Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import roslib
00004 roslib.load_manifest("sensor_msgs")
00005 roslib.load_manifest("message_filters")
00006 roslib.load_manifest("rxtools")
00007 import rospy
00008 import rxtools
00009 import rxtools.rosplot
00010 import sys
00011 import message_filters
00012 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError
00014 topic_desc = []
00015 fd = False
00016 class Error(Exception):
00017     pass
00018 class InvalidTopic(Error):
00019     pass
00020 class NoFieldName(Error):
00021     pass
00022 class NotSupportedFeature(Error):
00023     pass
00025 def usage():
00026     print """usage:
00027 bag_to_ssv OUTPUT_FILE TOPIC1 [TOPIC2 TOPIC3 ...]"""
00028     return 1
00030 def time_axeq(self, other):
00031     if not isinstance(other, roslib.rostime.Time):
00032         return False
00033     secs = abs(self.to_sec() - other.to_sec())
00034     # within 10msec
00035     if secs < tolerance:
00036         return True
00037     else:
00038         return False
00039     #return self.secs == other.secs and self.nsecs == other.nsecs
00041 def time_cmp(self, other):
00042     if not isinstance(other, roslib.rostime.Time):
00043         raise TypeError("cannot compare to non-Time")
00044     secs = self.to_sec() - other.to_sec()
00045     if abs(secs) < tolerance:
00046         return 0
00047     if secs > 0:
00048         return 1
00049     return -1
00051 def time_hash(self):
00052     return ("%s.%s"%(self.secs, self.nsecs / int(tolerance * 1e9))) .__hash__()
00055 def callback(*values):
00056     for (v, evals) in zip(values, topic_desc):
00057         for f in evals[1]:
00058             v = f(v)            # update v recursively...
00059         fd.write(str(v) + deliminator)
00060     fd.write("\n")
00061     fd.flush()
00063 def main(args):
00064     global fd
00065     output_file = args[1]
00066     fd = open(output_file, "w")
00067     topics = args[2:]
00068     subscribers = []
00069     # setup subscribers and topic_desc and print the first line
00070     for topic in topics:
00071         (topic_type, real_topic, rest) = rxtools.rosplot.get_topic_type(topic)
00072         if rest == '':
00073             raise NoFieldName("you need to specify filed")
00074         e = rxtools.rosplot.generate_field_evals(rest)
00075         #if len(e) > 1:
00076         #    raise NotSupportedFeature("sorry, currently we does not support : separate representation")
00077         topic_desc.append([real_topic, e])
00078         data_class = roslib.message.get_message_class(topic_type)
00079         subscribers.append(message_filters.Subscriber(real_topic, data_class))
00080         print "subscribing to %s" % (real_topic)
00081         # print line
00082         fd.write(topic + deliminator)
00083     fd.write("\n")
00084     ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer(subscribers, 100)
00086     ts.registerCallback(callback)
00087     try:
00088         rospy.spin()
00089     finally:
00090         fd.close()
00092 def parse_options(args):
00093     parser = OptionParser(usage="topics_to_ssv [options] OUTPUT_FILE_NAME TOPICNAME1 TOPICNAME2 ...")
00094     parser.add_option("-d", "--deliminator", dest = "deliminator",
00095                       default = ";",
00096                       help = "specify deliminator character (or string). the default value is ;",
00097                       action = "store")
00098     parser.add_option("-t", "--tolerance", dest = "tolerance",
00099                       default = "0.04",
00100                       help = """specify timestamp tolerance in sec. the default value is 0.04""",
00101                       action = "store")
00102     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
00103     # setup global variables
00104     global tolerance
00105     global deliminator
00106     deliminator = options.deliminator
00107     tolerance = float(options.tolerance)
00108     return args
00110 if __name__ == "__main__":
00111     rospy.init_node("bag_to_ssv")
00112     args = parse_options(sys.argv)
00113     setattr(roslib.rostime.Time, "__eq__", time_axeq)
00114     setattr(roslib.rostime.Time, "__cmp__", time_cmp)
00115     setattr(roslib.rostime.Time, "__hash__", time_hash)
00116     main(args)
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Author(s): Martin Riedel
autogenerated on Mon Nov 11 2013 11:14:47