134                                     (100.*f_type_cnt[type_])/total_features)
00136     print " \r\n"
00137     print "Total Features: ", total_features
00138     print " \r\n"*2
00140     if plot:
00141         plt.figure(1)
00142         plt.legend(loc=2,bbox_to_anchor=(1,1))
00143         plt.figure(3)
00144         ind = np.arange(len(ACT_LIST))
00145         width = 0.5
00146         p1 =, mean_std[0,:], width, yerr=mean_std[1,:])
00147         plt.ylabel('Mean Mag. +/- std.')
00148         plt.xlabel('Event Type')
00149         plt.title('Mean Magnitude per Event Type')
00150         plt.xticks(ind+width/2., tuple(ACT_LIST))
00151         #plt.yticks(np.arange(min(mean_std[0:1,:],max(mean_std[0:1,:]),10)))
00153         plt.figure(4)
00154         ind = np.arange(len(ACT_LIST))
00155         width = 0.5
00156         p1 =, mean_std[2,:], width, yerr=mean_std[3,:])
00157         plt.ylabel('Mean Dir. +/- std.')
00158         plt.xlabel('Event Type')
00159         plt.title('Mean Direction per Event Type')
00160         plt.xticks(ind+width/2., tuple(ACT_LIST))
00161         #plt.yticks(np.arange(min(mean_std[0:1,:],max(mean_std[0:1,:]),10)))
00163     if SVM_DATA_FILE is not None:      
00164         svm_output = {'labels':svm_label,
00165                       'data':svm_data}
00166         with open(SVM_DATA_FILE+'.pkl','wb+') as f_pkl:
00167             pickle.dump(svm_output, f_pkl)
00170 def create_ROC(filename):
00171         from scipy import interp
00172         from sklearn import preprocessing as pps, svm
00173         from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
00174         from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold, LeaveOneOut
00176         filepath=filename+'.pkl'
00177         with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
00178             svm_data = pickle.load(f)
00179         labels = svm_data['labels']
00180         data = svm_data['data']
00182         scaler = pps.Scaler().fit(data)
00183         print "Mean: ", scaler.mean_
00184         print "Std: ", scaler.std_
00185         data_scaled = scaler.transform(data)
00187         classifier = svm.SVC(probability=True)
00188, labels)
00190 #print "Support Vectors: \r\n", classifier.support_vectors_
00191         print "SV's per class: \r\n", classifier.n_support_
00194 ###############################################################################
00195 ## Code below modified from
00196         X, y = data_scaled, np.array(labels)
00197         n_samples, n_features = X.shape
00198         print n_samples, n_features
00200 ###############################################################################
00201 # Classification and ROC analysis
00202 # Run classifier with crossvalidation and plot ROC curves
00203         cv = StratifiedKFold(y, k=9)
00205         mean_tpr = 0.0
00206         mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, n_samples)
00207         all_tpr = []
00208         plt.figure(2)
00209         for i, (train, test) in enumerate(cv):
00210             probas_ =[train], y[train]).predict_proba(X[test])
00211             # Compute ROC curve and area the curve
00212             fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y[test], probas_[:, 1])
00213             mean_tpr += interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr)
00214             mean_tpr[0] = 0.0
00215             roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
00216             plt.plot(fpr, tpr, '--', lw=1, label='ROC fold %d (area = %0.2f)' % (i, roc_auc))
00218         plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--', color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), label='Luck')
00220         mean_tpr /= len(cv)
00221         mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0
00222         mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr)
00223         plt.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, 'k-', lw=3,
00224                 label='Mean ROC (area = %0.2f)' % mean_auc)
00226         plt.xlim([0, 1])
00227         plt.ylim([0, 1])
00228         plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
00229         plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
00230         plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
00231         plt.legend(loc="lower right")
00233         print "Finished!"
00235 if __name__=='__main__':
00236     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
00237                 description="Process raw wouse training data to output plots,"
00238                             "statistics, and SVM-ready formatted data",
00239                 formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
00240     parser.add_argument('filename', 
00241                         help="One or more training data files to process")
00242     parser.add_argument('-o','--output', dest="SVM_DATA_FILE",
00243                         help="Output file for SVM-formatted training data") 
00244     parser.add_argument('-w','--window', default=0.250, type=float,
00245                         help="Length of time window in seconds")
00246     parser.add_argument('-t','--threshold', default=2.5, type=float,
00247                         help="Minimum activity threshold")
00248     parser.add_argument('-p','--plot', action='store_true',
00249                         help="Produce plots regarding the data")
00250     parser.add_argument('-r','--ROC', action='store_true',
00251                         help="Produce ROC Curve using stratified k-fold crossvalidation")
00252     args = parser.parse_args()
00254     print "Parsing data from the following files: \r\n ", args.filename
00256     process(args.filename, args.SVM_DATA_FILE, args.window, args.threshold, args.plot)
00257     if args.SVM_DATA_FILE is not None and args.ROC:
00258         print "Creating ROC"
00259         create_ROC(args.SVM_DATA_FILE)

Author(s): Phillip M. Grice, Advisor: Prof. Charlie Kemp, Lab: The Healthcare Robotoics Lab at Georgia Tech.
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:57:42