Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 ##
00004 # QObs.py is a Qualitative Observer.
00005 # It needs three parameters Required frequency, frequency deviation and window size.
00006 # Copyright (c).2012. OWNER: Institute for Software Technology, TU Graz Austria.
00007 # Authors: Safdar Zaman, Gerald Steinbauer. (szaman@ist.tugraz.at, steinbauer@ist.tugraz.at)
00008 # All rights reserved.
00009 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 #    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 #    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00012 #    (at your option) any later version.
00013 #
00014 #    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 #    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 #    GNU General Public License for more details.
00018 #
00019 #    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020 #    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00021 ##
00022 # The Qualitative Observer observers a trend of a particular value of a message on a topic
00023 # and publishes trend of the message wehether value increases, decreases or remains constant.
00024 # It publishes this trned of the vaule overs /observations topic compatible for our Model Based Diagnosis.
00025 # It needs topic name, vaule name in the message with all fields seperated by space, window size(miliseconds).
00027 import roslib.message; roslib.load_manifest('tug_ist_diagnosis_observers')
00028 import rospy
00029 import sys
00030 import xmlrpclib
00031 import os
00032 from tug_ist_diagnosis_msgs.msg import Observations
00033 import time
00034 import numpy as np
00035 import math
00036 import time
00037 import thread
00039 class Regression(object):
00040                 def __init__(self,ws,b):
00041                                 self.s   = [[],[],[],[]]
00042                                 self.t  = []
00043                                 self.prev_value = 0
00044                                 self.ws = ws
00045                                 self.n = None
00046                                 self.b = b;
00048                 def show(self):
00049                                 print self.s
00051                 def find(self, value,time):
00052                                 self.s[0].append(value)
00053                                 self.s[1].append(value)
00054                                 self.s[2].append(value)
00055                                 self.s[3].append(value)
00056                                 self.t.append(time)
00057                                 trend = self.find_slope(self.b)
00058                                 return trend    
00060                 def find_slope(self,b):
00061                                 r1 = self.linear_regression(self.ws,self.s[0],self.t)
00062                                 self.s[1].pop()
00063                                 self.s[1].append(r1)
00064                                 r2 = self.linear_regression(self.ws,self.s[1],self.t)
00065                                 self.s[2].pop()
00066                                 self.s[2].append(r2)
00067                                 r3 = self.linear_regression(self.ws,self.s[2],self.t)
00068                                 self.s[3].pop()
00069                                 self.s[3].append(r3)
00070                                 self.remove_tails()
00071                                 if r1<-self.b:
00072                                                 self.prev_value = -1
00073                                                 return -1
00074                                 elif r1>self.b:
00075                                                 self.prev_value = +1
00076                                                 return +1
00077                                 elif ~(( (r2>-self.b)&(r2<self.b) ) & ( (r3>-self.b)&(r3<self.b) )):
00078                                                 self.prev_value = 0
00079                                                 return 0
00080                                 else:
00081                                                 return self.prev_value
00084                 def remove_tails(self):
00085                                 i = 0
00086                                 while( i< (len(self.s[0])-self.n) ):
00087                                                 self.s[0].pop(0)
00088                                                 self.s[1].pop(0)
00089                                                 self.s[2].pop(0)
00090                                                 self.s[3].pop(0)
00091                                                 self.t.pop(0)
00093                 def linear_regression(self, ws,s,t):
00094                                 Sum_xy = 0.0
00095                                 Sum_x = 0.0
00096                                 Sum_y = 0.0
00097                                 Sum_xx = 0.0
00098                                 last_indx =  len(t) - 1
00099                                 i = last_indx
00100                                 n = 0
00101                                 while (i >-1) & ( (t[last_indx]-t[i]) < ws ):
00102                                                         Sum_xy = Sum_xy + t[i] * s[i]
00103                                                         Sum_x = Sum_x + t[i]
00104                                                         Sum_y = Sum_y + s[i]
00105                                                         Sum_xx = Sum_xx + t[i] * t[i]
00106                                                         i = i - 1
00107                                                         n = n + 1
00110                                 self.n = n
00111                                 if (n * Sum_xx - (Sum_x * Sum_x)) <> 0 :
00112                                         slope = (n*Sum_xy - Sum_x * Sum_y)/(n * Sum_xx - (Sum_x * Sum_x))
00113                                         return slope
00114                                 else:
00115                                         return 0
00118 class Qualitative_Observer(object):
00120     def __init__(self):
00121                                         rospy.init_node('QObs', anonymous=True)
00122                                         self.caller_id = '/script'
00123                                         self.m = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(os.environ['ROS_MASTER_URI'])
00124                                         self.param_field = rospy.get_param('~field', 'pose.pose.position.x')
00125                                         self.param_topic = rospy.get_param('~topic', '/pose')
00126                                         self.param_ws = rospy.get_param('~ws', 1000)
00127                                         self.param_b = rospy.get_param('~b', 0.0000005)
00128                                         self.ws = float(self.param_ws)/1000.0
00129                                         self.topic = ""
00130                                         self.topic_type = ""
00131                                         self.data = None
00132                                         self.queu = [[0.0 for i in xrange(100)],[0.0 for i in xrange(100)]]
00133                                         self.pub = rospy.Publisher('/observations', Observations)
00134                                         self.started = True
00135                                         self.curr_t = None
00136                                         self.prev_t = time.time()
00137                                         self.regression = Regression(self.ws,self.param_b)
00138                                         thread.start_new_thread(self.check_thread,(self.param_topic,2))
00141     def start(self):
00142                                 self.params = []
00143                                 field=self.param_field
00144                                 i=field.count('.')
