File: visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerControl.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Represents a control that is to be displayed together with an interactive marker
# Identifying string for this control.
# You need to assign a unique value to this to receive feedback from the GUI
# on what actions the user performs on this control (e.g. a button click).
string name
# Defines the local coordinate frame (relative to the pose of the parent
# interactive marker) in which is being rotated and translated.
# Default: Identity
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
# Orientation mode: controls how orientation changes.
# INHERIT: Follow orientation of interactive marker
# FIXED: Keep orientation fixed at initial state
# VIEW_FACING: Align y-z plane with screen (x: forward, y:left, z:up).
uint8 INHERIT = 0
uint8 FIXED = 1
uint8 VIEW_FACING = 2
uint8 orientation_mode
# Interaction mode for this control
# NONE: This control is only meant for visualization; no context menu.
# MENU: Like NONE, but right-click menu is active.
# BUTTON: Element can be left-clicked.
# MOVE_AXIS: Translate along local x-axis.
# MOVE_PLANE: Translate in local y-z plane.
# ROTATE_AXIS: Rotate around local x-axis.
uint8 NONE = 0
uint8 MENU = 1
uint8 BUTTON = 2
uint8 MOVE_AXIS = 3
uint8 MOVE_PLANE = 4
uint8 ROTATE_AXIS = 5
uint8 MOVE_ROTATE = 6
uint8 interaction_mode
# If true, the contained markers will also be visible
# when the gui is not in interactive mode.
bool always_visible
# Markers to be displayed as custom visual representation.
# Leave this empty to use the default control handles.
# Note:
# - The markers can be defined in an arbitrary coordinate frame,
# but will be transformed into the local frame of the interactive marker.
# - If the header of a marker is empty, its pose will be interpreted as
# relative to the pose of the parent interactive marker.
Marker[] markers
# In VIEW_FACING mode, set this to true if you don't want the markers
# to be aligned with the camera view point. The markers will show up
# as in INHERIT mode.
bool independent_marker_orientation
# Short description (< 40 characters) of what this control does,
# e.g. "Move the robot".
# Default: A generic description based on the interaction mode
string description
Compact Message Definition
uint8 INHERIT=0
uint8 FIXED=1
uint8 NONE=0
uint8 MENU=1
uint8 BUTTON=2
uint8 MOVE_AXIS=3
uint8 MOVE_PLANE=4
string name
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
uint8 orientation_mode
uint8 interaction_mode
bool always_visible
visualization_msgs/Marker[] markers
bool independent_marker_orientation
string description