Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('tidyup_tools')
00004 import rospy
00005 import sys, traceback
00006 from tidyup_msgs import msg
00007 from tidyup_msgs import srv
00008 from pr2_python.planning_scene_interface import *
00009 from pr2_python.world_interface import WorldInterface
00010 from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Pose, PoseStamped
00011 from arm_navigation_msgs.msg import AttachedCollisionObject, CollisionObject, Shape
00013 if __name__ == '__main__':
00014 try:
00015 rospy.init_node('attaching sponge', anonymous=True)
00016 psi = get_planning_scene_interface()
00017 psi.reset()
00018 wi = WorldInterface()
00020 rospy.loginfo('creating object')
00021 object_name = 'sponge'
00022 stamped = PoseStamped()
00023 pose = Pose()
00024 pose.position.x = 0.25
00025 pose.position.y = 0.0
00026 pose.position.z = 0.33
00027 pose.orientation.x = 0
00028 pose.orientation.y = 0
00029 pose.orientation.z = 0
00030 pose.orientation.w = 1
00031 stamped.pose = pose
00032 stamped.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
00033 wi.add_collision_box(stamped, [0.07, 0.15, 0.07], object_name)
00035 rospy.loginfo('attaching object')
00036 attached = AttachedCollisionObject()
00037 attached.object = wi.collision_object(object_name)
00038 attached.link_name = 'base_link'
00039 attached.touch_links.append('base_link')
00040 attached.object.operation.operation = attached.object.operation.ATTACH_AND_REMOVE_AS_OBJECT
00041 wi._publish(attached, wi._attached_object_pub)
00043 psi.reset()
00044 rospy.loginfo('done.')
00045 except:
00046 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)