Classes | |
class | ABTheoremProver |
class | Assumption |
class | CharacterToken |
class | DelimiterToken |
class | EOIToken |
class | ErrorToken |
class | FloatToken |
class | GenericParser |
class | GenericScanner |
class | GenericToken |
class | IdentifierToken |
class | IllegalAssumption |
class | IntegerToken |
class | KeywordToken |
class | LConstant |
class | LFunction |
class | LObject |
class | LogicParser |
class | LPredicate |
class | LRule |
class | LSentence |
class | LVariable |
class | ParseError |
class | ParserErrorException |
class | Proposition |
class | PropositionalRule |
class | PropositionalTheoremProver |
interface | PropositionInterface |
class | StringToken |
ABTheoremProver: Implements a propositional theorem prover extended by assumptions
This class implements a propositional theorem prover for propositional Hornclauses extended by assumptions
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (04.03.1999)
Assumption: Implements an assumption
This class implements an assumption used for theorem proving and diagnosis.
V0.1: Implementing the basic functionality (04.03.1999)
FloatToken: Implements a character token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
FloatToken: Implements a Delimiter token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
FloatToken: Implements an EOI token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
ErrorToken: Implements an error token class
26.11.1998: First implementation
FloatToken: Implements an float token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
GenericParser: Implementation of a generic parser
The GenericParser class implements a parser used for parsing strings. This class only provides the basic methods. The concrete implementation must be given by my subclasses.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (03.12.1998,28.12.1998) V0.2: Introducing exception handling (29.12.1998)
GenericScanner: Implementation of a generic scanner
The GenericScanner class implements a scanner used for converting strings into tokens.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (17.08.1998)
GenericToken: Implements an abstract token class
Tokens are used by parsers to check grammar and are created by scanner objects. The current implementation provides several token classes useable for writing compilers for almost every language.
19.8.1998: First implementation
FloatToken: Implements an identifier token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
IntegerToken: Implements an integer token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
FloatToken: Implements a keyword token class
19.8.1998: First implementation
LConstant: Implements an object representing a constant value
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LFunction: Implements an object representing a function
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LObject: Abstract class for representing logical sentences
V0.1: Implementing the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LogicParser: Implementation of a parser for logic programs
This class provides an implementation of a parser for logic programs. It understands rules of the form
a1, .. ,an -> an+1. -> a. an+1 :- an, .. ,a1. a.
V0.1: Implementing the basic functionality (29.12.1998) V0.2: Adding LObject support (30.12.1998)
LPredicate: Implements an object representing a logical predicate
This class is used for storing the information of a logical predicate. It is not intended to be used for implementing logical operations or consistency checks. To do this convert my instances to a more appropriate format.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LRule: Implements an object representing a logical rule
This class is used for storing the information of a logical rule. It is not intended to be used for implementing logical operations or consistency checks. To do this convert my instances to a more appropriate format.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LSentence: Implements an object representing a logical sentence
This class is used for storing the information of a logical sentence. It is not intended to be used for implementing logical operations or consistency checks. To do this convert my instances to a more appropriate format.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
LVariable: Implements an object representing a variable
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (30.12.1998)
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (29.12.1998)
Proposition: Implements a proposition
This class implements a proposition used for theorem proving.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (19.01.1999) V0.2: Changing the structure (04.03.1999)
PropositionalRule: Implements a propositional rule
This class implements a rule used for theorem proving.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (19.01.1999)
PropositionalTheoremProver: Implements a propositional theorem prover
This class implements a propositional theorem prover for propositional Hornclauses.
V0.1: Creating the basic functionality (19.01.1999)
PropositionInterface: The interface for propositions
FloatToken: Implements a string token class
19.8.1998: First implementation