00145                                 for p in xrange(i):
00146                                         i=field.find('.')
00147                                         self.params.append(field[0:i])
00148                                         field = field[i+1:len(field)]
00149                                 self.params.append(field)
00150                                 pubcode, statusMessage, topicList = self.m.getPublishedTopics(self.caller_id, "")
00151                                 topic_found = False
00152                                 for item in topicList:
00153                                         if item[0] == self.param_topic:
00154                                                 self.topic = item[0]
00155                                                 self.topic_type = item[1]
00156                                                 topic_found = True
00157                                 if topic_found == True:
00158                                         msg_class = roslib.message.get_message_class(self.topic_type)
00159                                 else:
00160                                         self.report_error()
00161                                 rospy.Subscriber(self.topic, msg_class, self.call_back)
00162                                 rospy.spin()
00164     def call_back(self,data):
00165                                 self.curr_t = time.time() - self.prev_t
00166                                 self.extract_data(data)
00167                                 Trend = self.regression.find(self.data,self.curr_t)
00168                                 self.make_output(Trend)
00170     def extract_data(self,data):
00171                                 self.data = data
00172                                 c = 0   
00173                                 while (c < len(self.params)):
00174                                   for f in self.data.__slots__:
00175                                                   if f == self.params[c]:
00176                                                           self.data = getattr(self.data, f)
00177                                                           break
00178                                   c = c + 1
00179     def make_output(self, Trend):
00180                                 if self.topic[0] == '/':
00181                                                         self.topic = self.topic[1:len(self.topic)]
00182                                 obs_msg = []
00183                                 if Trend == +1 :
00184                                                 rospy.loginfo('1');
00185                                                 obs_msg.append('inc('+self.topic+'_'+self.param_field+')')
00186                                                 self.pub.publish(Observations(time.time(),obs_msg))
00188                                 elif Trend == -1 :
00189                                                 rospy.loginfo('-1');
00190                                                 obs_msg.append('dec('+self.topic+'_'+self.param_field+')')
00191                                                 self.pub.publish(Observations(time.time(),obs_msg))
00192                                 else:
00193                                                 rospy.loginfo('0');
00194                                                 obs_msg.append('con('+self.topic+'_'+self.param_field+')')
00195                                                 self.pub.publish(Observations(time.time(),obs_msg))     
00197     def check_thread(self,string,sleeptime,*args):
00198                                 while True:
00199                                                 t = 0
00200                                                 m = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(os.environ['ROS_MASTER_URI'])
00201                                                 pubcode, statusMessage, topicList = m.getPublishedTopics(self.caller_id, "")
00202                                                 for item in topicList:
00203                                                         if item[0] == string:
00204                                                                         t = 1
00205                                                                         break
00206                                                 if t == 0:
00207                                                                 t = 1
00208                                                                 print "Topic:[" +string+ "] does not exist."
00209                                                 time.sleep(sleeptime) #sleep for a specified amount of time.            
00211     def report_error(self):
00212                                 print 'rosrun tug_ist_diagnosis_observers QObs.py <Topic> <Field_variable> <WindowSize>'
00213                                 print 'e.g rosrun tug_ist_diagnosis_observers QObs.py _topic:=/odom _field:=pose.pose.position.x _ws:=1000 _b:=0.0005'
00214                                 sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE)
00216 if __name__=="__main__":
00217                         QObs = Qualitative_Observer()
00218                         QObs.start()

Author(s): Safdar Zaman, Gerald Steinbauer
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:51:27